How did you . . .

select your forum name, in-game name (if different), and/or your forum avatar? With BG masteries down, I've nothing to do while rocking my son to sleep but post on the forums.
#2, the current one, one of my favorite game composer tracks
#3, I like her eyes.
It roared every month. Have been tempted to select a few but persevered
#3: Top 5 skill champ
*I've used "Mace Sundancer" on various Star Wars games, on the Transformers Quake 2 mod and Need for Speed games, I use 'Redline'. On Angry Birds 2, I'm "Eagle".
Dr. Vodka
World Eater
Napalm Death
As for the profile, Namor was my first good 5 star champ when I got back into the game in 2017(I think? It’s been a while). Since then, I’ve stuck with it, and I guess I’m the Namor guy now.
Nvm, namor came out in 2019, I think I logged in some times in 2017 when a friend said they also played the game
2. Saw a meme around the 1st deadpool movie came out
3. More to show my appreciation of her, the first character I actually bought hardcopy comics of. From her Holiday Special to Gwenpool Strikes Back, even collected the West Coast Avengers just for more Gwenpool
Stealthy was my first r3 and my first skill r4 and has been everpresent in my bg decks since season 1
Joey says that he could’ve imagined her with a guy named Hoit* (not sure if that’s how you’d spell it but that’s how I did.)
I preceded to put that as my gmail and then it said that it was to short so I added “do” to it and thus “Hoitado” was born.
So eventually I just whacked a Q instead of the first letter of my name and thought it looked kinda cool so used it for both. I don't even know how to say it. "Quack-ob"? "Quake-ob"? "Cackob"?
Yeah, no idea.
I like Gamora. I like the idea that there's a weapon out there capable of undoing a God. I like that it doesn't take a God to wield. I like underdogs. I like dogs in general, they're cool. I also like long walks on the beach.
My forum avatar. I like Cosmic Ghost Rider. I probably am Cosmic Ghost Rider. I'm not sure what I am anymore. What am I? Who knows? Not me.
Hey, she's pretty okay?
I'll see myself out.
2) Best champ in the game