It took me 6 months after becoming valiant to form a deck with 7* rank 3 and 6* rank 5 ascended sig 200
The barrier to entry for battlegrounds is too high for the vast majority of the playerbase who are paragon and below, they simply cannot assemble 30 strong champions unless they spend money but the rewards in battlegrounds doesn't justify the spending
Battlegrounds is the only mode that casual players actively avoid playing bcos nobody likes the feeling of losing, there's no rewards from losing in battlegrounds except some points in the solo and alliance battlegrounds event
Battlegrounds is a mode that only a minority of the playerbase are playing bcos they reached the end game and there is nothing else to do, you can't do Epoch after 100%
Other competitive games have no barrier to entry, what's so difficult about shooting a gun in call of duty or getting a couple of champions in moba that can be used immediately after purchase
In mcoc, you have to get the champion you want from a crystal, rank up and level up and sig up before it's ready and multiple that by 30
Battlegrounds benefits the incumbent long playing valiants who have built a full deck and they are a minority in the game
From the perspective of Kabam, they have to focus on the majority of the playerbase
Still I'm glad they are finally doing something about it
No one asked BG GC rewards to be game-breaking, but not upgrading them for 18 months is a different story and anyone should agree that it does not make any sense no matter what. C1 rewards contain tier 2 basic relic alloy and stuff like that, it's quite gaslighting. Put some unique stuff instead, like titles was a nice introduction.
And yes, if you wanna eliminate farming define Alliance score by just adding members placements in the GC or in VT. That would be a good change. Automatic points decay in GC is also nice if you just park too long.
I like this post, it eases the players frustrations. Though this also results in a feedback loop, and I hope this don't burnout the team involved in making these changes. I too understand the frustration of getting my weeks to months worth of projects rejected and returned again n again.
At any rate, my parents are in town to help with the kids this weekend so I promise to check in tomorrow
Yuk. Go drinkin' or pretend to be interested in stuff your partner enjoys, worst case hang out with your parents but why on Gods earth you would be here listening to people telling you you're no good at your job on your days off is beyond me.
I didn't read anything about trophy tokens and the current BG store. Will the new currency replace the old one? If not, will there be a change in the BG store? Would we get a revamped store or the store remains untouched. If yes, what will happen to our unused trophy tokens?
Im thankful for the update and transparency but i think one thing yall might be missing is that a lot of players may not be getting into GC as early as they should be due to the 48 hour event. I know that several of my alliance mates and myself will only play when these challenges reset so we can maximize our trophy token gain for time spent, especially bc most of us know we wont be getting into the higher GC brackets. If yall removed this event and instead added a small amount of trophy tokens (or some form of reward) to each match played i believe this would greatly incentivize players to actually play more than a few matches every day.
Like what they did with the magnetron crystals and the tickets thats exactly what they should have done with the dark plums i don't understand why they changed it when it was perfectly ok to keep it in that order they did with the previous 2 chase champs
Creating Radiance shows you guys are on the right track, but the final destination needs to link all game modes, not just battlegrounds. The solution to all this is a Universal Store, one that mashes together Trader’s Outpost (and gets rid of the bundling, it sucks), Glory store, Loyalty store, Incursions, and BattleGrounds. With a Universal store, and Universal currency everybody can play the game mode they like and still get currency for relevant resources. I mean, you’ve already realized all the reasons why a Universal store merger is needed, they’re all listed in your post:
" It allows us to control the total reward distribution while better valuing Summoner time"
"It allows us to update the ranked rewards across the game by updating a single store"
"It allows Summoners to “choose their own adventure” when it comes to which modes they want to be competitive in and which they don’t"
The total “reward budget” can be easily set across all game modes and each game mode would offer up to a set amount of the total budget so if you want to reach the full reward allowance you’d still have to play multiple game modes. Also, each game mode can maintain its individuality by offering simple rewards in a milestone fashion, rewards like crystal shards, titan shards, awakening gem shards, t6 bc and t3a shards, and gold. To make the conversion easier, the game mode’s current currency doesn’t have to change, but instead apply a conversion rate of each currency to the universal currency (kind of like how we can buy Raid tickets with multiple currencies).
