Global Chat Regulation & Monitoring

MizuriNicoleMizuriNicole Member Posts: 28
Was amazed at how racist, toxic and hack bot selling the global chat is crowded with.
I can turn on the tick and disable the global chat but thats just one less way to learn, talk or find alliance opportunity.
Its similar to turn off news in your country and staying out of touch...

I think applying auto-ban from the chat specificaly could be amazing idea


  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,294 ★★★★★
    Turn it off. There's literally negative reasons to have it on
  • TherunekingTheruneking Member Posts: 215 ★★
    Recently crime rates has increased. People going outside their house are getting ki***d.

    Solution: just don't go outside your house. If you go outside it means you are irresponsible.

    This is not about rise in crime rates.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 2,407 ★★★★
    "learn, talk or find alliance opportunity"

    You have the Forums 👍

    And global for women is even worse ,sadly
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,075 ★★★★
    Leave that garbage global chat it's a mess of all kinds
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,651 ★★★★★
    edited September 30

    Was amazed at how racist, toxic and hack bot selling the global chat is crowded with.
    I can turn on the tick and disable the global chat but thats just one less way to learn, talk or find alliance opportunity.
    Its similar to turn off news in your country and staying out of touch...

    I think applying auto-ban from the chat specificaly could be amazing idea

    If you want global chat regulation Kabam would likely have to hire someone that exclusively monitors global chat all day, which I doubt anyone would want that job or Kabam would want to spend money on. Global chats, chatrooms, live streams etc. all attract the wretched hive of scum and villainy that exists on the internet, that's just how it is and it's impossible to regulate and punish every single person that says bad things. So you can either live with global chat or do the simple thing and turn it off, cause it's a waste of time for Kabam to spend any of their resources to regularly monitor it.

    And if you're looking for alliance recuritment, the forums are WAY better, there's always multiple post each day for alliances looking for members. You'll have a much better time on here.
  • TherunekingTheruneking Member Posts: 215 ★★

    Recently crime rates has increased. People going outside their house are getting ki***d.

    Solution: just don't go outside your house. If you go outside it means you are irresponsible.

    This is not about rise in crime rates.

    Going out is necessary. Going to global isn't. Poor arguement
    I only use global for recruitment. Many may argue that forum and discord/line are better for recruitment. I don't use line/discord. I tried recruitment from fourms but global seems to have more success.

    You will think those abusers are the only one that uses global but in reality it's not. There are many who checks global, but doesn't chat on it. While doing recruitment I get request from many whom I never saw chatting/typing a word on global. I personally had great success in recruiting from global in 3+ years of running my alliance. The problem is to use global for any reason you have to face those abusers/haters etc.

    And whatever you say global has the max number of members, many times more than forum users, and more than line/discord users. I will even argue global is one of the best place to recruit for mid range/low range alliances.

  • Yukzii_IIYukzii_II Member Posts: 168 ★★
    if they banned everyone for saying something stupid in global once their profits would tank even if only by just a little bit
  • Barrier ReefBarrier Reef Member Posts: 732 ★★★
    Bro said he’s learning from global.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,226 ★★★★★
    I don’t get why the solution brought up is always to just turn global off. Global isn’t just 100% toxicity and slurs. There will always be some goofball or multiple that spam all kinds of inappropriate things, but you can use the block button. Block all the goofballs, leave the generally respectful and helpful people unblocked and you can still get some helpful advice from global without the toxicity.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    If Kabam can’t monitor & maintain its game chat then they should shut it down.
  • TheshadowTheshadow Member Posts: 166
    i will support this idea cause not all the players use forums to ask about things especially new players. all the new players will turn to global to ask for any help they need. i am lucky i had a friendly global when i was a new player but most of the new players right now cant do that because the global is so toxic. right now i am not surprised by the messages in global and havent turned it off either.

    but that is not the case for new players. we can see new players posting about the global chat after they knew about the forums, but how many new players are made aware of forums. the answer is not many new players knows about this.

    one thing we can do is advertise about the forums when someone installs the game or ofcourse make some changes to global. this change is not for you guys or me but new players.
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 963 ★★★
    Besides, how would you "fix" global? The only way I could think of is basically stopping free speech and banning anyone with an opinion which is (fun fact) against human rights. Let haters hate
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 935 ★★★

    I don’t get why the solution brought up is always to just turn global off. Global isn’t just
    100% toxicity and slurs. There will always be some goofball or multiple that spam all kinds of inappropriate things, but you can use the block button. Block all the goofballs, leave the generally respectful and helpful people unblocked and you can still get some helpful advice from global without the toxicity.

    Because people continually post here in the forum that they are hurt or offended by something said in global. Then they go right back to global chat and get offended all over again. If someone is actively and continually searching out the source of what's offending them when the solution is to simply remove that source from the equation, that's the problem. If you have it turned off you can't read stuff that bothers you.

    Additionally global chat (or in game chat in general) is a grossly inefficient way to interact. @Nemesis_17 if I were to ask you on global chat to show me your mastery set up, how do you respond? Say I'm recruiting on global chat, you show interest, and I ask for screenshots of your roster. Then what?

