Love the post. I think another good idea would be to add a rematch buttom at the end of a macth. It would be nice to challenge someone to a rematch after a loss.
Also think it would be nice if the nodes were simpler to read (maybe add a red color to whatever is the danger of the fight or the the thing I need to get around) I really don't want to spend 5 minutes reading every single fight, but I also don't want to miss something important and then have to re start a whole quest because I miss something. It could look something like:
●challenge of fight: EVADE: (solution: paused for 10 seconds when; intercepted) MISS: (can't turn off) BLEED: (robots are immune)
That will let me know this champion can evade, either I bring an evade counter, or get around it by performing the action ask of me by the node, the word evade will be underline so we have the choice to open it and read what it means(as a bookmark for people that don't know) and the rest in blue as a way to get around this challenge. It could be the same with everything else and I would quickly see whatever is important and start the macth. Because sometimes not matter how much you read you end up having to go wacth a whole video to understand what's killing you.
Another great idea is adding a boost called plot armor. Imagine fighting against Thanos and receiving a 30% attack and health boost for using an Avenger tag character, or fighting Kingpin with DareDevil, or Killmonger with Black Panter. Man it would give comic book fans so much joy and it would be a great utilization of tags and knowledge. Is similar to the feeling of receiving the class advantage boost, as a player we automatically try and get that boost, this could be an extra layer to that.
I love this game, and you guys do a great job keeping it alive. Just thought about writing this suggestions here. Thank you for reading.
Please give us a Quick-match mode that bypasses the picks and bans phase and randomly selects 7 champions form a smaller deck size of 20. The picks and bans phase feels like it's dragging out the game mode unnecessarily and one of the major reasons I dread playing the game mode; just too much wasted time. I want to get in and just start the fight. We are not all streaming and trying to build up the fight into a spectator sport. The picks and bans phase is only good for real competitions. Skipping the picks and bans makes deck placements an even bigger part of the game strategy, it also raises the player's required game/champion knowledge. So in a way it is a more difficult and challenging mode. The rest of the strategies stay the same as the original mode, like choosing the best counter and the order you place the defenders and attackers to try and bait out certain picks. I believe this will give Battlegrounds the new jolt of life you're looking for, and am willing to bet that everyone not seriously playing with the goal of reaching top rank (which from the post seems to be the majority) will be in favor of the quick-match mode. Also, if the top rankers adopt this as their main game mode, it might also solve the match-making wait time issues since people would be in and out of matches quicker.
** 2nd Suggestion (related to Pause, but I’ve held this view long before more recent constant request to remove Pause)
While KabamCrashed said something along the lines of “the game has no way to stay active in background, eg. during App Switch, or Crash Recovery, even if not paused”.
But I believe the game DOES know when you ARE in the game (fight). And so would be able to know (once fight resumes) HOW LONG your fight had been inactive (no matter for which of those 3 reasons).
In fact, currently, you can see the difference in Times between initial post-fight screen (duration), and detailed post-fight stats screen (fight time).
**although, duration really should NOT be starting until after the “loading” of the fight, when champs actually start running up to each other. (but that is another issue, and currently costs points for slower loading device players vs faster loading device players, due to loading time counting against the running “Fight Duration”).
As for Pause, AppSwap, Crash/Recovery. When fight resumes, have a Health Penalty applied, based on the duration of the time away from the fight.
Could be an exact ration of 100% Health to the 120 second max duration. So if you Pause for 12 seconds, you'll lose 10% of your (Original Max) health when fight resumes. (and if you didn’t even have that much health left before the pause/switch/etc, ends up KO'ing you)
Crash/Recovery (whether forced or real crash), once you resume (say it takes 30 seconds), that would mean you start the recovered fight at only 75% of your health (1/4th max health, 1/4th max duration)
Do more people play AW or BG? You talk about how niche battlegrounds is but isn’t AW just as niche especially since Kabam typically only adjusts the awards for platinum and above? The only reason I bring it up is because it feels like AW is adjusted with far more regularity.
