frustrated with Jordan



  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Asskicker wrote: »
    Mauricio_ wrote: »
    Kabam lost the notion again with this Jordan challenge. I feel completely frustrated and I think I lost more than 2 years of my life investing time in this game and raising my heroes for nothing.
    The will is to give up and uninstall, a lack of respect with who plays and is medium, which I think is the majority of players.

    I don't get your frustration? The quest it's quite easy, the only fight can be annoying is Black Widow.

    Idk man, Iron Man was frustrating. He just plays so defensively
  • colbyscipio987colbyscipio987 Member Posts: 1,027 ★★
    It’s been said over and over but I think it needs to be reiterated since those players that complain about this just dont seem to get it.

    There are four rounds. Whatever state you’re in the game, you should be able to finish at least one of them.

    If you have great champs, or you have mad skills, then you might be able to complete all four rounds. But if you cant, then that’s fine. It’s not meant to be completed by ALL players. It’s not even meant to be completed by MOST players.


    I got lucky and beat that challenge.(I also 100% rounds 1-3)
  • Bmf420Bmf420 Member Posts: 161
    So you expect end game rewards for a medium player? Just run through the first set of champs and take what you can get for now. There will be more challenges in the future. The "it's to hard.I quit" mentality isn't heathy. Just grind on and you'll progress and get better.
  • Icecold2099Icecold2099 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    Akumaccb wrote: »
    Akumaccb wrote: »
    Inappropriate roster complaints are invalid, as can be seen from how any 4* can take down bpcw with relative ease. qaqh14q7b5n4.png

    This proves this quest can be beaten by medium rosters. It’s all about skill to compensate for the lack of firepower or utility champs one has.

    I agree that it's not for every one. I also agree that there are things out there for the intermediate players.

    I do not agree that this photo shows the quests can be beaten by medium rosters. A 4/4/40 OR 4/5/50 DUPED Karnak is not a champ i think somebody with an intermediate roster would have.

    I am an intermediate player and have 177 champs, 33 are 4* champs, but only 3 are duped and 4 are at 4/40.

    Unless I'm not considered having an intermediate roster yet.... I could finish the challenge only if I wanted to drop a bunch of units on health potions and revives.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    Mauricio_ wrote: »
    Webbdog wrote: »
    Mauricio_ wrote: »
    Lunchbox45 wrote: »
    Its a grind fellas! You will progress. When i started years ago I too couldnt run these challenges. There were a few that just KO’d me and left me frustrated. Just keep grinding


    Even with this team I can not get past line C. With 2 touches against the Falcon I die. That's what I'm talking about, why did I waste so much time raising my heroes if it's no good?

    This is a very good roster. Way OP for this challenge. This appears to be lack of skill point blank. Sorry man, u need to improve

    The game demands too much, I just wanted to have fun and I need to "train"? If only you could earn a salary or a prize better than virtual crystals ... But we have to dedicate a lot for just a simple game, which in the end only feeds the ego and gives you tendinitis.

    You don't want a game, you want a past time. Virtually all games worth playing give the players who work at getting better at them significant advantages over other players. Basketball, Golf, Chess, Ping Pong, Marbles, Space Invaders, Fantasy Football, honestly I'm coming up blank on a game that doesn't have this property. Heck, Farmville takes almost no skill and people complain that "game" takes up too much time and energy AND money.

    There is literally no minimum amount of time, money, or skill that this game requires. You could literally play it for five minutes a day if you want to. You'll just progress slower, but even at *that* level of play you'd probably have your first 5* champion in less time than it took me to get mine if you had started six months ago just from calendar rewards.

    The problem is not that the game demands too much. The problem is you demand too much out of yourself, your time, and your skills. It is your own ego that demands more than your body can deliver. Take your ego out of the equation, stop comparing yourself to others, play just for fun, and the game is perfectly fine.
  • edited February 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • Mauricio_Mauricio_ Member Posts: 12
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Mauricio_ wrote: »
    Webbdog wrote: »
    Mauricio_ wrote: »
    Lunchbox45 wrote: »
    Its a grind fellas! You will progress. When i started years ago I too couldnt run these challenges. There were a few that just KO’d me and left me frustrated. Just keep grinding


    Even with this team I can not get past line C. With 2 touches against the Falcon I die. That's what I'm talking about, why did I waste so much time raising my heroes if it's no good?

