Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Mastery Update Incoming!!!



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    BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Posts: 1,649 ★★★★★
    I have a clarifying question for the team… when you say each summoner gets 3 loadouts, can you confirm that each loadout will consist of an offensive, defensive, and proficiencies page? Or is each page its own loadout?
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    startropicsstartropics Posts: 678 ★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    I’m theory crafting some efficient ways to handle the three loadouts, and here’s what I got:

    For your primary, day to day loadout, save it with everything you would normally use EXCEPT willpower. Just leave those points unspent and save the loadout. I’d say leave dexterity of too, but that means missing an entire tree and that defeats the purpose.

    After saving, then put your willpower points in. That way when you have to fight a beefy Warlock or some other fight where you need to turn willpower off, you just swap to the loadout and don’t need to redo the entire defense tree. And when you’re done with that fight, you only need to spend the handful of units for willpower and not the ones you’d need for every other defensive mastery.

    from a cost perspective, isn't it cheaper taking off WP normally and putting it back on?

    for me re-doing it normally saves 4 units and get to have WP and coag for daily questing.
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    startropicsstartropics Posts: 678 ★★★★
    edited March 26
    ^but that's just defense and probably utility

    for attack this change is great
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,380 Guardian

    @Kabam Miike pls clarify this like for example In my loadout 3 I run 2 points in deep wounds and just after sometime I want to add 3 more points in the deep wounds mastery will the units cost of 8 and 10 or whatever will it still be there or it is free?

    I am asking about this

    If you are modifying a Loadout, and you are increasing the Level of a particular mastery that costs the incremental Gold/Units to reach higher, YES, you will should be charged those incremental amounts.

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    Ironman3000Ironman3000 Posts: 1,922 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    I’m theory crafting some efficient ways to handle the three loadouts, and here’s what I got:

    For your primary, day to day loadout, save it with everything you would normally use EXCEPT willpower. Just leave those points unspent and save the loadout. I’d say leave dexterity of too, but that means missing an entire tree and that defeats the purpose.

    After saving, then put your willpower points in. That way when you have to fight a beefy Warlock or some other fight where you need to turn willpower off, you just swap to the loadout and don’t need to redo the entire defense tree. And when you’re done with that fight, you only need to spend the handful of units for willpower and not the ones you’d need for every other defensive mastery.

    I'm guessing the best bet would be:

    Full Loadout for AWD - Max MD, Limber, Stand Your Ground, etc.
    ~90% Loadout with Recoils - Probably leave the Despair tree open and everything after Willpower.
    ~80% Loadout without Recoils - Most flexibility here. Leave off Willpower and Dex as well as the Despair tree.

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    HavanaknightHavanaknight Posts: 474 ★★★
    This goes live April 1… clearly an April fools prank by kabam.

    In all seriousness, solid change. I would’ve been happy paying 1-2k units for a slot with free swaps. But 35 units per swap is worth making a switch when going between WoW and other quests vs arena grinding.
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 19,035 Guardian

    I would prefer for arena to have a separate mastery system similar to the BG loadout, where you can have your main masteries set to story or whatever, and when you play in that game mode it applies the suicides just in that mode.

    Means you set and forget and don't have to make any changes or 35 unit swaps.

    In my original mastery profile suggestion/idea, I included arena as one of two modes with mode specific profiles, AWD being the other one. Battlegrounds did not exist at the time I originally suggested it, but I immediately began advocating for Battlegrounds to have its own mastery profiles before it launched.

    I suspect they are rolling this out initially with AWD as the most obvious mode-specific use case, but I would bet better than even money that arena will get its own checkbox eventually. Eventually might be a year or two away, though.
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    RasiloverRasilover Posts: 1,471 ★★★★
    About freaking time!

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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,525 ★★★★★
    It's late here, so I'm probably half cooked mentally, but this means I can lock in an AWD mastery loadout permanently and play with a seperate one, but switch to other ones for 35 units a pop, but the AWD one stays unless I specifically change it?
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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,224 ★★★★

    It's late here, so I'm probably half cooked mentally, but this means I can lock in an AWD mastery loadout permanently and play with a seperate one, but switch to other ones for 35 units a pop, but the AWD one stays unless I specifically change it?

    From what I gather, correct. Similar to when you lock in a BGs mastery loadout and it remains the same until you click that pop-up box confirmation again that you wish to change it.
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,525 ★★★★★

    It's late here, so I'm probably half cooked mentally, but this means I can lock in an AWD mastery loadout permanently and play with a seperate one, but switch to other ones for 35 units a pop, but the AWD one stays unless I specifically change it?

    From what I gather, correct. Similar to when you lock in a BGs mastery loadout and it remains the same until you click that pop-up box confirmation again that you wish to change it.

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    Ragnarok13Ragnarok13 Posts: 57
    This is the greatest April Fool’s Day prank they have ever come up with
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    BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Posts: 1,649 ★★★★★
    edited March 26

    I'm in meetings all day so don't have time to answer every question, but the way this works is basically every loadout works like the current mastery system. So if you want to for instance turn off willpower, do a fight, then turn it back on, and that would cost less than 70 Units to swap between two different profiles, you can do that exactly how you would now. In fact, if you have no interest in this system at all, you can just leave your loadout set to one loadout and manage your masteries exactly how you currently do.

    I’d love to read an explanation of switching willpower and mystic dispersion would cost in the old system and what it would cost in the new loadouts system
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    Josh2507Josh2507 Posts: 656 ★★★★

    So if you want to for instance turn off willpower, do a fight, then turn it back on, and that would cost less than 70 Units to swap between two different profiles, you can do that exactly how you would now.

    Wait I’m confused

    So you pay to switch to slot 2, but then switching back to slot 1 doesn’t have a charge?

