Do you agree with Kabam Miike on Quake?



  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    Bendy said:

    Rookiie said:

    To be fair, I don't even agree with our POV necessarily. I think that it would be much better for players to have a small adjustment made to Quake so that we can release her, but I have been through enough of these situations to know that my mental health is better off by not making any changes at this time.

    This change is pretty small, but it would allow the game team to actually be able to counter Quake in certain content, and allows players to start using her again. IMO, it just makes sense, but I made it clear to the team that unless we have a majority of players saying that they are open to a change, then Quake stays as a 5 Star forever.

    Well @Kabam Miike as of this moment we are in the majority 👀

    Its now even haha

    Split right down to the wire eh? Sick poll I love it.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    Leave her as-is and phase her out

    To be fair, I don't even agree with our POV necessarily. I think that it would be much better for players to have a small adjustment made to Quake so that we can release her, but I have been through enough of these situations to know that my mental health is better off by not making any changes at this time.

    This change is pretty small, but it would allow the game team to actually be able to counter Quake in certain content, and allows players to start using her again. IMO, it just makes sense, but I made it clear to the team that unless we have a majority of players saying that they are open to a change, then Quake stays as a 5 Star forever.

    I actually don't have an opinion regarding Quake change or not, as I only got her relatively recently, and by that time there isn't much content I need to use for her anymore.

    However I fully agree with @Kabam Miike , and do think the best approach to concluded this discussion once and for all would be a Vote, not on forum, not on Twitter or whatever the new kids are using these days 🤣🤣🤣. But thought ingame, similar to the Summoners Choice.

    Kabam sent out the Change Concept through ingame msg, and include the option for players to vote. Whatever the result it, go with the end of story, no if or but.

    Might as well do the same with Magik, while we are at it 😁👍
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,692 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    altavista said:

    If thery're gonna nerf Quake, then nerf Quake.

    With every champion buff/change, its not like they say 'New buff abilities' are only active for 7-star champions. For example, what if I wanted my 6-star Red Skull to remain the same pre-buff, so I only want the buff changes to only apply to 7-star Red Skull in the Titan crystal.

    Remember all the players wanting Guillotine to be buffed (over Antman, in the vote), and then complaining once the changes were made? Those same old-Guillotine players have just as much reason to want to preserved old style 5-star Guillotine and have the 6-star+ versions be the buffed Guillotine.

    No half measures of classic 5-star Quake and New Coke Quake 6-star plus. This 'compromise' that players want is very self serving and not present anywhere (with some exceptions of course). It is not really a compromise, and more just something that players want (the option to 'cheese' content at a snails pace with a 5-star, but then have a higher star version for general usage).

    1-star and 2-star version of champions (like Colossus) are not buffed for 'beginner player friendliness reasons'.
    Abyss and everest content.

    My proposed compromise: If Quake is changed, change all versions except for a rarely available 1-star version.

    2 stars are buffed versions its just the 1 stars aint
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    I'm realizing some people who voted for "leave her as is and phase her out" actually don't care OR wouldn't mind if they introduced nerfed 6* and 7* versions at least.
    @Kabam Miike why not do a poll in-game? It seems like on the forums, people are already changing their minds anyways. The responses on this thread have been different to the responses I got when I made the thread back in December last year. I even see some names here that voted no back then, vote yes this time.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,692 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    Fryday said:

    To be fair, I don't even agree with our POV necessarily. I think that it would be much better for players to have a small adjustment made to Quake so that we can release her, but I have been through enough of these situations to know that my mental health is better off by not making any changes at this time.

    This change is pretty small, but it would allow the game team to actually be able to counter Quake in certain content, and allows players to start using her again. IMO, it just makes sense, but I made it clear to the team that unless we have a majority of players saying that they are open to a change, then Quake stays as a 5 Star forever.

    I actually don't have an opinion regarding Quake change or not, as I only got her relatively recently, and by that time there isn't much content I need to use for her anymore.

    However I fully agree with @Kabam Miike , and do think the best approach to concluded this discussion once and for all would be a Vote, not on forum, not on Twitter or whatever the new kids are using these days 🤣🤣🤣. But thought ingame, similar to the Summoners Choice.

