Dev Diary: Battlegrounds in Focus



  • Savage123456789Savage123456789 Member Posts: 876 ★★★★
    Great changes on paper. Need to see them in action how they feel and what those reward changes are. The only negative is that some of these changes will make BG even more grindier than it is now in GC ladders. I know this is not something that has a solution that will satisfy the majority of people and keep the competition fair, so hopefully the rewards will make it worthwhile.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,579 ★★★★★

    The constant use of "reward budget" is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Players don't have an in game spending budget where we aren't allowed to spend over certain dollars for each game mode. We should never be penalized because "oh we've given you too many rewards already! " Valiant players receiving 4 and 5 star shards, heck even nothing but 10k 6 star shards at this point in the game is diabolical. When I see new content and the rewards are like. 5k 6 star shards, some t3a, t6b and 5% t6cc, I would rather smash my fingers in a piano than do it.
    We aren't asking for 90k 7 star shards per EQ, but buff these rewards already. Give us a BIGGER carrot at the end of the stick before you start whipping us down the field. I swear whenever I see a Kabam response its always like. Here mortal, take this apple, you are rewarded! then when we grumble , "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!. Perhaps spend more money and you will be!".

  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 949 ★★★
    Love the insight but I have a question

    - some alliance have BG min like 500k ,600k ,750k
    There will be incentive to push with decay but how will that affect BG focussed Alliance & there rank ?
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,388 ★★★★★
    Cautiously optimistic.

    I play every couple of days for the objective then stop but also make gc every season.

    I play one match there and stop because I've generally had enough by then.

    I don't care about solo milestones so wherever I end up is it, alliance rewards aren't of interest when we have 3 accounts playing.

    If VT ends up more difficult to climb I'll be annoyed.
  • TheCoverGirlTheCoverGirl Member Posts: 116 ★★

    The constant use of "reward budget" is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Players don't have an in game spending budget where we aren't allowed to spend over certain dollars for each game mode. We should never be penalized because "oh we've given you too many rewards already! " Valiant players receiving 4 and 5 star shards, heck even nothing but 10k 6 star shards at this point in the game is diabolical. When I see new content and the rewards are like. 5k 6 star shards, some t3a, t6b and 5% t6cc, I would rather smash my fingers in a piano than do it.
    We aren't asking for 90k 7 star shards per EQ, but buff these rewards already. Give us a BIGGER carrot at the end of the stick before you start whipping us down the field. I swear whenever I see a Kabam response its always like. Here mortal, take this apple, you are rewarded! then when we grumble , "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!. Perhaps spend more money and you will be!".

    Haha thats what I imagine whenever Orange names come in and try to "gamesplain" to us why we should be happy with the sleight of hand they keep pulling on us.
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,833 ★★★★★

    Thank God this game is run by people like Crashed.
    Reversing post-covid player decline is no small feat, despite what the loudest minority of the player pool thinks about the state of the game from their own narrow and largely irrelevant perspectives...

    What do you the loudest minority within a loud minority?
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,841 ★★★★★
  • IjustcomplainIjustcomplain Member Posts: 5
    My thoughts:
    1.The goal of the developer tasked with expanding(or at least the retention of) the player base has a logical fallacy in which the belief that rewards locked behind increasingly tedious quests would keep players anticipated. The intention behind is clear: increase playtime with hard content, increase playtime with reward. Of course, this must be true, under the assumption that such player is motivated in doing so. But your main audience is people in the endgame(people who have already done multiple settings of such) and the overwhelming amount of Everest content does not provide at all an incentive for progressing players to catch up. I propose new gamemodes(cmon man you got time to come up with all the nodes to make people miserable but no creativity to make anything new?) because there has been literally nothing of change except for battlegrounds that has a little variant to it. The current method doesn't attract a player base, its retention is barely working, ergo we need a beneficial and fun additive to the game.
    2.This covers a wide range of issues with battlegrounds and other complaints. Because as always, the solution is to divert the attention. The removal of the solo event, the addition of a new currency, things no one asked for at all. And no, these occurrences contribute no "It allows us to control the total reward distribution while better valuing Summoner time It allows us to update the ranked rewards across the game by updating a single store
    It allows Summoners to “choose their own adventure” when it comes to which modes they want to be competitive in and which they don’t" there is no logical link at all between the creation of a new currency and such. If this were true, the fact that this isn't in the current battlegrounds chips are worrying. These are...changes. It does, however, look like an attempt to counteract the boycott against battlegrounds by incentivizing higher ranks and leaving lower ones unchanged. The "Prioritization of more casual audiences" turned into layoffs and endgame incentivization during which we can see combined with recreating the bg brawl is a way to re-ignite competition. Certainly not a bad option, yet contradictory to previous statements.
    3.Ambiguity. A majority of promises made are vague, high rank rewarding, yet necessarily harder to achieve. By "incentivizing much more than we are able to handle to reach GC" what really is happening is compensation for those leading the boycott and extreme competition-locked rewards. And I hope this is the end of my rant.
  • TheUglyone123TheUglyone123 Member Posts: 364 ★★★★
    edited March 22

