Crystal Suggestions [mod edit for clarity]



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Side note, nice line up, you two. :)
  • WalrusManInACanWalrusManInACan Member Posts: 14
    What is your point here? All your asking for is a choice between awakening gems to purchase, but purchasing a generic is practically the exact same thing, not to mention that getting an awakening gem for purchase would really mess with the entire status of the game, as that they’re only available in very endgame activities.
  • Ajm74Ajm74 Member Posts: 13
    Given what they’ve sold in the past for awakening deals, I think the logical progression is to have a ‘choose your class’ deal for 5 stars. It’d cost $100 I’m sure, but people would buy it. Like the idea for those that want to spend.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    If memory serves, they've sold 5* Gems before.
  • BananaBanana Member Posts: 4
    I completely agree with baca. They offered 4 star awakening deals when 4 stars were the current and most common champs. And now with the release of 6 star champs nearing, why not? Kabam will make money and people can get rid of the gold stars on their champs and in a few months the new shinny 6 stars will be the new thing. It’s a win/win. Kabam makes money and the user get to awaken a champ.
  • JayimageJayimage Member Posts: 94
    Baca is clearly only putting out an idea that can benefit everyone just like all other offers it requires you to spend but why spend on a 4* offer they really should consider 5* offers more often especially if they plan on rolling out 6* and other new content. Just because someone doesn’t decide to spend on an offer doesn’t mean they shouldn’t roll it out this would be a great idea for us Vet players who are willing to drop a shiny penny for something that can benefit them in the long run. It will only make sense if they offered this with all the new 5* coming every month makes it hard to dup the one you already have. So not saying any other opinion isn’t valid but baca has an awesome point and kabam should consider rolling this out. At this point if you are a Vet player you should already know you need to spend to keep up...just saying
  • Crazybaca2323Crazybaca2323 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    Also last point there has never been a 5 star generic gem sold u only get that from lab and that’s why I only asked for a offer to choose your own class which is more in the lines of fairness to lab 100% compleation , Some of u don’t get it but the ones that agreed with me know what my intentions were and what it can do to improve there team was all I was trying to ask for!
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    To be honest i have played for 2 years i have close to 40 5 stars and only 2 dupes. Crappy champs shouldnt be in the 5 star pool, we need more awakening gems.
  • TypoKnigTypoKnig Member Posts: 5
    This is a fantastic idea Baca. Thanks for the suggestion. Offers should be made to help further players advancement in the game. This would be a good way to do that. There are multiple ways to gain champs and dupes of said champs. One is grinding the other is spending. For those that don’t want to grind out LOL exploration yet still are willing to spend to buy an awakening gem it’s a great alternative. Benefits the player and Kabaam. That’s what it’s all about.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    TypoKnig wrote: »
    This is a fantastic idea Baca. Thanks for the suggestion. Offers should be made to help further players advancement in the game. This would be a good way to do that. There are multiple ways to gain champs and dupes of said champs. One is grinding the other is spending. For those that don’t want to grind out LOL exploration yet still are willing to spend to buy an awakening gem it’s a great alternative. Benefits the player and Kabaam. That’s what it’s all about.

    Joined 2 minutes ago just to make a post agreeing with Baca? Something smells rotten in the state of Denmark.
  • TypoKnigTypoKnig Member Posts: 5
    TypoKnig wrote: »
    This is a fantastic idea Baca. Thanks for the suggestion. Offers should be made to help further players advancement in the game. This would be a good way to do that. There are multiple ways to gain champs and dupes of said champs. One is grinding the other is spending. For those that don’t want to grind out LOL exploration yet still are willing to spend to buy an awakening gem it’s a great alternative. Benefits the player and Kabaam. That’s what it’s all about.

    Joined 2 minutes ago just to make a post agreeing with Baca? Something smells rotten in the state of Denmark.

    Great post. Would read again.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    TypoKnig wrote: »
    TypoKnig wrote: »
    This is a fantastic idea Baca. Thanks for the suggestion. Offers should be made to help further players advancement in the game. This would be a good way to do that. There are multiple ways to gain champs and dupes of said champs. One is grinding the other is spending. For those that don’t want to grind out LOL exploration yet still are willing to spend to buy an awakening gem it’s a great alternative. Benefits the player and Kabaam. That’s what it’s all about.

    Joined 2 minutes ago just to make a post agreeing with Baca? Something smells rotten in the state of Denmark.

    Great post. Would read again.

    Don't forget to log into your other account before agreeing with this post.
  • TizzleTizzle Member Posts: 6
    This is a great idea! Why would anyone be against it? I think this would be a great “Christmas deal”. I already wrote my “Dear Santa” letter, but wish I could take it back to ask for this. In all seriousness, this is something that needs to happen. Why make 5* deals where the class is random? I have a science awakening, what am I gonna do with that? I know many people who would jump at this! Please kabam help us out!
  • TypoKnigTypoKnig Member Posts: 5

    Don't forget to log into your other account before agreeing with this post. [/quote]

    Thanks Liss for the healthy reminder. New to the forum but I can already see your the voice of reason in these parts. What an asset to the community. Forgot to check in with you after signing up. Any other pointers? Haha what a donkey.

    Tizz send me an energy refill bro
  • Crazybaca2323Crazybaca2323 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    ITT: little boys flashing their epeen to make themselves feel better about themselves.

    Here is how it is. Nobody cares how many 4/55's you have or how many are duped. All that shows is how luck you are. Post shots of AQ/AW scores with remaining items.

