Servers down [Merged Threads]



  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    edited December 2017
    SMiller80 wrote: »
    I hope you realize that half hour timers do not even begin to make up for this debacle. A million points in arena lost, questing not being completed, can't even do Modok's lab...on and on it goes. That arena time alone will cost me hundreds of 4 and 5 star shards, units, battle do know that a 20% boost of 0 is still 0, right?

    I finished the million point arena day one.... with server issues. I habe done every MODOK lab and completed heroic, master, uncollected of the MODOK Hotel... with the same server issues.
  • Zach72zZach72z Member Posts: 8
    Zach72z wrote: »

    Sorry for spam, and not being helpful!
  • This content has been removed.
  • CioperCioper Member Posts: 19
    Ahitlaw wrote: »
    Complaining and wanting game to work properly,understood. DEMANDING compensation and feeling you are entitled to something that you are not is just petty.

    Becouse of those issues players lose specific stuff in game. Many Alliances will fail todays AQ becouse of that, receiving no reward. (and starting map 6 is not cheap) Some players like me probably won't receive 4* character from arena, becouse those lags and maintenances were during their grind time/between work and sleep. Not to mention other events like MODOK's lab where you can receive 5* shards every 8 hours. All this stuff players lose becouse of game issues, yet you say it's petty to ask for some compensation?
  • SMiller80SMiller80 Member Posts: 230 ★★
    SMiller80 wrote: »
    I hope you realize that half hour timers do not even begin to make up for this debacle. A million points in arena lost, questing not being completed, can't even do Modok's lab...on and on it goes. That arena time alone will cost me hundreds of 4 and 5 star shards, units, battle do know that a 20% boost of 0 is still 0, right?

    I finished the million point arena day one.... with server issues. I habe done every MODOK lab and completed heroic, master, uncollected of the MODOK Hotel... with the same server issues.

    I didn't say anything about the 2* arena. I'm also finished with that. I'm talking about not being able to run my 5*s before I went to bed last night (500k points) and not being able to run them again this morning before I came to work (again, 500k points). That is two milestones, and everything with them, as well as the fact that I'm now not going to be able to get to 5 million in featured, which is my usual score.

    Also, Modok's lab starts a little before I go to bed at night. No worries, as I can run through them all pretty quickly. Unless the server is down. Oh well, I get up a little before the new one starts...oh, guess the server is down again.

    Just because you have all of the time you need, doesn't mean others do as well. Everyone has different schedules, different times they do things in the game. I have two of my best times taken away because of server issues. Sure, I can make up for the AQ loss with 1/2 hour timers. But I can't make up for the lost arena time. That's going to cost me.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Hulk has a very low Crit chance have you looked

    Yes,I just usually hit alot more. This could easily just be my mistake that's why I was asking the community if they are also having this problem.
  • VeeTeeTeeVeeTeeTee Member Posts: 72
    the problem with people complaining all the time about the servers being down is that this is addiction just like any other. these are standard reactions of drug addicts, alcoholics etc. that have no access to what their addicted organisms needs.
    so if you suffer from not being able to play the game, think that Kabam is treating you unfair, that they owe you something etc it means you need to see the doctor. Seriously.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Cioper wrote: »
    Ahitlaw wrote: »
    Complaining and wanting game to work properly,understood. DEMANDING compensation and feeling you are entitled to something that you are not is just petty.

    Becouse of those issues players lose specific stuff in game. Many Alliances will fail todays AQ becouse of that, receiving no reward. (and starting map 6 is not cheap) Some players like me probably won't receive 4* character from arena, becouse those lags and maintenances were during their grind time/between work and sleep. Not to mention other events like MODOK's lab where you can receive 5* shards every 8 hours. All this stuff players lose becouse of game issues, yet you say it's petty to ask for some compensation?

