These matchmaking accounts are way too stacked for VT

Something definitely changed this season with matchmaking. Now, me with 5*'s in my deck, can't manage to get past plat 2 because every account I come across has all 6*'s with the top rows looking like r4's meanwhile I'm still TB with only 2 r4 6*'s
Especially as a free to play with relatively not so bad but not so great rng in crystal pulls, it makes ranking champs up to climb VT even that much harder. I feel atleast last season I was coming across good matchmaking's with pretty similar accounts now I'm completely outclassed
Anything about this Kabaam?
Especially as a free to play with relatively not so bad but not so great rng in crystal pulls, it makes ranking champs up to climb VT even that much harder. I feel atleast last season I was coming across good matchmaking's with pretty similar accounts now I'm completely outclassed
Anything about this Kabaam?
Last season I made it to GC with the same 5*'s cause matchmaking was actually at the same level and came across similar decks
Be thankful for your 5* r5's. They're likely the reason you got as high as plat 2.
Ranking champs doesn't help you get further in VT. It gets you tougher matches with bigger accounts and stops you getting anywhere. Trust me it really sucks
Smaller accounts shouldn't be climbing up the ladder quicker than those with bigger accounts and because we're all competing for same rewards, there's no such thing as "I should be facing people with the same deck strength and level as mine" cause then you're just completely ignoring 50% of the competition with no downsides whatsoever which is absolutely ridiculous. I'd understand the complaint if you were facing those accounts in Bronze 3, that would be unfair indeed but you're already in Plat 2 my guy.
No, you shouldn't. If you're only facing opponents at your same level it's easy to make it to gc before most Paragons do and that's just straight up dumb. I'm cav, and I made it to gc on week two last season while there were Paragons still stuck in VT on the fourth week. How do you not see that as an issue?
Who's claiming you shouldn't be allowed to progress? All we're saying is matchmaking should be random after a certain league in VT so people like OP don't reach plat 2 on week one while 50% of the Paragon playerbase is still stuck in silver.
It's not that it's easier, it's the fact that the gaps between Paragons are bigger because 6* are not as easy to take to r4 (let alone max out) as maxing out a 5*. If you take a look at most people with 5* decks the vast majority already have 10-20 maxed out 5*. You look at Paragons some will have 3 or 4 r4 6* while some other whales will have 30, this is because ranking up 6* is harder and takes longer than maxing out a 5* making it harder for Paragons to progress than us because of these gaps.
Hard to say why that is. Could be that they're lot more skilled relative to the smaller bracket compared to the higher bracket. Could be because there's more variance at lower levels letting you string together wins easier. Might be less variance meaning you're more likely to fight someone near your level instead of much higher.
Hard to know without having access to the info kabam does. I'm sure they could tell you. Certainly once you get to a high level there is a much smaller tolerance for mistakes. One mistake is a loss that would be much more likely to have a lesser impact at a lower level of competition
If I didn't feel morally obligated to put up points to help my alliance score, I'd stop playing BGs entirely, even though the rewards are arguably better than a full EOP clear.
Where are groundedwisdom and DNA3000 let's get this party started lol
On my main I find it so difficult to advance. Almost win 1, lose 1 situation and more often draft dependent wins. On secondary I don't think I lost match in last 15 or so or whatever number of matches it displays in history. Not a single L I can see at the moment. On my secondary I get matches with similar roster 5 stars and mix of 6 stars. I get by easily there. Whereas on my main I get opponent with all 6r4 deck. Both accounts in similar tier. This I think it's not completely fair on bigger accounts. Then what is that point of ranking up champs if you can't beat a lot of smaller accounts and stay in same tier? We are competing for same rewards so it should be a random match and not based on roster strength. As this doesn't encourage for rankups.
The examples people are giving of their bigass accounts getting stuck at low levels show what a ludicrous setup this is.
Everyone is in the same pool and earns the same rewards. Prices in the store have NOTHING to do with this. Enjoy your "hard earned' rewards that you "totally" deserved to get.
I’m saving you from a certain stroke 😉
I nearly had it 😠
Prestige Matchmaking is erroneous, but somehow Kabam chooses to ignore that, and insist on using it on competitive modes.
Battlegrounds aren’t friendly matches, it is a competition with impactful rewards, and it should be treated as that by the game developers.
When your roster is pushing the top of the game, you bump up against the champion caps. While it is theoretically possible for players to have one or a few R5s, predominantly the top rank up you could be doing at any frequency is R4. Your roster can get wider, but it can't really get taller. Everyone's decks start "filling out" with the best BG and BG-meta champs.
But it is the wild west in lower progressing tiers. Every roster is different and no one has an optimal deck. In those situations, the player who knows more about who is a better match up against who, and who has more experience playing champs that are uncommon to play outside of BG will have a substantial edge.
Any *new* player who happens to know somewhat more than average or has somewhat more practice with unconventional champions will also possess that advantage, and be able to beat up the competition over and over again without ever being significantly challenged by stiffer competition. Once you are above average, you can maintain that edge almost indefinitely throughout VT, because at no time are you likely to run into a long stretch of players with even comparable, much less superior, mastery of the game.
Because stronger accounts have to play everyone, that's always the danger playing high roster strength accounts. Random chance will throw you against long strings of players stronger than you, unless you're among the top ten percent of all players. And that will often prevent you from stringing together enough wins in a row to advance, a problem that is far less common when you play a low alt. I don't win every match with my low alt. But losses are infrequent enough to not be a barrier to moving up in VT.
Waiting for your response @Dangerx17
Would you care to reply Good Sir!
My point I'm making is last season I was coming across people with similar rosters of 5* and 6* not just straight 6*'s with damn near the whole top being r4's clearly that just shows pay to play is the way how u get high in the VT and GC
I'm not asking for it to be easy and face weaker rosters but not crazy powerful just at my level
That's like playing a fighting game and running into ranked players 5x ranked higher than u clearly you're outmatched
This is because of this extremely unfair prestige based matchmaking process that has allowed far weaker rosters (that many 5 stars in battle deck is a fairly weak roster in today's game meta) to avoid stronger rosters for easier path to better rewards than far stronger rosters.
Please tell me why you think you should be able to fight only similar rosters without fighting those stronger than you when you are competing for the EXACT same rewards as them?
You know this matchmaking system has allowed a far weaker roster like your to get better rewards than far stronger rosters that would wipe the floor with you all because you haven't had to face them? Please tell me how that is fair to those who have taken the time (or spent the money) to progress their rosters?
I don't want players to get stomped on.
Why do you think you deserve Plat 2 and players 5x stronger than you don't? Those guy can't get out of bronze/silver due to matchmaking.
That's why, I also don't want players, who have put much more efforts and time building thier decks, to get punished for having a bigger roster.
And again if I, with 5*'s in my deck because I don't have loads of great 6*'s, climbed up to plat 2 that should show that I have had better defensive and offensive choices in the matches that I've played against other paragon players. Now it's at a point where even that doesn't matter because their stacked account severely out weights my smart decisions in battle. Even for paragon players to not make it out of bronze if freaking crazy how do u not see the matchmaking is busted this season even with that realization?
Exactly why I think the matchmaking is busted as a whole
Recoome agrees
You should be stuck in silver right now with the rest of those accounts until they climb up first (because they're stronger than you), not ahead of them and literally just a few leagues away from GC.
Reason you were getting fair matches last season is because Kabam fixed the sandbagging issue without looking at the bigger picture, that's all.