Thoughts on BGs Farming



  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 938 ★★★
    I got into circuit by accident. Now I can’t get points 😭
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★
    DL864 said:

    TyEdge said:

    To me, it’s not a problem because there really isn’t a victim. The tiers of the solo reward event are negligibly different from each other.

    This really does make it clear that the solo event additions were poorly designed. There should’ve been a work around, fast track or bonus points for people who reached GC.

    How so? You don't stop once you reach GC. I'm in gc got 525k in solo. People who are farming can't reach GC.
    I am platinum. I have 165,000 points. I want to reach 400,000. With open matchmaking, my win rate is probably going to be 80%-plus, based on what happened last season.

    That means I will likely reach gladiator circuit with around 325,000 points. But for the best rewards, I need 400,000. I can farm that 75,000 by farting around in platinum and using excess energy, which I absolutely have this week.

    Or I can hope to scrape a 50% win rate in gladiator circuit, where I’m likely to finish Uru3 regardless. The latter costs me more elder marks, time, and frustration than the former.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★

    Mackey said:

    I don't see the issue. You're giving people free wins, some of which would have 0 chance to beat you. What, exactly, is wrong with that?

    I thought the same thing, it's almost as though some are playing it properly to grind their points where others are working smarter and getting the same points for less effort. Bitterness 🤷‍♂️
    People just don't like strategy. Is there gonna be a thread made about throwing the second fight to ensure you win the third? Shouldn't that be considered cheating too?
    If you can’t find the deficiencies in that analogy, I don’t know what to tell you.
    Please explain it to me.
    For starters…. You both entered the match to win. If you lose a round on purpose to burn a defender and set yourself to ultimately when 2 of 3… that’s within the spirit of the match to ultimately succeed. No one is entering the match with the intent to not advance.

    This is opposed to you entering a match with elders marks against someone with a lesser account with elders marks so that you can destroy them when you should have advanced out of that ranking long ago. For the next 3 matches you will tank with energy and start the process all over again.

    The former is winning a match which is the point. The other is sandbagging and exploiting matchmaking to the detriment of other summoners in various ways.

    (I am assuming you weren’t being obtuse when you asked to explain why your analogy fails).
    I noticed you replied here but didn't on my reply. I'm curious to hear what you think because you don't choose who you match when selecting energy vs elder marks and you keep using a faux term "spirit of competition/the match".
    Is it really a faux term? You said so yourself in your previous post that this isn’t want Kabam “intended” - anyone off the street looking at the mode would conclude that the goal is to advance through the levels via competition and winning. Farming is purposefully losing. Can you see where kabam has put that forward as a strategy? Or just in mobile gaming or any game in general…. Is there a legitimate competition where you want to lose on purpose to win?

    Maybe when declaring income to get ia lower tax burden, but I think we all really know what “spirit of competition” is..
    So doesn't that spirit of competition also apply to the solo and alliance events with ranked rewards?
    Which can be achieved through winning with elders marks, energy, advancing and grinding … or through losing on purpose to make sure you never advance as you take advantage of an exploit to make your life easier. Pretty obvious the latter doesn’t fall into that definition…. Which is why we have multiple pages of forum posts justifying it via other criteria to make the farmers/Sandbaggers feel better.
    Pretty obvious it is the most efficient way to rank the highest though. While for the VT/GC the most efficient way is to try to get as much consecutive wins as possible. So yeah spirit of competition doesn't mean anything on it's own - you have to see it in the context of the competition.

    And it seems like you didn't notice but there are 2 seperate competions going on since the increased rewards from solo/alli events. That's what I'm trying to get through to you.
    The competitions’ results are gonna be ridiculous because the percentile based rewards in both the solo and alliance event will be warped compared to any season before or after.

    A disproportionate number of summoners will ensure they hit 400,000 because those rewards are far more significant than a few extra ranks in GC or a few tiers in the solo event.

    All because they chose to extend the milestones beyond a reasonable number required to reach and participate in GC.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,837 ★★★★★

    I got into circuit by accident. Now I can’t get points 😭

    You need to be fastest on the quit button this season
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,401 ★★★★

    I got into circuit by accident. Now I can’t get points 😭

    You need to be fastest on the quit button this season
    A forfeit doesn't net you points right? I know that you have to Complete a match fully in order to have it count for Objectives, but is the same true on the points side of things?
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,837 ★★★★★
    altavista said:

    I got into circuit by accident. Now I can’t get points 😭

    You need to be fastest on the quit button this season
    A forfeit doesn't net you points right? I know that you have to Complete a match fully in order to have it count for Objectives, but is the same true on the points side of things?
    I believe you get 0 for quitting vs 375 or 2250 for losing normally.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,837 ★★★★★
    When you forfeit vs UC accounts and drop elder marks for matchups like this 😬

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★

    When you forfeit vs UC accounts and drop elder marks for matchups like this 😬

    I'd say that's karma.
  • Moha84Moha84 Member Posts: 103
    KoiBoy18 said:

    I don't believe I've seen it mentioned yet:

    Farming points isn't an opportunity available uniquely to large Paragon players

    Cav and TB players can do the exact same thing, just at a lower tier

    Paragon start farming at Plat/Diamond but smaller accounts can do the same win with elders / lone with energy tactics at bronze-gold levels since they're shielded from Paragon account matchups

    Not justifying the tactic. Simply pointing out that all players can post large individual and alliance points

    I also wish we heard from some Cav-TB accounts in Plat 2 or above who have benefited from Paragons forfeiting.

    Go have a real farm and start farming , this is a game play it and gain points legitimately with skill .
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 1,938 ★★★★★
    400k points is a lot if you don't have a plethora of marks. I'm at 330k and in the GC but am out of marks. I'll wait till the end of the season to buy more if I have to.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    400k points is a lot if you don't have a plethora of marks. I'm at 330k and in the GC but am out of marks. I'll wait till the end of the season to buy more if I have to.

    Add the fact that elder mark matches are giving the wrong ammount of points on top of that...
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 1,938 ★★★★★
    Coppin said:

    400k points is a lot if you don't have a plethora of marks. I'm at 330k and in the GC but am out of marks. I'll wait till the end of the season to buy more if I have to.

    Add the fact that elder mark matches are giving the wrong ammount of points on top of that...
    Yeah, 330k does feel a bit low for how much I've won so far this season.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Coppin said:

    400k points is a lot if you don't have a plethora of marks. I'm at 330k and in the GC but am out of marks. I'll wait till the end of the season to buy more if I have to.

    Add the fact that elder mark matches are giving the wrong ammount of points on top of that...
    Yeah, 330k does feel a bit low for how much I've won so far this season.
    The solution they came out for it is a bit ridiculous... Patching holes
  • YodaKajYodaKaj Member Posts: 107
    BGs has become pay to win. No skill. Just money. Decks are overloaded.
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,090 ★★★★
    YodaKaj said:

    BGs has become pay to win. No skill. Just money. Decks are overloaded. a blanket statement, that's false. It's a matter of perspective to understand what you characterize as "winning". If you're looking to be #1, you're probably spending money.

    If it's simply to make it into the GC, then that's just a foolish comment. Plenty of FTP player make it to GC every season.

    Now most importantly, when there's a new thread complaining about BGs nearly every other day, why did you feel it was necessary to revive this one that's over a year old?
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 919 ★★★★
    YodaKaj said:

    BGs has become pay to win. No skill. Just money. Decks are overloaded.

    Glad you necroed a year old thread to tell us. Even though you're wrong...
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