Pulse Check

After talking to a couple of alliance mates and seeing some scattered comments around on various social media platforms, I wanted to do a community pulse check to see how people were feeling about the game recently.
Personally, I would normally play all the time and would grind the arena a lot to save up a bunch of units, do content as soon as it comes out, etc. But I don't even think I've logged on more than a handful of times since the last livestream to do a couple of things or even at all in the last 24 hours, and to be honest. I don't really have a desire to do so at the moment. Never in my life did I think an addiction could be broken so quickly or I could be so put off from something I loved so quickly. For more of my thoughts if you care, see my last thread about the kneejerk reaction thing or whatever i called it.
What are we feeling, everyone? Keep it civil, please.
(And for anyone who is frothing at the mouth to derail this.
1. Yes, Kabam is a business and needs to make money.
2. No, I don't have a problem with that, and I have personally spent way too much on this game.)
Personally, I would normally play all the time and would grind the arena a lot to save up a bunch of units, do content as soon as it comes out, etc. But I don't even think I've logged on more than a handful of times since the last livestream to do a couple of things or even at all in the last 24 hours, and to be honest. I don't really have a desire to do so at the moment. Never in my life did I think an addiction could be broken so quickly or I could be so put off from something I loved so quickly. For more of my thoughts if you care, see my last thread about the kneejerk reaction thing or whatever i called it.
What are we feeling, everyone? Keep it civil, please.
(And for anyone who is frothing at the mouth to derail this.
1. Yes, Kabam is a business and needs to make money.
2. No, I don't have a problem with that, and I have personally spent way too much on this game.)
I won’t even get started on updating rewards and how outdated everything is. Kabam can’t even get basic objectives and level up rewards to work properly. They can’t do the small things right. It’s so frustrating and disappointing to see a game I love fall apart like this. It’s such a shame. They want 10 more years and I think it will be a miracle they make it 10 more months.
And the light essence. We have knowledge on the sources available and are told that it’s possible (but difficult) to get 12 FTP. But we don’t have an idea what quantities each area will have.
As much as I want to enjoy the benefits I get from my light spending, the state of game operation today is pathetic at best. Everything launches bugged, it takes forever to get acknowledgement, and it takes too long to get fixes (which, yes, at times is not really something they can help).
I'm not one to call for a boycott, and I'm not gonna tell anyone how to spend their money, but we need to do a better job of communicating to Kabam with our wallets. Especially as they seem to be placing a greater emphasis on what we can spend more money on, it seems like they're just trying to squeeze every penny they can until the game implodes on itself.
This laissez faire attitude that continually just kicks the can down the road to the next problem in hopes that we forget the last one is not an acceptable approach. They need to do better.
Telling "Team is on it" "Team has been notified" "Looking into it" is not communicating. Its the equivalent of an automated response from support.
About the main post. When you start feeling you spent "too much" is when you stopped enjoying it unfortunately.
Way too many bugs and the horrible valiant rewards. There is no point in spending money especially when BG rewards are terrible. They have to buff BG rewards by next season.
But on a real note, I don't spend so I'm not too fussed when something goes wrong as I'm not losing anything.
When everything in the game fails except purchase offers (which are definitely easier to work with than most of the stuff that has problems), it seems more like they are getting what they can out of what time they have left, waiting for the inevitable to finally happen.
I open the game, do stuff, put off by somthing, vent and let it go. Lol Never been happier!
They can do whatever they want. I truly madly deeply absolutely do not care.
I'm good at the game, and have played for so long, guess I'll keep going even at snails pace.
At the end of the day, I've only been playing for a year so not burned out or bored at all.
I think after another year or two I will probably be done, regardless of what they fix or don't fix.
You just can't play the same mobile game for years without being an addict. There isn't enough stimulation on a deep level, it just becomes a habit after a while.
I think it's good to quit instead of becoming a bitter veteran.
MCOC will keep going with new players. 10 years of success in their industry is almost a miracle, but it's not luck. They know what they're doing, even if what they do is infuriating to the veterans.
When I returned I thought BGs rewards are probably better now, AI probably isn't as much of a pain in the ass now and even EQ and SQ have probably been buffed in terms of rewards. Come to find out not only are BGs rewards just as bad as they were when I left participation is dropping as well since I don't see Celestial players with the same amount of trophies they usually had 4-5 months ago I believe I even saw some Celestial players with barely 250 trophies. AI somehow has gotten worse now, it has the power of literally intercepting you when you actually got the intercept (I've been playing since 2015 I know the timing) and I've been testing this with Kushala and her spell and sometimes I will get the intercept spell but take a combo to the face regardless. Lastly, EQ and SQ rewards are so unbelievably outdated doing both still feels like a chore which is another reason I left in the first place however if you look at money deals, the resources you get out of them are absolutely worth it I understand this whole thing is a business at the end of the day and I have no issues with people who whale out or the events that require you to whale out to get the best rewards but almost everything in the game is currently outdated and it annoys me how they refuse to acknowledge this.
I'm not leaving but I will remain a casual player until they get their s**t together, I really miss Miike and Jax almost everything in the game feels wrong since they left.
This isn't a comment on how intercepting is objectively worse than it was, just on how Kushala specifically works.
Not 100% obviously, but a large portion.
And knowledgeable players like you can correct people on the forums, but especially on reddit and elsewhere it's a runaway train of misinformation and delusion.
What does this have to do with the pulse of the game?
I think it factors into the overall sense of dissatisfaction we see on social media.
And count me in the pessimistic realm on the valiant EQ in May. The whole game is basically beta after every update, but we need a beta test for this with more waiting after? That just needs to happen permanently. The game is a snoozefest because the monthly rewards mean nothing.
Now crank it up another two levels to Valiant, and it's not going to be a walk in the park, a lot of Valiants will require revives, and yet there is no way the rewards will be commensurate with like EoP or 9.2.
I think when people say they want Valiant EQ, they want big rewards, not necessarily hard content. But that's what they will get in my speculation.
Bugs are always going to be an ongoing issue. They are in any game and honestly they aren’t even as bad as they were 2-3 years ago.
They do need some reward overhauls across multiple game modes but they also have A LOT more game modes than they did in the past so I’m sure balancing making something worthwhile but keeping the economy stable isn’t easy
Communication has been terrible lately
Don’t care about what they’re selling or how many things they’re selling. Buy it or don’t….
Like I said overall I’m happy. There’s a lot to do in the game and it doesn’t seem like it’s slowing down any time soon
if you play enough you'll get most of what you want in 12 months anyway, so who cares if something isn't as rewarding right now. everyone's getting the same bad rewards anyway right, so you're not falling behind and if we're being honest game rewards don't really even matter cause they're always overshadowed by the big sales anyway.
even if BGs rewards were buffed, you could spend the next year busting your ass and placing in celestial every season but some bozo who hasn't played for a year can just show up and buy all those rewards and more in one sale.