Unavoidable damage

Just a quick note. I don't post much but I need to say something that needs to be said. Unavoidable damage in a game that requires real money / resources to push through isn't a good idea as a business model.
I, like most, have pushed through the collector, ok, fine. It's a stepping stone, I get it. As you push on in alliance war, matches like Electro, not ok. No champion has the ability to negate that "in a meaningful way" and then it just becomes a cash grab.
People like integrity from their games, especially the ones they spend money on. Unavoidable damage that requires you to use resources regardless of your skill level degrades not only the trust in the consumer base but also in hope of the future of the game. 6 star Electros are coming. Not ok Kabam. Take a look at that. No damage in the game should be unavoidable.
I, like most, have pushed through the collector, ok, fine. It's a stepping stone, I get it. As you push on in alliance war, matches like Electro, not ok. No champion has the ability to negate that "in a meaningful way" and then it just becomes a cash grab.
People like integrity from their games, especially the ones they spend money on. Unavoidable damage that requires you to use resources regardless of your skill level degrades not only the trust in the consumer base but also in hope of the future of the game. 6 star Electros are coming. Not ok Kabam. Take a look at that. No damage in the game should be unavoidable.
And seriously Mega man required players to match up counters to opponents to beat the game and that’s practically as old as dirt.
I don't recall Electro in the 6* boss tush challenge.
Next time use Iceman or Mephisto as your example. (not supporting your argument, only ridiculous
"unavoidable" damage was collector, and you could avoid giving him sp1 if you had og vision or dorm.)
What unavoidable damage was in act 5? I don't remember a single time seeing that and i've 100% everything so far
Rogue is an excellent counter to Iceman. She shrugs off his cold snap almost immediately.
What happens when you run into an electro on a bleed or poison node? Do you still bring Archangel?
What happens when you run into a MD Magik on Node 44 in Tier 1 (bleed/spite node), where you get limbo'd and bled out the entire fight?
I'd like to know what players are supposed to do when specific nodes require specific champs and those specific champs are useless against those specific defenders?
There are counters to all of them. some take skill, other take one of the newest most hyped up champs ever. But either way, they've done something about your problem.
anyways, regardless, this is a business. they have to make money. If the game was too easy, and no one spent, you wouldn't have this game to play unless you were interrupted mid-fight to check out a Geico ad.
What do you do when you have a counter to the defender but not the node?
What do you do against a power gaining mystic dispersion Magik on a bleed node? Bring in Vision and get wrecked by Limbo? Bring Archangel and bleed out?
Some of the worst ones are dormammu, iceman, and punisher. Especially in 5.3 they are brutal.
Try bringing AA against Magik on that spite node (44) in Tier 1
Pretty certain there's players who encounter this every day in war and make it through.
I was referring to Blade, who can counter Magik. also has regen to counter the bleed.
Dorm and punisher don't have any unavoidable damage. I get that some people want to fight only a colossus with no power gain, easy to avoid specials, and no abilities, but that would be boring
I'm not in tier 1, but if I was in tier 1 and someone assigned me those paths, I would probably bring Ghost Rider to Electro/Bleed and Dormammu to Magik on 44. Not sure about Electro/Poison, but I think I would probably try Hyperion.
The obvious counter to Electro is ability accuracy reduction to avoid the strike back, but the two alternatives that work well enough are strong heals to get the strike back damage back which Ghost Rider has, and simply avoiding making contact as often as possible and kill him as quickly as possible with ranged attacks which Hyperion can do.
I have no experience with tier 1 fights, but that's what I would do if I was in that situation.
I’m a noob, so enlighten me how Dorm doesn’t have unavoidable damage? Really curious here 🤔
I think this is terrible strategy but that's how you would have to do it
Ok, technically that sounds right. Also agree with the terrible strategy idea.
I’m looking forward to the new 5.4 node where you can’t hit a blocking enemy (cuz it will give them fury, unstoppable or something), my money is on that enemies wil use the mordo strategy (basically just go in a continuous block mode, unless u try a heavy, then they evade & return to a blocking position).
You're probably thinking of the explosive personality node: striking a blocking target with give them an armor buff, and if you let them get to five stacks of armor you'll be hit with an explosion that takes 25% of your health away. Apparently, you can avoid hitting block or you can nullify the armor buffs away.
Mordo doesn't just stay in block, you can get him out of that. But if the AI in explosive is tuned to stay in block a lot there are counters to that as well. Quake comes to mind, and Mordo himself also comes to mind. Mordo loves fighting passive opponents because you can be fury buffed constantly.
If you have Magik, you can lock him down and never take degen. There's no MD in story mode so it's not much of an issue. In 5.3, a 5/50 Magik could take him without any issues and take minimal damage even with 50% reduced attack.