AQ Comp Update



  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 4,766 ★★★★★

    At this point I believe all compensation that is going out should be out. If you did not receive anything yesterday then either you likely already received what you were going to get during the previous attempts at comp, or you did not qualify based on previous raid participation.

    There is no denying that this entire process has not gone as we'd have liked or intended, starting with the original raid issue. I am reminded a little bit of a line from one of the newer star trek movies describing teleporting between ships being like trying to hit a bullet with another bullet while riding a horse blindfolded. I wouldn't say that's the exact analogy with trying to fix a live service issue, but it can feel that way sometimes haha. Solving a problem without really being able to stop, take a step back, and fully evaluate makes it all a lot harder.

    That said, boohoo woe is us is not really what you want to hear from us lol, and tbf it's not the message I want to send either. Instead what I want to focus on is acknowledging the frustration, believe me Dork, Rex, and myself 100% hear you, as well as say we've got a lot of learning and feedback from this whole event. These silver linings (that's linings, not sable if you're reading this EdisonLaw xD) can hopefully make whatever the next issue to crop up is be not so bad.

    Steps off of soapbox

    I'm not moving on yet! Just one last question.

    Allinces got full raid rewards without playing.
    Good for them. No issues.

    But others who did enlist and played, put 180 tickets and time.
    We all know time is not a currency in your books
    Are180 tickets also irrelevant now?
    Damn. I don't know about you guys, but I got scammed out of 180 tickets. As someone who doesn't play in active allince which explores AQ maps. Rip

    "Enter 'kabamed' emoji"
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