I would prefer the pricing structure of the store to keep a steady price like battlegrounds as opposed to the glory store’s.
Hopefully implementing Radiance really shines through and all roads lead to some type of Universal store.
Creating Radiance shows you guys are on the right track, but the final destination needs to link all game modes, not just battlegrounds. The solution to all this is a Universal Store, one that mashes together Trader’s Outpost (and gets rid of the bundling, it sucks), Glory store, Loyalty store, Incursions, and BattleGrounds. With a Universal store, and Universal currency everybody can play the game mode they like and still get currency for relevant resources. I mean, you’ve already realized all the reasons why a Universal store merger is needed, they’re all listed in your post:
" It allows us to control the total reward distribution while better valuing Summoner time"
"It allows us to update the ranked rewards across the game by updating a single store"
"It allows Summoners to “choose their own adventure” when it comes to which modes they want to be competitive in and which they don’t"
The total “reward budget” can be easily set across all game modes and each game mode would offer up to a set amount of the total budget so if you want to reach the full reward allowance you’d still have to play multiple game modes. Also, each game mode can maintain its individuality by offering simple rewards in a milestone fashion, rewards like crystal shards, titan shards, awakening gem shards, t6 bc and t3a shards, and gold. To make the conversion easier, the game mode’s current currency doesn’t have to change, but instead apply a conversion rate of each currency to the universal currency (kind of like how we can buy Raid tickets with multiple currencies).
I would prefer the pricing structure of the store to keep a steady price like battlegrounds as opposed to the glory store’s.
Hopefully implementing Radiance really shines through and all roads lead to some type of Universal store.
better yet. let's just abolish the entire "reward budget". Obviously we dont expect them to get crazy, but holy ****, its 2025. the rewards they are giving out wouldn't even make 2023 me excited. Especially since I'm Valiant. I dont have any R4s yet but once I do, I know these **** rewards are going to piss me off tremendously. Stop telling us you are limited in what you are allowed to give out for the economy of the game.
no offense, but when a company is looking at “too big of a picture” and neglects what the community is complaining about whether it be a “niche” group or not… your niche group is creating waves… i dont have any desire to play the game or spend anymore…
For pausing you can apply penalty To summarize your post you have a big game that needs serious big changes and an overwhelmed small team to implement them and on top of that you had major layoffs so basically you’re aware of what needs to be done but you keep shelving it to sometimes a year or more in a game that was out for 10 years so 10% of it’s lifetime
My advice hire more people to distribute the work load and get better and faster results
And For pausing you can apply penalty on players pausing constantly you don’t have to disable pausing you only need to recognize that it’s happening and discourage it
Of course we progres faster than ever before when we have money deals every day. Its because of money not because rewards are great everywhere. Only endgame content have great rewards
I’m not a complainer, what I’m gonna say is more or less constructive criticism.
Crashed you do mention players farming in lower tiers, I understand modders are the priority.
However this season you are encouraging them to farm, with the VT rewards buff + solo event milestone, so we get double dip, so they’re gonna absolutely love this.
These farmers need cracking down on because it’s ridiculous man. I’m not a game developer but I feel as if these VT + GC rewards should’ve been done together.
They need a system that makes it possible for players with smaller rosters to advance and to get points and experience the rewards also.i have friends that love battlegrounds but dont have the roster to fully compete so they need to be engaged better somehow
Seems like a risky overhaul,..and battlegrounds has been through this before. I see a lot of “time incentive “ ideas to be implemented and i’m not certain this is great approach. Maybe it’s more complicated then just “buffing rewards”, but i find it’s over complicating things by changing battlegrounds format,.,(Again). A good start and maybe a simple solution would have been to replace all the useless relic rewards with something else,..for example.
