Invulnerability and other boosts completely removed from Loyalty store ? Was this even announced ??

I woke up an hour ago and logged in to the game to buy the boost and noticed I don't see any boost in loyalty store ? Where did it disappear all of a sudden ? It's being sold for units in the boost store . I hope this is a glitch and not a permanent change because this was never announced and will completely destroy the game mode and make many quit AW for good .
I think most people missed it because of the rewards section. I don’t think the value is the same. If this is their solution to help us save Loyalty for the new store they have failed us again because it just feels like a money grab.
I think it would help if they increased the amount of Loyalty we get and I know that they already did that but that was not much of a change for what they charge for pots and team revives. If they they don’t want to increase it at least change the all the pots and recives to percentage based without increasing their price that would actually be very helpful to us all. Oh and put those gray boosts back in the Loyalty store, no one wants to spend units on those. Thanks
Our new overlord @Kabam Jax, will notify the team which is definitely a bug.
Without spaces
Having said that, I’m sure admins here dont have full access to the code and full access to do whatever they want. As in any business, I would guess that they contact other people..departments..whatever. And until someone gets back to them and approves it, you’ll be waiting. Lack of response is not a sign of being ignored or acknowledgement that your theory is correct.
We're looking into this now. When issues creep up, please remember time zones!
The boosts were removed in error, a weird side effect of a rearranging of store items. It was definitely not intentional.
I'm told that the grey boosts and class boosts will both reappear in the store at 17:00UTC. If you check after that time (maybe give a ten minute buffer) and they aren't there, please let me know and I'll follow up with the team!