Quick Pick Poll: Skill

Hey Guys,
I dont often do these but Im really torn here.
Do I rank up my 4* Duped Elekra or UN-duped CB or AV to R5? Any particular reason for one being better than the other apart from the obvious? I havent really figured out how to use either of them efficiently, any links/advice would be much appreciated!
I dont often do these but Im really torn here.
Do I rank up my 4* Duped Elekra or UN-duped CB or AV to R5? Any particular reason for one being better than the other apart from the obvious? I havent really figured out how to use either of them efficiently, any links/advice would be much appreciated!
Quick Pick Poll: Skill 95 votes
Good damage
Good utility
Bleeds/armourbreak - on bleed immunes.
Plus she hits harder on low health targets.
She does what CB does without feeding MD.
Bw has to be at a high sig eletra doesn’t
Gwenpool or Blade would be better to wait for. Duped Black Widow is an option too. Elektra and Crossbones would be okay as 5/50 if you really need to burn some t4cc.
She's better at high sig, but even at lower sig she still would be better than Elektra.
Have to respectfully disagree. Electra combined with the right masteries set up is a str8 killer.
How does she stop regen? Just dont see any mechanic for it sorry
When the opponent is under a debuff she reduces thier defensive ability by 85%. So example you are fighting Ironman and he’s bleeding or armor break is on him when you hit him and he would normally go into arch overload he won’t. That’s how she can stop regen.
CB for ability reduction(every 1 fury on him reduce 22%) so 5 fury stacks will completely negate the opponent ability so he's good for all evade champs, unstoppable, regeneration... most importantly the immune ones cause if they aren't then AA would better
AV Damage output is crazy.. his shrug off ability comes in handy in many situations(Ice Phoenix last month) but other than that he's nothing special going for him
Elektra is an overall good champion.. deals tons of damage, but just as AV nothing too special going in her way
Also CB Doesn't need to be awakened...