Kabam should make this quests and their flow easier to handle. I mean you have to read at least 4 messages (in excruciatingly small in game font), get 3-4 new tokens till you can play the actual quest which gives you the reward. Half the time, most people are left confused on what exactly needs to be done.
I also think they should give me lots of free stuff all the time because
at the end of the day next year all its gonna be its the 7 star champs. Thats why i said that was the abosulety dumbest thing and probably why everyone is mad about. 6 star champs are not gonna be that important anymore
They're fairly important when you get 250 of them for free. I hope they keep Alliance War on hold till these "rewards" have been clawed back.
I also think they should give me lots of free stuff all the time because
at the end of the day next year all its gonna be its the 7 star champs. Thats why i said that was the abosulety dumbest thing and probably why everyone is mad about. 6 star champs are not gonna be that important anymore
They're fairly important when you get 250 of them for free. I hope they keep Alliance War on hold till these "rewards" have been clawed back.
Aint no way you actually opened all of them and decided to share lol
I also think they should give me lots of free stuff all the time because
at the end of the day next year all its gonna be its the 7 star champs. Thats why i said that was the abosulety dumbest thing and probably why everyone is mad about. 6 star champs are not gonna be that important anymore
I think the bigger issue at hand is the ISO rather than the actual champions
I'd kill for all that iso.....I legitimately had 2200 iso in my overflow this am.....after ranking up galan, herc, Cassie I am officially at ZERO....I haven't been at zero in years
those who opened all the crystals knew that this was a bug and deliberately opened them. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse. It was possible to open 10 pieces, but when they opened 1250 ... there is only blocking the account.
recent kabam errors: 1. side quest error and going through all the tracks in one go. 2. 1250 crystals. 3. chests in the last task do not disappear in the task with 7 * and you can pick up 8 pieces of ISO 10.000 many times in a row. 4. Issues with BG, Alliance War and more... what's next?
I also think they should give me lots of free stuff all the time because
at the end of the day next year all its gonna be its the 7 star champs. Thats why i said that was the abosulety dumbest thing and probably why everyone is mad about. 6 star champs are not gonna be that important anymore
They're fairly important when you get 250 of them for free. I hope they keep Alliance War on hold till these "rewards" have been clawed back.
Aint no way you actually opened all of them and decided to share lol
No - that was shared from the main thread. 😄 But you get the idea
1250 crystals - approx 250 6* champions (20% drop rate) who are off-screen. Then you've also got enough 6* shards for another 200 from duping 1000 5* champions (every champion in the game, three times over)
So you've got 450 6* pulls in the bank - enough to own and Awaken pretty much every 6* champion in the game, too.
You've got 41,250 7* shards already; and at the same hit rate, can expect another 33,000 when you open your 200 6* crystals for a grand total of 74,250 7* shards - essentially five sparkly new 7* champions coming to Cavalier players, on top of their 450 6* champs, 1000 5* champions, and almost incalculable Iso.
It's really not hard to see that this is a game-breaking mistake. There is no possibility that Kabam could leave this unchanged.
The ban hammer ought to fall hard on those who exploited this if kabam is supposed to be up to their own policy. No way that those people didn’t understand it was a bug.
So we all know you’re not going to go into the people who got the exploits accounts and remove the champs, you never do. All those seven star shards, all the iso, the only right thing to do is to give everyone either 1250 mythics or 250 six star crystals, or at least a two or three seven stars bc this is kinda more then just a little game changing over site, this will mess with AW, most important Bgs, and just overall is wayyyy too big of an advantage with 1250 mythic crystals being given to only some.
You think giving everyone in the game the same thing will help the game?
This screenshot has been shared around before:
1250 crystals - approx 250 6* champions (20% drop rate) Then you've also got enough 6* shards for another 200 from duping 1000 5* champions (every champion in the game, three times over)
So you've got 450 6* pulls in the bank - enough to own and Awaken pretty much every 6* champion in the game, too.