Another point I have seen raised that I agree with is champion design. Why make defenders that aren’t used in any content other than AW and battlegrounds?
Again, I appreciate the post and the sharing of thoughts but I’m frustrated by how long it took. There is also the fact that this post only touches on one of the multiple of content issues that have been festering for a while without even mentioning the bugs and AI issues. It’s clear that there is more to come but why did it take so long? How is every game mode outside of AW out of date and stale? I hope this leads to improvement but I for one feel it might not be enough. Hope I’m wrong.
I have some complains # Crystals : How strange it is for a basic 7star open to still cost 15k and 20k for titan… Knowing well there is always a possibility of getting the same over and over (months it takes to save those shards) reduce the cost or find a way to stop people from dupoing more than twice # paragonlet: Don’t force people to do the EQ before doing the gauntlet… It’s supposed to be fun not a chore. #incursion: those rewards are soo little (he’ll u brought 7star awakening shards) 25 zones that’s hours for something soo small(buff incursion rewards)
I wonder why it took so long to release this, then hours after several influences drop bombs this lands on the forum, sounds fishy to me. Like other influences have said what about beyond battlegrounds personally I think it takes way too long to achieve any sort of time:rewards ratio. Many people youtubers have been saying stores and rewards need to be updated multiple times per year. Is there any chance for a meaningful developers diary when new events will be released even if they haven't been conceptional designed, when rewards will be buffed and stores updated over the next 12 to 18 months
If I’m reading this right, we’re eventually going to have BG, AQ, AW (and maybe other) stores all amalgamated into 1 store, which will be easier to keep updated.
Wonder if our elders marks will be converted into the store currency when the new store becomes available. Assuming we won’t need elders marks after that point if there’s no solo event.
I made a post earlier and after thinking on it more I would like to also add this:
What I dislike most is, imo, a major red herring.
Specifically, the discussion about how fast players are progressing due to all the reward avenues as if y’all don’t literally have a “sale” every other day that makes progressing way too quickly (and I’m a spender. Well not anymore for the time being). It waters down the game and while it will make y’all more money in the short term, it has now created or at least very strongly contributed to the frustrations players now feel. Because now players feel empty playing the game and feel like it’s not rewarding enough even though they progressing faster than ever. I would much rather progress through accomplishing things in game than shelling out money every other day. And again I am (was) a spender and I have no problem with that.
But now I’m asking: what am I spending for? Am I spending to complete something that gets me worse rewards than what I paid for in order to progress enough to complete that quest/war/bg match/incursions run, etc. A majority of the time the answer to that is yes. Ok, so then why complete those things in-game? Ok, so if I don’t have the motivation to complete/compete because it’s much easier to just spend money to get those rewards (and those rewards are typically much better anyways) then why play the game? And if I’m not playing the game, then why spend money?
Short term y’all made money. But we’re past short term and now y’all are at the point where those players are starting to ask themselves the above questions. It’s not a sustainable model.
And instead of addressing that reality in the slightest, instead reward avenues are blamed as the problem/reason that players are essentially progressing too quickly. Blaming reward avenues is the red herring and while it might work short term (for a Q or two) it will fail long term. Because those player won’t spend on a game that doesn’t feel rewarding. Yes, y’all might make a little less money in the short term as you figure out a better strategy for sales but it’s better than making bank for another 6 months then watching a steady, unstoppable decline as the most loyal of your customers walk away (they are the lynchpin for so much of the game). The second and third order effects of putting profits this highly over player experience for the most loyal of players isn’t a decision that has typically panned out for companies in the long term.
Something I would love to see addressed is that going first in BG, as in selecting attackers and defenders first for 2/3 rounds, is a SIGNIFICANT disadvantage.
In Rock, Paper, Scissors terms, some cases it is tantamount to seeing your opponent throw rock a few seconds before you throw your choice, obviously paper.
