Opinion - I've never enjoyed MCOC more

MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★
This is going to be controversial... but I don't believe this game has ever been as fun to play as it is at this moment in time.

Perspective - I'm a TB player that has returned to and played the game daily since June 2023 - I've had fleeting interactions with the game since initially quitting not long after 6 stars were introduced, but since June, I haven't been able to keep away.

I've got a different perspective than a lot might have, but back in 2017/8, I hit uncollected and I became very frustrated by how slowly 4 and 5 star crystals were flowing into my account, wars weren't enjoyable as it was either a high pressure Deathless run or spend units, AQ took resources out of your inventory and away from your roster to buy into maps, and EQ dropped an insignificant amount of shards my way to keep me interested, as such I quit the game having never pulled a 6 star, 450k Uncollected.

I re-download the game 5 years later (after the YouTube algorithm randomly throws up a Seatin video) and find out all of the above issues I had have almost completely disappeared? AQ Map 6, free! War team revives costing 1 loyalty?! New game modes (I believe Incursions was around in some form when I quit), and it felt like almost everything I did was throwing crystal shards at me?! F'ing phenomenal! In June I had 0 6 stars, I've very recently broken the 100 champion mark at that rarity, have 3 7 star champions too, and have an account rating of nearly 1.4m. Battlegrounds have been a hell of a lot of fun and the addition of raids today is really a cherry on the cake - the music is absolutely awesome and I feel like the effort of co-ordinating with my ally is really worthwhile here.

I understand the frustrations that those at the top of the game feel, but in my (long) experience of live service games, the top 1% invest the most, financially, emotionally and/or physically. When you expect more from the game, you are the most likely to feel let down (I do hope y'all war issues are sorted soon though). For the more humble majority, I think the game is widely set up to succeed and the returning player could be a great demographic to target for Kabam.

Last note, I'm no boot licker, quite the opposite, but if I'm happy to criticise then I have to be prepared to praise a job well done too - most of us really don't know how good we have it, thanks for the entertainment, Kabam.


  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★
    I did mean to add in that despite the grumbles about war etc, those at the top end know they've had a great year too with Necropolis, Valiant title etc
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    I completely agree with the OP. This year has been one of, if not THE easiest year to progress in MCOC, with events like the Banquet giving most low level players the opportunity to significantly boost their account. The events have also been pretty fun this year, and there has also been an influx of free and easy-to-obtain cosmetics like profile pics and titles from kabam. Honestly, this has been an all-around W year to be an MCOC player(apart from the BGs-related bugs.)
  • ShaggyMShaggyM Member Posts: 311 ★★★
    I'm enjoying the game now as much as ever also. 2023 was my second favorite year next to the year leading up 12.0. I had a lot of fun in the early stages of my acct but right now feels very similar to that time for me. There's been so many pro player moves it lets you have more patience for issues like ai because you really feel like Kabam is putting a concerted effort to make the game enjoyable.
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★
    DNA3000 said:

    War team revives costing 1 loyalty?!

    You're welcome.
    That was you? 😘🎈🎈🎈
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,780 ★★★★★
    It was my returning year as well, returned after 2 years and the game was enjoyable as hell. Most bs mechanics are removed as op said (aq tickets, high cost aw revs, incursion partner messing with you by allowing solo incursions, I prefer to call it dungeons, and finally a pvp content as battlegrounds.) Also story contents are less punishing and everest content is more than running starlord/Aegon+ synergies and mindlessly trashing the opponent while praying they won't randomly evade, Now it really tests the skill of the player .
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    War team revives costing 1 loyalty?!

    You're welcome.
    That was you? 😘🎈🎈🎈


    I think the most amazing thing about this idea is that to this day new players join the game, look at that revive, and try to report it as a bug.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    I don't like the passive AI, the input issues are still bit and miss, but content wise it's more fun than it has been recently, raids are... Fun but flawed in how much time they expect mixed timezone players to have. Necropolis was a great deal of fun, act 8 has been progressing nicely in fun and kinda challenging, there has been good improvements in stores and materials being made available.

    If the AI went back to not consistently "rolling the dice" on the same action over and over we'd be chilling.
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,134 ★★★
    2023 will be one of the best years for this game for most. Let’s hope 2024 will be a worthy sequel for everyone. Glory fest helps.
  • arifin74arifin74 Member Posts: 365 ★★★
    Hi, same here. I stopped basically because of getting frustrated for not getting top champs and not keeping up with everything else, AQ pressure, arena, even before 6*. This time around, started a new account last June, for trying out Battleground which seems really fun. The champions' power is so varied now; you kind of have alternatives for everything, no frustration. Also getting good champions right off the bat and continuously (Herc, Doom, Apoc).

    I completed Act 7 yesterday, waiting for next week to utilize the glory bug to get 3rd R4 to become a paragon. I can now play more relaxed and improve roster for Battleground.
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