Galan is the 1st champ who should be rebalanced!!



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  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    1) Hope you enjoyed the video
    2) I honestly doubt he gets nerfed due to being pretty broken against some specific interactions - but I suppose only time will tell

    He’s not broken with specific interactions he’s broken at the base when he can build up 500+ mass before using a single special in almost any fight then straight stupid when he can build mass via armor effects and sig ability and kill with a special 1.

    This is the first time I ever used him and was able to get 560 mass for the first special ever used with him. This was a fight where he gained no extra mass via the opponents abilities. At max rank rarity that’s 560*199= 111k with little more than dexing, mlm/lmm combos, a heavy then followed by a special (which can be used regardless if the opponent is blocking or not). 560*174= 97k at rank 3.

    Well, you have 8 Intensify buffs there - which are gained on his Special 2... so you have to get all the way up to at least a Special 2 for where you currently are with him in that screenshot.

    I've spent dozens of hours testing this guy at max rank.
    He's extraordinarily busted against Armor Up & Power Manipulation abilities - and he's a very solid champion on his own outside of those.
    He doesn't touch the level of being broken at his base as other Cosmic champions though, imo.
    CGR, Hercules, Knull - etc - can hit higher DPS than him with much less effort - granted, MLM > Heavy > Special is a very basic rotation that you could do almost everywhere, though.
    But, keep in mind, pretty much all of his damage comes from the burst - he doesn't do much during the build-up.

    Rintrah can pop off a 100k Special 2 non-crit in less effort than it takes Galan to hit his Harvest burst -
    Not to mention, if it crits, it's easily above 250k on the first Special 2... Does that make him broken as well?
    I don't think so, personally.
    Like I said that was the first special I ever threw using him. Here is my fourth or fifth(?) with more mass than the peni fight in less hits. You’re splitting hairs on this point, he doesn’t need anything beyond a modified combo to be broken at his base kit. Absolutely zero of the cosmic champions you’ve listed perform at that level with their base kit. Cgr requires boosts to attack and power back boosts to reach that potential, Hercules requires more or less the same an Knull is not in the same ball park, his ramp is significantly longer than all previous.

    Rintrah yeah that sounds busted as well but I wasn’t able to evidence this in the material I reviewed where does that statement come from? 1)100k appears to be an exaggeration or exception because that’s not evidenced anywhere I took the time to review 2) I wouldn’t say it’s less effort either nor is it guaranteed based on #1.

    Finally I’m not speaking to DPS I’m speaking to what it takes to knockout a path war defender since that is really the only thing players of MCOC can measure their champions against, and possibly also battlegrounds which ottomh he’ll be broken for while also being another barrier to entry to the mode. I’d personally prefer less champions one must have on their roster to play competitively.
    I'm really not looking to argue on the forums dude lol -
    I've used every champion I brought up extensively at max rank as a 6 star - and you're telling me you've done 1 fight with a 4 star rank 1 Galan?
    Hercules, CGR, and Knull far exceed Galan's damage potential in any ordinary matchup with a similar amount of effort - and CGR absolutely doesn't need boosts to be able to do more damage, faster, than the other three consistently.
    In those niche scenarios where armor or power manipulation is present, yes, Galan will be extremely busted -
    this is all whether you're talking about strictly war defense, or battlegrounds, or even general DPS.

    Really not sure as to why you would say I'm "splitting hairs" here - I'm speaking strictly from experience playing with the champ.

    As for Rintrah,
    1) was not an exaggeration in the slightest. The statement comes from having a Rank 4 Rintrah and using him every day.
    2) It's definitely less effort, and it is pretty much guaranteed (see #1)
    The point of contention is Galan does not require niche situations to pull of his damage to kill a path defender in a single special, it does not require masteries or boosts. You can keep saying the contrary and claiming cgr herc and knull(lol) are capable of the same but that’s simply false, demonstrably false there are volumes of reference material to showcase this available on YT.

    The 4* Galan is irrelevant, his mass dictates the damage so being able to show his ability to gain mass lets one apply simple math to show the damage he will do with a single harvest regardless of rank or rarity. If you’ve spent hours on him and have not maximized his mass in the least amount of hits and hassle against a non beneficial match up for him then I say you’ve been doing it wrong, not that those hours translated into any particular expertise or familiarity with him.

    As for Rintrah, you sure? Because your videos were the ones referenced. The only one showing a 100k special 2 is after he had already thrown an s3. Here are two you easily achieved, 60% of the 100k claim and half of what a Galan s2 is capable of. Maybe you’ve improved your Rintrah game since posting those but I certainly do not have access to that material and given the goggles you appear to wear I can’t take the 100k claim at face value. Sorry dude.

    Here’s the 100k after spending 5 bars of power when Galan could’ve spent two (which btw if he went to s3 then next special would be a max harvest special inflicting 133k direct damage.

