What are you go-to champion for tomorrow's Raid ?

What champions will you choose tomorrow? Looks like you need auto block counter, I don't see any buff attacker that will help if you don't have it.
I think I'll go for Aegon hoping the ramp up is not that difficult
I think I'll go for Aegon hoping the ramp up is not that difficult
My go to is Titania but it depends a bit on how Medusa, Guardian, Thor R and Modok play out. I will check YT for any other cheese options.
Or at least that's how I hope things work out.
Don’t need to worry about auto block if you’re always hitting their block anyway
OG black panther has that 50% defence ability accuracy reduction for any annoying autoblock(wish he was awakened max sig for 100%) + When built up he crits like crazy so high damage.
Titania can go unlockable and has great damage too.
My obvious stance is Titania because I think she would be more reliable and last longer since black panther og relies on a.i but I do want to experiment with OG black panther too because I can't imagine many people using him so would be a nice test.
Vox seems like he'll be quite good too.
Sorry Kabam!
It can all be found on their twitter page