    Kabam sent out the Change Concept through ingame msg, and include the option for players to vote. Whatever the result it, go with the end of story, no if or but.

    Might as well do the same with Magik, while we are at it 😁👍
    I agree we need the vote to happen in game asap than later
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    Icy000 said:

    physical vulnerability instead of concussion?? are kabam trolling? the second change is fine but removing the concussion makes her completely useless.

    You’re wrong. She would still be op and reliable instead of being completely broken. Are you too dense to understand that without this change they will NEVER introduce her as a 6 and 7 star?
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,592 ★★★★★
    Leave her as-is and phase her out

    To be fair, I don't even agree with our POV necessarily. I think that it would be much better for players to have a small adjustment made to Quake so that we can release her, but I have been through enough of these situations to know that my mental health is better off by not making any changes at this time.

    This change is pretty small, but it would allow the game team to actually be able to counter Quake in certain content, and allows players to start using her again. IMO, it just makes sense, but I made it clear to the team that unless we have a majority of players saying that they are open to a change, then Quake stays as a 5 Star forever.

    Chloe Bennet loves Marvel Contest of Champions 😍

  • JJJmJJJJJJmJJJ Member Posts: 141 ★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her

    It would take her longer (not as long as you think though) but she would still break AW and other modes where health pools aren't huge. I remember AW back when boss nodes didn't have true strike, 5* bosses were as easy to kill as a 1* arena defender with her regardless of time and nothing was actually able to shut her down until they added true strike to boss nodes. So no, a 6* Quake as is would still be extremely unhealthy for the game and Kabam would have to add true strike to every single node in AW Incursions AQ and who knows what else maybe even BGs just so she doesn't break the game completely. Every single top player would r5 ascend her immediately, if anyone says they wouldn't they're lying lol.

    It's better to just nerf her to some extent so she can't cheese 90% of defenders and nodes and instead give her more damage to compensate for the stuff that gets taken away. I'd assume that's what the physical vulnerability would've basically done had she gotten nerfed.

    Yes, I know Quake very well, and there are indeed nodes, that can be placed anywhere, even in BG. IMHO a nerfed Quake (although there isn't much to nerf considering her simplicity) wouldn't remain as useful as she is now; and practically unusable even as a 6-star champion.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    JJJmJJJ said:

    It would take her longer (not as long as you think though) but she would still break AW and other modes where health pools aren't huge. I remember AW back when boss nodes didn't have true strike, 5* bosses were as easy to kill as a 1* arena defender with her regardless of time and nothing was actually able to shut her down until they added true strike to boss nodes. So no, a 6* Quake as is would still be extremely unhealthy for the game and Kabam would have to add true strike to every single node in AW Incursions AQ and who knows what else maybe even BGs just so she doesn't break the game completely. Every single top player would r5 ascend her immediately, if anyone says they wouldn't they're lying lol.

    It's better to just nerf her to some extent so she can't cheese 90% of defenders and nodes and instead give her more damage to compensate for the stuff that gets taken away. I'd assume that's what the physical vulnerability would've basically done had she gotten nerfed.

    Yes, I know Quake very well, and there are indeed nodes, that can be placed anywhere, even in BG. IMHO a nerfed Quake (although there isn't much to nerf considering her simplicity) wouldn't remain as useful as she is now; and practically unusable even as a 6-star champion.
    Nah, they already have to make sure certain nodes shut down Herc, you want them to start designing the game around Quake as well? Not happening.

    What do you mean by she would be unusable? The physical vulnerability replacing the concussion only means she wouldn't be able to shut down 95% champs and nodes in the game but she would still be able to Quake many fights and nodes the same way she can right now.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,692 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her

    JJJmJJJ said:

    It would take her longer (not as long as you think though) but she would still break AW and other modes where health pools aren't huge. I remember AW back when boss nodes didn't have true strike, 5* bosses were as easy to kill as a 1* arena defender with her regardless of time and nothing was actually able to shut her down until they added true strike to boss nodes. So no, a 6* Quake as is would still be extremely unhealthy for the game and Kabam would have to add true strike to every single node in AW Incursions AQ and who knows what else maybe even BGs just so she doesn't break the game completely. Every single top player would r5 ascend her immediately, if anyone says they wouldn't they're lying lol.