    I said you’re splitting hairs claiming the Peni fight is an extraordinarily niche fight for galan when he can achieve the same damage potential in almost any other fight without any benefit from extra buffs coming from his sig ability. And you spilt hairs again with the 4* btw, as previously mentioned due to mass dictating damage allowing one to apply simple math to translate that damage to a max rank.

    And that’s cool if you don’t want to argue on the forums but we are and solely due to the fact claims made being false. Prove me wrong, show me cgr, herc or knull killing AW opponents with their base kit without boosts in a single special, make me eat crow. I will say I should’ve said cgr needs attack boosts and/or power back boosts (not attack and power boosts) for the same potential, and yes suicide masteries are attack boosts.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    edited August 2022

    *grabs popcorn*

    Ikr. This is enjoyable and informative at the same time.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    1) Hope you enjoyed the video
    2) I honestly doubt he gets nerfed due to being pretty broken against some specific interactions - but I suppose only time will tell

    He’s not broken with specific interactions he’s broken at the base when he can build up 500+ mass before using a single special in almost any fight then straight stupid when he can build mass via armor effects and sig ability and kill with a special 1.

    This is the first time I ever used him and was able to get 560 mass for the first special ever used with him. This was a fight where he gained no extra mass via the opponents abilities. At max rank rarity that’s 560*199= 111k with little more than dexing, mlm/lmm combos, a heavy then followed by a special (which can be used regardless if the opponent is blocking or not). 560*174= 97k at rank 3.

    Well, you have 8 Intensify buffs there - which are gained on his Special 2... so you have to get all the way up to at least a Special 2 for where you currently are with him in that screenshot.

    I've spent dozens of hours testing this guy at max rank.
    He's extraordinarily busted against Armor Up & Power Manipulation abilities - and he's a very solid champion on his own outside of those.
    He doesn't touch the level of being broken at his base as other Cosmic champions though, imo.
    CGR, Hercules, Knull - etc - can hit higher DPS than him with much less effort - granted, MLM > Heavy > Special is a very basic rotation that you could do almost everywhere, though.
    But, keep in mind, pretty much all of his damage comes from the burst - he doesn't do much during the build-up.

    Rintrah can pop off a 100k Special 2 non-crit in less effort than it takes Galan to hit his Harvest burst -
    Not to mention, if it crits, it's easily above 250k on the first Special 2... Does that make him broken as well?
    I don't think so, personally.
    Like I said that was the first special I ever threw using him. Here is my fourth or fifth(?) with more mass than the peni fight in less hits. You’re splitting hairs on this point, he doesn’t need anything beyond a modified combo to be broken at his base kit. Absolutely zero of the cosmic champions you’ve listed perform at that level with their base kit. Cgr requires boosts to attack and power back boosts to reach that potential, Hercules requires more or less the same an Knull is not in the same ball park, his ramp is significantly longer than all previous.

    Rintrah yeah that sounds busted as well but I wasn’t able to evidence this in the material I reviewed where does that statement come from? 1)100k appears to be an exaggeration or exception because that’s not evidenced anywhere I took the time to review 2) I wouldn’t say it’s less effort either nor is it guaranteed based on #1.

    Finally I’m not speaking to DPS I’m speaking to what it takes to knockout a path war defender since that is really the only thing players of MCOC can measure their champions against, and possibly also battlegrounds which ottomh he’ll be broken for while also being another barrier to entry to the mode. I’d personally prefer less champions one must have on their roster to play competitively.
    I'm really not looking to argue on the forums dude lol -
    I've used every champion I brought up extensively at max rank as a 6 star - and you're telling me you've done 1 fight with a 4 star rank 1 Galan?
    Hercules, CGR, and Knull far exceed Galan's damage potential in any ordinary matchup with a similar amount of effort - and CGR absolutely doesn't need boosts to be able to do more damage, faster, than the other three consistently.
    In those niche scenarios where armor or power manipulation is present, yes, Galan will be extremely busted -
    this is all whether you're talking about strictly war defense, or battlegrounds, or even general DPS.

    Really not sure as to why you would say I'm "splitting hairs" here - I'm speaking strictly from experience playing with the champ.

    As for Rintrah,
    1) was not an exaggeration in the slightest. The statement comes from having a Rank 4 Rintrah and using him every day.
    2) It's definitely less effort, and it is pretty much guaranteed (see #1)
    The point of contention is Galan does not require niche situations to pull of his damage to kill a path defender in a single special, it does not require masteries or boosts. You can keep saying the contrary and claiming cgr herc and knull(lol) are capable of the same but that’s simply false, demonstrably false there are volumes of reference material to showcase this available on YT.

    The 4* Galan is irrelevant, his mass dictates the damage so being able to show his ability to gain mass lets one apply simple math to show the damage he will do with a single harvest regardless of rank or rarity. If you’ve spent hours on him and have not maximized his mass in the least amount of hits and hassle against a non beneficial match up for him then I say you’ve been doing it wrong, not that those hours translated into any particular expertise or familiarity with him.

