Servers down [Merged Threads]



  • GamerscandieGamerscandie Member Posts: 10
    Is it me or anyone else is feeling unusual networking problems with game because everything else is working fine on my internet
  • DagonsoulDagonsoul Member Posts: 19

    :* And now, the end is near
    And so I face the final curtain
    My friend, I'll say it clear
    I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
    I've lived a life that's full
    I've travelled each and every highway
    But more, much more than this
    I could not do it my way

    So now your asking why
    I could not do it my way,
    it was because of these server crashes along the highway,
    I tried and tried in vain to log right in,
    but you blamed my connection and said it was my fault... :*

  • Neroa65Neroa65 Member Posts: 302 ★★
    Add Generic 5* gems in the compensation and we'll forget it even happened. :D:D ..

    Okay that's a joke, but I wouldn't mind. :p

    Also can the game not blame our networks when it's your server's fault? Thank you!! :D
  • mu8smu8s Member Posts: 4
    jdawggs316 wrote: »
    Enough is enough Kabam.

    I've poured my hard-earned dollars into this game only to feel continuously screwed over by your servers performance, outages, and rip-off deals.

    The only compensation I will be requesting is money-back or in-game credit to purchase from the unit store.

    No more 30-minute timers, potions, and other BS you throw at us. WE PAY YOU TO KEEP THIS FROM HAPPENING.


    I personally say that we should be getting rank down tickets back. I have been playing this game for nearly 3 years now, and the compensation has gotten worse while the outages have increased drastically. Rank down tickets were by far the best compensation we’ve had for in-game issues. And I know everyone in my alliance-family agrees that we need them back. All of these outages are getting ridiculous, and we long-time players need to have the rewards we deserve for all of this.
  • LegionDestroierLegionDestroier Member Posts: 101
    Wow still down? Come on Kabam. I'm fearing I'll not get to the final 5* milestone ae my time is limited at the moment with how busy I am with the Christmas rush on at work
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    CYNDRDBODY wrote: »
    Haha you must not have stayed up long enough for more issues

    I just started experiencing them again lol. Put my foot in my mouth :P at least it was longer than half an hour
  • JadyJady Member Posts: 5
    Same happened evrywhere god knows what they are fixing still
  • sidray33sidray33 Member Posts: 44
    mcoc app says no connection while other apps can access data
  • TomichiwarTomichiwar Member Posts: 64
    Damn my connection justs sucks, it’s logging me off every 5 mins... I need to get a better one right now. Funny how i can still browse the forums hmmm
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Lmao I like your style
  • D_EYED_EYE Member Posts: 18
    Down again!!!!
    I haven’t been able to play all day! Shambolic!!!
  • TeeJayFlashTeeJayFlash Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2017
    I spent units to refresh champs in the arena...refund me...cause at this rate I wont get the 16m target I was going for...not to mention taskmaster kinda...naw definitely sucks but I want....wanted the 5* shards
  • BigbadredBigbadred Member Posts: 20
    I have given up on trying to dupe my SL
  • BigbadredBigbadred Member Posts: 20
    I have given up on trying to dupe my SL
  • CodornasCodornas Member Posts: 542 ★★
    Well i havent missed ANY 8h quests so far, ive being doing all dificulties for maximum rewards, but thanks to kabam and their **** servers ive lost 2 in a row since yesterday. Its bs that game time counts when the game s not working.

    I expect AT LEAST ALL rewards from these quests that missed due to their fault

    Ive never seen so many down times in a row, this is bs, and i bet they ll just give out sone potions and think it will be fine
  • ShadowViperShadowViper Member Posts: 2
    Its depressing..if i miss sl then i don't know what will i do...its too much of trouble for one day kabam!!!
  • parvesh_raiparvesh_rai Member Posts: 23
    What about perfect series? Our ally was 12k sonething behind final milestone M50my29a7amv3.png
  • MT_Mason2MT_Mason2 Member Posts: 8
    Yeah because by this time I've already checked my wifi half a dozen times !!!!!!
  • lordmarsh09lordmarsh09 Member Posts: 63
    This is exactly what I was going to say. The game was down right as I was getting off of work last night and now I've just woken up. That's 2 labs I've missed
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    I think anyone with unused, or incomplete entries since yesterday should have them added to the limit. Those that completed got theirs, give the people who were unable to log in the same opportunity.

    Either you can do it and it's all fair or you can't do it and you wouldn't have in the first place and all is still fair.
  • Tthunder2058Tthunder2058 Member Posts: 115
    Give at least the complete rewards from the Modok labs people are missing out on,the clock keeps ticking on those and the 1-2 star arena.
  • Nishu001Nishu001 Member Posts: 15
    Give us an awakening gem as compensation for a 4*
  • 6uanga6uanga Member Posts: 8
    "check YOUR connection" ... OMG KABAM...
  • SanficoSanfico Member Posts: 9
  • Willjackson16Willjackson16 Member Posts: 289 ★★
    I like the thought of this as this is screwing everything up and before long they’re going to just have to give us all of the rewards from lab and arenas
  • Kiara86fkKiara86fk Member Posts: 2
    Same here!
  • Kabam what's going on with the server man? I can't grind for my starlord cause I can't do more the 20 mins of arena without the server going down. Not to mention that it's wasting my units and arena boost just to try to make up for the lost points cause of lost time. I'm sure I'm not the o my one grinding for starlord who is most definitely going to miss out on dupping him due to this server problem. Which isn't fair mainly cause to get him isn't that easy to begin with. I say if we miss out on this chance to get him cause of your server problem. Then you should give out free 4* starlord for those who are grinding for him dead serious
  • Kabam what's going on with the server man? I can't grind for my starlord cause I can't do more the 20 mins of arena without the server going down. Not to mention that it's wasting my units and arena boost just to try to make up for the lost points cause of lost time. I'm sure I'm not the o my one grinding for starlord who is most definitely going to miss out on dupping him due to this server problem. Which isn't fair mainly cause to get him isn't that easy to begin with. I say if we miss out on this chance to get him cause of your server problem. Then you should give out free 4* starlord for those who are grinding for him dead serious
  • Barath121Barath121 Member Posts: 49
  • Barath121Barath121 Member Posts: 49
This discussion has been closed.