Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Game updating constantly [merged]



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    ScottiePimpinScottiePimpin Posts: 8
    This is new.
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    ScottiePimpinScottiePimpin Posts: 8
    And another one.
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    KyrianstrykerKyrianstryker Posts: 8

    Same thing. So Is the the end for some?
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    InfamousMikeInfamousMike Posts: 71

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    ZahidHasanZahidHasan Posts: 12


    He is on a suicide mission :D:D
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    ZahidHasanZahidHasan Posts: 12
    Kano84 said:

    worst of all is that no one from kabam gives an answer

    I am certain that they will never be going to solve this updating problem.
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    SuperStrannikSuperStrannik Posts: 50
    Kano84 said:

    worst of all is that no one from kabam gives an answer

    They either don't know how to fix it, or they just don't want to notice the problem, they released a fix once and that's it
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    Angel_xxl1Angel_xxl1 Posts: 7
    Here we go i am back . Samsung s21+ , android . Keep blocking the update a 97% or 98% or 100 % . Try to download in wifi or 5g or 4g . Checked the storage on my phone and i have space ..... ipdate doesn't work !
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    HydravnsHydravns Posts: 32
    It's gonna be a new month without playing the game. I'm quitting because i'm done waiting like that when i know that kabam actually don't really care about this bug, sending a ticket won't even change something as they pretend to say that they are aware of this problem, they kept saying that from the beginning of may but since there was no fix to this issue except an hotfix that well fixed nothing!
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    daemonarchddaemonarchd Posts: 31
    This bug form last month and here it again
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    HaydenB177HaydenB177 Posts: 23
    I Tried To Update The Game To The Latest Version, It Installed The Update But Then It Said Couldn't Install On The Google Play Store, So I Don't Know If That Was A Glitch Or A Bug, Oh And Will The Hotfix Be Available On The Google Play Store By Early-Mid Next Week Because I Want To Know What Day Next Week The Hotfix Will Be Live On The Google Play Store?
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    SupermanGodSupermanGod Posts: 51
    The real question is will the hotfix next week fix this updating problem too for player? Or are we gonna go another month with no word from kabam? @kabam Jax
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    SuperStrannikSuperStrannik Posts: 50
    Kano84 said:

    worst of all is that no one from kabam gives an answer

    They either don't know how to fix it, or they just don't want to notice the problem, they released a fix once and that's it
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    SupermanGodSupermanGod Posts: 51
    edited June 2023
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    HydravnsHydravns Posts: 32
    We should accept the fact that they abandoned our case about this bug y'all.. They keep ignoring us over and over again
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    WydupczeWydupcze Posts: 2
    Have the same problem over month, please fix this Guys...
    I have 2 accounts and I'm leading in 30 person Aliance...
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    WydupczeWydupcze Posts: 2
    I could not play normally for 1 month, awaiting for new update...
    Still can't play after. Don't punish me longer please
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    LordSmasherLordSmasher Posts: 1,443 ★★★★★
    Well they tried to fix this bug and now there are issues with projectile graphics everywhere.
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    Lord_Apex666Lord_Apex666 Posts: 13
    Useless, I complained for everyone last month and got warned, yet there is no fix to this error at all!
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    SupermanGodSupermanGod Posts: 51
    edited June 2023
    Its funny how kabam can warn us in a couple of minutes, but when it comes to answering a complaint on the game constantly updating on 2022 champions, they dont give us feedback as to when or how this will be resolved.
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    Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Posts: 1,892 ★★★★★
    Hi all, I am not affected with this issue but curious. What is actually the issue? When you start the app, the game wants to update endlessly? Will it not allow you progress further?
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,315 Guardian

    Useless, I complained for everyone last month and got warned, yet there is no fix to this error at all!

    But the GSpace workaround seemed to fix it for you ??

    Just a reminder for others, various potential workarounds for those who don’t have native Google PlayStore, can see pages 10-12 of this thread, and see if that helps resolve it.
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    SupermanGodSupermanGod Posts: 51
    I tried it, but it doesn't work
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    LastscoutLastscout Posts: 10
    No update? No response? This is going on 2 months. I can't complete this month's quests, either. Even if you don't have a fix, WE DESERVE TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED!! STOP PRETENDING THIS DOESN'T EXIST!
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra
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    LastscoutLastscout Posts: 10

    Hi all, I am not affected with this issue but curious. What is actually the issue? When you start the app, the game wants to update endlessly? Will it not allow you progress further?

    When I put a champ from 2022 or newer on my team for Story Mode, Event Quest, Side Quest, or Daily Quests, the game switches to the loading screen, but it says "Updating" and hangs. This problem persisted until I was able to use a friend's phone to log in (where this problem does not exist) and remove Quicksilver from my team. This seemed to fix the problem at the time. Now, I can play those modes again as normal (but without newer champs on my team), but I cannot go to my roster and view or update any of those 2022 or newer champs, or the Updating screen hangs until I kill the app and restart it. When I am playing through any of the quest modes, even though I have my team with older champs, if I encounter one of those newer champs on the path, the same updating screen happens. This has prevented me from doing 100% explore on several quests and thereby not getting the rewards.

    So, to answer your question directly, the game is playable as long I don't use or encounter or try to view/upgrade any newer champs. I am lamenting that I cannot update my new Wiccan on the level up event (I need to spend a bunch of Mystic ISO).
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    salomsalom Posts: 18
    Is this for real or is there any solution posted that we have missed?? Because it is absolutely unbelievable that this serious issue has taken sooooo damn long!!
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