BG rewards wrong, no cheaters banned

Looks like no modders were banned in BG top 100. What a joke. Ended same score shown at end with dozens of modders above me should have been in a higher bracket. This sucks. Why even play this game mode
Gut feelings aren't goof enough.
What one person thinks is obvious might have other explanations.
Cheaters are clever in avoiding detection.
Also, Kabam prolly needs dozens of people to investigate every possible cheater, and lots of time.
To ban someone, you need proof. Otherwise honest players might get banned because someone assume they were cheating.
Anyway, you say "no modders were banned", but I feel like you have no real idea about the numbers of players banned.
500 k global PI in leaderboard, how is it even possible to get to gladiator circuit with accounts like that
I'd really appreciate some sort of explanation here, if it's a time issue then take longer to look through the leaderboard to ban the modders, but right now it's encouraging modding, because if there's no punishement for modders in the top 10, there's no deterrent to stop others.
Kabam did absolutely nothing, such a shame going into Season 2...
I think you're the highest BG ranked regular forum poster? Kabam need to do something here.
Maybe no modders were banned in the top 100 and tons everywhere, but surely that's the most important place to ban them? Otherwise it sends a message to other modders that it's ok to reach the top. If it were me, I'd focus all my effort on the top 100.
Regardless, this is something I believe Kabam should comment on. BG is the most competetive game mode ever released, and needs the highest scrutiny on modding, because it's so evident and demoralising.
@Kabam Miike and @Kabam Jax is there any chance kabam can try to get ahead of this issue?
I’m trying to hold any too negative comments back until we hear from Kabam’s end, about why this may have happened. But at the moment its inviting in more modding - unless I’ve read this situation wrong.
For start, modders should be band DURING season every day because pur rankings fall.
But not even ban them after season ends? That’s unbelievable.
I don't know what to think...but I don't want to go into S2 like this.
Edit:👆you just commented. I saw you in many KT streams. So took a guess.
That in itself is another problem
What can I say except "I'm disappointed but not at all surprised"
As they have implied BG will have the most powerful rewards, you will qualify for them and he will not.
It’d be like having college football teams make the NFL playoffs without ever having faced an NFL caliber team. Sure they’d lose first round but how would that be fair to NFL teams who did not qualify?