Kabam. With all due respect, you have been blatantly aware of every single bug and every single issue the community has been asking you and begging you for months to please redirect and focus on the actual bug and mechanical issues. We’re expected to submit these meaningless trouble tickets with lack luster response, if any. It’s always a TBD response from you guys. You can sell anything but for anything else TBD. I get this is a game that obviously needs money and financial revenue but. You guys have gone so money hungry that you’ve lost sight of what made this game so appealing in the first place. You’re who chose to rush the release of 7*. I personally wasn’t happy with the 7* release after all the time money and resources I put into my 6* champions. Same thing happened with 4 and 5*. It’s completely depleted the value and passion within me personally. I don’t play this game so that I can spend all my money to stay competitive and relevant and I definitely don’t pay to buy additional revives because your game and bugs and AI aren’t working as “intended” it’s as if nothing ever works as intended nowadays. You can make an online store, do live streams, all the marketing in the world. Release new champs. Rework old champs, add raids etc but you can’t fix the issues? Not to mention, why are you suddenly addressing all this now right after a massive boycott has begun? You’ve ignored us, for over 2 years now. You chose to take the game in the path it is. You chose to focus more on spenders than content than literally anything else in the game. I just want a game that works right. I want to be able to intercept and block for god sake. That’s what I want. Stop adding stuff people don’t care about, stop addressing things we don’t care about, actually fix the bugs you caused and keep your word for once. The rewards are so out dated it’s just not even worth the time. The AI is so bugged it’s also not worth the time. The bugged champions you release and then try to sell aren’t worth it when you can change them or say they weren’t working as intended. It’s like nothing works as intended anymore which to me as a corporate manage, is embarrassing for a company? Are you not embarrassed and ashamed at the state of the game and the direction you all chose to take it? Well, if not I’m embarrassed for you, you don’t care about the majority of your player base and it’s disgustingly obvious. I’ve been around for like 11 years on this game and this wouldn’t be the first time we were promised a fix that never came. This is why I won’t spend anymore and tbh.. I’m close to quitting for good. I’ve lost respect and faith. In kabam. I surely hope you take this seriously otherwise, the game may very well die. - a very disheartened veteran player.
Kabam Crashed has consistently shown he cares about the community, and the recent additions to the game were great. However, over the years, I’ve noticed Kabam tends to overcomplicate things, often with the main goal of increasing monetization.
Take Battlegrounds, for example. When it launched, I questioned the need for Elder Marks. Why not let players use the existing energy system with a straightforward point system—like earning 3,000 points for a win and losing 1,000 for a loss? This way, those aiming for top rewards would naturally play more matches without an artificial resource limiting their progress. Instead, Elder Marks were introduced as a scarce resource, forcing players to either wait for free ones or spend units, which are purchased with real money.
The result? Paying players get a clear advantage, as they can buy more Elder Marks to play more matches and gain more points and rewards. Meanwhile, most free-to-play players likely avoid spending units on Elder Marks, creating an uneven playing field. This pattern isn’t new—Kabam frequently adds complexity that benefits those who spend while making progression harder for F2P players.
Whoever keeps disagreeing with all the posts that are being more critical than optimistic at least state your reasoning lol otherwise you’re prob a secret worker of kabam. What have the critical thinkers said here that you disagree with? I’m all about welcomes debates and transparency so tell me please, what about this game in its state as of right now makes you defend it relentlessly? How can you defend what’s been ongoing for 2 years with no fix? Enlighten me please.