    There's far better options to chat, communicate, and shard info with fellow MCOCers out there. Plus if someone offends you via LINE or Discord or Reddit, you can control the interaction that may follow as opposed to pining on the forums why Kabam is so lax about monitoring global chat and taking action (or lack thereof) against those that abuse it. People do what they do on global because they know it will get a rise and a reaction. Those that complain yet keep going back feed it. Why give them ammo when you can turn it off and not give the trolls the satisfaction?

  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 935 ★★★

    Global is a sewer, best case scenario you will find a huge rat who controls a bunch of turtles.

    Do these turtles you mention enjoy pizza?
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,226 ★★★★★
    obsidiman said:

    I don’t get why the solution brought up is always to just turn global off. Global isn’t just
    100% toxicity and slurs. There will always be some goofball or multiple that spam all kinds of inappropriate things, but you can use the block button. Block all the goofballs, leave the generally respectful and helpful people unblocked and you can still get some helpful advice from global without the toxicity.

    Because people continually post here in the forum that they are hurt or offended by something said in global. Then they go right back to global chat and get offended all over again. If someone is actively and continually searching out the source of what's offending them when the solution is to simply remove that source from the equation, that's the problem. If you have it turned off you can't read stuff that bothers you.

    Additionally global chat (or in game chat in general) is a grossly inefficient way to interact. @Nemesis_17 if I were to ask you on global chat to show me your mastery set up, how do you respond? Say I'm recruiting on global chat, you show interest, and I ask for screenshots of your roster. Then what?

    There's far better options to chat, communicate, and shard info with fellow MCOCers out there. Plus if someone offends you via LINE or Discord or Reddit, you can control the interaction that may follow as opposed to pining on the forums why Kabam is so lax about monitoring global chat and taking action (or lack thereof) against those that abuse it. People do what they do on global because they know it will get a rise and a reaction. Those that complain yet keep going back feed it. Why give them ammo when you can turn it off and not give the trolls the satisfaction?

    Because if you block the trolls then you do fix the problem without dealing with the downsides of missing out on potential advice that you would miss by turning global off entirely. Going back to global is not actively searching out the source of antagonization, going back to global and not blocking the trolls bothering you is. It’s completely unnecessary to miss out on the potential upsides of global by turning it off entirely when there is quite literally an in game mechanic that allows you to isolate and remove the downsides (the trolls) without removing the upsides. (the actually helpful people)

    You can make the argument that global is inefficient for seeking advice, but it’s undoubtedly the most easily accessible. I doubt that most new players (who are the main ones asking for advice) will want to download an external app or join the forums just to get a basic rankup question answered when they probably haven’t even decided if they want to play this game regularly or not.

    If you were to ask me about a mastery setup I’d point you to a YouTube video, unless you were to ask about a specific mastery being good or bad in which case I could answer with a yes or no. As for your second point if I’m not sure what it has to do with anything. If you require screenshots of my roster then you undoubtedly require line or discord and I’d have to add you on that chat app for screenshots. Many alliances in global don’t require that, and turning off global would would eliminate those possibilities. My alliance is a collection of a lot of people from global, I love being in my alliance and if I had global off I wouldn’t have ever met them. Why not just have both options available?

    If the block button didn’t exist I’d completely agree with you, but it does and it’s very easy to use. OP clearly values something he’s getting from global, and yet everyone tells him to turn it off and miss out on that instead of blocking the trolls and moving on.
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 76
    I’m not a fan of global, and have it turned off, nothing good comes out of it. Most are trolls just trying to make you mad for no reason. Or just block the ones you don’t like, but then global becomes weird because it looks like people are talking to themself lol
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,380 ★★★★★
    There are a lot of trolls, racists, and homophobics in global, turn it off
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 935 ★★★
    edited September 30
    @Nemesis_17 what potential advice am I missing in global that I can't get literally anywhere else on the internet? You make it sound like engaging in global chat holds some super secret benefit that other sources of interaction don't.

    P.S. Disabling global is one button push. Blocking every person who offends the complainers on global chat has to be done every single time. Ain't no one got time for that. Too much effort for extremely low pay off.
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 935 ★★★
    One more point I'll make to you @Nemesis_17 (and by all means, you do you. You like global chat? Have a blast!).

    Global chat keeps me tethered to my phone and the game more than an external app. If someone is trying to get in touch with me in global, I have to be in game at that point in time to see it. Unless of course you yourself have a magical notification system to alert you to global chats. External apps allow me to access, read, and respond to communications at my leasure without the message disappearing. I don't have to constantly be in game hoping for something great to read in global chat. I like the game and enjoy playing but I've got other things going where I can't be on my phone and in game the 16 hours I'm awake each day. Global chat just isn't worth that.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,226 ★★★★★
    obsidiman said:

    @Nemesis_17 what potential advice am I missing in global that I can't get literally anywhere else on the internet? You make it sound like engaging in global chat holds some super secret benefit that other sources of interaction don't.

    P.S. Disabling global is one button push. Blocking every person who offends the complainers on global chat has to be done every single time. Ain't no one got time for that. Too much effort for extremely low pay off.

    I quite literally never said global had exclusive information idk how you got that impression, I said it was the most easily accessible source of information.

    If hitting 2 buttons infrequently is too much effort then playing this game at all is too much effort. Plus turning off global and downloading an external app takes way more effort than just blocking a few people. Just turning off global doesn’t get answers to any questions which makes it an unfair comparison.
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