    It's better to just nerf her to some extent so she can't cheese 90% of defenders and nodes and instead give her more damage to compensate for the stuff that gets taken away. I'd assume that's what the physical vulnerability would've basically done had she gotten nerfed.

    Yes, I know Quake very well, and there are indeed nodes, that can be placed anywhere, even in BG. IMHO a nerfed Quake (although there isn't much to nerf considering her simplicity) wouldn't remain as useful as she is now; and practically unusable even as a 6-star champion.
    Nah, they already have to make sure certain nodes shut down Herc, you want them to start designing the game around Quake as well? Not happening.

    What do you mean by she would be unusable? The physical vulnerability replacing the concussion only means she wouldn't be able to shut down 95% champs and nodes in the game but she would still be able to Quake many fights and nodes the same way she can right now.
    I dont understand this logic either as shes getting damage
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,564 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    I would absolutely love to have a 6* Quake, even if it means changing her up a bit.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    Bendy said:

    JJJmJJJ said:

    It would take her longer (not as long as you think though) but she would still break AW and other modes where health pools aren't huge. I remember AW back when boss nodes didn't have true strike, 5* bosses were as easy to kill as a 1* arena defender with her regardless of time and nothing was actually able to shut her down until they added true strike to boss nodes. So no, a 6* Quake as is would still be extremely unhealthy for the game and Kabam would have to add true strike to every single node in AW Incursions AQ and who knows what else maybe even BGs just so she doesn't break the game completely. Every single top player would r5 ascend her immediately, if anyone says they wouldn't they're lying lol.

    It's better to just nerf her to some extent so she can't cheese 90% of defenders and nodes and instead give her more damage to compensate for the stuff that gets taken away. I'd assume that's what the physical vulnerability would've basically done had she gotten nerfed.

    Yes, I know Quake very well, and there are indeed nodes, that can be placed anywhere, even in BG. IMHO a nerfed Quake (although there isn't much to nerf considering her simplicity) wouldn't remain as useful as she is now; and practically unusable even as a 6-star champion.
    Nah, they already have to make sure certain nodes shut down Herc, you want them to start designing the game around Quake as well? Not happening.

    What do you mean by she would be unusable? The physical vulnerability replacing the concussion only means she wouldn't be able to shut down 95% champs and nodes in the game but she would still be able to Quake many fights and nodes the same way she can right now.
    I dont understand this logic either as shes getting damage
    I think some people just aren't well informed so they have no idea what's happening or what the nerf would mean for Quake at this point cause I'm seeing so many "she would be useless" comments I refuse to believe people are actually just unable to read something and understand what it means.
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    Yo this poll is actually insane! 161 votes on either side!
    I really think Kabam should give the player base more context behind the adjustment.
    @Kabam Miike I don’t know if you noticed but option A was approx 30 votes behind option B until you commented, and then option A caught up.
    If anybody is going to change the playerbase’s views on this matter, it’s you.
    And I really, really think you guys should run a poll on us.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,692 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    Rookiie said:

    Yo this poll is actually insane! 161 votes on either side!
    I really think Kabam should give the player base more context behind the adjustment.
    @Kabam Miike I don’t know if you noticed but option A was approx 30 votes behind option B until you commented, and then option A caught up.
    If anybody is going to change the playerbase’s views on this matter, it’s you.
    And I really, really think you guys should run a poll on us.

    Kinda crazy that its even though
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,761 ★★★★★
    edited March 2024
    Leave her as-is and phase her out
    Rookiie said:

    Yo this poll is actually insane! 161 votes on either side!
    I really think Kabam should give the player base more context behind the adjustment.
    @Kabam Miike I don’t know if you noticed but option A was approx 30 votes behind option B until you commented, and then option A caught up.
    If anybody is going to change the playerbase’s views on this matter, it’s you.
    And I really, really think you guys should run a poll on us.

