T1As, where are they at?



  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    DalBot wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    DalBot wrote: »

    You do not have easy access to 21 t1 alphas. Hitting the alpha in the 2 arena events is not easy unless you have an alliance full of arena grinders. We almost never get the alpha from those 2 events. And it isn't reasonable to have to use all glory for alphas. I'm not ranking anything like a 5* a week lol. Ranking a couple champs a month easily uses up all the alphas I have. Enough people have a problem with this resource to make it an issue. The fact that you don't is irrelevant. Maybe Kabam will make frags available from solo quests and such and maybe they won't but it's annoying that you keep acting as though this is only a problem for stupid players who can't manage their resources. Incredibly arrogant.

    Those last two words are him in a nutshell. The fact is the demand FAR outpaces the supply of T1A available and we see deals for T4CC and T4B and even T2A shards but not for the basic building block resource necessary. It's absurd and frankly out of touch.

    What? Just last Friday you were offered 6 t1a along with other valuable materials. Seriously you are simply ignoring reality to mold your narrative. And ad hom’s are a poor starting point but really it’s par for the course round here I suppose.

    So in other words, when you have no argument, just play the victim, throw out "ad hom" and the just blatantly lie. Such as "6 T1A" that, you know, didn't actually exist in the offers. Not that facts or reality matter to you...
    Yeah my bad 4 t1a not six. Still doesn’t change that you ignored the fact t1a was in an offer not even a week ago. Come off it and come correct. Nah not a victim just pointing out you have a personal problem with me rather than an actual argument, that’s all you.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    Lol the ignore function is amazing.
  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Don't feed the trolls guys, it only makes them come out from under the bridge more. Leave them under there to starve and die out
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    Does anyone know what it takes to get the extra t1a from rank rewards in the arena? I’ve heard 8m+
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    Hey guys this discussion has just been regurgitated for the 50th time and you'll see the same arguments about 2 subjects up in the main feed, clearly this question keeps being asked and clearly kabam keep ignoring it, they are obviously trying to slow down rankups for some reason, I understand for r4s but not sure why an r2 and r3 of a 5* have always required so many alphas then they decided to make alphas less available to map5 players, this discusssion has been around so long and so ignored by kabam that clearly they are aware and clearly they are ignoring it
    They haven’t reduced t1a availability that’s a misconception. They have given you the option of purchasing it with glory or using your glory for something else. People are apparently really bad with managing resources, shocking.

    I'm actually very good at managing my resources, and they have been reduced, you are just wrong. Used to get t1 alpha fragments from all sorts of things that don't give them any more. Again, glad you don't have an alpha problem but that doesn't make everyone who does bad at resource management.

    Evidence they reduced t1a fragments? There is none because you are making it up. Come off it.

    Ummmm I have had 1/2 an alpha from fragments for over a year because nothing I do gives alpha fragments anymore. I used to get them all the time and wasn't running map 3. There is no question that they are less available. So you come off it you arrogant prig.

    How is that evidence they reduced t1a availability? Evidence you stopped opening map3 crystals sure but when you stopped opening milestone map 3 crystals you were given glory as a replacement which you can use to buy alphas instead of opening pathetic map3 crystals for t3c/t4b. I suggest you come off it and stop with the falsities.

    Which part of I wasn't running map 3 at the time was difficult to understand? There used to be t1 alphas in solo quests and other milestones. Now there are not. Therefore they are less readily available.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    Hey guys this discussion has just been regurgitated for the 50th time and you'll see the same arguments about 2 subjects up in the main feed, clearly this question keeps being asked and clearly kabam keep ignoring it, they are obviously trying to slow down rankups for some reason, I understand for r4s but not sure why an r2 and r3 of a 5* have always required so many alphas then they decided to make alphas less available to map5 players, this discusssion has been around so long and so ignored by kabam that clearly they are aware and clearly they are ignoring it
    They haven’t reduced t1a availability that’s a misconception. They have given you the option of purchasing it with glory or using your glory for something else. People are apparently really bad with managing resources, shocking.