    As for Rintrah, you sure? Because your videos were the ones referenced. The only one showing a 100k special 2 is after he had already thrown an s3. Here are two you easily achieved, 60% of the 100k claim and half of what a Galan s2 is capable of. Maybe you’ve improved your Rintrah game since posting those but I certainly do not have access to that material and given the goggles you appear to wear I can’t take the 100k claim at face value. Sorry dude.

    Here’s the 100k after spending 5 bars of power when Galan could’ve spent two (which btw if he went to s3 then next special would be a max harvest special inflicting 133k direct damage.

    I said you’re splitting hairs claiming the Peni fight is an extraordinarily niche fight for galan when he can achieve the same damage potential in almost any other fight without any benefit from extra buffs coming from his sig ability. And you spilt hairs again with the 4* btw, as previously mentioned due to mass dictating damage allowing one to apply simple math to translate that damage to a max rank.

    And that’s cool if you don’t want to argue on the forums but we are and solely due to the fact claims made being false. Prove me wrong, show me cgr, herc or knull killing AW opponents with their base kit without boosts in a single special, make me eat crow. I will say I should’ve said cgr needs attack boosts and/or power back boosts (not attack and power boosts) for the same potential, and yes suicide masteries are attack boosts.
    Oh Jesus, dude.
    If you can’t see how Peni significantly SPEEDS up his ramp up, thus improving his value in those fights, then I truly don’t know what else to say to you here.
    You’re so caught up on Galan’s “one special attack” you aren’t even taking into account that he’ll actually have to build all of that mass outside those specific matchups.
    This is why DPS is the optimal metric to measure by - not counting specials.

    I also wasn’t going for optimal damage in those Rintrah war fights - I was going for safety & 100% total lockdown of each defender.

    It really seems as if you’re arguing just for the sake of arguing - therefore, I’m out.
    Have a pleasant day.
    Galan does need need to be fighting an optimal fight to reach the level of mass/damage reached in the Peni fight you uploaded and people are claiming is an example of an optimal fight for him. It can’t be any simpler than that. Not sure why you deny that, it’s just bizarre at this point.

    And you can’t show an easily accessible 100k Rintrah s2, gotcha.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    1) Hope you enjoyed the video
    2) I honestly doubt he gets nerfed due to being pretty broken against some specific interactions - but I suppose only time will tell

    He’s not broken with specific interactions he’s broken at the base when he can build up 500+ mass before using a single special in almost any fight then straight stupid when he can build mass via armor effects and sig ability and kill with a special 1.

    This is the first time I ever used him and was able to get 560 mass for the first special ever used with him. This was a fight where he gained no extra mass via the opponents abilities. At max rank rarity that’s 560*199= 111k with little more than dexing, mlm/lmm combos, a heavy then followed by a special (which can be used regardless if the opponent is blocking or not). 560*174= 97k at rank 3.

    Well, you have 8 Intensify buffs there - which are gained on his Special 2... so you have to get all the way up to at least a Special 2 for where you currently are with him in that screenshot.

    I've spent dozens of hours testing this guy at max rank.
    He's extraordinarily busted against Armor Up & Power Manipulation abilities - and he's a very solid champion on his own outside of those.
    He doesn't touch the level of being broken at his base as other Cosmic champions though, imo.
    CGR, Hercules, Knull - etc - can hit higher DPS than him with much less effort - granted, MLM > Heavy > Special is a very basic rotation that you could do almost everywhere, though.
    But, keep in mind, pretty much all of his damage comes from the burst - he doesn't do much during the build-up.

    Rintrah can pop off a 100k Special 2 non-crit in less effort than it takes Galan to hit his Harvest burst -
    Not to mention, if it crits, it's easily above 250k on the first Special 2... Does that make him broken as well?
    I don't think so, personally.
    Like I said that was the first special I ever threw using him. Here is my fourth or fifth(?) with more mass than the peni fight in less hits. You’re splitting hairs on this point, he doesn’t need anything beyond a modified combo to be broken at his base kit. Absolutely zero of the cosmic champions you’ve listed perform at that level with their base kit. Cgr requires boosts to attack and power back boosts to reach that potential, Hercules requires more or less the same an Knull is not in the same ball park, his ramp is significantly longer than all previous.

    Rintrah yeah that sounds busted as well but I wasn’t able to evidence this in the material I reviewed where does that statement come from? 1)100k appears to be an exaggeration or exception because that’s not evidenced anywhere I took the time to review 2) I wouldn’t say it’s less effort either nor is it guaranteed based on #1.