Those of you defending kabam is why the game will always be broken lol. It’ll always be a garbage dump because the community allows Kabam to be ignorant and not address or fix the issues. They want your money. They don’t want to make a functional game they want your money. That’s okay though. Be ignorant. Believe their false promises lol. You’ll be disappointed soon enough. Just like I was as a 10 year player. Spend the money you got on a dying game that’s your choice. Remember though when the game inevitably fails, that money you spent is gone. That account you have will never be yours to own. Ever. Of the game fails all the time effort money and passion we all put in was for nothing. I don’t want the game to fail but I’m transparent and way too transparent to sugar coat my disgust. As for me personally I’d rather spend it on something worthy and lately. This game isn’t worthy of anything but criticism. Why give money to a rigged broken game lol? That goes against logic. Or at least for me it does.Dislike the post disagree with it I really don’t care. Continue to defend a company that cares more about your dollar than you. Which they’ve showed time and time again lol. To each their own. Spend all you want support kabam all you want, but the game is in the worst state it’s been since it released it’s actually a joke how awful it is. It’s taken them 6 months for this one acknowledgement with a TBD fix so nah. Not good enough for me. Maybe for some of you but to me it’s another cop out to buy them more time.
Just delete this niche game mode. How many people really playing bgs for high rank rewards? 5k? Its like nothing. Only people who will cry will be youtubers. Most community doesnt like it and dosnt need it So why keep this game So big? Youtubers will stop spending? Hahaha yeah for sure. Wait till spring cleaning or 4th july. Some of them said it before
I would love a legit valid argument to defend Kabam after all this time. If you disagree with my criticism speak up. I’m fair and transparent I would like to know how others feel because I see several disagreements with my honest heart felt post so what is it I’m missing that you feel? I love this game don’t get me wrong I want to have passion and drive again but Kabam has taken it in a direction I can’t make logical sense of so please share your thoughts I’m not here to bicker I’m here to be enlightened by others options and all are welcome I don’t want this game to die I want to share it and the only way I feel I can save it is being transparent towards how I feel about the game and it’s ongoing issues. I don’t want to be angry or jaded… I want the exact opposite. I want the game back I loved to play so much. It just hasn’t been the same lately. I’m risking everything to fight for the community for all of us and yet you can’t tell me what you disagree with but I’m a person of logic and reason and I would like to know how all of you feel even if you disagree with my criticism. I do truly welcome all different opinions and having a diff opinion doesn’t make you any more right or wrong than me. I’m dying to retain passion for the game I feel I’m trying to save it but. I can’t do that if others don’t express their honest concerns. Be honest here. Even if it’s against what I said. What I said is my feeling And opinions it doesn’t make it facts but it is how I feel. I feel im trying to save a game I loved so much that has changed so much but at the same time, maybe others don’t agree and that’s okay. I’d just like to know your incite and will take absolutely no offense on your response I’m just trying to gather insight of the community as a whole and where we all stand. That’s all. I’m sorry if I offended anyone I am a very transparent person I mean no offense just honesty and I would like others input whether they agree or not. Thanks.
I would love a legit valid argument to defend Kabam after all this time. If you disagree with my criticism speak up. I’m fair and transparent I would like to know how others feel because I see several disagreements with my honest health felt post so what is it I’m missing that you feel? I love this game don’t get me wrong I want to have passion and drive again but Kabam has taken it in a direction I can’t make logical sense of so please share your thoughts I’m not here to bicker I’m here to be enlightened by others options and all are welcome I don’t want this game to die I want to share it and the only way I feel I can save it is being transparent towards how I feel about the game and it’s ongoing issues. I don’t want to be angry or jaded… I want the exact opposite. I want the game back I loved to play so much. It just hasn’t been the same lately. I’m risking everything to fight for the community for all of us and yet you can’t tell me what you disagree with but I’m a person of logic and reason and I would like to know how all of you feel even if you disagree with my criticism. I do truly welcome all different opinions and having a diff opinion doesn’t make you any more right or wrong than me. I’m dying to retain passion for the game I feel I’m trying to save it but. I can’t do that if others don’t express their honest concerns. Be honest here. Even if it’s against what I said. What I said is my feeling And opinions it doesn’t make it facts but it is how I feel. I feel im trying to save a game I loved so much that has changed so much but at the same time, maybe others don’t agree and that’s okay. I’d just like to know your incite and will take absolutely no offense on your response I’m just trying to gather insight of the community as a whole and where we all stand. That’s all. I’m sorry if I offended anyone I am a very transparent person I mean no offense just honesty and I would like others input whether they agree or not. Thanks.