    I'm actually very good at managing my resources, and they have been reduced, you are just wrong. Used to get t1 alpha fragments from all sorts of things that don't give them any more. Again, glad you don't have an alpha problem but that doesn't make everyone who does bad at resource management.

    Evidence they reduced t1a fragments? There is none because you are making it up. Come off it.

    Ummmm I have had 1/2 an alpha from fragments for over a year because nothing I do gives alpha fragments anymore. I used to get them all the time and wasn't running map 3. There is no question that they are less available. So you come off it you arrogant prig.

    How is that evidence they reduced t1a availability? Evidence you stopped opening map3 crystals sure but when you stopped opening milestone map 3 crystals you were given glory as a replacement which you can use to buy alphas instead of opening pathetic map3 crystals for t3c/t4b. I suggest you come off it and stop with the falsities.

    Which part of I wasn't running map 3 at the time was difficult to understand? There used to be t1 alphas in solo quests and other milestones. Now there are not. Therefore they are less readily available.

    Again I put forth you are reporting false information. Map3 crystals used to be in AQ milestones which gave you those shards. The were not is solo quests and other milestone that have been removed. Could it be You are misremembering what actually happpened and incapable of accepting you might be wrong? 99%
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    Hey guys this discussion has just been regurgitated for the 50th time and you'll see the same arguments about 2 subjects up in the main feed, clearly this question keeps being asked and clearly kabam keep ignoring it, they are obviously trying to slow down rankups for some reason, I understand for r4s but not sure why an r2 and r3 of a 5* have always required so many alphas then they decided to make alphas less available to map5 players, this discusssion has been around so long and so ignored by kabam that clearly they are aware and clearly they are ignoring it
    They haven’t reduced t1a availability that’s a misconception. They have given you the option of purchasing it with glory or using your glory for something else. People are apparently really bad with managing resources, shocking.

  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    Hey guys this discussion has just been regurgitated for the 50th time and you'll see the same arguments about 2 subjects up in the main feed, clearly this question keeps being asked and clearly kabam keep ignoring it, they are obviously trying to slow down rankups for some reason, I understand for r4s but not sure why an r2 and r3 of a 5* have always required so many alphas then they decided to make alphas less available to map5 players, this discusssion has been around so long and so ignored by kabam that clearly they are aware and clearly they are ignoring it
    They haven’t reduced t1a availability that’s a misconception. They have given you the option of purchasing it with glory or using your glory for something else. People are apparently really bad with managing resources, shocking.

    Proof? Cause untill you can evidence your claim it’s a belief just like the false beliefs being put forth about lack of and reduction of t1a. A million people can agree on something but that does not make that something truth.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @CoatHang3r last time I ran map 3 the boss was Venom. I don't think it was even possible to get T1 alpha frags at that time. I'm not "misremembering" you are just wrong.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    Hey guys this discussion has just been regurgitated for the 50th time and you'll see the same arguments about 2 subjects up in the main feed, clearly this question keeps being asked and clearly kabam keep ignoring it, they are obviously trying to slow down rankups for some reason, I understand for r4s but not sure why an r2 and r3 of a 5* have always required so many alphas then they decided to make alphas less available to map5 players, this discusssion has been around so long and so ignored by kabam that clearly they are aware and clearly they are ignoring it
    They haven’t reduced t1a availability that’s a misconception. They have given you the option of purchasing it with glory or using your glory for something else. People are apparently really bad with managing resources, shocking.

    Proof? Cause untill you can evidence your claim it’s a belief just like the false beliefs being put forth about lack of and reduction of t1a. A million people can agree on something but that does not make that something truth.

    So literally every end game player felt a t1a pinch at exactly the same time and you somehow believe that we're all wrong and you're right? This is like arguing with a 3 yearold.

    If you want proof look at the previsions rank rewards for AQ.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    @CoatHang3r last time I ran map 3 the boss was Venom. I don't think it was even possible to get T1 alpha frags at that time. I'm not "misremembering" you are just wrong.

