X-Magica Incursions Challenge Sector 7 - 20x Nightcrawler Runestones



  • ShrodinbergShrodinberg Member Posts: 68
    Next saga, start with thé incursions " challenge",
    So we wouldn't have to bother during 3 month🙃
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,858 ★★★★★
    edited May 2024

    Kabam Jax said:

    What really bothers me on top of everything is the lack of communication from Kabam. No post to acknowledge the pain point or frustration, trying to set things right, etc...
    It's clear they want us to spend to get NC, busting your butt off reaching GC 3 months in a row is not enough, they want us to sell an organ to get the last runes.
    The same potion/revive deal we saw in the past incursion events would have been great, it would have made the event fun and less painful, but I guess that last point is clearly what they don't want.

    The reality is, there isn't a lot of feedback that warrants a deep response. We know this challenge mode is challenging. We're aware that everyone would like to get through it and that there are some people who won't. We understand that the game mode which is based around RNG has a lot of RNG.

    We understand that some Summoners are very frustrated and want to see changes. But there isn't a lot we can do to make on the fly changes to Incursions and, unfortunately, just because some people are upset doesn't mean we jump to change things. We did make some changes in preparation for this challenge: we added favourable buffs and more control over a targeted build and we removed some hard-as-nails defenders. We are aware of the sentiment towards this event and will consider it in the future.
    Jax with all due respect what "favourable buffs" are you referring to ?? The selector I assume for it can't be those HORRENDOUS THINGS YOU CALL "SURVIVAL HACKS"? OR the multitude of common hacks that boost these useless hacks
    These hacks have diluted the pool so much to the point that EVEN WITH A SELECTOR TO BEGIN THE SECTOR, most of people's runs ended because they couldn't get a favourable hack.

    I know the team can't make changes to an ongoing event and WE AREN'T EXPECTING YOU TO, but I hope the feedback you're taking into consideration includes
    - The feedback on these hacks you added that just dilute the pool , and
    - the SEVERELY OUTDATED revives and potions in incursions

    I enjoy incursions the most out of any game mode, but I have a hard time even defending the favorable buffs statement. Priyabrata said everything that I would have said. I hope that they are removed for incursions next month (I fine with the common hack changes, but please get rid of those {non}survival hacks).
  • TadzioTosterTadzioToster Member Posts: 95
    edited June 2024
    Thx kabam for incursions and your high quality game. Ive just been kicked out off the game at room 19. Loose all prefights and other stuff. Im done with that game mode
  • YiashiYiashi Member Posts: 11
    Hi all, what do we do with the runestones if we don't have enough for the 7*? I'm at 111 runes and no chance to get 9 more. Can we trade them in for something else?
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    Yiashi said:

    Hi all, what do we do with the runestones if we don't have enough for the 7*? I'm at 111 runes and no chance to get 9 more. Can we trade them in for something else?

    You will get the chance go trade in for 7* shards, I believe sometime after the X-Magica Saga officially end.
  • N8buckeye08N8buckeye08 Member Posts: 324 ★★★
    Anybody struggling may want to have an attempt now as it appears you can use champs from either the ending saga or the one starting now (e.g. Scorp/Venom synergy)
  • CyrillFromTulaCyrillFromTula Member Posts: 50
    Oh, so i could cheese incursions with aegon and save 2k units...silly me
  • IRQIRQ Member Posts: 327 ★★
    Asim38 said:

    I hv tried like 15-20 times but rng of nodes & defenders really slaps the hacks n makes them useless k even my attackers.
    RnG really needs to be in your favour in challenges like this & "ai as well but that's still manageable as times"
    I have honestly given up on this saga challenge when it's not even progressive & nothing regarding revives to help out or assist even a bit.
    Wehn you get the hacks you want. All of sudden defender & nodes really contradict the attackers n hacks make it rendor to even olay further.
    Thank you for such a mess up challenge.
    feel like " what if of wow absman fight as a incursions challenge"

    In the words of Master Oogway, "there are no accidents." Just like that, there is no RNG when it comes to these nodes. I faced a Viv Vision in my run where she had 2 nodes that cost only 50% power on specials and you couldn't power drain her. Guess what? Her AI didn't launch specials until reaching SP3 either. Then she spammed SP3 after SP3. There was a similar Absman fight too which I can't remember the nodes of. Many bleed immune defenders to fight when relying on bleeds for power stings. I chose the Bullseye route over Kingpin because I heard of enough roadblocks using the Kingpin route which hinders progress even if you have other options on your team. I powered through with UNITS to get past zone 20 and just quit without even looking at zone 21 because this is disgusting. That itself cost me about 4000 units. If the entire Sector should be themed. Not just zones 4, 8 and 12. What's even the point besides locking us out of using some champs?

    As someone who doesn't even bother with Incursions unless there is something needed, this was terrible! There were ways of making this a better experience. The Runestones could have been 2 per zone for the first 10 zones with lesser amounts of Titan shards with increased amount of Titan shards from zones 11-20 and leave zones 21-25 as is.

    Back to the arena grind before July 4th hits to HOPEFULLY get up to 18k units now which is a very steep hill climb now.

    P.S. Considering the struggle of those that went through the pain of reaching Gladiator Circuit for 3 straight months and excruciating pain of this X-Magica Incursions, 7 star Nightcrawler should never be made available by any means other than Runestones. Because most of us wouldn't have bothered otherwise. So if someone is buying Runestones, by all means they can have 7 star Nightcrawler. Many already do. But it shouldn't be a pull from a 7 star crystal without the struggle.
    Just wanted to add that I got the same "free specials + busted defensive cpr + power control immunity" set once, on Abs man boss. And while the combos like this are bound to happen due to nodes being random.

    How has this not been playtested and removed from possible combinations? Player literally loses the fight within ten hits with no way to prevent or counter it. The only way is to force through with items.

    By the way, I made a thread about it (in a "people complain about difficulty and new hacks but this is actually game-breaking and should be looked into" vein) and it got closed within 10 minutes. Because I made a "we haven't complained in an hour so here's one" joke. I get mods' being fed up with these threads and I could definitely made that post less passive agressive, so that's on me but yeah, the prized communication.
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