    Yes it's petty. Ever heard of the expression "**** happens"? Yes,Kabam understands that we are missing out on rewards. That is up to Kabam to figure out how to make things right it is not up to their players to "demand" what they think they deserve as compensation. Kabam will do what they feel will make things right,it is their game so it is up to them. Demanding and whining is just....petty. Have patience and see what Kabam will do to make things right. Pretty simple.
  • Sky_kittySky_kitty Member Posts: 245
    wasn't game down for 8 hours when star lord was featured in arena?? hmmmm maybe it is star lord's fault xD
  • the6ththe6th Member Posts: 153
    Sky_kitty wrote: »
    wasn't game down for 8 hours when star lord was featured in arena?? hmmmm maybe it is star lord's fault xD

    Yeah bud i remember that one when SL and voodoo was the featured and basic arena champ :lol:
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    You have to take into account a couple things here.

    First, this is a public forum where people go to vent their frustrations about the issues with the game. this is the first place people turn to when something happens in game. also, there is a heightened level of dissatisfaction in that the player was wronged. So people come locked and loaded ready to complain when they come here. Very rarely do you see a thank you post, or a good job Kabam post.

    also, being an internet public forum, it's easier for people to be all high and mighty, make demands and such, and cause a stir because it's not face to face.

    Secondly, the game is bugged. Everyone knows this. I believe they are working hard at correcting the issues but issues yield more complaining posts.
  • MisterNiceGuyMisterNiceGuy Member Posts: 184
    VeeTeeTee wrote: »
    the problem with people complaining all the time about the servers being down is that this is addiction just like any other. these are standard reactions of drug addicts, alcoholics etc. that have no access to what their addicted organisms needs.
    so if you suffer from not being able to play the game, think that Kabam is treating you unfair, that they owe you something etc it means you need to see the doctor. Seriously.

    It seems like the major complaints/demands actually come from the more casual players. They tend to have smaller windows of time to play because they tend to play in their spare time.

    If the game is down and that is your spare time to play then can't you see why people would be mad?

    The so-called addicts you refer to prob have more time and can wait a bit for the game to stabilize to play.

    Not sure if you considered this side of it or if you just wanted to take a passive-aggressive shot at people with a lot of time to play a mobile game.
    edited December 2017
    Its not the addiction of getting on alot. This game requires an extreme amount of time to progress. money invested or not. In order to progress in aq war and arenas you have to be able to login especially time sensitive events. I.e. modoks lab, arena,aq, and war
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    "for our patience"

  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    what you see in the game has 0 monetary value. where has the TV is a tangible in your hand item. Since everything in game has no monetary value, then as a player we aren't entitled to any restitution financially.

    I do feel they owe us some revives or items. but they are already doing so much right now this month.
  • GillidafGillidaf Member Posts: 85
    Still having connection problems today
    After game came back up
  • ApacheApache Member Posts: 558 ★★
    taking bets
  • LEBLEB Member Posts: 9
    Get connection problems after every fight
  • JaeRodd2016JaeRodd2016 Member Posts: 13
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    It's also about commitment and the 29 other players in your alliance. If you are unable to progress, you are holding back everyone else. If half the alliance can't progress then no one gets anything.

    This is a highly competitive game. Someone missing a few rounds of lab can fall behind their peers. An alliance unable to complete aq or war has 30 people falling behind.

    It's not that we can't live without the game, it's if you choose to do so you are hindering the progression of more than just yourself.

    Many of you may play solo or in casual alliances, but the people paying the bills and putting in the heavy lifting can't afford to fall behind too far, otherwise the gap becomes a chasm, one you may never bridge. At that point people lose interest, stop buying and then stop playing.

    You may not care, but the accountants do.
  • SMiller80SMiller80 Member Posts: 230 ★★
  • OroborousOroborous Member Posts: 2
    getting the same thing still on both ios and android
  • DagonsoulDagonsoul Member Posts: 19
    Same here and its bloody disgusting!!! ALL DAY LONG...
  • MonkoMonko Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2017

    Wrong @ dave
  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    Haha you must not have stayed up long enough for more issues
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,496 ★★★★★
    It is down again for me.

    Dr. Zola
  • Lexx1431Lexx1431 Member Posts: 1
    The lost connection error message does keep me from doing anything that might require use of revives or health pots. Riding the server storms out,,,
    Lol 7th or 8th time literally
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