    Finally I’m not speaking to DPS I’m speaking to what it takes to knockout a path war defender since that is really the only thing players of MCOC can measure their champions against, and possibly also battlegrounds which ottomh he’ll be broken for while also being another barrier to entry to the mode. I’d personally prefer less champions one must have on their roster to play competitively.
    Just take the L and move on. You've been out classed here. You aren't an expert on Galan nor Rintrah yet you are trying to correct someone who has extensive play time with both.
    The guy is blind to his mass math for some reason, there is no L here.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    For rintrah. My r2 with suicides consistently gets 70k-80k sp2 non crits with just 2 bars of power spent. Did the the Deadpool in 6.4.1 in 30 seconds.
  • BeeweeBeewee Member Posts: 560 ★★★★
    Galan was clearly designed for more endgame players being aimed at battlegrounds and war. Is he good for other stuff? Sure but he's gonna excel at those two gamemodes like he was designed. In story he’s definitely not broken but definitely still solid. Very good champ but nothing game breaking like herc or ghost.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    @H3t3r the secret is to say “moo” out loud as soon as you see the swords start to fly

    I've been doing it wrong all along. Thanks for the heads up. MOO!!

    As well what you've done to show the true potential of champions others wouldn't look at twice has been much appreciated. 🐄
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,266 ★★★★★
    So Galan OP Broken or Not?
    (Sorry, Im not following Ytube for months)

    All these talks around the champ made me do arena and pick up a 4*
  • BeeweeBeewee Member Posts: 560 ★★★★

    So Galan OP Broken or Not?
    (Sorry, Im not following Ytube for months)

    All these talks around the champ made me do arena and pick up a 4*

    He’s very good. People are over exaggerating though. The video showcased ideal mus for galan
  • This content has been removed.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited August 2022

    While I was ignorant of the sig ability a quick review of the Peni fight shows his sig ability barely made up for the fact he was using a poor rotation (full combo) rather than an optimal one when he gains buffs for every strike. He gained little more than another combo or nothing if he used proper combos in the Peni fight. The damage is busted when a special 1 can wipe out a defender, keep grasping at straws, time will tell.

    When a champion has some big damage.

    When a forum troll decides it’s time to straw man.

    It is odd how many people you end up calling trolls. It makes one wonder whether the smell following you is actually from everyone else being the problem.

    But hey, what do I know. I’m just a psychopath/sociopath right?

    Good chat, I’m gonna go play with my new game breaking champ Galan :)
    So fallacious argumentation combined with personal attacks, living months in the past being unable to let go, and taunting someone is not troll behavior? Quite the gymnast.
    sorry but you lost all rights to accuse someone else of using "person attacks" when you called bittersreel sociopathic and then now belittling him by saying he can't let go
    When did this happen? I’ll wait but I’m guessing it was over a year ago now.

    1) Hope you enjoyed the video
    2) I honestly doubt he gets nerfed due to being pretty broken against some specific interactions - but I suppose only time will tell

    He’s not broken with specific interactions he’s broken at the base when he can build up 500+ mass before using a single special in almost any fight then straight stupid when he can build mass via armor effects and sig ability and kill with a special 1.

    This is the first time I ever used him and was able to get 560 mass for the first special ever used with him. This was a fight where he gained no extra mass via the opponents abilities. At max rank rarity that’s 560*199= 111k with little more than dexing, mlm/lmm combos, a heavy then followed by a special (which can be used regardless if the opponent is blocking or not). 560*174= 97k at rank 3.

    Well, you have 8 Intensify buffs there - which are gained on his Special 2... so you have to get all the way up to at least a Special 2 for where you currently are with him in that screenshot.

    I've spent dozens of hours testing this guy at max rank.
    He's extraordinarily busted against Armor Up & Power Manipulation abilities - and he's a very solid champion on his own outside of those.
    He doesn't touch the level of being broken at his base as other Cosmic champions though, imo.
    CGR, Hercules, Knull - etc - can hit higher DPS than him with much less effort - granted, MLM > Heavy > Special is a very basic rotation that you could do almost everywhere, though.
    But, keep in mind, pretty much all of his damage comes from the burst - he doesn't do much during the build-up.

    Rintrah can pop off a 100k Special 2 non-crit in less effort than it takes Galan to hit his Harvest burst -
    Not to mention, if it crits, it's easily above 250k on the first Special 2... Does that make him broken as well?
    I don't think so, personally.
    Like I said that was the first special I ever threw using him. Here is my fourth or fifth(?) with more mass than the peni fight in less hits. You’re splitting hairs on this point, he doesn’t need anything beyond a modified combo to be broken at his base kit. Absolutely zero of the cosmic champions you’ve listed perform at that level with their base kit. Cgr requires boosts to attack and power back boosts to reach that potential, Hercules requires more or less the same an Knull is not in the same ball park, his ramp is significantly longer than all previous.

