Mesmerize node in Black Panther Daily quest

RobjobcbkRobjobcbk Member Posts: 32
@Kabam Miike , you need to get rid of mesmerize. It’s complete bs. You have to have specific champs to play around it which is not fair for many players. But even having those champs may not matter when bane is involved and a passive ai.

1. Make the enemies more aggressive. If we can’t stun them to keep mesmerize to a minimum we can’t play around it.
2. Bane... mesmerize and bane? Come on...
3. 7% chance mesmerize... yeah no that is incorrect. It is a much higher number than that.

I have AA, iceman, 5* quake etc to deal with this but the opponents do not play into the rhythm of how to play against mesmerize and bane.

For reference, I face quake, mordo and void. Quake was simple. Mordo would not attack so he mesmerized my AA a couple times so his degen and bane did my health in. Void would not attack so I couldn’t keep coldsnap up because void wouldn’t use his specials either.
Then to top it off, I use stark Spider-Man because that’s who I have left. I landed 7 total hits, attempted 10 in total. Void proc’ed mesmerize 3x in 10 attempted hits.
Figure it out Kabam.

Also, to clarify I didn’t have to use potions or revives but I am a decent player with good champs. This post if for those who don’t have the champs and will
Get destroyed by this bs.


  • RobjobcbkRobjobcbk Member Posts: 32
    I did too. Read the whole post.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    so then what is the issue?
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    so you're complaining just to complain. got it.

    bottom line is you and i, and likely, tens of thousands of players, completed the challenge without using any items. seems pretty fair to me.

    level 30 players shouldn't be hitting up the expert level and other people might want to work on their skill, but the nodes aren't cheap in any way.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    I thought it was fine. It's meant to be a challenge. I understand the point you are trying to make but don't think it's a issue.
  • RobjobcbkRobjobcbk Member Posts: 32
    Mesmerize node is complete bs as you can not avoid it and I’m pretty sure the 7% is more like 20% or I’m just really unlucky lol

    However the bane node is definitely manageable and very easy to beat once you get the timings of switching it over.

    Both together is a huge pain in the ass just due to the unavoidable stun from mesmerize. The champs do play defensive but that’s only due to the bane node. I find all the champs with bane on play like this.

    It’s the only real day where you have to concentrate out of the 6 so I don’t mind. I’ve not used a single revive or pot since the event has started and the same for my alliance.

    So I believe yes it’s bs but is easily beatable at the correct level, to many people just want free rewards and are entering to early. If your finding it too difficult drop down from expert problem solve 👍

    I agree with you. I only think bane is bs when combined with mesmerize because you will get stunned and hit.
    It is the only challenging day but that’s the problem. Today is only challenge because much of it isn’t skill based for the most part. The other days are too easy.
  • RobjobcbkRobjobcbk Member Posts: 32
    Qwerty wrote: »
    Robjobcbk wrote: »
    Qwerty wrote: »
    so you're complaining just to complain. got it.

    bottom line is you and i, and likely, tens of thousands of players, completed the challenge without using any items. seems pretty fair to me.

    level 30 players shouldn't be hitting up the expert level and other people might want to work on their skill, but the nodes aren't cheap in any way.

    No I am not. It’s called advocating for someone else. Kabam continues to put bs in their game and we all consistently put up with it because they’ll give us shards for compensation once in a blue moon.

    Collector fight still bs
    5.4.6 Classic ultron fight (his evade directly into an attack is unavoidable unless you have Medusa)
    Juggs in 4.3.something.
    Modok event

    My point is Kabam continues to create bs because we put up with it. The collector fight could’ve been an incredibly designed fight. The classic ultron fight is except his evade directly into an attack that we can’t avoid.

    You are bringing zero to this conversation. Please go to another thread and bother them

    I agree the collector fight is bs, Ultron's evade attack is a bug that has been fixed as far as i can tell, Modok's issue of parrying in his auto block is a bug too.

    Boo hoo somebody who disagrees with you. This game isn't and shouldn't be an auto win for every player of every level.

    I don’t care if you disagree with me. You haven’t brought anything of value to the conversation.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    Robjobcbk wrote: »
    Qwerty wrote: »
    Robjobcbk wrote: »
    Qwerty wrote: »
    so you're complaining just to complain. got it.

    bottom line is you and i, and likely, tens of thousands of players, completed the challenge without using any items. seems pretty fair to me.

    level 30 players shouldn't be hitting up the expert level and other people might want to work on their skill, but the nodes aren't cheap in any way.

    No I am not. It’s called advocating for someone else. Kabam continues to put bs in their game and we all consistently put up with it because they’ll give us shards for compensation once in a blue moon.

    Collector fight still bs
    5.4.6 Classic ultron fight (his evade directly into an attack is unavoidable unless you have Medusa)
    Juggs in 4.3.something.
    Modok event

    My point is Kabam continues to create bs because we put up with it. The collector fight could’ve been an incredibly designed fight. The classic ultron fight is except his evade directly into an attack that we can’t avoid.

    You are bringing zero to this conversation. Please go to another thread and bother them

    I agree the collector fight is bs, Ultron's evade attack is a bug that has been fixed as far as i can tell, Modok's issue of parrying in his auto block is a bug too.

    Boo hoo somebody who disagrees with you. This game isn't and shouldn't be an auto win for every player of every level.

    I don’t care if you disagree with me. You haven’t brought anything of value to the conversation.
    because this conversation has no substance to discuss. If you and thousands of other people can complete it without any items, why is it an issue?

