New to the game - help



  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★

    Hi everyone. Really struggling with act 6. Can’t even get half way through 6.1.1 without being wiped out. Really struggling with the jump to fighting these champs at 34k rated etc. I think I maybe fight too aggressive but not sure. Can anyone give any advice? My team are around 10k rated each. Can’t upgrade anymore as I need tier 5 catalysts and where’s the only place I can get them?! Chapter 6 😂

    Any tips massively appreciated

    Just wait until you get to content where you're fighting champs with 100k+ rating, some even in the hundreds of thousands and millions.

    You're at the stage right now where the best thing you can do is look up MCOC Noob on YouTube and follow his guides. He has guides for Act 6 and beyond with how the paths work and counters he recommends. Some of the Act 6 and 7 stuff will be somewhat outdated because of how many new champs have come out since, but he will at least get you started in a good direction. He also posts gameplay, so you will be able to see how the node sets work on each path.
    This right here ^^^ is exactly how I (and I'm guessing at least 60% of the community, if not higher) got through Act 6, 7 and beyond.

    MCOC Noob's video's on each individual Story act, chapter and quest are fantastic. He gives you the easiest path to take, recommended counters, and also how to complete all paths for you to achieve 100% completion further down the line. I would not have progressed anywhere near as much as I have without his guides, and I truly mean that. He massively brought my in-game knowledge and also my skill up. Credit where credit is due, he is a legend in the community.

    That being said, in all honesty, you're probably at the stage where you could step away from story mode and focus on some of the other aspects of the game in order to expand and diversify your roster. It may sound counter-productive at first, but it's pointless keep attempting quests that you don't have a robust enough roster to properly counter.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,680 ★★★★★

    My roster has definitely improved since I last posted 5 days ago. Managed to pull bishop in 2 6* crystals in a row! I think this is really helpful based on my testing with him so far. I’m really intrigued by abs man though. All the tier lists say he’s great, is he complicated to play? I’m just on 5.4.4 and think I have a roster ready for the cav push now. Who would you all use for your team of 5?!

    That absorbing man tho
    Is he good unawakened or do I need the dupe?
    He's fine awakened but his dupe is good
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,463 ★★★★★
    OP, you gotta spend some units on those masteries. They are really holding you back. Unlocking the Precision / Cruelty tree and the Willpower tree should be priorities. Willpower is expensive so it might take a while. But unlocking Precision / Cruelty and moving points from Strength and Greater Strength. That’ll juice your damage a lot. Search for mastery videos on YT.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Wait, as a valiant I don't have anything in cruelty and precision how bad is this? I already know I need to redo masteries and put stuff in petrify and deep wounds. I never run any ouchies
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,680 ★★★★★
    Luke9523 said:

    Hi everyone. Really struggling with act 6. Can’t even get half way through 6.1.1 without being wiped out. Really struggling with the jump to fighting these champs at 34k rated etc. I think I maybe fight too aggressive but not sure. Can anyone give any advice? My team are around 10k rated each. Can’t upgrade anymore as I need tier 5 catalysts and where’s the only place I can get them?! Chapter 6 😂

    Any tips massively appreciated

    Just wait until you get to content where you're fighting champs with 100k+ rating, some even in the hundreds of thousands and millions.

    You're at the stage right now where the best thing you can do is look up MCOC Noob on YouTube and follow his guides. He has guides for Act 6 and beyond with how the paths work and counters he recommends. Some of the Act 6 and 7 stuff will be somewhat outdated because of how many new champs have come out since, but he will at least get you started in a good direction. He also posts gameplay, so you will be able to see how the node sets work on each path.
    This right here ^^^ is exactly how I (and I'm guessing at least 60% of the community, if not higher) got through Act 6, 7 and beyond.

    MCOC Noob's video's on each individual Story act, chapter and quest are fantastic. He gives you the easiest path to take, recommended counters, and also how to complete all paths for you to achieve 100% completion further down the line. I would not have progressed anywhere near as much as I have without his guides, and I truly mean that. He massively brought my in-game knowledge and also my skill up. Credit where credit is due, he is a legend in the community.

    That being said, in all honesty, you're probably at the stage where you could step away from story mode and focus on some of the other aspects of the game in order to expand and diversify your roster. It may sound counter-productive at first, but it's pointless keep attempting quests that you don't have a robust enough roster to properly counter.
    But nowadays if I were to do 6.1.1, I wouldn’t necessarily take the Red Skull path, unless you have a counter. The Iron Man Infinity War path may be easier. But depends on the summoner
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,463 ★★★★★
    @JLordVileJ thats pretty wild to be valiant without P/C masteries. Here’s my build, it’s a pretty vanilla setup, no recoil.

