Who are the best Hulkling counters?



  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    Mojo works briliiantly.
    Duped CGR does a decent job.
    BWCV works well.

    Anyone tried Rogue? Can she steal the buffs and keep him from getting them?

  • SHIELD4AGENTSHIELD4AGENT Member Posts: 915 ★★★★
    I use The Hood a lot
  • FeuerschwerFeuerschwer Member Posts: 454 ★★★
    I’ve had some success with Falcon, he won’t trigger regen or indestructible while Lock On is up and the damage is pretty decent.
  • SonOfArgu16SonOfArgu16 Member, Guardian Posts: 263 Guardian
    I don't know if it will count, but I recently fought a 6 or 7* Hulkling using my 5* Sig 200 Gwenpool, and I just kept on baiting his specials 1, 2, or even 3 since Plot Armor, and I was able to beat him at 1% life
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★

    Rintrah , tigra, hulkling himself, Wiccan, juggernaut, abs man, mojo

    I’m assuming Doom wouldn’t work?
    Pretty bad tbh.

    Valkyrie works wonderfully. And I guess ronan
    Ronan is arguably his best counter but how many people have a high Ronan in their bg deck?
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,845 ★★★★★

    Rintrah , tigra, hulkling himself, Wiccan, juggernaut, abs man, mojo

    I’m assuming Doom wouldn’t work?
    Pretty bad tbh.

    Valkyrie works wonderfully. And I guess ronan
    Ronan is arguably his best counter but how many people have a high Ronan in their bg deck?
    I don't know if he's the best for BG. I'd think he'd take longer than Rintrah or Tigra, and my r4 Chavez has taken a r4 Hulking down in 36 seconds before.
  • ChrisPowellChrisPowell Member Posts: 159
    People above gave pretty good lists. Chavez is my favorite counter to hulkling. She's not necessarily the best, neutralize champs work a lot better, but she is a lot of fun in hulkling fights. She hits him like ten trucks in the face.
  • Caleb1705Caleb1705 Member Posts: 260 ★★★

    Caleb1705 said:

    Actually mojo is a very underrated counter... Against hulkling he deals a lot of damage as he have lot of buffs
    Hood and wiccan works great too... Also symbiote supreme is underrated counter

    Nah man i believe sym supreme is equivalent as doom in this matchup. Same kind of rotation(sp3) and then staggers which result in passive indestructible
    It doesn't have to do with an Sp3 spam, Doom doesn't work because Hulkling is shock immune. It ruins the typical MLLLH rotation and makes nullifies harder to place.
    Shock immunity doesn’t mean ****. Hulkling is immune to all forms of power manipulation. Doom’s entire aura of haazareth is useless against hulkling
    Wow you're absolutely right. Hulkling's specials are so easy to dodge I was only thinking of how bad Doom is for buff control 😅
  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    Doom spells Doom but for ourselves so don't use him
  • bhuv9191bhuv9191 Member Posts: 320 ★★

    Preferably 1 or 2 from each class if possible

    The Hood.... Always top of my for many hard targets counters....
  • bhuv9191bhuv9191 Member Posts: 320 ★★

    Always him!!!

    Easy and anyone can do with him!!
  • Musha27Musha27 Member Posts: 123
    Wiccan pretty much obliterates him, Tigra, Rintra, Longshot, Mojo, Claire Voyant, Black cat.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    The champs I use the most against him is Black Cat, Tigra, Rintrah, Mojo, Absorbing Man and Wiccan (as long as he's awakened).
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,815 ★★★★★

    Actually mojo is a very underrated counter... Against hulkling he deals a lot of damage as he have lot of buffs
    Hood and wiccan works great too... Also symbiote supreme is underrated counter

    Mojo kills him faster than most, ppl just don't know it yet
    Yes I always use mojo against hulkling
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,815 ★★★★★
    Caleb1705 said:

    Actually mojo is a very underrated counter... Against hulkling he deals a lot of damage as he have lot of buffs
    Hood and wiccan works great too... Also symbiote supreme is underrated counter

    Nah man i believe sym supreme is equivalent as doom in this matchup. Same kind of rotation(sp3) and then staggers which result in passive indestructible
    It doesn't have to do with an Sp3 spam, Doom doesn't work because Hulkling is shock immune. It ruins the typical MLLLH rotation and makes nullifies harder to place.
    Yeah I know doom is not good against him,but I believe sym supreme works well
  • Raiden01Raiden01 Member Posts: 93
    I don't have the best counters for him. But whenever I get him in AW, i always use galan.
    No need to worry about anything. Just keep building up harvest and do one big instance of DMG and he's dead.

    Just make sure he's not indestructible during that.
  • Superstar_1126Superstar_1126 Member Posts: 421 ★★
    Wiccan (use light ending combos to keep up the neutralize)

    Rintrah (I like to use MLLLL to stack more ruptures and keep neutralize active for big Sp2)

    BWCV (Nullify buffs like crazy)

    Angela (depending on rank and sig level of both Angela and Hulkling, she can be a decent counter. I used her a lot against Hulklings in AW)

    Those are who I found best to use for him
  • Gainsley_HarriottGainsley_Harriott Member Posts: 255 ★★
    edited June 2023

    Rintrah , tigra, hulkling himself, Wiccan, juggernaut, abs man, mojo

    Emilia90 said:

    Mystic: Rintrah, Wiccan, Claire, Chavez, most of the class in general

    Skill: Kate, Valk

    Tech: You could use someone like ghost I guess, but there aren’t many here

    Mutant: Kitty maybe? There’s no super ideal counters in this class as far as I know though

    Cosmic: No ideal counters imo but there are some that work with a bit of time. Herc is one of them

    Science: Once again, not sure about ideal counters

    For the cosmic class, hulkling destroys hulkling.
    Eh? Hulkling is a good counter for himself? Quite rare that you see that
  • Barrage89Barrage89 Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2023
    My BG fight
    using Chavez

    I’ve used Spider Ham in the past against Hulkling with great success
  • I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    Found some more counters
    Abs man
    Mystic spidey
  • Owl_0wlOwl_0wl Member Posts: 210
    Ronan can get perma stun on hulkling, longshot also decimates him
  • Norman_OroNorman_Oro Member Posts: 63
    I haven't used him against Hulkling yet, but I think Spider-Man Supreme would be a very solid counter.
  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 879 ★★★★

    I haven't used him against Hulkling yet, but I think Spider-Man Supreme would be a very solid counter.

    He is solid counter for hulkling

    medium then heavy while astral form is still active ( for miss ) to get blessing of the web to steal buffs ( all regen buffs, fury buffs stolen )

    throw sp1 for curse of the web to reduce potency of hulkling's buffs

    bait sp2 from him to steal that fury ( or not it depends )

    build to sp2 and see him melt while we heal any damage via stolen regen buffs
  • Potatoslice500Potatoslice500 Member Posts: 327 ★★
  • bhuv9191bhuv9191 Member Posts: 320 ★★

    Mojo works briliiantly.
    Duped CGR does a decent job.
    BWCV works well.

    Anyone tried Rogue? Can she steal the buffs and keep him from getting them?

    Mephisto and Hood, always or me!!

    Easy counters!!
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