I will say that it's kinda become obvious ever since they downsized and have been running a skeleton crew that the game is now showing signs of that. It's not defending kabam because they still have jobs that should've been done, but I absolutely know what it's like to do a 30 person job with 5 people (only an expample).
To me downsizing equates to failure. They had lay offs due to their own failure. Pandemic aside. People stopped spending because they expected us to spend the same about if not more on a bugged product that usually doesn’t even work as intended. That is. For lack of a better term. Rather illegal. But Kabam knows that.
To me downsizing equates to failure. They had lay offs due to their own failure. Pandemic aside. People stopped spending because they expected us to spend the same about if not more on a bugged product that usually doesn’t even work as intended. That is. For lack of a better term. Rather illegal. But Kabam knows that.
Then you don't know how businesses of any kind runs. They ALL downsize. Every. Single. Time. Why pay for more workers when you can pay less and get the same results? (More or less). It's call maximizing profits. And part of that is having as small a team as possible.
Say you’re told an item will do all these things and because of that you buy it. Then say it doesn’t function as intended. For example Rintrah who was bought and saught after until we were told he was never functioning as intended. You sold us several champs you then reworked or nerfed. That. Is illegal. It’s called bait and switch. They’re taking all of your money and doing it knowingly that the product doesn’t work as intended. They’ve been doing that for a while now. Years now which is what originally started a bad taste in my mouth but to sell things for the promise and price you do but ignore the 100+ other issues with the game is beyond greedy and scummy. It’s scummy kabam. Scammy. And you know it. It’s called bait and switch which I know Kabam is aware of lol how could they not be? As someone who works in litigation it’s a terrible look and one I can’t justify as part of the community. Frankly Kabam is worthy of a whole situation but I won’t mention the legalities here. They already know. I’m done being silent being scared, ban my acct if you want lol won’t change anything. Won’t change all the proof I have all the tickets all the screen shots all the issues all the other players who are disgusted with kabam it doesn’t change the truth. Kabam cares about money and nothing else so whatever comes your way simply comes you way.
To me downsizing equates to failure. They had lay offs due to their own failure. Pandemic aside. People stopped spending because they expected us to spend the same about if not more on a bugged product that usually doesn’t even work as intended. That is. For lack of a better term. Rather illegal. But Kabam knows that.
Then you don't know how businesses of any kind runs. They ALL downsize. Every.
Say you’re told an item will do all these things and because of that you buy it. Then say it doesn’t function as intended. For example Rintrah who was bought and saught after until we were told he was never functioning as intended. You sold us several champs you then reworked or nerfed. That. Is illegal. It’s called bait and switch. They’re taking all of your money and doing it knowingly that the product doesn’t work as intended. They’ve been doing that for a while now. Years now which is what originally started a bad taste in my mouth but to sell things for the promise and price you do but ignore the 100+ other issues with the game is beyond greedy and scummy. It’s scummy kabam. Scammy. And you know it. It’s called bait and switch which I know Kabam is aware of lol how could they not be? As someone who works in litigation it’s a terrible look and one I can’t justify as part of the community. Frankly Kabam is worthy of a whole situation but I won’t mention the legalities here. They already know. I’m done being silent being scared, ban my acct if you want lol won’t change anything. Won’t change all the proof I have all the tickets all the screen shots all the issues all the other players who are disgusted with kabam it doesn’t change the truth. Kabam cares about money and nothing else so whatever comes your way simply comes you way.
You must be Golivarez back from the dead. You have absolutely no clue what your talking about. A champ being bugged is not bait and switch. Sometimes they can't fix the bug and therefore must change the champ so they work properly. Still not a bait and switch. A bait and switch would be them telling you you can buy Bastion but they instead sold you star lord. Nerfs happen because it's for the health of the game. Not because you liked that champ and they changed it on you. The champ still works the same way it did before if only slightly less effective.
