My first two R5s

After doing all of my EOP runs about a month ago I’ve been trying to get someone in particular to use it on. I landed a cosmic gem which at the time was the one class that I didn’t have an immediate option for. I have some good cosmics but none that I particularly love using or wanted at rank 5. I’ve been opening nothing but cosmic/tech 6* crystals with no luck, but with the 2021 champion selector I was able to choose odin specifically. I’ve been really excited about this one and I’m having a lot of fun with him at rank 5. I took him all the way up and used one of my generic awakening gems on him, now I’m just pushing to get him to 200 as soon as possible. His pre fights are really solid and he’s capable of dishing out some fairly massive damage as well.
Additionally, I was able to take up one of my long term favourites who I’ve been using non stop since his buff. Daredevil! Anyone that knows me knows that I absolutely love this champion and will use him for just about everything. His kit is incredibly fun and I love the character as well, massive utility, very decent damage, great synergies and overall just extremely useful to have. Really happy with both of them and glad I was able to take them up.

Additionally, I was able to take up one of my long term favourites who I’ve been using non stop since his buff. Daredevil! Anyone that knows me knows that I absolutely love this champion and will use him for just about everything. His kit is incredibly fun and I love the character as well, massive utility, very decent damage, great synergies and overall just extremely useful to have. Really happy with both of them and glad I was able to take them up.

That DDHK is a thing of beauty
super rank ups summoner!
@MegaSkater67 - How does the daft Regen Rate penalty affects him when that health pool is that big? What's the tick on the Rage Debuffs - I'll bet it's so OP that Hercules has to go and have a little cry to himself in the corner.
Joking aside, if you can post some videos - would be interesting to see.
Congrats, dude.
Enjoy that DDHK!