    Rintrah yeah that sounds busted as well but I wasn’t able to evidence this in the material I reviewed where does that statement come from? 1)100k appears to be an exaggeration or exception because that’s not evidenced anywhere I took the time to review 2) I wouldn’t say it’s less effort either nor is it guaranteed based on #1.

    Finally I’m not speaking to DPS I’m speaking to what it takes to knockout a path war defender since that is really the only thing players of MCOC can measure their champions against, and possibly also battlegrounds which ottomh he’ll be broken for while also being another barrier to entry to the mode. I’d personally prefer less champions one must have on their roster to play competitively.
    I'm really not looking to argue on the forums dude lol -
    I've used every champion I brought up extensively at max rank as a 6 star - and you're telling me you've done 1 fight with a 4 star rank 1 Galan?
    Hercules, CGR, and Knull far exceed Galan's damage potential in any ordinary matchup with a similar amount of effort - and CGR absolutely doesn't need boosts to be able to do more damage, faster, than the other three consistently.
    In those niche scenarios where armor or power manipulation is present, yes, Galan will be extremely busted -
    this is all whether you're talking about strictly war defense, or battlegrounds, or even general DPS.

    Really not sure as to why you would say I'm "splitting hairs" here - I'm speaking strictly from experience playing with the champ.

    As for Rintrah,
    1) was not an exaggeration in the slightest. The statement comes from having a Rank 4 Rintrah and using him every day.
    2) It's definitely less effort, and it is pretty much guaranteed (see #1)
    The point of contention is Galan does not require niche situations to pull of his damage to kill a path defender in a single special, it does not require masteries or boosts. You can keep saying the contrary and claiming cgr herc and knull(lol) are capable of the same but that’s simply false, demonstrably false there are volumes of reference material to showcase this available on YT.

    The 4* Galan is irrelevant, his mass dictates the damage so being able to show his ability to gain mass lets one apply simple math to show the damage he will do with a single harvest regardless of rank or rarity. If you’ve spent hours on him and have not maximized his mass in the least amount of hits and hassle against a non beneficial match up for him then I say you’ve been doing it wrong, not that those hours translated into any particular expertise or familiarity with him.

    As for Rintrah, you sure? Because your videos were the ones referenced. The only one showing a 100k special 2 is after he had already thrown an s3. Here are two you easily achieved, 60% of the 100k claim and half of what a Galan s2 is capable of. Maybe you’ve improved your Rintrah game since posting those but I certainly do not have access to that material and given the goggles you appear to wear I can’t take the 100k claim at face value. Sorry dude.

    Here’s the 100k after spending 5 bars of power when Galan could’ve spent two (which btw if he went to s3 then next special would be a max harvest special inflicting 133k direct damage.

    I said you’re splitting hairs claiming the Peni fight is an extraordinarily niche fight for galan when he can achieve the same damage potential in almost any other fight without any benefit from extra buffs coming from his sig ability. And you spilt hairs again with the 4* btw, as previously mentioned due to mass dictating damage allowing one to apply simple math to translate that damage to a max rank.

    And that’s cool if you don’t want to argue on the forums but we are and solely due to the fact claims made being false. Prove me wrong, show me cgr, herc or knull killing AW opponents with their base kit without boosts in a single special, make me eat crow. I will say I should’ve said cgr needs attack boosts and/or power back boosts (not attack and power boosts) for the same potential, and yes suicide masteries are attack boosts.
    Oh Jesus, dude.
    If you can’t see how Peni significantly SPEEDS up his ramp up, thus improving his value in those fights, then I truly don’t know what else to say to you here.
    You’re so caught up on Galan’s “one special attack” you aren’t even taking into account that he’ll actually have to build all of that mass outside those specific matchups.
    This is why DPS is the optimal metric to measure by - not counting specials.

    I also wasn’t going for optimal damage in those Rintrah war fights - I was going for safety & 100% total lockdown of each defender.

    It really seems as if you’re arguing just for the sake of arguing - therefore, I’m out.
    Have a pleasant day.
    Galan does need need to be fighting an optimal fight to reach the level of mass/damage reached in the Peni fight you uploaded and people are claiming is an example of an optimal fight for him. It can’t be any simpler than that. Not sure why you deny that, it’s just bizarre at this point.

    And you can’t show an easily accessible 100k Rintrah s2, gotcha.
    Dude, I never said he NEEDED to be in an optimal situation in order to access his mass or damage.
    My God, man - read the actual words I’m writing instead of putting words in my mouth.

    Every single time Galan simply hits Peni’s block - whether it’s an autoblock or not - he will gain **SIXTY** Planetary Mass.
    60 - That’s the equivalence of almost two MLM combos - from one basic hit on the block.
    Let’s do the math since you seem to want to make a snarky remark about my ability to do math -

    That’s 240 Planetary Mass per 4 hit combo into her block.
    And good old pillow-hands-without-his-burst-Galan will take about 5 or so combos to drop her shield.
    Let’s do some more math - that’s a potentially FULLY RAMPED 999 Planetary Mass Galan before he even lands ONE hit in his combo meter.