    Why not post this early in the day so it could be responded to while people make comments? Posting it basically at the end of the day on a Friday leading into the weekend. While expected. I predicted we would get a post similar to this today. Seems like you want to post and then spend a few days to see what the response is before responding. :(

    I'll be completely honest here. This was planned to go out next week. I stayed up late last night working on it for no real reasons. Then I arrived at work today with a bunch of DMs about people calling for a boycott, so since it was almost done I decided to work on finishing it today so we could post it before the weekend. That's why it went out today.

    While I have been on here a fair bit posting criticism (hopefully it’s been helpful and constructive). I greatly appreciate the time you took to write this up Crashed. Always appreciate your clear and detailed write-ups. Go enjoy time with your family!
  • xenchiefxenchief Member Posts: 19
    This kind of transparency is good for the games overall health. I look forward to seeing this in action. I particularly like the thoughts on the games economy and simplifying rewards so you can pick what you want. I'm not a big BG player but overall kudos to @Kabam Crashed
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 586 ★★★
    I totally agree with @Kabam_Crashed
    Most skilled BG players are royal and won't leave the game, and they're minority, but they're also influenced youtubers so be careful with them anyway 😄

    I think the majority would like to have more monthly event quests (i.e.Paragon/Valiant quests) and keep end-game quests like Spring of sorrow, Ordeal etc.
  • Yarg2015Yarg2015 Member Posts: 113
    @Kabam Crashed

    I feel it will force alliances to choose between a BG alliance and an “other” alliance since there are no solo rewards. It forces people to be in the alliance but not want to play the other alliance modes. This will be a nightmare for recruitment and officers, basically forcing people to play a mode they don’t like.

    If anything, you should keep the solo event and take away the alliance event so it's up to the individual to get the rewards and not up to the group. That way, if someone wants to play BG, they can, and if someone wants to play team modes and not play BG, they don’t hurt the group.

    Basically trying to help people not get kicked because they don’t wanna play battlegrounds.

    This is from someone who hates BG but loves being in an alliance and is forced to play it because of BG minimums.
  • ButteredPopcorn8008ButteredPopcorn8008 Member Posts: 176 ★★

    "Two years ago, 7-stars didn’t exist. Look at your roster now. How can it be the case that you have progressed that far if the rewards are bad?" You received 159,000 dollars in approximation as the largest spender in the 2024 Banquet Event. 5 years ago, it was in the 4 digits. The trend can obviously be seen here. Sure, battlegrounds was great rewards back when it was first released. But it doesn't match the rate of which our monetary value is inflating, and hence people must realize that the only way they're now going to get comparatively good rewards is spending. That's not good for a game.

    Exactly the game is dead when they can’t buff rewards without taking all our money. It seems in there greed they killed the game. Give a some extra rewards or close the game down and lose your job. If you wanna stay in business you better start giving huge reward buffs without the need to take us totally broke. Come up with a happy medium.
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,644 ★★★★★
    Thank you Crashed. Enjoy your weekend!
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