Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Sinister Vaults TL;DR + Threat Levels 3-5 Rewards (Zones 1-3) [Updated Infographics]



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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,745 ★★★★★
    Magonus said:

    @Noob_Master69 When you did double up on a path, did you get all the path's rewards for a second time or were they gone and the trip was a waste? Thanks!

    Good question. I have a path that I think I did, but the chest still shows. All the others are gone, so it would be good to know.

    Dr. Zola
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    LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Posts: 1,181 ★★★★
    Sean_Who said:

    Can we technically fill out zone four now, using the listed rewards on forum?

    You can…. You can deduct as to what is left but you don’t know for certain what paths they are on, how much quantity (could be split into 2 paths), or which path has the final safe

    For example we know we can get 2mil gold total from Threat Level 5 and we have already allocated 1mil from zones 1-3, so zone 4 has 1million left. Is that on 1 or 2 paths and which ones? Personally I want to know because I don’t have interest in getting Gold (I realize many are the opposite) and want to target certain resources using extra entries on lower Threat Levels
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    Mknight123Mknight123 Posts: 276 ★★★
    Magonus said:

    @Noob_Master69 When you did double up on a path, did you get all the path's rewards for a second time or were they gone and the trip was a waste? Thanks!

    @Magonus trip would've been a waste mate, I went down the ikaris path section 2 threat level 3 for some cav shards and completely forgot I had already done that path previously, wasted a key.
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    Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Posts: 680 ★★★★
    Magonus said:

    @Noob_Master69 When you did double up on a path, did you get all the path's rewards for a second time or were they gone and the trip was a waste? Thanks!

    The trip was sadly a waste
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    Darklord7Darklord7 Posts: 6
    Hi everyone, so I wasted 2 keys just for you, and it doesn't matter which path you try twice.

    There is only one reward per path. I know Kabam could have done a better job with this, because in the past Kabam often made it so that you would complete the path, and then it would be inaccessible.

    So you have to make a manual list of them.

    So you have to make a manual list, and I know that Kabam is really busy at the moment, and Kabam has said that they are working on the mechanics of the game, they are working on bugs, they are working on more content, they are working on more security protocols to ensure fair play in the future, and so on.

    As a programmer myself, having learned C++ and C# and many other programming languages, I know that this is not a walk in the park, the code is long and sometimes more than 10,000, even more than 100,000 lines of code if not more.

    Sometimes I wish we could just pay €90 for the game and then €10 every month on top of that. Like I do with my PS5.

    Then, like other companies like Gameloft, Ubisoft, etc., Kabam would have enough money to make things happen quickly and efficiently.
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    Darklord7Darklord7 Posts: 6
    Hey, guys, retreat, my goodness, you can tell if you've gone off the path. Didn't notice until now. :smiley: Apologies to Kabam. :*

    Namely, if you look down, there is no more box, at the path you have already run and collected the reward. Is a bit stupid to see, with the small screen of 6 inches, but you have to look closely. :wink:
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    JK_47JK_47 Posts: 243 ★★
    @Cat_Murdock you are awesome

    can you also please share location of sinister shards in threat level 1 & 2.
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    JK_47JK_47 Posts: 243 ★★
    Threat lvl1 stryfe ikaris path qnd chavez vduck path
    Threat lvl2 supspidey rskull path and chavez vduck path
    Tested confirmed sinister shards available💯
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    Bugmat78Bugmat78 Posts: 2,239 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    This is great as usual—thanks @Cat_Murdock…

    One question I do have is whether we will ever get solid lines to indicate which paths are completed. I’ve been keeping the infographics and marking them up like this:

    Nice to have, but it’s far from efficient. Any chance the quest gets this feature before it’s done @Kabam Miike ?

    Dr. Zola

    I've been complaining about that since day one when I wasted a key. Just why??
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    Bugmat78Bugmat78 Posts: 2,239 ★★★★★
    Magonus said:

    @Noob_Master69 When you did double up on a path, did you get all the path's rewards for a second time or were they gone and the trip was a waste? Thanks!