    Based on the results so far… if I’m Kabam, I’m running with the reskin idea and applying the revised kit to that champ. That way you can satisfy both camps with only a small percentage of purists being upset. Most will be happy that their nostalgia is left in tact and they will still get a modern and balanced version of the champ in all rarities. Could you imagine how many bundles a modern twist on Quake would sell… it prints money.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,692 ★★★★★
    edited March 2024
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    BigBlueOx said:

    Rookiie said:

    Yo this poll is actually insane! 161 votes on either side!
    I really think Kabam should give the player base more context behind the adjustment.
    @Kabam Miike I don’t know if you noticed but option A was approx 30 votes behind option B until you commented, and then option A caught up.
    If anybody is going to change the playerbase’s views on this matter, it’s you.
    And I really, really think you guys should run a poll on us.

    Based on the results so far… if I’m Kabam, I’m running with the reskin idea and applying the revised kit to that champ. That way you can satisfy both camps with only a small percentage of purists being upset. Most will be happy that their nostalgia is left in tact and they will still get a modern and balanced version of the champ in all rarities. Could you imagine how many bundles a modern twist on Quake would sell… it prints money.
    If kabam did that i think they would have by now with all the asking for these champs that are a 5 they would of but i think they would rather just change the existing kit as its a lot easier for them since its only a small change compared to they will have to make new stuff fully

    Edit: also making new champs be hard as they have stuff in advance when it be easier to just change existing which is again why they said to nerf these as it be a whole lot easier
  • TheNepperTheNepper Member Posts: 24
    Leave her as-is and phase her out
    Bendy said:

    Edit: also making new champs be hard as they have stuff in advance when it be easier to just change existing which is again why they said to nerf these as it be a whole lot easier

    Not if they handle them as separate champs. Imagine you have to create a new champ, but instead of starting from scratch/zero, you just ctrl+c ctrl+v first, then change whatever you would have change anyway.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,692 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    TheNepper said:

    Bendy said:

    Edit: also making new champs be hard as they have stuff in advance when it be easier to just change existing which is again why they said to nerf these as it be a whole lot easier

    Not if they handle them as separate champs. Imagine you have to create a new champ, but instead of starting from scratch/zero, you just ctrl+c ctrl+v first, then change whatever you would have change anyway.
    Even then the nerf or buff team is different to ones changing reason why the nerf be easier as it be a separate team but if going this way it be the actual team which would have to pause a different project they are working on im sure mike could probs go into it of what side of the team would deal with this if making a new champ and changing abilities etc for different star
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,761 ★★★★★
    Leave her as-is and phase her out
    Bendy said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    Rookiie said:

    Yo this poll is actually insane! 161 votes on either side!
    I really think Kabam should give the player base more context behind the adjustment.
    @Kabam Miike I don’t know if you noticed but option A was approx 30 votes behind option B until you commented, and then option A caught up.
    If anybody is going to change the playerbase’s views on this matter, it’s you.
    And I really, really think you guys should run a poll on us.

    Based on the results so far… if I’m Kabam, I’m running with the reskin idea and applying the revised kit to that champ. That way you can satisfy both camps with only a small percentage of purists being upset. Most will be happy that their nostalgia is left in tact and they will still get a modern and balanced version of the champ in all rarities. Could you imagine how many bundles a modern twist on Quake would sell… it prints money.
    If kabam did that i think they would have by now with all the asking for these champs that are a 5 they would of but i think they would rather just change the existing kit as its a lot easier for them since its only a small change compared to they will have to make new stuff fully

    Edit: also making new champs be hard as they have stuff in advance when it be easier to just change existing which is again why they said to nerf these as it be a whole lot easier
    Maybe, but sometimes the best solutions get overlooked with lots of valid reasons. There was a time were we all complained about any reskin… but in my mind they could leverage what they’ve learned from the Deathless champs and apply it to scenarios like Quake, Magic, and Herc. And I do think there’s a likely return on investment if the applied this approach to these champs. Spiritually keep them similar but remove/revise the parts of their kits that make them cheat codes.
  • SmoothyMovesSmoothyMoves Member Posts: 8
    Leave her as-is and phase her out
    Rookiie said:

    So, I can across this comment on the direction of Quake from @Kabam Miike:

    And I couldn’t disagree more with it.

