Best Dual Threat?

For BGs
Red Skull might be the best defender of the bunch, but Guardian handles more meta defenders than him. Also I imagine at higher sig, Guardians critical damage resistance can stop a lot of nukes that bypassed his autoblock.
Also on a side note, how does everyone like the Guardian vs Domino matchup? On paper he should work well, but she can fail his crits, charges, and shocks to mess with the matchup
Red Skull might be the best defender of the bunch, but Guardian handles more meta defenders than him. Also I imagine at higher sig, Guardians critical damage resistance can stop a lot of nukes that bypassed his autoblock.
Also on a side note, how does everyone like the Guardian vs Domino matchup? On paper he should work well, but she can fail his crits, charges, and shocks to mess with the matchup
She can make him fail some shocks, but if he is made to fail he applies a pretty potent shock that hits a lot harder than the willpower can help.
If not shocker, I'll go red skull as he needs a counter otherwise it's a guaranteed loss for you.
Guardian is great on offense, but he is not a defensive threat, He is just a staller, unlike red skull.
Plus sp2 to sp1 is game over and you can take her double medium attacks on block to power burn her fully and damage also
Plus on defence, he's like wayyyy above Guardian.
Guardian needs high sig to be as tanky as red skull, and you need to remove his armor (via nullify, armor break) or use auto block counter/unblockable attacks to do special attack damage. That's the only defensive ability he have.
While for red skull, He is very tanky at the start of fight even unduped, and his tankiness increases as the fight goes. He gains multiple stacks of armor which you can't nullify.
If you don't use a armor break champ, you cannot stun him eventually, and only rely on baiting heavies and specials for opening. Can't intercept as it's risky and you might hit his block.
And if you don't have a autoblock counter, you can't punish his sp1 with light and medium attacks, so the only openings are heavy baiting, which means you have to take a lot of blocked hits. And 7*s have huge block penetration.
In a pure defense pov, Red skull is wayyy higher than Guardian. Red skull is more than a tank with autoblock.
I don't disagree with this but the question was dual threat not defense only. Red Skull is a better defender, Guardian is a better attacker but Red Skull can be used on attack successfully and Guardian can be used on defense successfully too therefore it's a tie.
Guardian is a top 5 tech, so you are just plain wrong there. There's a reason a lot of Celestial players have him in their decks, same as Red Skull, again it's a tie for me.
Red skull- annoying defender, great attacker. Can be used sometimes as a mutant counter in bgs
Guardian- with Max sig, easily the best defenders among these three. And easily the best nuke attacker among these three too. So much going on in his kit, he's just simply enjoyable can get u defensive kills unlike red skull, who just increases fight duration
Skull works decently well against non shock immune champs too, and the man is an absolute unit on defense
Him and Sinister went from plastic straws in a turtles nose to garbage island.
They’re killing the environment.
All I’m saying is recycle folks.
That said, Red Skull will absolutely be my next Tech r3, awakened or not.
Red skull is a great defender, pretty annoying, but all he does is extend fight duration, i have never seen people die to a red skull but I have surely seen my guardian get kills bgs always
Guardian is just a tank. His sp1 catch me off guard sometimes but I think that's a me issue 😂. Guardian may time out sometimes in bgs, But no way one die to him in defense unless it's their bad day.
People seem to be undermining Guardians value on attack, this is Red Skulls best matchup (both are r3), and look at that speed. Red Skull can't do her that fast.
Even outside this matchup, the fact red skull uses shocks means hes not the best for most mutants (dust, bishop, storm px, havok).
Aside from Photon, Bullseye, KM , Guardian also works against Iceman because of energt resistance. Some said NTW might catch people on defense, but guess what Guardian shuts her down too with his projectile parry and non crits.
Red Skull may be the better defender but hes not the better attacker
It's a tie for me
I’d rather fight a Guardian over a Nova.