Also think it would be nice if the nodes were simpler to read (maybe add a red color to whatever is the danger of the fight or the the thing I need to get around) I really don't want to spend 5 minutes reading every single fight, but I also don't want to miss something important and then have to re start a whole quest because I miss something. It could look something like:
●challenge of fight:
EVADE: (solution: paused for 10 seconds when; intercepted)
MISS: (can't turn off)
BLEED: (robots are immune)
That will let me know this champion can evade, either I bring an evade counter, or get around it by performing the action ask of me by the node, the word evade will be underline so we have the choice to open it and read what it means(as a bookmark for people that don't know) and the rest in blue as a way to get around this challenge. It could be the same with everything else and I would quickly see whatever is important and start the macth. Because sometimes not matter how much you read you end up having to go wacth a whole video to understand what's killing you.
Another great idea is adding a boost called plot armor. Imagine fighting against Thanos and receiving a 30% attack and health boost for using an Avenger tag character, or fighting Kingpin with DareDevil, or Killmonger with Black Panter. Man it would give comic book fans so much joy and it would be a great utilization of tags and knowledge. Is similar to the feeling of receiving the class advantage boost, as a player we automatically try and get that boost, this could be an extra layer to that.
I love this game, and you guys do a great job keeping it alive. Just thought about writing this suggestions here. Thank you for reading.
The picks and bans phase feels like it's dragging out the game mode unnecessarily and one of the major reasons I dread playing the game mode; just too much wasted time. I want to get in and just start the fight. We are not all streaming and trying to build up the fight into a spectator sport. The picks and bans phase is only good for real competitions.
Skipping the picks and bans makes deck placements an even bigger part of the game strategy, it also raises the player's required game/champion knowledge. So in a way it is a more difficult and challenging mode. The rest of the strategies stay the same as the original mode, like choosing the best counter and the order you place the defenders and attackers to try and bait out certain picks.
I believe this will give Battlegrounds the new jolt of life you're looking for, and am willing to bet that everyone not seriously playing with the goal of reaching top rank (which from the post seems to be the majority) will be in favor of the quick-match mode.
Also, if the top rankers adopt this as their main game mode, it might also solve the match-making wait time issues since people would be in and out of matches quicker.
While KabamCrashed said something along the lines of “the game has no way to stay active in background, eg. during App Switch, or Crash Recovery, even if not paused”.
But I believe the game DOES know when you ARE in the game (fight).
And so would be able to know (once fight resumes) HOW LONG your fight had been inactive (no matter for which of those 3 reasons).
In fact, currently, you can see the difference in Times between initial post-fight screen (duration), and detailed post-fight stats screen (fight time).
**although, duration really should NOT be starting until after the “loading” of the fight, when champs actually start running up to each other. (but that is another issue, and currently costs points for slower loading device players vs faster loading device players, due to loading time counting against the running “Fight Duration”).
As for Pause, AppSwap, Crash/Recovery. When fight resumes, have a Health Penalty applied, based on the duration of the time away from the fight.
Could be an exact ration of 100% Health to the 120 second max duration.
So if you Pause for 12 seconds, you'll lose 10% of your (Original Max) health when fight resumes. (and if you didn’t even have that much health left before the pause/switch/etc, ends up KO'ing you)
Crash/Recovery (whether forced or real crash), once you resume (say it takes 30 seconds), that would mean you start the recovered fight at only 75% of your health (1/4th max health, 1/4th max duration)
Another point I have seen raised that I agree with is champion design. Why make defenders that aren’t used in any content other than AW and battlegrounds?
Again, I appreciate the post and the sharing of thoughts but I’m frustrated by how long it took. There is also the fact that this post only touches on one of the multiple of content issues that have been festering for a while without even mentioning the bugs and AI issues. It’s clear that there is more to come but why did it take so long? How is every game mode outside of AW out of date and stale? I hope this leads to improvement but I for one feel it might not be enough. Hope I’m wrong.