    This is hilarious you didn’t need to run map 3 to get the crystals they were in AQ milestones and included map1/2/3 crystals. You are flat wrong and still unable to offer up evidence shards were anywhere other than your mind.
  • RB6942RB6942 Member Posts: 72
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    Hey guys this discussion has just been regurgitated for the 50th time and you'll see the same arguments about 2 subjects up in the main feed, clearly this question keeps being asked and clearly kabam keep ignoring it, they are obviously trying to slow down rankups for some reason, I understand for r4s but not sure why an r2 and r3 of a 5* have always required so many alphas then they decided to make alphas less available to map5 players, this discusssion has been around so long and so ignored by kabam that clearly they are aware and clearly they are ignoring it
    They haven’t reduced t1a availability that’s a misconception. They have given you the option of purchasing it with glory or using your glory for something else. People are apparently really bad with managing resources, shocking.

    Proof? Cause untill you can evidence your claim it’s a belief just like the false beliefs being put forth about lack of and reduction of t1a. A million people can agree on something but that does not make that something truth.

    So literally every end game player felt a t1a pinch at exactly the same time and you somehow believe that we're all wrong and you're right? This is like arguing with a 3 yearold.

    If you want proof look at the previsions rank rewards for AQ.

    You might have it right there, he’s a bratty little kid that is arguing just for the sake of arguing and has never realized when to stop and that he doesn’t have to comment on every persons opinion.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    I ignore bratty little kids.

    I wish I could enter their name in the settings menu of life and automatically never see anything they say.

    Until then, I’ll just have to settle for using that feature on these forums.
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    So there is a line group where y’all sit around an moan about t1a then every once in a while you take a break from that and post on the forums? t1a are there stop being lazy or shortsighted and earn them.

    Gotta realize there’s different tiers of players & us higher tiers have no t1a’s cause 5*’s eat them up, you must just be ranking up 4*’s cause of the level you’re at, nothing wrong with that but top tier players need them very badly
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    Hey guys this discussion has just been regurgitated for the 50th time and you'll see the same arguments about 2 subjects up in the main feed, clearly this question keeps being asked and clearly kabam keep ignoring it, they are obviously trying to slow down rankups for some reason, I understand for r4s but not sure why an r2 and r3 of a 5* have always required so many alphas then they decided to make alphas less available to map5 players, this discusssion has been around so long and so ignored by kabam that clearly they are aware and clearly they are ignoring it
    They haven’t reduced t1a availability that’s a misconception. They have given you the option of purchasing it with glory or using your glory for something else. People are apparently really bad with managing resources, shocking.

    Proof? Cause untill you can evidence your claim it’s a belief just like the false beliefs being put forth about lack of and reduction of t1a. A million people can agree on something but that does not make that something truth.

    So literally every end game player felt a t1a pinch at exactly the same time and you somehow believe that we're all wrong and you're right? This is like arguing with a 3 yearold.

    If you want proof look at the previsions rank rewards for AQ.
    Those unwilling to use glory for t1a certainly did, that’s poor resource management not a reduction in availability.

    You must know that you're wrong, yet you keep spewing this garbage. Awesome!
    Sorry replacing t1a with glory which you can use to buy t1a is not a removal of t1a it’s an option to replace your t1a with something else. If you chose to take that option Kabam didn’t change your t1a you did. Really not hard to comprehend unless you want to blantantly deny truths because they do not fit your fictitious narrative.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    DalBot wrote: »
    Lightvayne wrote: »
    I tend to have more T1A then I know what to do with. Not sure what you are exactly doing or what level you are at to not be getting any...

    I'm at almost 6K prestige and a T4CC alliance. If I used ALL of the Glory I earn per week I'd get 3-4 T1A, with another coming every few days from the three day events. So in any given week 3-5 T1A IF you ur Glory for nothing else. This is enough for maybe one 5* rank up.

    I am swimming in T4CC and frequently I'm in the stash in T4B. The need for 5 T1A per rank for 5*s is just absurd
    Absurd is not recognizing you could r4 a 5 * and r5 a4* every month with available t1a and asking for a faster pace.