  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,430 ★★★★★

    Wait, as a valiant I don't have anything in cruelty and precision how bad is this? I already know I need to redo masteries and put stuff in petrify and deep wounds. I never run any ouchies

    Cruelty and precision are crucial. I can send you screenshots of mine non-suicide setup. It's probably not the best, but I like it.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Thank you both for the help and information 😊
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★

    OP, you gotta spend some units on those masteries. They are really holding you back. Unlocking the Precision / Cruelty tree and the Willpower tree should be priorities. Willpower is expensive so it might take a while. But unlocking Precision / Cruelty and moving points from Strength and Greater Strength. That’ll juice your damage a lot. Search for mastery videos on YT.

    This is really helpful thanks. I can only really afford to unlock the lesser precision and cruelty at the moment so would you recommend going 5/5 on both of them? I want to save units for the banquet really
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    edited October 2024
    I’m so close to just giving up with this game. The step up to 6.1.1 from chapter 5 is crazy. I can’t get the hang of it at all. I feel like I’ve mastered agent venom but after that red skull I basically instantly die every time, and iron man infinity war isn’t much easier as you can’t parry against him. I’m in the situation where I need tier 5 catalysts to upgrade my champs to give me a chance but there’s nowhere I can get them without progressing further. Genuinely stuck and losing the enjoyment I once had for this game. Anything I try just doesn’t seem to help, I’m starting to feel like I’m just bad at the game!
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,340 ★★★★★
    @England73738 are you in an Alliance? The rewards from Alliance Quest will go along way to helping you get the resources you need to advance.

    I can understand wanting to save for Banquet, but some of those masteries you're missing are pretty crucial...

    For now I'd say pause on Story Quest and refocus to doing EQ, Side Quests, and grinding Arena for more Units. The game's really not made for people to just rush through the whole Story unless you're someone like @Cantona59 who knows the game well and so can rush through with a limited roster with their game knowledge.
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★

    @England73738 are you in an Alliance? The rewards from Alliance Quest will go along way to helping you get the resources you need to advance.

    I can understand wanting to save for Banquet, but some of those masteries you're missing are pretty crucial...

    For now I'd say pause on Story Quest and refocus to doing EQ, Side Quests, and grinding Arena for more Units. The game's really not made for people to just rush through the whole Story unless you're someone like @Cantona59 who knows the game well and so can rush through with a limited roster with their game knowledge.

    Thanks - I’ve tried the side quests as I see you can get tier 5s from the variants but struggle with them too. I’m genuinely stuck for progression unless like you say I just pause and wait it out to get resources from multiple end of season alliance wars. My alliance is pretty good I think, usually around silver 2.
  • GlassbackGlassback Member Posts: 796 ★★★
    edited October 2024

    I’m so close to just giving up with this game. The step up to 6.1.1 from chapter 5 is crazy. I can’t get the hang of it at all. I feel like I’ve mastered agent venom but after that red skull I basically instantly die every time, and iron man infinity war isn’t much easier as you can’t parry against him. I’m in the situation where I need tier 5 catalysts to upgrade my champs to give me a chance but there’s nowhere I can get them without progressing further. Genuinely stuck and losing the enjoyment I once had for this game. Anything I try just doesn’t seem to help, I’m starting to feel like I’m just bad at the game!

    Angela can parry imiw but can’t handle his or red skull’s auto block until she’s awakened.

    Act 6 is the worst of all of them for the roster people usually have at this point imo.

    Start on the event and side quests to farm the rank up materials, plus lower progression eq have units which are useful for the masteries.

    A month or two exploring a lot of EQ content is worth it and will help rank up your champs.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    Don't feel disheartened. As mentioned, this isn't a game to just fly through in a couple of weeks and move onto something else.
    This is a game that takes a lot of time and investment, which is why there are multiple modes for you to switch between.
    You don't have a skill issue, you just have a diversity issue. As you get new champs, aspects of the game you once struggled with, you will be able to smash through.
    Side quests, EQ, variants, alliance quests are all great places to gain new champs and rank up resources.

    Keep going, everyone here is behind you and ready to give advice. Just remember, we've all been there and been at that stage. I stepped away from story mode for over 12 months at one point just to grow my roster. And that helped me massively. 👍🏼👍🏼
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    So proud of myself that I got to 2000 points on the BG quests and got the 6* nexus crystal. I thought it was going to massively help my progression and a choice of 3 I was guaranteed at least one good selection, right….RIGHT?!

    Dani moonstar, Stryfe or Doctor Strange! This game does not want me to do well 😂
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,463 ★★★★★
    That’s a rough nexus, but you’re on the right track. Keep pushing on the places where you can bank resources efficiently. And I gotta say again, spend on the masteries. They are the best investment you can possibly make cause they impact every single fight. You’re going to kill that IMIW a lot faster and take less block damage while you do it if you get your foundational masteries right. Unlocking greater precision is not as entertaining and popping banquet crystals but it’s much better bang for your buck.
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★

    That’s a rough nexus, but you’re on the right track. Keep pushing on the places where you can bank resources efficiently. And I gotta say again, spend on the masteries. They are the best investment you can possibly make cause they impact every single fight. You’re going to kill that IMIW a lot faster and take less block damage while you do it if you get your foundational masteries right. Unlocking greater precision is not as entertaining and popping banquet crystals but it’s much better bang for your buck.

