Who is the best mystic defender in your opinion ?

Mystics are annoying , mainly due to the large healthpool and mix of sorcerer in their kit .
Who do you all think is the best defender in mystic class ?
Who do you all think is the best defender in mystic class ?
Who is the best mystic defender in your opinion ? 209 votes
I dont remember ever saying any champ aside from rintrah was easy to fight, so i dont know how im always proclaiming it?
I said "All of the other ones are way too easy and way too easy to counter" and you said "No they aren’t" which to me implies that you think someone is harder
So Mephisto and Sasquatch are easy for you to beat without counters? Even though they both stall a lot and Sasquatch would definitely time you out in battlegrounds pretty easily
Ima go with Spidey since he s quite new and i still havent figured him out too well yet
Abs man also isnt hard if u have the right counter
Doom u gotta play perfect, cause 1 mistake and u re probably dead, tanky and op
I do hate to fight Maw and Mangog tough, very annoying defenders that require specific gameplay
Sasquatch and Rintrah are really annoying when you have a stopwatch on you. Dont really struggle with them in a side quest or event quest unless nodes are oppressive.
I completely agrew with Mangog though. I avoid him in aq. Till date i have not figured out how to get past him with no damage taken.
Chavez should get a shout out. Her special 2 is scary! I keep having to bait it and if i face her on a power gain node, i will be worried.