The barrier to entry for battlegrounds is too high for the vast majority of the playerbase who are paragon and below, they simply cannot assemble 30 strong champions unless they spend money but the rewards in battlegrounds doesn't justify the spending
Battlegrounds is the only mode that casual players actively avoid playing bcos nobody likes the feeling of losing, there's no rewards from losing in battlegrounds except some points in the solo and alliance battlegrounds event
Battlegrounds is a mode that only a minority of the playerbase are playing bcos they reached the end game and there is nothing else to do, you can't do Epoch after 100%
Other competitive games have no barrier to entry, what's so difficult about shooting a gun in call of duty or getting a couple of champions in moba that can be used immediately after purchase
In mcoc, you have to get the champion you want from a crystal, rank up and level up and sig up before it's ready and multiple that by 30
Battlegrounds benefits the incumbent long playing valiants who have built a full deck and they are a minority in the game
From the perspective of Kabam, they have to focus on the majority of the playerbase
Still I'm glad they are finally doing something about it
Buffing the rewards in battlegrounds only make the strong players even stronger and the weak players avoid the mode entirely
And yes, if you wanna eliminate farming define Alliance score by just adding members placements in the GC or in VT. That would be a good change. Automatic points decay in GC is also nice if you just park too long.
I also don't expect anything crazy from Kabam when the rewards are buffed
Attention span, go get some.
You need that to read all the nodes of everest content boss abilities in a flash
Like a gamma radiated Maestro who is far different from the original hulk
Is it inherently designed to be not for casual players?
Is it not worth playing for casual players?
Is it too scary for casual players seeing a full deck of serpent, enchantress, arcade and other monstrosities?
Meanwhile Nightmare Raid nodes: ☠️
so what are everyones thoughts on vt update for upcoming season
- " It allows us to control the total reward distribution while better valuing Summoner time"
- "It allows us to update the ranked rewards across the game by updating a single store"
- "It allows Summoners to “choose their own adventure” when it comes to which modes they want to be competitive in and which they don’t"
The total “reward budget” can be easily set across all game modes and each game mode would offer up to a set amount of the total budget so if you want to reach the full reward allowance you’d still have to play multiple game modes. Also, each game mode can maintain its individuality by offering simple rewards in a milestone fashion, rewards like crystal shards, titan shards, awakening gem shards, t6 bc and t3a shards, and gold. To make the conversion easier, the game mode’s current currency doesn’t have to change, but instead apply a conversion rate of each currency to the universal currency (kind of like how we can buy Raid tickets with multiple currencies).I would prefer the pricing structure of the store to keep a steady price like battlegrounds as opposed to the glory store’s.
Hopefully implementing Radiance really shines through and all roads lead to some type of Universal store.
The "Budget" is the problem.
i dont have any desire to play the game or spend anymore…
To summarize your post you have a big game that needs serious big changes and an overwhelmed small team to implement them and on top of that you had major layoffs so basically you’re aware of what needs to be done but you keep shelving it to sometimes a year or more in a game that was out for 10 years so 10% of it’s lifetime
My advice hire more people to distribute the work load and get better and faster results
And For pausing you can apply penalty on players pausing constantly you don’t have to disable pausing you only need to recognize that it’s happening and discourage it
Nice writeup though
Crashed you do mention players farming in lower tiers, I understand modders are the priority.
However this season you are encouraging them to farm, with the VT rewards buff + solo event milestone, so we get double dip, so they’re gonna absolutely love this.
These farmers need cracking down on because it’s ridiculous man. I’m not a game developer but I feel as if these VT + GC rewards should’ve been done together.
I see a lot of “time incentive “ ideas to be implemented and i’m not certain this is great approach. Maybe it’s more complicated then just “buffing rewards”, but i find it’s over complicating things by changing battlegrounds format,.,(Again).
A good start and maybe a simple solution would have been to replace all the useless relic rewards with something else,..for example.