    You’re going to sit there and tell me that Peni isn’t the most optimal matchup for Galan?
    A sig 120+ Galan has an extraordinarily enormous argument for being the #1 Peni Counter in the entire game.

    You’re going out of your way fighting over a champion that you don’t fully understand.

    I never said he can’t reach that damage elsewhere.
    He will have the same damage against Peni, Omega Sentinel, ROL Winter Soldier, and Groot.
    I said that in an optimal match up, he will reach that burst damage incredibly fast while hardly even having to do anything - this is what’s making him appear so busted against Peni & Omega Sentinel in AW - who are possibly his #1 & #2 matchups

    Galan is a really great champion - and will be very useful even outside of his optimal matchups - but the damage he’s going to be dealing isn’t anything out of the ordinary in comparison to the cosmic class, whose entire identity is “buffs & big fast damage.”
    Will he get nerfed? Maybe. He’s super good - can do some solid damage and has some really strong utility.
    Personally though, I doubt he gets nerfed.
    We’ll see in 6 months.

    When it comes to Rintrah, I could show you dozens of easily accessed 100k+ special 2’s.
    I uploaded a 1 hour & 15 minute Rintrah video this morning that has a wonderful assortment of them if you’re interested in seeing them all.

    I suggest that you spend some time truly learning the champion’s mechanics before you start acting condescending to others about them on the internet.

    (I edited something and the post deleted - copy/pasted prior because that seems to happen, sorry if this posts twice)

    I am not saying Peni is not an optimal match up; if played to his max potential.

    What I am saying is the Peni fight referenced in this thread from your video is not an example of anything Galan cannot achieve in a non optimal match up. Therefore people saying that the video showing Galan doing that damage is an example of him only being OP due to a favorable match is an admission that he is broken at his base since he does not need that match up to achieve the same damage.

    *And yes his damage is extraordinary. Repeating that his damage is not extraordinary is not going to change the facts.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,298 Guardian

    While I was ignorant of the sig ability a quick review of the Peni fight shows his sig ability barely made up for the fact he was using a poor rotation (full combo) rather than an optimal one when he gains buffs for every strike. He gained little more than another combo or nothing if he used proper combos in the Peni fight. The damage is busted when a special 1 can wipe out a defender, keep grasping at straws, time will tell.

    When a champion has some big damage.

    When a forum troll decides it’s time to straw man.

    It is odd how many people you end up calling trolls. It makes one wonder whether the smell following you is actually from everyone else being the problem.

    But hey, what do I know. I’m just a psychopath/sociopath right?

    Good chat, I’m gonna go play with my new game breaking champ Galan :)
    So fallacious argumentation combined with personal attacks, living months in the past being unable to let go, and taunting someone is not troll behavior? Quite the gymnast.
    sorry but you lost all rights to accuse someone else of using "person attacks" when you called bittersreel sociopathic and then now belittling him by saying he can't let go
    When did this happen? I’ll wait but I’m guessing it was over a year ago now.

    1) Hope you enjoyed the video
    2) I honestly doubt he gets nerfed due to being pretty broken against some specific interactions - but I suppose only time will tell

    He’s not broken with specific interactions he’s broken at the base when he can build up 500+ mass before using a single special in almost any fight then straight stupid when he can build mass via armor effects and sig ability and kill with a special 1.

    This is the first time I ever used him and was able to get 560 mass for the first special ever used with him. This was a fight where he gained no extra mass via the opponents abilities. At max rank rarity that’s 560*199= 111k with little more than dexing, mlm/lmm combos, a heavy then followed by a special (which can be used regardless if the opponent is blocking or not). 560*174= 97k at rank 3.

    Well, you have 8 Intensify buffs there - which are gained on his Special 2... so you have to get all the way up to at least a Special 2 for where you currently are with him in that screenshot.

    I've spent dozens of hours testing this guy at max rank.
    He's extraordinarily busted against Armor Up & Power Manipulation abilities - and he's a very solid champion on his own outside of those.
    He doesn't touch the level of being broken at his base as other Cosmic champions though, imo.
    CGR, Hercules, Knull - etc - can hit higher DPS than him with much less effort - granted, MLM > Heavy > Special is a very basic rotation that you could do almost everywhere, though.
    But, keep in mind, pretty much all of his damage comes from the burst - he doesn't do much during the build-up.