    In my opinion, it makes a lot more sense to adjust (nerf) Quake such that she can be reintroduced into the game, rather than phase her out.

    I just think that this is such a bad direction to take with any champion.

    But what do you think? Would you rather see Quake adjusted and have her become relevant in today’s meta? Or do you agree with Kabam?

    I struggle a little bit with this as I’m not against a rework for quake at all. Though you have to manage 2 things and I don’t think that’s doable. I’ve seen a lot of people saying post an in-game message or poll to see what most people want. Here’s a large issue with that.

    A. Most people who casually play the game don’t care and would think nothing of a change like that if it meant higher rarity levels for her. The problem is that they don’t think much of it. As a team with Kabam you’re often not dealing with backlash from casual players as they aren’t dedicated to being on the forums and being loud like many of the active community. So if the active loud people are who you’ll be dealing with backlash from it’s not worth it unless there’s a vast majority of those people in favour. That’s why Kabam Mike said what he did.

    B. The game team can only test so many interactions with new changes to champions. So before you have a fully functional quake as part of a meta it means a balancing or bug fixing period as well and people are often impatient when they run into those issues.

    The reason I voted against a rework is I find rather than trying to make champions less OP so you can increase rarity and availability, I’d rather see resources from the team used to make champions who’s rarity and availability is much much higher already *playable and relevant*. Some of the characters I played back in 2015 who I loved were Captain America and Iron fist. My first 5* champion was Cyclops Xavier school and I loved the look of the champion. Though none of them have even a semi-relevant kit. I’d much rather see resources in the short term be focused on that kind of goal
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her

    Rookiie said:

    So, I can across this comment on the direction of Quake from @Kabam Miike:

    And I couldn’t disagree more with it.

    In my opinion, it makes a lot more sense to adjust (nerf) Quake such that she can be reintroduced into the game, rather than phase her out.

    I just think that this is such a bad direction to take with any champion.

    But what do you think? Would you rather see Quake adjusted and have her become relevant in today’s meta? Or do you agree with Kabam?

    I struggle a little bit with this as I’m not against a rework for quake at all. Though you have to manage 2 things and I don’t think that’s doable. I’ve seen a lot of people saying post an in-game message or poll to see what most people want. Here’s a large issue with that.

    A. Most people who casually play the game don’t care and would think nothing of a change like that if it meant higher rarity levels for her. The problem is that they don’t think much of it. As a team with Kabam you’re often not dealing with backlash from casual players as they aren’t dedicated to being on the forums and being loud like many of the active community. So if the active loud people are who you’ll be dealing with backlash from it’s not worth it unless there’s a vast majority of those people in favour. That’s why Kabam Mike said what he did.

    B. The game team can only test so many interactions with new changes to champions. So before you have a fully functional quake as part of a meta it means a balancing or bug fixing period as well and people are often impatient when they run into those issues.

    The reason I voted against a rework is I find rather than trying to make champions less OP so you can increase rarity and availability, I’d rather see resources from the team used to make champions who’s rarity and availability is much much higher already *playable and relevant*. Some of the characters I played back in 2015 who I loved were Captain America and Iron fist. My first 5* champion was Cyclops Xavier school and I loved the look of the champion. Though none of them have even a semi-relevant kit. I’d much rather see resources in the short term be focused on that kind of goal
    Here's the thing with A:
    If we're really not going to take into account casual players who aren't on the forums then there shouldn't be any issues with Kabam keeping the 5* as is and nerfing the 6* and above. If we're only taking into account engaged players who are on forums and social media then there shouldn't be any confussion or misunderstandings with the 6* being less broken than the 5* cause all the details would be posted here on the forums and they would be all over social media as well since it would be a huge deal. Everyone would be aware that "hey if you invest in the 6* do keep in mind she won't be as broken as the 5*".
    What other reason for backlash could there be in this case? It wouldn't affect players who want to stay with the 5* and it wouldn't affect casual players who don't even care about Quake at all in the first place and aren't in the forums or social media.

