Venom relic is trash

Dear content creators, why do you make the absolute trash relic - Venom?!?
This relic is absolute trash as long Venom himself!
You don’t have any opportunity of using it with another champions, only trash venom… it is frustrating
This relic is absolute trash as long Venom himself!
You don’t have any opportunity of using it with another champions, only trash venom… it is frustrating
Just try him on buffed bleedable champs with 1 or more precision buffs.
You wont find many champs dealing that much damage, while being that sustainable.
Even now he might crack top 10 cosmic, before class improvement, he was top 5
If you're mad cuz you don't understand how relics work, that's fine, I get it but don't disrespect Venom like that, especially on these forums.
Ur account needs to be banned for this blasphemy
It is just my double subjective opinion.
That includes taking down a Warlock who is a bleed immune & tanky defender
There's difference between not liking a character & saying that the character is trash
Also he's an absolute GOD in Battlegrounds as well, you just suck buddy, badly.
This slander is unacceptable