    Rintrah can pop off a 100k Special 2 non-crit in less effort than it takes Galan to hit his Harvest burst -
    Not to mention, if it crits, it's easily above 250k on the first Special 2... Does that make him broken as well?
    I don't think so, personally.
    Like I said that was the first special I ever threw using him. Here is my fourth or fifth(?) with more mass than the peni fight in less hits. You’re splitting hairs on this point, he doesn’t need anything beyond a modified combo to be broken at his base kit. Absolutely zero of the cosmic champions you’ve listed perform at that level with their base kit. Cgr requires boosts to attack and power back boosts to reach that potential, Hercules requires more or less the same an Knull is not in the same ball park, his ramp is significantly longer than all previous.

    Rintrah yeah that sounds busted as well but I wasn’t able to evidence this in the material I reviewed where does that statement come from? 1)100k appears to be an exaggeration or exception because that’s not evidenced anywhere I took the time to review 2) I wouldn’t say it’s less effort either nor is it guaranteed based on #1.

    Finally I’m not speaking to DPS I’m speaking to what it takes to knockout a path war defender since that is really the only thing players of MCOC can measure their champions against, and possibly also battlegrounds which ottomh he’ll be broken for while also being another barrier to entry to the mode. I’d personally prefer less champions one must have on their roster to play competitively.
    I'm really not looking to argue on the forums dude lol -
    I've used every champion I brought up extensively at max rank as a 6 star - and you're telling me you've done 1 fight with a 4 star rank 1 Galan?
    Hercules, CGR, and Knull far exceed Galan's damage potential in any ordinary matchup with a similar amount of effort - and CGR absolutely doesn't need boosts to be able to do more damage, faster, than the other three consistently.
    In those niche scenarios where armor or power manipulation is present, yes, Galan will be extremely busted -
    this is all whether you're talking about strictly war defense, or battlegrounds, or even general DPS.

    Really not sure as to why you would say I'm "splitting hairs" here - I'm speaking strictly from experience playing with the champ.

    As for Rintrah,
    1) was not an exaggeration in the slightest. The statement comes from having a Rank 4 Rintrah and using him every day.
    2) It's definitely less effort, and it is pretty much guaranteed (see #1)
    The point of contention is Galan does not require niche situations to pull of his damage to kill a path defender in a single special, it does not require masteries or boosts. You can keep saying the contrary and claiming cgr herc and knull(lol) are capable of the same but that’s simply false, demonstrably false there are volumes of reference material to showcase this available on YT.

    The 4* Galan is irrelevant, his mass dictates the damage so being able to show his ability to gain mass lets one apply simple math to show the damage he will do with a single harvest regardless of rank or rarity. If you’ve spent hours on him and have not maximized his mass in the least amount of hits and hassle against a non beneficial match up for him then I say you’ve been doing it wrong, not that those hours translated into any particular expertise or familiarity with him.

    As for Rintrah, you sure? Because your videos were the ones referenced. The only one showing a 100k special 2 is after he had already thrown an s3. Here are two you easily achieved, 60% of the 100k claim and half of what a Galan s2 is capable of. Maybe you’ve improved your Rintrah game since posting those but I certainly do not have access to that material and given the goggles you appear to wear I can’t take the 100k claim at face value. Sorry dude.

    Here’s the 100k after spending 5 bars of power when Galan could’ve spent two (which btw if he went to s3 then next special would be a max harvest special inflicting 133k direct damage.

    I said you’re splitting hairs claiming the Peni fight is an extraordinarily niche fight for galan when he can achieve the same damage potential in almost any other fight without any benefit from extra buffs coming from his sig ability. And you spilt hairs again with the 4* btw, as previously mentioned due to mass dictating damage allowing one to apply simple math to translate that damage to a max rank.

    And that’s cool if you don’t want to argue on the forums but we are and solely due to the fact claims made being false. Prove me wrong, show me cgr, herc or knull killing AW opponents with their base kit without boosts in a single special, make me eat crow. I will say I should’ve said cgr needs attack boosts and/or power back boosts (not attack and power boosts) for the same potential, and yes suicide masteries are attack boosts.
    Oh Jesus, dude.
    If you can’t see how Peni significantly SPEEDS up his ramp up, thus improving his value in those fights, then I truly don’t know what else to say to you here.
    You’re so caught up on Galan’s “one special attack” you aren’t even taking into account that he’ll actually have to build all of that mass outside those specific matchups.
    This is why DPS is the optimal metric to measure by - not counting specials.

    I also wasn’t going for optimal damage in those Rintrah war fights - I was going for safety & 100% total lockdown of each defender.

    It really seems as if you’re arguing just for the sake of arguing - therefore, I’m out.
    Have a pleasant day.
    Galan does need need to be fighting an optimal fight to reach the level of mass/damage reached in the Peni fight you uploaded and people are claiming is an example of an optimal fight for him. It can’t be any simpler than that. Not sure why you deny that, it’s just bizarre at this point.

    And you can’t show an easily accessible 100k Rintrah s2, gotcha.
    Dude, I never said he NEEDED to be in an optimal situation in order to access his mass or damage.
    My God, man - read the actual words I’m writing instead of putting words in my mouth.