# Crystals : How strange it is for a basic 7star open to still cost 15k and 20k for titan… Knowing well there is always a possibility of getting the same over and over (months it takes to save those shards) reduce the cost or find a way to stop people from dupoing more than twice
# paragonlet: Don’t force people to do the EQ before doing the gauntlet… It’s supposed to be fun not a chore.
#incursion: those rewards are soo little (he’ll u brought 7star awakening shards) 25 zones that’s hours for something soo small(buff incursion rewards)
Like other influences have said what about beyond battlegrounds personally I think it takes way too long to achieve any sort of time:rewards ratio.
Many people youtubers have been saying stores and rewards need to be updated multiple times per year. Is there any chance for a meaningful developers diary when new events will be released even if they haven't been conceptional designed, when rewards will be buffed and stores updated over the next 12 to 18 months
Wonder if our elders marks will be converted into the store currency when the new store becomes available. Assuming we won’t need elders marks after that point if there’s no solo event.
What I dislike most is, imo, a major red herring.
Specifically, the discussion about how fast players are progressing due to all the reward avenues as if y’all don’t literally have a “sale” every other day that makes progressing way too quickly (and I’m a spender. Well not anymore for the time being). It waters down the game and while it will make y’all more money in the short term, it has now created or at least very strongly contributed to the frustrations players now feel. Because now players feel empty playing the game and feel like it’s not rewarding enough even though they progressing faster than ever. I would much rather progress through accomplishing things in game than shelling out money every other day. And again I am (was) a spender and I have no problem with that.
But now I’m asking: what am I spending for? Am I spending to complete something that gets me worse rewards than what I paid for in order to progress enough to complete that quest/war/bg match/incursions run, etc. A majority of the time the answer to that is yes. Ok, so then why complete those things in-game? Ok, so if I don’t have the motivation to complete/compete because it’s much easier to just spend money to get those rewards (and those rewards are typically much better anyways) then why play the game? And if I’m not playing the game, then why spend money?
Short term y’all made money. But we’re past short term and now y’all are at the point where those players are starting to ask themselves the above questions. It’s not a sustainable model.
And instead of addressing that reality in the slightest, instead reward avenues are blamed as the problem/reason that players are essentially progressing too quickly. Blaming reward avenues is the red herring and while it might work short term (for a Q or two) it will fail long term. Because those player won’t spend on a game that doesn’t feel rewarding. Yes, y’all might make a little less money in the short term as you figure out a better strategy for sales but it’s better than making bank for another 6 months then watching a steady, unstoppable decline as the most loyal of your customers walk away (they are the lynchpin for so much of the game). The second and third order effects of putting profits this highly over player experience for the most loyal of players isn’t a decision that has typically panned out for companies in the long term.
In Rock, Paper, Scissors terms, some cases it is tantamount to seeing your opponent throw rock a few seconds before you throw your choice, obviously paper.
I usually don’t feed the shills but I’m convinced this is an employee burner account.
As well as one from @WolverineX , without the whole original post quote taking up space as well.
Take Battlegrounds, for example. When it launched, I questioned the need for Elder Marks. Why not let players use the existing energy system with a straightforward point system—like earning 3,000 points for a win and losing 1,000 for a loss? This way, those aiming for top rewards would naturally play more matches without an artificial resource limiting their progress. Instead, Elder Marks were introduced as a scarce resource, forcing players to either wait for free ones or spend units, which are purchased with real money.
The result? Paying players get a clear advantage, as they can buy more Elder Marks to play more matches and gain more points and rewards. Meanwhile, most free-to-play players likely avoid spending units on Elder Marks, creating an uneven playing field. This pattern isn’t new—Kabam frequently adds complexity that benefits those who spend while making progression harder for F2P players.
@Kabam_Crashed thanks for try a solution for this issue.
But, there's another one I said before...
Time can be detected in some way as the match stats are shown in the end.
So, if the game detect that nothing is happening for xx seconds, the pause abuser lose the match.
Let's say is 30 seconds
If #nomovement #nohit
#playerA lost