    How would this process cost less than 70 units?
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    startropicsstartropics Posts: 678 ★★★★

    This is the greatest April Fool’s Day prank they have ever come up with

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    PolygonPolygon Posts: 4,007 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Crashed @Kabam Miike

    Very good job on the update, only one concern I have regarding the 35 units. Its definitely cheaper than before but when you consider the fact that when you swap to a temporary loadout for a given quest and then switch back, it’s going to be 70 units each time.

    Say, I’m about to the CCP avengers challenge, I dont need MD, i may want to temporarily switch it out for Collar Tech. But after that, MD is what I would normally use.

    Alternatively if i want to do the Tigra Challenge , I may want to have max Deep Wounds etc.

    The possibilities are numerous, but the point I’m trying to make is it would make much more sense for us to be able to disable points in certain masteries to be able to spec points in other ones. That way we don’t have to pay to spec the whole tree or pay 70 units via the loadout switches

    Let me know your thoughts
  • Options
    startropicsstartropics Posts: 678 ★★★★
    edited March 26
    35 units per switch is very reasonable. right now if i want to turn off full suicides and put them back on it costs 58 units and that doesn't include any points in despair or deep wounds.

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    startropicsstartropics Posts: 678 ★★★★
    hmm..maybe i'm not seeing it correctly...
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    ReyAlemánReyAlemán Posts: 88
    Exactly, you're free to use the new system or keep playing as you normally do.
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    Wicket329Wicket329 Posts: 3,199 ★★★★★
    edited March 26

    Polygon said:

    @Kabam Crashed @Kabam Miike

    Very good job on the update, only one concern I have regarding the 35 units. Its definitely cheaper than before but when you consider the fact that when you swap to a temporary loadout for a given quest and then switch back, it’s going to be 70 units each time.

    Say, I’m about to the CCP avengers challenge, I dont need MD, i may want to temporarily switch it out for Collar Tech. But after that, MD is what I would normally use.

    Alternatively if i want to do the Tigra Challenge , I may want to have max Deep Wounds etc.

    The possibilities are numerous, but the point I’m trying to make is it would make much more sense for us to be able to disable points in certain masteries to be able to spec points in other ones. That way we don’t have to pay to spec the whole tree or pay 70 units via the loadout switches

    Let me know your thoughts

    As I said above, you can still choose to manage your active mastery loadout exactly how you do now. So if there is a mastery swap that would be cheaper using the current system, you can absolutely just do what you are currently doing now. The system is designed as a Pareto improvement, nobody is made worse off and many players are made better off.
    Is there any discussion for the future about the adding the ability to either remove single points at a time or to allow adding multiple points at a time? The update is phenomenal and I’m over the moon with it, just curious if this is planned as a final state or if there are further updates being considered (trying so hard to phrase this in a way that doesn’t tie you down to your answer)
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    startropicsstartropics Posts: 678 ★★★★
    sorry if this was already answered, but does an AW profile count as just defense or both offense and defense like BGs?

    and if i turn off full suicides just for placement, does it see that as a game wide change or just for AW? guessing it's game wide.

    ideally i want to create a custom defensive AW setup, pay the 35 units once, then run it permanently while having whatever other setting outside of it.
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    gohard123gohard123 Posts: 1,014 ★★★

    Polygon said:

    @Kabam Crashed @Kabam Miike

    Very good job on the update, only one concern I have regarding the 35 units. Its definitely cheaper than before but when you consider the fact that when you swap to a temporary loadout for a given quest and then switch back, it’s going to be 70 units each time.

    Say, I’m about to the CCP avengers challenge, I dont need MD, i may want to temporarily switch it out for Collar Tech. But after that, MD is what I would normally use.

    Alternatively if i want to do the Tigra Challenge , I may want to have max Deep Wounds etc.

    The possibilities are numerous, but the point I’m trying to make is it would make much more sense for us to be able to disable points in certain masteries to be able to spec points in other ones. That way we don’t have to pay to spec the whole tree or pay 70 units via the loadout switches

    Let me know your thoughts

    As I said above, you can still choose to manage your active mastery loadout exactly how you do now. So if there is a mastery swap that would be cheaper using the current system, you can absolutely just do what you are currently doing now. The system is designed as a Pareto improvement, nobody is made worse off and many players are made better off.
    Personally, I'd like to thank yall for this change. It makes the barrier to change masteries much smaller especially with AW inclusion
  • Options
    PolygonPolygon Posts: 4,007 ★★★★★

    Polygon said:

    @Kabam Crashed @Kabam Miike

    Very good job on the update, only one concern I have regarding the 35 units. Its definitely cheaper than before but when you consider the fact that when you swap to a temporary loadout for a given quest and then switch back, it’s going to be 70 units each time.

    Say, I’m about to the CCP avengers challenge, I dont need MD, i may want to temporarily switch it out for Collar Tech. But after that, MD is what I would normally use.

    Alternatively if i want to do the Tigra Challenge , I may want to have max Deep Wounds etc.

    The possibilities are numerous, but the point I’m trying to make is it would make much more sense for us to be able to disable points in certain masteries to be able to spec points in other ones. That way we don’t have to pay to spec the whole tree or pay 70 units via the loadout switches

    Let me know your thoughts

    As I said above, you can still choose to manage your active mastery loadout exactly how you do now. So if there is a mastery swap that would be cheaper using the current system, you can absolutely just do what you are currently doing now. The system is designed as a Pareto improvement, nobody is made worse off and many players are made better off.
    I understand this but my post was more so referring to removing single points at a time (also brought up by @Wicket329 i believe) as opposed to the current system because that would actually cost even more units than from the new system, as if you want to switch points out from say deep wounds to inequity you would have to reset the whole offense tree.
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