    Every single time Galan simply hits Peni’s block - whether it’s an autoblock or not - he will gain **SIXTY** Planetary Mass.
    60 - That’s the equivalence of almost two MLM combos - from one basic hit on the block.
    Let’s do the math since you seem to want to make a snarky remark about my ability to do math -

    That’s 240 Planetary Mass per 4 hit combo into her block.
    And good old pillow-hands-without-his-burst-Galan will take about 5 or so combos to drop her shield.
    Let’s do some more math - that’s a potentially FULLY RAMPED 999 Planetary Mass Galan before he even lands ONE hit in his combo meter.

    You’re going to sit there and tell me that Peni isn’t the most optimal matchup for Galan?
    A sig 120+ Galan has an extraordinarily enormous argument for being the #1 Peni Counter in the entire game.

    You’re going out of your way fighting over a champion that you don’t fully understand.

    I never said he can’t reach that damage elsewhere.
    He will have the same damage against Peni, Omega Sentinel, ROL Winter Soldier, and Groot.
    I said that in an optimal match up, he will reach that burst damage incredibly fast while hardly even having to do anything - this is what’s making him appear so busted against Peni & Omega Sentinel in AW - who are possibly his #1 & #2 matchups

    Galan is a really great champion - and will be very useful even outside of his optimal matchups - but the damage he’s going to be dealing isn’t anything out of the ordinary in comparison to the cosmic class, whose entire identity is “buffs & big fast damage.”
    Will he get nerfed? Maybe. He’s super good - can do some solid damage and has some really strong utility.
    Personally though, I doubt he gets nerfed.
    We’ll see in 6 months.

    When it comes to Rintrah, I could show you dozens of easily accessed 100k+ special 2’s.
    I uploaded a 1 hour & 15 minute Rintrah video this morning that has a wonderful assortment of them if you’re interested in seeing them all.

    I suggest that you spend some time truly learning the champion’s mechanics before you start acting condescending to others about them on the internet.

    (I edited something and the post deleted - copy/pasted prior because that seems to happen, sorry if this posts twice)

    I am not saying Peni is not an optimal match up; if played to his max potential.

    What I am saying is the Peni fight referenced in this thread from your video is not an example of anything Galan cannot achieve in a non optimal match up. Therefore people saying that the video showing Galan doing that damage is an example of him only being OP due to a favorable match is an admission that he is broken at his base since he does not need that match up to achieve the same damage.

    *And yes his damage is extraordinary. Repeating that his damage is not extraordinary is not going to change the facts.
    Dude, I'll break it down simply. Galans damage comes from 999 planetary mass, harvest, sp1. In a normal matchup, you got to sp1 and sp2 before you get to 999 planetary mass to harvest and sp1. That is a really long time to get max burst damage. However against peni and omega sentinel, he gets 999 planetary mass before his sp1. This means he can access insane burst damage in 10ish hits of the combo meter in favored matchups as opposed to 50ish hits in non-favored matchups.

    Going along that, in the 50ish hits it takes galan to get to max burst damage, CGR already took down the defender and the one after that. Herc is close behind CGR as well. They don't need a 50 hit ramp up for excessive damage, CGR literally just needs 11 hits to sp2 murder the enemy in any matchup.
  • Vergeman78Vergeman78 Member Posts: 133 ★★
    Everybody’s swimming upstream. No matter what the evidence brought forth is proving, someone’s entrenched on his positions. Might as well just let him be and move on with our lives. Some people, you just can’t help
  • RiasGremoryRiasGremory Member Posts: 240
    Shaktiman said:

    Just watched KarateMike video.
    His damage is really game breaking.
    He should really be balanced in the future (6 months iirc)

    No He Is Galactus he needs to be good
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    @H3t3r the secret is to say “moo” out loud as soon as you see the swords start to fly

    When I was younger I was walking my dog and was chased by a herd of cows, pretty sure I nearly died but ah well, we move. Hated them ever since.

    After watching your Rintrah showcase and being blown away, pulling him would be a huge step in fixing the Cow-Bitter relationship.

    While I was ignorant of the sig ability a quick review of the Peni fight shows his sig ability barely made up for the fact he was using a poor rotation (full combo) rather than an optimal one when he gains buffs for every strike. He gained little more than another combo or nothing if he used proper combos in the Peni fight. The damage is busted when a special 1 can wipe out a defender, keep grasping at straws, time will tell.

    Time told
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    @H3t3r the secret is to say “moo” out loud as soon as you see the swords start to fly

    When I was younger I was walking my dog and was chased by a herd of cows, pretty sure I nearly died but ah well, we move. Hated them ever since.

    After watching your Rintrah showcase and being blown away, pulling him would be a huge step in fixing the Cow-Bitter relationship.

    The Bitter-Cow relationship is tenuous, but on the way to being fixed
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