You've got 41,250 7* shards already; and at the same hit rate, can expect another 33,000 when you open your 200 6* crystals for a grand total of 74,250 7* shards.
So what you're suggesting is that Kabam gives everyone in the game:
Five sparkly new 7* champions
450 6* champs
1000 5* champions
Almost incalculable Iso.
If you think that's going to even things out without irrevocably breaking the balance of the game, then you're just not thinking about the problem.
I’m going to stop replying because of the negativity. It isn’t good for my mental health. I hope they let me keep the rewards tho.
It’s not negative to learn that you are wrong. That is part of life. You’re going to be wrong at some point and you should be grateful that there are people out there that are willing to help you see where you are. Mental health isn’t some crutch you can use to bow out whenever you don’t like what’s going on. There are people out there with legitimate mental health issues that you (and many others in our world) are trivializing by crying wolf every time you react like this. Here are the facts - you did something wrong (whether you agree or not), the powers that be are going to correct it and you have no choice but to live with the result. That’s not negative just because you don’t like it.
They are not going to let you keep the rewards. They will be taken and you will have to live with it.
I appreciate what you’re saying but I didn’t know I was doing anything wrong. When I went to forums for help I was attacked and people started to tell me I’m going to get banned. It scared me because my account is years old and I love this game. I thought the community was more helpful and positive so it did make me sad.
You're unlikely to get banned, but you're going to lose the massive, undeserved treasures you briefly had.
Also: I don't know the process Kabam uses to reset stuff like this, but I'd strongly recommend that you don't use your hundreds of new 6* champions and new 7* champions to complete any significant content.
If you decide you're going to romp through the Abyss or Gauntlet with those new champions, then (1) you'll lose that progress, and (2) since you'll then be deliberately exploring resources you know you shouldn't have, you can definitely expect a ban.
As soon as this issue was identified, we fixed it right away. It was intended to be Mythic Crystal Shards. We have disabled the ability for players to open any mythic crystals at this time.
We don't anticipate having to ban any players, but if you could claim these Crystals, PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THEM. We will be taking back the rewards that were gotten from these crystals, but if the more of those crystals that were opened, the more likely for problems to arise.
It's been a while now, but all the communication about this bug is on the forums. Which as we all know, just represents the tip of the iceberg in people playing the game.
With an error of this magnitude, shouldn't there be some kind of in-game mail?
I'm assuming it will take more than a couple of hours for your team to clean this up and remove the undeserved 'rewards'.
So whilst I know there are Terms of Service that we should be familiar with, would it not be good communication to warn the beneficiaries of the Mythic crystals bug and the Side-Event Exploration bug not to Exploit their 'rewards' to complete Everest content or smash their way up the Battleground ranks?
As you say yourself, the less they abuse their rewards, the easier it is for your team to clean it up.
We are investigating the situation and will get back to you with the actions we are gong to take. To be clear, the abuse of an exploitable bug is a bannable offense, and while we rarely have to take that route, it is something we've had to do in the past.
Don't you think that in order to avoid bugs, you need to test and check everything normally before updating
Anyone thinking for about 5 seconds would know that 340 crystals couldn’t be a legitimate reward for such little effort. There was a bug, Kabam is correcting that bug. You worked for 340 shards, not for 340 crystals.
I didn’t know . Will I get in trouble
Since they took them away, no, you will not. If you opened any of them they will also be taking back anything you got, but if you didn’t touch any of them then you’re good to press on as normal.
I opened 910
SAID IT SO SIMPLE - I opened 910 from 1250 and you think that was normal when opening them i bet you was so excited while popping those crystals open i know most of us like free things yeah but this is KABAM we are talking about Such enormous crystals can never be a free gift when we know how much KABAM likes their $$$$
recent kabam errors: 1. side quest error and going through all the tracks in one go. 2. 1250 crystals. 3. chests in the last task do not disappear in the task with 7 * and you can pick up 8 pieces of ISO 10.000 many times in a row. 4. Issues with BG, Alliance War and more... what's next?
