Seeking help from the Community

I'm reaching out because I've received no assistance from Kabam, and I'm hoping others with similar experiences can share their insights to help me navigate this situation.
My original account, which I've had for about eight years, has been permanently closed by Kabam. I hadn't played MCOC for a couple of years, but after trying the new Marvel Rivals game, I wanted to revisit a Marvel game on my phone. When I attempted to log in, I was informed that my account was permanently closed for using third-party services. I don't use an emulator, my phone isn't jailbroken, and I've never used exploits in any game, especially mobile apps.
I contacted Kabam to explain my situation, but they repeatedly insisted that I cheated, without providing any evidence or details, and stated that their decision is final. This accusation is completely false, and I'm genuinely furious. My account was at level 50-something, and I had a few 6-star champions. Reviewing my App Store purchase history, I've spent around £500 on the game. This amount is significant to me, and having my account closed without just cause feels like a scam.
I suspect that my account might have really been closed due to inactivity, possibly as a measure to free up server space, if that's a possibility. Regardless, I've never felt so patronised by a company's support team, nor have I experienced such frustration with one.
If a Kabam support member addresses this, I only want to hear from you if you're genuinely willing to investigate thoroughly and assist in restoring my account. However, my primary aim is to gather thoughts and advice from the community.
My original account, which I've had for about eight years, has been permanently closed by Kabam. I hadn't played MCOC for a couple of years, but after trying the new Marvel Rivals game, I wanted to revisit a Marvel game on my phone. When I attempted to log in, I was informed that my account was permanently closed for using third-party services. I don't use an emulator, my phone isn't jailbroken, and I've never used exploits in any game, especially mobile apps.
I contacted Kabam to explain my situation, but they repeatedly insisted that I cheated, without providing any evidence or details, and stated that their decision is final. This accusation is completely false, and I'm genuinely furious. My account was at level 50-something, and I had a few 6-star champions. Reviewing my App Store purchase history, I've spent around £500 on the game. This amount is significant to me, and having my account closed without just cause feels like a scam.
I suspect that my account might have really been closed due to inactivity, possibly as a measure to free up server space, if that's a possibility. Regardless, I've never felt so patronised by a company's support team, nor have I experienced such frustration with one.
If a Kabam support member addresses this, I only want to hear from you if you're genuinely willing to investigate thoroughly and assist in restoring my account. However, my primary aim is to gather thoughts and advice from the community.
We can help you look inside to discover what you did wrong, but literally no one on the forums can help you solve this issue because it is a support issue and they've already said nothing is going change.
I appreciate that to you it’s easier to assume Kabam are in the right (as they so clearly always are) and I’ve broken ToS in some way, however that is not the case. Hence why I’ll be relentless with them about it.
Good luck with the support team- you'll need it!
There was another guy a couple weeks ago swearing innocence, then someone from the Kabam game team let the world know that he did a Necropolis run itemless with a team that literally couldn't do that.
So players come here often claiming innocence and are in nearly every situation guilty. So it's not at our convenience that we assume Kabam is right, it's simply because they pretty much always are. You would've solved your issue with support if they weren't.
Can you share the screenshot?
Direct perma ban?
Or there have been previous cases?
If they would share with me how exactly it is they believe I’ve cheated then I’d at least have the opportunity to disprove it. But the worst part is they aren’t willing to discuss it.
- Shared your account details with a friend, or your alliance
- Said some really sus stuff in global
- Downloaded ANY type of things that kabam would detect, e.g downloading from anywhere other than app store, an autoclicker on your device, anything like that
- Gave your account to a mercenary
- Are you by any chance using a device that isn't actually out yet globally
They won't share with anyone the exact details of their ban. If they did that, then those that broke the rules would know how to better get around them next time. The explanation of third-party software is pretty self explanatory. Third party software, which is a near impossible false-positive, was used on your account, whether by you or by someone else. Added details won't change a clear violation, they will only help cheaters in the future.
I have lost accounts in some other games where I had to login once every 3 years to keep my progression.
Which I failed to do ofcourse.
But they reset my account progression to ground 0. I was not banned.
Your account is not banned for not logging in for 2 years, there have been many players who come back after years. Recently the veteran badge holders are out there with 200k-600k rating account. Which means they are 10 year old players
This is the first time someone brought up this excuse, and I don't think this is the case. Its 100% something else.
- never acc shared, don’t have any friends that play the game
- anytime I spoke in global was likely just to ask for champion advice. Can’t recall any heated conversations and I wouldn’t have said anything particularly offensive
- I’ve never download anything that isn’t already on the App Store or that would interfere with MCOC
- haven’t used a merc for any game services, the only money I’ve spent on this has went straight in Kabam’s pocket
- I’m currently trying to access from an iPhone 14, but when I last played it was probably on an iPhone 11
I assure you that I have not used third-party software or cheated in any way, and I stand firmly by this.
I appreciate your willingness to discuss this matter with me and your explanation regarding why evidence of an account violation isn't shared is logical. Yet, it's possible an error has occurred or something else is going on. Without an opportunity for discussion with Kabam, I find it difficult to defend myself, which feels both unreasonable and unjust.
I hope you get your account back if you were actually banned for no reason.
Do you remember your ign ? Maybe your in an abandoned alliance and we could see when the last time that your account was logged into. It’s a long shot, but worth a chance.
Were you ever in an alliance ? And if you were did you use alliance chat to communicate with them ?
Probably this is the one. Doesn't look like a modded account. And I didn't hide the name cause OP already mentioned it.