New "Real Event" BG season 22
I really don't like this one.
For some reason I have no faith in the community on an event like this.
The GC vs VT point gain difference makes it even worse.
For some reason I have no faith in the community on an event like this.
The GC vs VT point gain difference makes it even worse.
It should have kept going to push people to get more.
Obviously you’ll win some matches as that’s the bare minimum required. Rewards appear to be better than the past special seasons so take that into consideration.
Your rewards on your progression level will be tied to the will of lower progression players to spend time and resources. Completely different to a realm event idea of a crystal opening where all crystals opened give the same ammount of points.
With the point difference in VT and GC, a huge chunk of the player base is starting and participating in this event with a hand tied behind their backs.
We have asked for an incentive to play in GC, clearly they misunderstood our request.
Imagine going to your parents 50th anniversary and telling them they gotta clean up the whole place... 🤷
Now if you push day 1, then your going to have issues as a lot of the top dogs are playing then. It is much better to just wait if you aren't confident in your roster and skills.
Those that have the resources or able to push that hard/high have no care to get a titan crystal. Plus this titan pool is the worst weve had so far
I'l just do what I need to get to GC and get the She-Hulk piece.
Then again, i can see why they did it as certain uncollected /TB players like @MorningstarIsBae kept crying and spamming threads here that they were facing larger accounts in the Victory Track.
I assume this was meant to incentive people to push into the Gladiator Circuit asap so as to prevent farming. Even though farming wasnt an issue to begin with as certain players just chose to push later on in the season and since it costed twice the energy it did before to even sustain it.
But now with the vast difference in points in GC and VT , i can just see people farming in low tier GC.
In short, they tried to discourage farming, but ended up making it worse by implementing the vast point differences
It's going to be really interesting to see how this plays out. I'm anticipating a pretty slow start to the event, as obviously nobody is in the GC earning those bonus points at the start of the season. So will be interesting to see how the community reacts to that.