There was also that issue with the 10k instead of 1k crystal shards from that bundle a while ago
I'm just not sure what's going on behind the scenes, but this mistake is absolutely monumental (especially considering that the price of a Mythic crystal is iirc 10k shards?)
So you got a massive amount of mythic crystals for doing 8 fights and you didn't stop and think for a second "maybe it's a bug and it was meant to be shards not fully formed crystals"? Lol
I also think they should give me lots of free stuff all the time because
at the end of the day next year all its gonna be its the 7 star champs. Thats why i said that was the abosulety dumbest thing and probably why everyone is mad about. 6 star champs are not gonna be that important anymore
They're fairly important when you get 250 of them for free. I hope they keep Alliance War on hold till these "rewards" have been clawed back.
Let’s all be honest. Those who opened all 1250 crystals deserve at least a 7 day ban. Imagine only the time you need to open all these crystals, that would be several minutes, that they had to reconsider their actions. Kabam needs to strip back the rewards from every single account that is involved, no matter the potential side effects on these accounts (losing progress or other crystals), by trying to bring back the accounts to their pre-opening state. Any potential loses should not worry Kabam at this point, and they should consider it as additional punishment for exploiting a bug to their 100% knowledge. If Kabam don’t go harsh on these TOS violators, then any improvements they’ve done past months on cheating would be overshadowed and negated by this. Not to refer the fact, that this would be a major hit at the game economy. Devaluing 6*s, but especially 7*s this way, will prevent people from throwing real $ at the game to acquire them. Who would pay for fragments of something others got for free? This is so messed up 😠
To all you hoping I get banned, I won’t name names (Chatterofforums) I hope you have a bad night.
Nah he right though. But nobody deserves a ban really, except kabams peasants
It ain’t my fault they messed up
You know it’s your fault. Stop playing the naive card. If I was Kabam I would give you the 7 day vacations package, to prevent others from exploiting that much, other bugs in the future. Do you even can imagine how much additional work is for them to revert accounts and take back the rewards? Let alone the money cost.
So we all know you’re not going to go into the people who got the exploits accounts and remove the champs, you never do. All those seven star shards, all the iso, the only right thing to do is to give everyone either 1250 mythics or 250 six star crystals, or at least a two or three seven stars bc this is kinda more then just a little game changing over site, this will mess with AW, most important Bgs, and just overall is wayyyy too big of an advantage with 1250 mythic crystals being given to only some.
You think giving everyone in the game the same thing will help the game?
This screenshot has been shared around before:
1250 crystals - approx 250 6* champions (20% drop rate) Then you've also got enough 6* shards for another 200 from duping 1000 5* champions (every champion in the game, three times over)
So you've got 450 6* pulls in the bank - enough to own and Awaken pretty much every 6* champion in the game, too.
You've got 41,250 7* shards already; and at the same hit rate, can expect another 33,000 when you open your 200 6* crystals for a grand total of 74,250 7* shards.
So what you're suggesting is that Kabam gives everyone in the game:
Five sparkly new 7* champions
450 6* champs
1000 5* champions
Almost incalculable Iso.
If you think that's going to even things out without irrevocably breaking the balance of the game, then you're just not thinking about the problem.
This is why genuinely believe Kabam will roll back everyone who’s benefited from the bug, as those numbers are just to much to just leave as an ‘oh well’ moment.
They can't even identify modders and arena bot users by programming.
Paper is patient and cannot distinguish between truth and lies.
No offense. 😁✌
I guarantee this is how you felt typing out that last line lmao
I hope they keep Alliance War on hold till these "rewards" have been clawed back.
1. side quest error and going through all the tracks in one go.
2. 1250 crystals.
3. chests in the last task do not disappear in the task with 7 * and you can pick up 8 pieces of ISO 10.000 many times in a row.
4. Issues with BG, Alliance War and more... what's next?
But you get the idea
1250 crystals - approx 250 6* champions (20% drop rate) who are off-screen.
