Revive farming has been "shadow nerfed"



  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 810 ★★★
    Cyta said:

    The way I see it is this: revive farming was a thing cos of the content that needed a lot of resources in short time period . I wont repeat what was said about "die now" mechanic. There are 2 solutions that I can spot right now that will keep the farm as "once upon a time it was a thing" and people not that mad on it. Either remove the inventory cap on revives, so players can go do that quest in few months and slowly accumulate the resources they feel they need, or make the Everest content like AW..where champs dont get locked, and u can leave them there for like 2-3 weeks, do other content, get some resources again, go back in and do 1-2 more fights.
    Nobody enjoys farming revives but it was the "necessary evil". If it will be removed, I believe this is the way to do it

    These are some good ideas!
    Imagine being able to run 2 quests simultaneously, that is something I wish was a thing.

    Need just 1 revive? No problem, jump out of the quest for 10 minutes to go do a quick apothecary run, and pick up where you left off.

    Being able to run one quest in the special quests tab while being free to a run story quest or event quest independently would be great, even if I need to run different champs for each.
  • CytaCyta Member Posts: 101
    Just out of curiosity, those that hit the disagree button on my previous post, was it coz they dont like my solutions or is it that i`m willing to accept the fact that farming will change/disappear while they dont? :wink:
  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    If those spots are going to be nerfed come January, that kinda takes the pressure off for me.
    There's no way I'll have the time to do 5 paths and I'm not going to do it with limited resources afterwards.
    I'll wait for 8.4 to come around. I'm not even mad.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,277 ★★★★★
    edited November 2023

    Kabam Jax said:

    Since we've discussed (not) silent nerfs, and data collection on this subject here, I feel this might be a good time to put this out into the battlerealm:

    These earlier act revive farms will be nerfed. As we have discussed in the past, this has to happen, it is inevitable.

    This is not the result of people posting in the forums, this is the result of looking at the data and the impact these types of things have on the contest, as a whole.

    That being said: the timeline for this looks like it should land in early January, and likely before the final cut-off for the "Road to the Crypt" Necropolis event. So... I anticipate most of you will have free time in December... I'm not going to tell you how to use it... but you are now equipped to make informed decisions.

    So... I anticipate most of you will have free time in December..

    Do you think people don't work? Have lives? Or is that what you think of players, ah be fine, they probably children, Santa be arriving
    It's likely that Jax was projecting the Kabam companies' policies on free time onto the wider world of work. Which isn't bad, just not the case for most of us (especially in the US, work till you drop over here unless you work for saints).

    But it is true that many take time off and/or have vacation around Christmas. Though that is also not the case for everyone
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,277 ★★★★★

    Kabam Jax said:

    Since we've discussed (not) silent nerfs, and data collection on this subject here, I feel this might be a good time to put this out into the battlerealm:

    These earlier act revive farms will be nerfed. As we have discussed in the past, this has to happen, it is inevitable.

    This is not the result of people posting in the forums, this is the result of looking at the data and the impact these types of things have on the contest, as a whole.

    That being said: the timeline for this looks like it should land in early January, and likely before the final cut-off for the "Road to the Crypt" Necropolis event. So... I anticipate most of you will have free time in December... I'm not going to tell you how to use it... but you are now equipped to make informed decisions.

    do you mean to say there is a unit purchase cost of the revive is also being nerfed with this
    That would be too pro player
  • Wasy1Wasy1 Member Posts: 101
    Are you out of ideas @Kabam? Every game has the farming for consumables and this game also has it since the start"why nerfing now?"

    Why don't you just nerf the unit farming as well?
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,274 ★★★★

    So on one hand we’re being told “revive farming makes it too easy and has to end” but on the other hand we’re being told by DNA3000 and other that you can still accumulate 100ish revives without farming them in old act content anyways or you can rack up enough free units to buy them.

    So what is the point exactly? Making it slightly more difficult and requiring 1000 units as part of the cost of stockpiling enough resources to make a reasonable run at it?

    Very, very few players from what I’ve observed could run EOP paths without 20+ revives. Very few are going to run necropolis paths with under 50 it sounds like, especially those trying to rush the Jan. 15 cutoff for extra rewards.

    So if there are other ways to rack up that many revives, why not let some of us continue to trade in extra energy to pick some up?

