So Kabam are expecting us to fight Nameless Thanos in content I havnt even cleared yet nor do I plan on doing it as it’s worthless to me times have moved on from those rewards but u expect everyone to fight him not even once but twice just to receive compensation from there mistake , this has to be a joke right , imo this the biggest mistake Kabam ever made & only frustrates players even more not rewarding them for there mistake not the players so I really hope Kabam rectify this
Umm...Where are these keys used, again? I have 5 of them now. I don't know.
In grandmaster's gauntlet, quite difficult event but the rewards are kinda cool, you can find this event in the same place you find abyss of legends/rol
Geez. Making the players work for compensation is wild to me. No matter how easy or hard the content is. Kabam messed up but if you want to be compensated for waiting around while they fix it… you’re gonna have to work for it on top of everything else in the game. Best case scenario this was sent out by mistake but even then. That’s just sad. But I’m sure I’m the bad guy for being aggravated by this. Because “all games have bugs”. Never played a mobile game that’s had this many issues. Not even a third of the issues Kabam has had and I’ve played a lot. Get your act together for crying out loud. Been playing for five years but I think I’m about to finally give up.
They literally gave better rewards to people who got banned and came back to the game during the ban wave LMFAO. Kabam is a joke. A season missed out on rank 1 rewards for 2 gauntlet keys that do nothing for us. Kabam respect people who broke their TOS more apparently.
Why did we get normal revives in AW compensation ? This doesn't makes any sense at all . You guys kept AW down and now many haven't been able to build up their stash . We should have gotten AW revives and potions and 500k loyalty minimum.
to be fair though, the aw revives do only cost 1 loyalty so not like we need those, but yeah still weird would have been nice to get some team potions instead
Umm...Where are these keys used, again? I have 5 of them now. I don't know.
In grandmaster's gauntlet, quite difficult event but the rewards are kinda cool, you can find this event in the same place you find abyss of legends/rol
So there was a group of people that decided let’s make something people will like and pour money into and make us rich. We will give them a product and they can use all the tools to do as much or little with as possible. Then we will steal the tools for a couple months and then the only way they get a knockoff of what they had is to give them inferior tools that they have to work harder with and eventually they will buy back what we stole so we make twice the profit and they don’t care because the consumers love us enough to do it. This is Kabam arrogance.
The compensation was given to people who got banned by kabam and came back after the ban expired. They respect people who cheated and used arena bots more than general players☠️ Kabam can’t do anything right
guys. Kabab gives no ducks. we all come on here and moan and moan then continue to play the game. they dont have to give anything and lets face it.. it doesn't even come out of there pockets either so the next 20..30...40 moaning messages are gonna do nothing. we have had bad months now but we all continue to play this game. around the world we all will not stop playing the game and they know that.
Hey we screwed up war for like a month and a half, your compensation is entry to this hard af content you can spend hundreds of units and time to clear. These 5 revives should help
So, we are complaining about getting access to permanent content (or even more if you haven't done any/some of it) when we would have had to AW to get resources that we think we should be compensated for the delays of the season starting. Am I getting this right?
So, we are complaining about getting access to permanent content (or even more if you haven't done any/some of it) when we would have had to AW to get resources that we think we should be compensated for the delays of the season starting. Am I getting this right?
Hey, I know there are people that are rightfully upset, but I'm going to try and explain the thought process here. You might disagree with it, but this is the situation.
The goal with this Comp was for the Keys to come out much earlier, giving players something to do while AW was down. I'm not sure why it's only going out now, but here we are.
Loyalty was the central part of this compensation, making up for most of a lot of what was lost in the unplanned downtime, not for the entire downtime, since we purposely moved those rewards into BGs and told everybody about it in advance.
I know that when we say "compensation", people set their own standards in their heads, and often look at older compensations that we've done as a benchmark, when every situation needs to be treated differently.