Then you've also got enough 6* shards for another 200 from duping 1000 5* champions (every champion in the game, three times over)
So you've got 450 6* pulls in the bank - enough to own and Awaken pretty much every 6* champion in the game, too.
You've got 41,250 7* shards already; and at the same hit rate, can expect another 33,000 when you open your 200 6* crystals for a grand total of 74,250 7* shards - essentially five sparkly new 7* champions coming to Cavalier players, on top of their 450 6* champs, 1000 5* champions, and almost incalculable Iso.
It's really not hard to see that this is a game-breaking mistake. There is no possibility that Kabam could leave this unchanged.
No way that those people didn’t understand it was a bug.
This screenshot has been shared around before:
1250 crystals - approx 250 6* champions (20% drop rate)
Then you've also got enough 6* shards for another 200 from duping 1000 5* champions (every champion in the game, three times over)
So you've got 450 6* pulls in the bank - enough to own and Awaken pretty much every 6* champion in the game, too.
You've got 41,250 7* shards already; and at the same hit rate, can expect another 33,000 when you open your 200 6* crystals for a grand total of 74,250 7* shards.
So what you're suggesting is that Kabam gives everyone in the game:
- Five sparkly new 7* champions
- 450 6* champs
- 1000 5* champions
- Almost incalculable Iso.
If you think that's going to even things out without irrevocably breaking the balance of the game, then you're just not thinking about the problem.Also: I don't know the process Kabam uses to reset stuff like this, but I'd strongly recommend that you don't use your hundreds of new 6* champions and new 7* champions to complete any significant content.
If you decide you're going to romp through the Abyss or Gauntlet with those new champions, then (1) you'll lose that progress, and (2) since you'll then be deliberately exploring resources you know you shouldn't have, you can definitely expect a ban.
So don't do that.
Going to be interesting to watch the leaderboard of the Level Up event.
It's been a while now, but all the communication about this bug is on the forums. Which as we all know, just represents the tip of the iceberg in people playing the game.
With an error of this magnitude, shouldn't there be some kind of in-game mail?
I'm assuming it will take more than a couple of hours for your team to clean this up and remove the undeserved 'rewards'.
So whilst I know there are Terms of Service that we should be familiar with, would it not be good communication to warn the beneficiaries of the Mythic crystals bug and the Side-Event Exploration bug not to Exploit their 'rewards' to complete Everest content or smash their way up the Battleground ranks?
As you say yourself, the less they abuse their rewards, the easier it is for your team to clean it up.
from 1250 and you think that was normal when opening them
i bet you was so excited while popping those crystals open
i know most of us like free things yeah but this is KABAM we are talking about
Such enormous crystals can never be a free gift when we know how much KABAM likes their $$$$
I'm just not sure what's going on behind the scenes, but this mistake is absolutely monumental (especially considering that the price of a Mythic crystal is iirc 10k shards?)
Those who opened all 1250 crystals deserve at least a 7 day ban.
Imagine only the time you need to open all these crystals, that would be several minutes, that they had to reconsider their actions.
Kabam needs to strip back the rewards from every single account that is involved, no matter the potential side effects on these accounts (losing progress or other crystals), by trying to bring back the accounts to their pre-opening state.
Any potential loses should not worry Kabam at this point, and they should consider it as additional punishment for exploiting a bug to their 100% knowledge.
If Kabam don’t go harsh on these TOS violators, then any improvements they’ve done past months on cheating would be overshadowed and negated by this.
Not to refer the fact, that this would be a major hit at the game economy.
Devaluing 6*s, but especially 7*s this way, will prevent people from throwing real $ at the game to acquire them.
Who would pay for fragments of something others got for free?
This is so messed up 😠
Stop playing the naive card.
If I was Kabam I would give you the 7 day vacations package, to prevent others from exploiting that much, other bugs in the future.
Do you even can imagine how much additional work is for them to revert accounts and take back the rewards?
Let alone the money cost.