The quickest nerf of all time!!!!

VeryCoolUserNameVeryCoolUserName Member Posts: 93
edited November 2017 in General Discussion



  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    If the damage really was capped then it's a big nerf ... I mean, thay synergy was obviously designed to defeat enemies with a lot of HP. Its impossible that no one at Kabam would think of the consequences of it in LoL.
  • VeryCoolUserNameVeryCoolUserName Member Posts: 93
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    If the damage really was capped then it's a big nerf ... I mean, thay synergy was obviously designed to defeat enemies with a lot of HP. Its impossible that no one at Kabam would think of the consequences of it in LoL.

    It got caped to zero!!!!
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    "This damage cannot exceed 0 damage"
    The Heck?!Then the sp2 does not damage,lol.
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    That's the reason right there
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  • MaledracMaledrac Member Posts: 93
    fu sp2 loki nice! how to spend a night maint from god to trash hahah
  • VeryCoolUserNameVeryCoolUserName Member Posts: 93
    The_One wrote: »
    That's the reason right there

    LOL I guess that video made them start typing really quick and crazy
  • Jay_IberoJay_Ibero Member Posts: 265
    His sp2 extra damage should almost never trigger in the time the enemy health is less than even max HP Loki they would have less than 7% remaining anyway....
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Jay_Ibero wrote: »
    His sp2 extra damage should almost never trigger in the time the enemy health is less than even max HP Loki they would have less than 7% remaining anyway....

    The hela synergy counts his health as more than the opponent when the opponenet is cursed
  • CodornasCodornas Member Posts: 542 ★★
    Jay_Ibero wrote: »
    His sp2 extra damage should almost never trigger in the time the enemy health is less than even max HP Loki they would have less than 7% remaining anyway....

    I believe the comparisson isnt in numbers, its on %, so if u have full HP, the ability should trigger all the time
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    This change to his Ability text was only applied on the EN version of the game
  • patel3186patel3186 Member Posts: 47
    That is normally what we have seen coming from them. I would not be so mad if they inform about champ being nerf or changing to their description openly. It seems that they can nerf anyone they want silently during maintenance and when we find out we dont hear any proper response or compensations for any kind.
  • VeryCoolUserNameVeryCoolUserName Member Posts: 93
    It's just amazing how quickly they are fixing all of those issues that benfit the players (same was with the Dave Batista event)...

    So ok I get it parrying and blocking is a real issue to deal with, cause it needs to work on a lot of characters with different animations.

    But there are some things that are now bugged for ages! Things like lucky sp2 was never really unblockable, a.i using speacal attack right after leaving an opportunity to attack, Dr. Voodoo hela counts has a buff and activating MD and many other bugs that I can't remember right now...
  • 1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    has anyone tested it yet? but yeah its a nerf but they won't say that
  • Scare_Reaper2Scare_Reaper2 Member Posts: 287
    i knew it and i kept telling people lol XD and people were like it would never happen but here we are
  • AtlasAtlas Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2017
    i believe their intention is to make him good contender for lol. but that was too much. so they made that ability stays on damage cap. So he still supposed to hit %7 but not directly (50k).
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    I think they have intention of nerfing his ability, but didn't even started to discuss about it. So they put a 0 in there just to cancel his ability for the few weeks ...
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    Just used him in a valor quest, his L2 does damage normally. It's not like he's been 'disabled'.
  • kconrad37kconrad37 Member Posts: 160 ★★
    I used Loki earlier in Arena and took away 7% of their health with an L2 just fine. I think we need clarification on "This damage cannot exceed 0 damage" more than anything. @Kabam Miike
  • YodieYodie Member Posts: 67
    We need the youtuber to make another video on lab with the hela synergy
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    I'd be kinda wary of using him in anything important tbh. This thread is proof they know of the situation. The change in description is proof they intend something to happen to his L2. You never really know how over the top a kabam reaction is going to be. Using him to complete anything worthwhile might just land you in a place you don't want to be. Not that I agree with any reaction, but I'd still play it safe.
  • JDMFKJDMFK Member Posts: 8
    Not trying to defend Kabam here, but someone did mention that this change doesn't seem to be stated in other language versions of the game. I'm wondering if this was a mistake on the text portion of the description and not actually reflected in the coding, similar to the text error on Ronan a while back. I used Loki in arena and did extra energy damage with his L2, so I think it's a problem with the wording.

    Here's video proof of the damage still happening.
    this shouldn't have even been passed and added in the first place. games like hearthstone have teams of people specifically tasked with making sure no character completely breaks the meta. im not mad at the "nerf", im mad at the fact that kabam are so irresponsible with additions to the game. you would think kabam employees would get sick of playing damage control whack-A-mole.
  • kconrad37kconrad37 Member Posts: 160 ★★
    The more I think about it, I think that "This damage cannot exceed 0 damage" was added in error. If you look at the rest, it calls it "Energy Damage" now - so I would assume this would cause it to cap in the Labyrinth at 50k damage. So we'll just need someone with a 4* Hela to go back in to LOL and test it out.
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