    I’ve found loads of old quests that offer stoneys as completion rewards that are really easy, so just going through them as we speak! I never did them before as I didn’t know what stoneys were so had no reason to complete them!
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    Who’s going to be most useful for me to rank up/ascend right now? I’m just starting 6.1.1 and only have enough tier 5 basic to do 1 rank up

  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,340 ★★★★★
    It's been so long I don't remember the 6.1 nodes.

    Bishop is going to be very helpful for you with the upcoming Crossbones though so he'll be worth ranking up.

    Absorbing Man has some great immunities although you need to learn how to light intercept and heavy-cancel to get the most out of him.

    Angela deals great damage but needs to be awakened and high sig to get her utility.

    Kingpin will bring some very useful purify capabilities, although you need the Hood (or Fixit?) synergy to make it 100% reliable.

    From your 5*s America is amazing once you know how to manage her Dimensions, Lady Deathstrike is a very reliable heal blocker and general mutant counter, Torch will handle most (if not all) of your mystic oppositions while Warlock is also a reliable heal blocker with great immunities.

    Personally I'd take up Bishop.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★

    Who’s going to be most useful for me to rank up/ascend right now? I’m just starting 6.1.1 and only have enough tier 5 basic to do 1 rank up

    You have some solid options, but I think your biggest help will come from Kingpin and Warlock.
    Warlock's immunities are a massive help for a lot of difficult champs/nodes. And Kingpin hits like a tank!
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    Thanks for both of your suggestions. Interestingly….Bishop, Kingpin and Warlock were the main three I was thinking of! Will have to try and have a think…I was thinking warlock specifically for sabretooth in 3.1.1 but also I know there’s quite a lot of fights in act 6 chapter 1 where bishop will come in useful.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,680 ★★★★★
    edited October 2024

    Thanks for both of your suggestions. Interestingly….Bishop, Kingpin and Warlock were the main three I was thinking of! Will have to try and have a think…I was thinking warlock specifically for sabretooth in 3.1.1 but also I know there’s quite a lot of fights in act 6 chapter 1 where bishop will come in useful.

    Bishgod’s gonna be useful for 6.2.4 Kingpin plus a few more other skill defenders.

    It looks like you don’t have Nimrod, the best mutant counter so Warlock will have to work for now
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,680 ★★★★★

    It's been so long I don't remember the 6.1 nodes.

    Bishop is going to be very helpful for you with the upcoming Crossbones though so he'll be worth ranking up.

    Absorbing Man has some great immunities although you need to learn how to light intercept and heavy-cancel to get the most out of him.

    Angela deals great damage but needs to be awakened and high sig to get her utility.

    Kingpin will bring some very useful purify capabilities, although you need the Hood (or Fixit?) synergy to make it 100% reliable.

    From your 5*s America is amazing once you know how to manage her Dimensions, Lady Deathstrike is a very reliable heal blocker and general mutant counter, Torch will handle most (if not all) of your mystic oppositions while Warlock is also a reliable heal blocker with great immunities.

    Personally I'd take up Bishop.

    Crossbones has a poison node though which bishop isn’t immune to
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    I think absorbing man is my favourite out of them all but realistically I don’t think he’s worth taking up to rank 2 as he’s not going to end up any more highly rated than Chavez for example so I don’t think he’d displace anyone currently in my best 5
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★
    Don't be afraid to just go back and 100% Act 5 while building their rosters. You should also 100% Act 1-3 for the rewards.

    The classic Back Issues will give you a bunch of cores, which will also help with masteries. DO NOT do the normal Back Issues. The rewards suck vs the energy and effort.
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,340 ★★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    Crossbones has a poison node though which bishop isn’t immune to

    I thought it was Biohazard, so as long as he doesn't hit into the block he's fine? Maybe I'm wrong, it was a long time ago :smile:
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    I was waiting for my next 6 star crystal before I ranked anyone up, just to see if I pulled a dupe of Angela/Absorbing man or any top tier champ... I pulled Spiderman Classic. Bishop has been ranked up. My 6 star luck is so bad, Stryfe, Scarlet Witch, Ms Marvel, Spiderman Classic, Dormammu, Abomination, Karnak, Sabretooth. That's way too many bad pulls when I only have 12 6* champs :D
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★

    EdisonLaw said:

    Crossbones has a poison node though which bishop isn’t immune to

    I thought it was Biohazard, so as long as he doesn't hit into the block he's fine? Maybe I'm wrong, it was a long time ago :smile:
    Nah it does 100 percent of your health in poison damage. Bishop should be able to regen enough that you don't die from poison but you will defo be below 10 percent health
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Nvm they have iceman, ez fight
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    Question on Red Skull in 6.1.1 - I'm getting to the stage where I manage to get him to around 50% health with Kingpin (not the best counter i'm sure but going on the logic he's a good champ and i'm not going to need him for the boss) However I can't find any logic behind why 7 times out of 10 the parry stun doesn't work, it keeps catching me out and i'm being punished for it. Any tips with this please?
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