Root mechanic and champ counters ?

The root mechanic is getting used more and more in the game. Personally it is a problem for me. I ain’t asking for a change. I have a similar problem with reversed controls but champs
Do exist that counter that mechanic so I can still do those fights. I am wondering if there is ever gonna be a root mechanic counter mechanism in a champ and if there would be a timeline on this that could be shared when this would be the case.
Sure I can do the fights and try to prevent the root from triggering but the timer in The game is pretty short so I cannot prevent it from happening completely for example in the Titiana fight. Result is I trow a team of champs into the fight till she is down but I always try to solo as much fights as I can in which I find the most enjoyment being able to solo a fight.
Do exist that counter that mechanic so I can still do those fights. I am wondering if there is ever gonna be a root mechanic counter mechanism in a champ and if there would be a timeline on this that could be shared when this would be the case.
Sure I can do the fights and try to prevent the root from triggering but the timer in The game is pretty short so I cannot prevent it from happening completely for example in the Titiana fight. Result is I trow a team of champs into the fight till she is down but I always try to solo as much fights as I can in which I find the most enjoyment being able to solo a fight.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Would be nice to see a champ come out that can counter that too.
They have opportunities to change how certain effects work to instantly create a lot of counters to these if they choose such as Guaranteed Crits taking priority over Glance and having Unstoppable bypass Root for example. Counters will come eventually however Kabam chooses to implement them.