Fix the Goddamn Battlegrounds Matchmaking

This is ridiculous now. I have lost about 20+ games because I am against someone 2mil+
I am 1.2mil, how in the hell am I meant to have a chance of winning against people like that?
My last 3 matches - PEOPLE WITH LEGEND TITLES - 3MILLION+ rating.
How can this gamemode be 'competitive' if it's only meant for strong accounts?
I do not know how you have setup your matchmaking system, but would it not be logical to place people based on their rank (which is what is in place) and rough rating amount. ~ within 500k rating. This way, I'd have more of a chance of winning by competing against other players of a similar rating.
It would look like this:
700,000 <-----(me; 1,200,000)-----> 1,700,000
This is 100% not in place currently - I dread to think what the code is for the matchmaking because whatever it is right now, is very unfair to lower rated accounts.
Thank you for your time and I'm curious of what Kabam will say to this.
I am 1.2mil, how in the hell am I meant to have a chance of winning against people like that?
My last 3 matches - PEOPLE WITH LEGEND TITLES - 3MILLION+ rating.
How can this gamemode be 'competitive' if it's only meant for strong accounts?
I do not know how you have setup your matchmaking system, but would it not be logical to place people based on their rank (which is what is in place) and rough rating amount. ~ within 500k rating. This way, I'd have more of a chance of winning by competing against other players of a similar rating.
It would look like this:
700,000 <-----(me; 1,200,000)-----> 1,700,000
This is 100% not in place currently - I dread to think what the code is for the matchmaking because whatever it is right now, is very unfair to lower rated accounts.
Thank you for your time and I'm curious of what Kabam will say to this.
In G.C you're matched with anyone in that tier. Roster size matters zero.
You want the same rewards as everyone else playing the game mode, then you're going to face those people as well. I really can't understand why people think they should only face competition that they prefer.
There are dozens and dozens of threads on this. There are several on the homepage already and you created a new one-
Every single one of these threads is filled with people who refuse to believe they shouldn't face anyone stronger than them and they should be gifted the top spot in BGs.
A competition actually, excuse that you might be dumb. It means a FAIR place to compete. How is what I've just said a fair fight?
It's like saying a fist fight between 5 thugs and 1 business man? You call that fair? Or bringing a gun to a fist fight? Is that also fair? Do you just have to suck it up and get on with the fight that you'll definitely lose?
What an ass hat.
I mean I run a lot of quests and do a lot of arena. Should I be given a Paragon title or the newest 6* champ just based on my numbers?
Asking respectfully to explain your reasoning.
Cough cough CGR, HERC, AA, DOOM...etc...
I understand it's frustrating to lose and it's a big part in why I stopped playing last season but that should tell them they need to go and develop their roster further. Explore more of the story content, MEQs or join alliances that are doing AQ/AW and start advancing in that.
I don't have a better suggestion for matchmaking either. I think it's pretty fair as it is right now. I jus think people need to understand more about what the mode is and how it works.
If you keep matching with players that can easily decimate you and you don't get diddly-squat for a significant time investment, why would you keep playing?
Why are you on about arena and paragon title?
Oh I made sure to.. look up your profile as well. Same as the other idiot - 4.6mil rated. LMAO
Talk more asshat
Your example is terrible, 5 thugs vs 1 business man? Why 5 lol?
A 1.2M account facing a 2M account isn't the end of the world. 2M accounts normally have to face 3-4M accounts with the latest champs from diamond up. Adapt and progress is what you need to do, not just complain about an issue that has been clearly addressed so many times
You do know that from a 4 mill rated account, about 2-3 mill comes from 1-4* champs right?
This is the NCAA Men's basketball tournament bracket. This is essentially G.C. for BGs. The regular season is V.C.. If you look at the top left hand corner, you have (1)Gonzaga vs (18)Georgia St. In the bottom left hand corner, you have (2)Kentucky vs (15)St. Peters. These teams are all competing for the same rewards. This is a fair competition because they earned their way to those spots.
Do you think Georgia is complaining they have the face a Number 1 seed and that they lost and they should only be matched with teams similar to them but still have the same change as Gonzaga to win the championship?
There is nothing in BGs that was ever stated that you are "owed" a fair fight. You are competing against people who are tryin to get to where you're try to get to. Does it suck to lose? Yes. Will it always be that way? No.
Instead of focusing all this negative energy into something you're clearly wrong about, go improve your roster. Get some other things done in the game and come back and try again. Stop trying to blame the system for your shortcomings.
1. very funny and
2. even with this example op doesn't have the brainpower to comprehend how competition works
For the record my 4.6 million account started in Bronze this season due to a poor showing last season. Yup, I have the "busted" champs you mentioned but that doesn't guarantee me wins. I've lost matches using all those champions.
I get your frustrated because losing sucks. However I don't think base hero rating is a good line of demarcation. There are people in my alliance with lower BHR than myself but have stronger champs.
OP, I'm sensitive to your concerns, but it might help you to communicate them if you refrain from calling people names and putting them down.
So you can try and peg me as whatever you want but it's not sunshine and roses for me either.
The issue is no created by current system.. it was the expectation set in previous seasons as smaller accounts could bypass bigger accounts and hit GC.
The expectation has clouded all logic now it works more normally
Since I'm a glutton to be insulted...
What would be a fair matchmaking set up? As much as you won't believe me when I say it, I'm all for a fair competitive mode. However, I don't believe fair is "I don't ever want to be matched with an account that I will lose to" or "I want to move up without doing the work".
There's always going to be weaker accounts and stronger accounts. And there are no guarantees that weaker accounts will always lose and strong accounts will always win. Additionally, there aren't unlimited accounts out there and accounts move out of brackets and into new ones all the time.
And before someone says I am being an ass, I am not the one who made the Loki emote to laugh at the opponent after winning.