    As for B:
    This isn't a new thing for mcoc and unfortunately every single online game that receives updates (even the console ones) will always have buggs. That's not something you can get rid off completely, however these shouldn't impact a game to the point they're unable or scared of releasing updates to characters.

    As for your last point, I highly doubt a nerf to Quake would slow down the pace of the rebalancing program, especially since Miike already mentioned the changes are very small. Is a month really that big of a deal? I don't think so personally.
  • Greeky27Greeky27 Member Posts: 15
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    Rookiie said:

    So, I can across this comment on the direction of Quake from @Kabam Miike:

    And I couldn’t disagree more with it.

    In my opinion, it makes a lot more sense to adjust (nerf) Quake such that she can be reintroduced into the game, rather than phase her out.

    I just think that this is such a bad direction to take with any champion.

    But what do you think? Would you rather see Quake adjusted and have her become relevant in today’s meta? Or do you agree with Kabam?

    I vote for the updated/adjusted version to be released as a Deathless version, then its a win win. Old 5* Quake remains the same, but the New Deathless version is playable and nerfed appropriately

    Plus, IMAGINE THE HYPE collecting deathless pieces for QUAKE. Money maker idea, I will happily take commissions @Kabam Miike
  • IggyPopIggyPop Member Posts: 76
    Leave her as-is and phase her out
    Man, it really went deep, didn’t it.
    After 6 months of dossing and not wanting to create a new account, and 30 minutes of reading this thread, I thought I would finally speak out on the forum.
    There is absolutely no need for 6/7* reworked Quake, and here is why:
    1) The current science champions pool of good and god tier champs is plentiful to counter whatever end game content and pvp/pave mode you need. 2) Albeit there 10 or so champs that could use a (another) buff or better a total rework (looking at you Sentry 👀), the way game goes and develops we will see plentiful of Science Champs with many new and unique abilities tailored to the current annoying defenders and/or top tier content like Necropolis and recent Carinas challenges.
    I get that this champion is loved by many with lots of fond memories to reminisce, but as pracriced showed, sometimes original best left as is without need for a sequel because there is possibility for a triquel buff and alike (Luke Cage, Gamora, Twilight). 🤪
  • Phantøm_EchøPhantøm_Echø Member Posts: 156 ★★★
    IggyPop said:

    Man, it really went deep, didn’t it.
    After 6 months of dossing and not wanting to create a new account, and 30 minutes of reading this thread, I thought I would finally speak out on the forum.
    There is absolutely no need for 6/7* reworked Quake, and here is why:
    1) The current science champions pool of good and god tier champs is plentiful to counter whatever end game content and pvp/pave mode you need. 2) Albeit there 10 or so champs that could use a (another) buff or better a total rework (looking at you Sentry 👀), the way game goes and develops we will see plentiful of Science Champs with many new and unique abilities tailored to the current annoying defenders and/or top tier content like Necropolis and recent Carinas challenges.
    I get that this champion is loved by many with lots of fond memories to reminisce, but as pracriced showed, sometimes original best left as is without need for a sequel because there is possibility for a triquel buff and alike (Luke Cage, Gamora, Twilight). 🤪

    The thing is, I feel as if though every character in the game is a fun work of art, and leaving them behind is not only a shame to the developer but also to those who enjoy a different play style that the character offers.
  • Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 923 ★★★
    Once all of the 6*s are released as 7*s and they're close to max rank, release 6* versions of Magik and Quake as they are NOW.

    Maxed out 6*s kept their 5* rarities in check.
    Scaling them up won't break the game
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,125 ★★★★
    edited March 2024
    Leave her as-is and phase her out
    Now coming back to topic what about Magik? I think she should be released as 6 star and we don't have that labryinth ultron as 6 star either 😉
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    Adjust Quake and reintroduce her
    Final score 175:171
    @Kabam Miike we won lol
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