    Absurd is not realizing he needs a faster pace or he loses the t4c that are in his stash when they expire. Yes some people really do have it like that in the top tier where there are plenty of t4c but not enough t1a.
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    #MCOCIssues that’s enough 1 T1a for 1 5* tank up level
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    @SteelCurtainMUT you must be playing the game wrong clearly @CoatHang3r knows what the players need more than we do (sarcasm)
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    DalBot wrote: »
    Lightvayne wrote: »
    I tend to have more T1A then I know what to do with. Not sure what you are exactly doing or what level you are at to not be getting any...

    I'm at almost 6K prestige and a T4CC alliance. If I used ALL of the Glory I earn per week I'd get 3-4 T1A, with another coming every few days from the three day events. So in any given week 3-5 T1A IF you ur Glory for nothing else. This is enough for maybe one 5* rank up.

    I am swimming in T4CC and frequently I'm in the stash in T4B. The need for 5 T1A per rank for 5*s is just absurd
    Absurd is not recognizing you could r4 a 5 * and r5 a4* every month with available t1a and asking for a faster pace.

    Absurd is not realizing he needs a faster pace or he loses the t4c that are in his stash when they expire. Yes some people really do have it like that in the top tier where there are plenty of t4c but not enough t1a.
    Again that is resource management, you wouldn’t have expiring t4cc if you managed your inventory properly. Many of those expiring t4c at the top are t4c people regard as a by product of looking for specific t4c like mystic, so it is not even relevant to them in regards to t1a. I have 3 mystic and 2 skill t4c with 24 days but I also have 2 t1a in overflow. Oh and in those 24 days I’ll easliy get another 15 t1a so I could take 2 fresh 5* to rank 3. Amazing what you can do if you think before you act.
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    @SteelCurtainMUT you must be playing the game wrong clearly @CoatHang3r knows what the players need more than we do (sarcasm)
    Lol you’re right, guess I need to step my game up 😂
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    DalBot wrote: »
    Lightvayne wrote: »
    I tend to have more T1A then I know what to do with. Not sure what you are exactly doing or what level you are at to not be getting any...

    I'm at almost 6K prestige and a T4CC alliance. If I used ALL of the Glory I earn per week I'd get 3-4 T1A, with another coming every few days from the three day events. So in any given week 3-5 T1A IF you ur Glory for nothing else. This is enough for maybe one 5* rank up.

    I am swimming in T4CC and frequently I'm in the stash in T4B. The need for 5 T1A per rank for 5*s is just absurd
    Absurd is not recognizing you could r4 a 5 * and r5 a4* every month with available t1a and asking for a faster pace.

    Absurd is not realizing he needs a faster pace or he loses the t4c that are in his stash when they expire. Yes some people really do have it like that in the top tier where there are plenty of t4c but not enough t1a.
    Again that is resource management, you wouldn’t have expiring t4cc if you managed your inventory properly. Many of those expiring t4c at the top are t4c people regard as a by product of looking for specific t4c like mystic, so it is not even relevant to them in regards to t1a. I have 3 mystic and 2 skill t4c with 24 days but I also have 2 t1a in overflow. Oh and in those 24 days I’ll easliy get another 15 t1a so I could take 2 fresh 5* to rank 3. Amazing what you can do if you think before you act.

    You cannot use t4c without t1a, it takes 5 t1a for every 2-3 t4c that you use. Also the t4c are being earned exclusively in aq, would you expect entire top alliances to step down to map 3 and lose their position in the top tier so they can get a few t1a?
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Sorry to break it to yall but @CoatHang3r is right, if anything there are more available now due to Glory, that's 5 a week and a reset to do it again.

    Add that with them in greater solo crystals, event quests each month, 3 day events you get 1, t1 alpha arena... just manage them efficiently or don't blow glory on basics then moan about t1 alphas.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Can we get a block button on the mobile app some people's opinion is not worth reading, same two people that seem
    To think that we are playing the game wrong if we have an imbalance of rewards available,
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    If the December calendar gave me a t1a every day, I'd still have zero on January first.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★

    That just shows your silly for opening your t4cc when you already have a full stash... just save the crystals until you need to open some.

    I can't believe how mental that is seeing all those expire, mind boggling
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    To hoard t4cs by not opening them is not a solution to the real problem here
This discussion has been closed.