    That’s really what it comes down to I think. Players have been converting time and energy refills into revives to tackle this big content and now we’re being told that’s not ok but it is ok to dump 2000 units into it to accomplish the same thing. The difference is units have other value and that time and energy can’t go towards anything else in the game.

    The thing is now you can farm them fast. So it's possible to complete the content very fast if you were farming already before the content dropped. After you will need more time to accumulate them + probably some unit spend which is where the real money comes is. Basically it is: explore it fast then use units (bought or grinded) or explore it slow and do it f2p but in 6-9months time for all 6 paths.

    I don't agree with this and think there should be a faster way to do this for people that don't want to spend or slave their life away in arena
  • ShadowReptileShadowReptile Member Posts: 98
    The only thing related to this game that needs to be nerfed is Kabam management and the employees that continually cause bugs and issues. Your company continually fails to compensate for all the bugs and issues you cause and the community instead receives a message that says oops our bad. You take away valuable resources that would semi offset these mistakes caused by Kabam employees because you want to milk players for as much $ as possible. The only way for players to offset this will be to horde stashes which directly contradicts your own statements about hoarding.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★

    The only thing related to this game that needs to be nerfed is Kabam management and the employees that continually cause bugs and issues. Your company continually fails to compensate for all the bugs and issues you cause and the community instead receives a message that says oops our bad. You take away valuable resources that would semi offset these mistakes caused by Kabam employees because you want to milk players for as much $ as possible. The only way for players to offset this will be to horde stashes which directly contradicts your own statements about hoarding.

    There are issues with this game, or any game for that matter, but no issues are present that warrant an endless supply of Resources. The source of people wanting to have unlimited hoards is impatience. They want to do things as soon as they're released.
  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 120
    Nothing in the event quests for months either
  • MrMagoo2017MrMagoo2017 Member Posts: 7
    Guys with massive rooster farms revives like crazy and clear content then when the average guy gets a decent roster to do it, revives are nerfed. Doesn’t look fair to me
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★

    This is flawed. First, the supply of farmed revives isn’t unlimited. It’s capped by a player’s time and energy constraints. And it’s been explained that similar levels of revives can be obtained for free through other means.

    Second, the supply of revives is infinite for spenders. If the goal is to set the difficulty then institute a revive cap for the whole quest similar to war. That way they can set the cap to determine who can complete it and who can’t and adjust as needed. Saying “you can’t expect easy revives through farming” while also allowing the purchase of unlimited revives during the quest is contradictory if the goal is to control difficulty and pacing.

    Now, if the goal is to create another avenue to drive spending, just own it. It’s not “pro player” and it won’t make anyone happy but transparency is better than this “it’s for the good of the game” nonsense.

    Money is a limiting factor. You can't say it's unlimited to everyone.
    There are Revives in the game. Quite a substantial amount that aren't necessary for spending at all. There are also Units which are farmable. They require time and planning, and resource management.
    If it hasn't become abundantly clear, let me clarify. Having a source that people can spam over and over isn't an intended aspect of this game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★

    Having a source that people can spam over and over isn't an intended aspect of this game.

    Are you familiar with battlechips from the arena? Unlimited source of gold and units? Similar constraint of time but otherwise no less farmable than revives in lower act content.

    And again, farmed revives are not unlimited. They are constrained by energy and time to run the quests.

    DNA3000 said:

    Unlimited revives are the problem. I can understand the disappointment of the players who need far more revives to do the content they want than the game allows for without revive farms. But while the game tries to have something for everyone, it does not give everything to everyone. Some things, particularly the highest difficulty challenging content, isn't meant for everyone to do. If you can't do it with what's available, you can't do it. Kabam doesn't see that as a problem, and is not going to do anything to fix it.

    Again, farmed revives aren’t unlimited. They are constrained by time and energy. Purchased revives are unlimited. This change does nothing to reduce the possibility of using revives to power through content above your current roster/skill level. It does further monetize that approach.

    A revive cap on content would limit powering through.
    I just did a little experiment. I ran 5.4.6, and the first spawn I got two full Energy Refills and two L1 Revs.
    I finished the Quest with Energy to spare, and spawned another L1 Rev.
    If people can't see how that's too easy for the payout, then I don't know what to say.
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