If there is CONSTRUCTIVE feedback on what you think you should have been included, please let us know and we can discuss with the game team about it. No guarantees that anything comes of it, but we'll have those discussions.
If you're not going to be constructive though, we're going to ignore you.
So, we are complaining about getting access to permanent content (or even more if you haven't done any/some of it) when we would have had to AW to get resources that we think we should be compensated for the delays of the season starting. Am I getting this right?
Hey, I know there are people that are rightfully upset, but I'm going to try and explain the thought process here. You might disagree with it, but this is the situation.
The goal with this Comp was for the Keys to come out much earlier, giving players something to do while AW was down. I'm not sure why it's only going out now, but here we are.
Loyalty was the central part of this compensation, making up for most of a lot of what was lost in the unplanned downtime, not for the entire downtime, since we purposely moved those rewards into BGs and told everybody about it in advance.
I know that when we say "compensation", people set their own standards in their heads, and often look at older compensations that we've done as a benchmark, when every situation needs to be treated differently.
If there is CONSTRUCTIVE feedback on what you think you should have been included, please let us know and we can discuss with the game team about it. No guarantees that anything comes of it, but we'll have those discussions.
If you're not going to be constructive though, we're going to ignore you.
Constructive feedback - Many people had potions, revives and boosts expire because war was down. A handful of each item would be enough IMO. I know you gave loyalty, so we could buy those items, but that's not really the point. We had stuff expire that we already bought with the intention of using them. People asking for prior season rewards etc... are just whining for no reason. Last season BG rewards made up for that.
As for the keys, nice thought to give them during down time, but again, you're giving people something to do that require resources to complete in most cases. Either way, I'll use them eventually, but am in no rush at all.
Hey, I know there are people that are rightfully upset, but I'm going to try and explain the thought process here. You might disagree with it, but this is the situation.
The goal with this Comp was for the Keys to come out much earlier, giving players something to do while AW was down. I'm not sure why it's only going out now, but here we are.
Loyalty was the central part of this compensation, making up for most of a lot of what was lost in the unplanned downtime, not for the entire downtime, since we purposely moved those rewards into BGs and told everybody about it in advance.
I know that when we say "compensation", people set their own standards in their heads, and often look at older compensations that we've done as a benchmark, when every situation needs to be treated differently.
If there is CONSTRUCTIVE feedback on what you think you should have been included, please let us know and we can discuss with the game team about it. No guarantees that anything comes of it, but we'll have those discussions.
If you're not going to be constructive though, we're going to ignore you.
Why not just give everyone the rewards they got last season as compensation? We literally missed a whole season of rewards and including it in bgs does nothing because they’re two different game modes and not all WAR PLAYERS play bgs. Giving us the rewards we got last season would’ve been the smartest thing. A lot better than whatever this “compensation “ is☠️☠️☠️
The Kabam Dev who sent this compensation out
They literally gave better rewards to people who got banned and came back to the game during the ban wave LMFAO. Kabam is a joke. A season missed out on rank 1 rewards for 2 gauntlet keys that do nothing for us. Kabam respect people who broke their TOS more apparently.
they say " we listen to our plyerbase more than other games"😂😂👀💀
The goal with this Comp was for the Keys to come out much earlier, giving players something to do while AW was down. I'm not sure why it's only going out now, but here we are.
Loyalty was the central part of this compensation, making up for most of a lot of what was lost in the unplanned downtime, not for the entire downtime, since we purposely moved those rewards into BGs and told everybody about it in advance.
I know that when we say "compensation", people set their own standards in their heads, and often look at older compensations that we've done as a benchmark, when every situation needs to be treated differently.
If there is CONSTRUCTIVE feedback on what you think you should have been included, please let us know and we can discuss with the game team about it. No guarantees that anything comes of it, but we'll have those discussions.
If you're not going to be constructive though, we're going to ignore you.
As for the keys, nice thought to give them during down time, but again, you're giving people something to do that require resources to complete in most cases. Either way, I'll use them eventually, but am in no rush at all.