    This is a very good roster. Way OP for this challenge. This appears to be lack of skill point blank. Sorry man, u need to improve

    The game demands too much, I just wanted to have fun and I need to "train"? If only you could earn a salary or a prize better than virtual crystals ... But we have to dedicate a lot for just a simple game, which in the end only feeds the ego and gives you tendinitis.

    You don't want a game, you want a past time. Virtually all games worth playing give the players who work at getting better at them significant advantages over other players. Basketball, Golf, Chess, Ping Pong, Marbles, Space Invaders, Fantasy Football, honestly I'm coming up blank on a game that doesn't have this property. Heck, Farmville takes almost no skill and people complain that "game" takes up too much time and energy AND money.

    There is literally no minimum amount of time, money, or skill that this game requires. You could literally play it for five minutes a day if you want to. You'll just progress slower, but even at *that* level of play you'd probably have your first 5* champion in less time than it took me to get mine if you had started six months ago just from calendar rewards.

    The problem is not that the game demands too much. The problem is you demand too much out of yourself, your time, and your skills. It is your own ego that demands more than your body can deliver. Take your ego out of the equation, stop comparing yourself to others, play just for fun, and the game is perfectly fine.

    I disagree with you friend. There is no ego problem, what happens, I do not know if I can express myself, is that, I have good heroes, it took me a long time to get them and make them strong, I invested my time in the game. Would not it be reasonable for the Kabam to perform missions that my heroes could get through? But that does not happen. I go on a daily mission with a lot of different teams and sometimes I do not go from the 4th or 5th opponents! It would still have to go through another 10 to get to the final boss.
    Who gives me the mission is the kabam, who gave me the heroes and the possibilities to make them stronger was also the kabam, and then she puts missions that I can not go through with the heroes she gave me.
    Is not that frustrating?
    Have 460k of evaluation, multiple heroes of 4 and 5 stars and do not pass in cap2 of act 5, do not complete the Jordan mission, etc. This daily mission is a disrespect to anyone who has spent as much time playing as I do. Do not we have the right to change the team?
    Everything forces you to spend and spend. Spend time and money, lots of money, or you do not go through the simple missions they create. And in the end, I lost time and I gained anger and frustration.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    Mauricio_ wrote: »
    Who gives me the mission is the kabam, who gave me the heroes and the possibilities to make them stronger was also the kabam, and then she puts missions that I can not go through with the heroes she gave me.
    Is not that frustrating?

    Only you can answer that question. But if you feel you are not getting enough return on your effort, then perhaps that is because this is not the right game for you. There are lots of examples of players accomplishing more than you seem to be able to do, with less resources than you seem to have available to you. No game can accommodate every level of skill and effort. If it were to change to accommodate you, it would just become boring and worthless to play for someone else.

    Whether the game is difficult enough or too difficult, easy enough to progress in or too difficult to progress in, is somewhat subjective. But it is not completely arbitrary either. The progressional rate and difficulty curve MCOC targets appears to be attractive enough to enough players to be a very successful game. You can advocate for that difficulty target to be lower, but I think you won't be in a sufficiently large majority to prompt Kabam to change the game.

    And as to ego, what is obviously frustrating you is there are things you currently cannot achieve in the game that you feel is necessary to achieve to enjoy the game. That is entirely your choice, No one tells you what you have to achieve. If your goals matched your capabilities, you wouldn't be as frustrated. A little frustration is good for most players: it drives them to do better. But when it becomes problematic, that's usually because the player is unwilling to lower their expectations. That's basically ego.
  • TonedefTonedef Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2018
    I barely read the last post. This game relies on reaction time, if yours is 💩, you’re gonna have issues. All brains are different, my bud has an app, when the randomized lightning strike flashes you gotta tap the screen. He has had a quicker reaction time every time we’ve “battled” and he’s way better at MCOC than I! 💩y part is, in the IQ tests we’ve done I’ve beat him every time 🤪
  • TonedefTonedef Member Posts: 137
    Quick reflexes aside, the game is designed to make you spend or look like a xxxxxx to your alliance when you die against champs that you normally wouldn’t in other game modes. The human mind is supposed to trump computers, Expert AQ is really easy, T4+ AW is unbelievably difficult. Especially when you’re own heroes don’t behave properly!
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