    Flashing your top champs is not an indication of skill. Now sit down relax and understand, a choose your own class gem offer is basically the same thing as a generic.

    Stop acting like you're better than everyone else simply because you got lucky on crystal pulls. Nobody cares how much you spent on this game. For you to refer to yourself as a "whale" just screams "look at me look at me."

    If u read correctly this was a post to help people out then some of the brainless people got on here crying about something that could actually help them! No body is better than anyone else , please read the whole post before you comment next time thank you! And for your information I worked my butt off to get where I am at skill not all money!!! Vet player from day one!
  • Crazybaca2323Crazybaca2323 Member Posts: 288 ★★
  • WoolocksWoolocks Member Posts: 1
    Liss_bliss - you're a noob. Show item use from AQ and aw? Come play in our top 40 global alliance and try to clear your line without an item. Same thing for a map 6 run on day 2 or 3. Almost impossible to do without an item used - though Baca does it.

    And your idiotic comment that having more than 3 r4 5* doesn't require skill - pretty sure you haven't cleared LoL 100% - which Badass Baca has and which most certainly does require skill.

    As to Bacas idea, I think it's great. I only spend on 5* deals or t2a. No point in buying things for 4*anymore. I have 90 something and plenty of r5 to grind with. What Baca is saying is a bit broader than the single comment that we want an Awakening gem - and is more about the fact that offers should respond to where the top teir if players are at this point... Which is 5*. Couldn't agree more bro.
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  • JayimageJayimage Member Posts: 94
    An offer like the one baca mentioned is needed and if you don’t like it then don’t spend but no need to **** and complain about those willing to spend. I’m pretty sure we all know who the vets are just based off of all the comments if you don’t spend a dime on this game cool if you spend then cool too I’m not willing to spend money on any of these 4* deals because it’s pointless but if a 5* gem of a specific class rolled by I’d pick that up in a heartbeat. If you want to make a point about generic and class not being different then your point is irrelevant because that’s clearly what this post wasn’t about this post was to give kabam an idea (if notified,noticed, or seen) about a sale that can benefit everyone including themselves. I for one support this idea and hope we can get some sort of offer like this soon.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    So what u are telling me is you would be to cheap to buy it right? And would be mad if me the whale bought it , is this correct?
    And for your information I worked my butt off to get where I am at skill not all money!!! Vet player from day one!

    Sorry but you called yourself a whale. You didn't get where are by skill. You got there by money and luck. Anyone with a few god tier and a fat wallet can clear LOL. You're nobody special.
    Woolocks wrote: »
    Liss_bliss - you're a noob. Show item use from AQ and aw? Come play in our top 40 global alliance and try to clear your line without an item. Same thing for a map 6 run on day 2 or 3. Almost impossible to do without an item used - though Baca does it.

    And your idiotic comment that having more than 3 r4 5* doesn't require skill - pretty sure you haven't cleared LoL 100% - which Badass Baca has and which most certainly does require skill.

    Friends to the rescue. lol. Nice work on calling me a noob. You must really think that hurts. Trust my little one I have been called much worse.

    Yes everyone uses items to get through a line. But how MANY is a testament to skill. When my alliance started map 6 I was near the cap on items. Now I use substantially less. My point is just because he has a lot of high ranked champs doesn't mean anything.

    Again ITT little boys waving their epeen about. GLHF.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    I'm not sure why this Post turned into a slingfest. I have no issues with people asking for what they want, or with spending. I'm just curious why a Class-specific would make a difference from a Generic. Lol.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
    I'm not sure why this Post turned into a slingfest. I have no issues with people asking for what they want, or with spending. I'm just curious why a Class-specific would make a difference from a Generic. Lol.

    So they don't have to waste a generic for when someone better comes along.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    I'm not sure why this Post turned into a slingfest. I have no issues with people asking for what they want, or with spending. I'm just curious why a Class-specific would make a difference from a Generic. Lol.

    So they don't have to waste a generic for when someone better comes along.

    So they have Generics that they don't want to use? Is that the idea?
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    And it turned into a sling fest because Bacca couldn't understand why someone wouldn't agreee with his idea. Entitlement, ego, Napoleon complex.....take your pick.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    I'm not sure why this Post turned into a slingfest. I have no issues with people asking for what they want, or with spending. I'm just curious why a Class-specific would make a difference from a Generic. Lol.

    So they don't have to waste a generic for when someone better comes along.

    So they have Generics that they don't want to use? Is that the idea?

    Idk I was making an off the cuff comment. But there is no reason as to why a class specific gen would be better than a generic.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    I don't know. There's no harm in asking. Requests are posted daily. Doesn't make a difference to me.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    I don't know. There's no harm in asking. Requests are posted daily. Doesn't make a difference to me.

    You're right, there is no harm in asking. Where the harm is, is when he attacked the first guy simply because he didn't agree with him. That's where Bacca went wrong. Ego.
  • SpinoSpino Member Posts: 241
    I never said generic gem as that would be un fair , but one that you could pick your class would work Just fine!

    This is the exact same thing in the end. In both case, you get to choose which class you want to awaken.
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    kabam already gave a 5 star awakening gem for the 12.0 debacle
    another one for 5.3
    there was one in the july 4th celebration
    one for lol path and one for completion
    one for black friday when it will come
    Thats 6 awakening gems with one being generic
    maybe we'll get 1 for december and 1 from 5.4
    so why do u need more gems ?????
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Please no, I want only random crystals so I can keep drawing those juicy science awakening gems.
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