    You get nothing if you repeat a path. Best way to check is to zoom in and check if there's a chest.
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    I look at the reward I want to get and preview the corresponding path, but I too have wasted a key doing the same run twice
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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,745 ★★★★★
    Bugmat78 said:

    DrZola said:

    This is great as usual—thanks @Cat_Murdock…

    One question I do have is whether we will ever get solid lines to indicate which paths are completed. I’ve been keeping the infographics and marking them up like this:

    Nice to have, but it’s far from efficient. Any chance the quest gets this feature before it’s done @Kabam Miike ?

    Dr. Zola

    I've been complaining about that since day one when I wasted a key. Just why??
    Honestly, it defies explanation. Seems like an intern coding mistake.

    Dr. Zola
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    When is the last key is coming?
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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,504 ★★★★★
    Mastermx3 said:

    When is the last key is coming?

    New objectives on Wednesday
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    VollmondumVollmondum Posts: 36
    edited April 2023
    Those interested in Threat lvl 1 and 2, apart from sin shards top rewards were Ultimate Crystal x2, 750 4* shards and 50k gold
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    VollmondumVollmondum Posts: 36
    edited April 2023
    JK_47 said:

    Threat lvl1 stryfe ikaris path qnd chavez vduck path
    Threat lvl2 supspidey rskull path and chavez vduck path
    Tested confirmed sinister shards available💯

    BS. Threat 2 Sup spidey red skull gives 4* sig stones
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    JK_47 said:

    Threat lvl1 stryfe ikaris path qnd chavez vduck path
    Threat lvl2 supspidey rskull path and chavez vduck path
    Tested confirmed sinister shards available💯

    BS. Threat 2 Sup spidey red skull gives 4* sig stones

    @Vollmondum , In another post, @Dharmin21 confirmed @JK_47 that in Threat Level 2, the SupSpidey/RedSkull path has those Shards (and not Cats like other Levels, nor SigStones like you said).
    Actually mentioned how many shards (3k), so must have run it, and not just from visual/preview.


    Also, zoomed in preview shows Shards…

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    VollmondumVollmondum Posts: 36
    edited April 2023
    Strife path Threat lvl 1, 2500 sin shards, can confirm
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    VollmondumVollmondum Posts: 36
    Well indeed, spidey supreme red skull gave 3k sin shards on threat 2.

    Suggestion: depends on progression. That run I mentioned was made from another baby account
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    LeoZedLeoZed Posts: 653 ★★★
    When does the next threat level open and what is the code for safe 3
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    PinepowerPinepower Posts: 24
    I believe we get it later today. Maybe I'm wrong. Didn't we get the safe on Tues Last couple times. I'm going back in game after 2pm(est)
    @ Cat_Murdock ty u a truely the goat (greatest of all time)
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    Gabriel_207Gabriel_207 Posts: 56
    Don’t we have a info graphic for level 1 an 2
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    JK_47JK_47 Posts: 243 ★★
    @SummonerNR @Vollmondum Yeah mate, i posted that after doing the run 100% legit sinister shards in it...
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    Darklord7Darklord7 Posts: 6
    The code for zone 4 is 1925
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    M0NKEYNUTSM0NKEYNUTS Posts: 168 ★★
    In Zone 4
    Hyperion path: AG + safe (2548 opens it for title)
    Elektra path: T3A shards
    Cassie path: 50% T5CC selectors x2
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    ninexhelixninexhelix Posts: 136
    Vision Modok path is 3 +1 generic 6 star sig stones
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    Magician1tMagician1t Posts: 5
    The hood path T5 8550 T5BC
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    Jarq666Jarq666 Posts: 4

    The hood path T5 8550 T5BC

    I know it is a typo, but to be clear: 8550 T6B
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