Revive farming has been "shadow nerfed"



  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    It's actually pathetic that this got 10k views and 150 around comments.
    People need to ignore these posts and have deserted in next hour or two but no, let's make fun of OP and give this thread more uptime. I know Kabam already knows the spots but it'll be better to not give air to these sorts of bait posts.

    Bro you're here again with this.... Kabam tracks how much story content is being played actively. Without us telling them they would still notice that 5.4.6 has been run 4 800 000 times more than any other quest.

    I'll direct you to this thread so you can see for yourself:
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    As someone who farmed revives for necropolis, the only reason I had to spend units was that the GM was bugged costing dozens of units (different from the heavy bug which Kabam acknowledged and refused to compensate).

    When stuff like that happens, it makes it harder to support Kabam’s proposition. I’ll be farming and holding units to buy revives instead when the next sort of Everest content comes out.
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    edited December 2023
    PT_99 said:

    It's actually pathetic that this got 10k views and 150 around comments.
    People need to ignore these posts and have deserted in next hour or two but no, let's make fun of OP and give this thread more uptime. I know Kabam already knows the spots but it'll be better to not give air to these sorts of bait posts.

    There's nothing bait about it mate, it gets people talking and if these types of posts build enough momentum, then perhaps Kabam might be inclined to give something back to the players, maybe buff the Apothecary or reduce prices on in store revives.
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    Asim38 said:

    So in chronological order, we had these revive/health potions nerf events occur:

    1. Revive farm nerf 1.0 after a month or so after EOP release.
    2. Apothecary introduced to offset (compensate for?) revive farm nerf. This equated to 1x 20% revive per day unless you get really lucky with a 40% revive on a path in Expert difficulty. Easy difficulty isn't even worth mentioning.
    3. Revives were removed from EQ paths with the update maps. This should be called another revive nerf although its not farming.
    4. Potions cost reduction. No increase in availability.

    With the above changes, the following got de-valued:
    1. Energy refills - These now simply expire with nothing to use them on because farming is no longer applicable.
    2. 4 hour free crystals - These crystals at most times returned energy refills. See point 1 above. Also the health potions cost got cut so any return of health potions are now significantly less valuable.
    3. EQ exploration offers after completion of each difficulty - Due to cost cuts of potions, the value of these offers have significantly dropped. These should be repriced or offer more or a combination of both.
    4. Health potions rewards anywhere in the game - Example 22 hour event 4th milestone nets a Level 4 health potion which is equivalent to 6 units now. I can't remember the old price (22 units?). The point remains that the health potion rewards have been de-valued.

    All things considered, every change made has had a ripple effect on the value of consumables. A major reassessment and overhaul is needed.

    You're right,

    The rewards and also the contents of these offers as far as potions are concerned need to be adjusted to make way for deflation of value.

    It seems that any adjustment needed that is pro-player takes Kabam a long time to look into, but heaven help if something is affecting their back pocket, they will see to adjusting it immediately.
  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,195 ★★★★
    It's an absurd attempt to promote their favorite champ. Unit man.
  • MSTR_FSTR1MSTR_FSTR1 Member Posts: 19
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