    You're advocating for the lower level/skilled players who are clearly punching above their weight class.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    I posted this in the other thread about mesmerise but I think it should be said again.
    Just to clarify. I’m not a troll, I just have a different opinion, I agree that it is a cheap combination of nodes but it isn’t without it’s counters. You could use rogue or Karnak or groot to reduce stun time with limber. When my rogue is stunned on mesmerise you don’t even see the stun timer because it goes so fast. Or you could bring a champ with a high health pool and hit the opponent once every ten seconds to maximise bane damage. So unlike collector it does have a number of counters. Anyway back to mesmerise:

    Here’s what I posted:

    Humans are really bad at thinking about odds. A 7% chance means in 10 hits 1 should evade. That’s two combos. And with the deviation that comes with chance events it is perfectly possible that you get 3 in a 5 hit combo.

    Our own confirmation bias is the reason people think mesmerise is fixed. You think oh well 7% is so small it shouldn’t really happen. But in the average fight in expert will have let’s say 35-40 hits? So each fight should have 2-3 hits that trigger mesmerise. The thing is, these are just as likely to happen at the start as at the end of the fight, so when you get one at the start and you get hit and destroyed after 4 hits, you complain that it happens far too often. But even when you get 20 hits off and then mesmerise hits twice, you ignore the 20 hits that didn’t trigger it and you focus on the two that did. Even though there’s a 93% chance to not trigger the evade so that means 0.93^20 is a 0.23 chance of it happening, or 23%. Which is fairly unlikely if you count 20 hits as one event.

    It all boils down to this. Each hit is an event, there are loads of events in a match so even a small percentage becomes quite likely to occur. There’s an 80% chance after 20 hits.
  • B1gG4zB1gG4z Member Posts: 146
    I didn’t even know it was mesmerise till my first fight haha after the first stun I realise and just did parry hit hit rinse and repeat. Never triggered it once after that. So you don’t need specific champs you just need the skill to play around the node itself.
  • SnaggleSnaggle Member Posts: 226 ★★
    Robjobcbk wrote: »
    Qwerty wrote: »
    so you're complaining just to complain. got it.

    bottom line is you and i, and likely, tens of thousands of players, completed the challenge without using any items. seems pretty fair to me.

    level 30 players shouldn't be hitting up the expert level and other people might want to work on their skill, but the nodes aren't cheap in any way.

    No I am not. It’s called advocating for someone else. Kabam continues to put bs in their game and we all consistently put up with it because they’ll give us shards for compensation once in a blue moon.

    Collector fight still bs
    5.4.6 Classic ultron fight (his evade directly into an attack is unavoidable unless you have Medusa)
    Juggs in 4.3.something.
    Modok event

    My point is Kabam continues to create bs because we put up with it. The collector fight could’ve been an incredibly designed fight. The classic ultron fight is except his evade directly into an attack that we can’t avoid.

    You are bringing zero to this conversation. Please go to another thread and bother them

    You just Tom Brady'd that kid. Absolutely destroyed.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    _ASDF_ wrote: »
    I posted this in the other thread about mesmerise but I think it should be said again.
    Just to clarify. I’m not a troll, I just have a different opinion, I agree that it is a cheap combination of nodes but it isn’t without it’s counters. You could use rogue or Karnak or groot to reduce stun time with limber. When my rogue is stunned on mesmerise you don’t even see the stun timer because it goes so fast. Or you could bring a champ with a high health pool and hit the opponent once every ten seconds to maximise bane damage. So unlike collector it does have a number of counters. Anyway back to mesmerise:

    Here’s what I posted:

    Humans are really bad at thinking about odds. A 7% chance means in 10 hits 1 should evade. That’s two combos. And with the deviation that comes with chance events it is perfectly possible that you get 3 in a 5 hit combo.

    Our own confirmation bias is the reason people think mesmerise is fixed. You think oh well 7% is so small it shouldn’t really happen. But in the average fight in expert will have let’s say 35-40 hits? So each fight should have 2-3 hits that trigger mesmerise. The thing is, these are just as likely to happen at the start as at the end of the fight, so when you get one at the start and you get hit and destroyed after 4 hits, you complain that it happens far too often. But even when you get 20 hits off and then mesmerise hits twice, you ignore the 20 hits that didn’t trigger it and you focus on the two that did. Even though there’s a 93% chance to not trigger the evade so that means 0.93^20 is a 0.23 chance of it happening, or 23%. Which is fairly unlikely if you count 20 hits as one event.

    It all boils down to this. Each hit is an event, there are loads of events in a match so even a small percentage becomes quite likely to occur. There’s an 80% chance after 20 hits.

    Just like you, others understand math and probability. When my champs have a 25% chance to use their ability, it happens 10% of the time. When Kabam has a 7% chance, its really a 25% chance. This clearly defies the formula for probability. It isnt about the two hits per round that trigger mesmirize, its the 3-5 occurrences of the stun, with only 40-50 events that allow for the 7% chance to take effect. Quake ate through 3 of my champs, I didnt miss a perry or get struck, all through mesmerize.

    Yes, you brilliantly proved the case for 80% chance of being stunned after 20 hits. Why was i being stunned every 4-5 hits? It's not probability, and its not real world math. The answer is.... Kabams RNG, which clearly runs in streaks.

    It’s down to chance, I obviously can’t say with certainty that kabam don’t mess with the odds, and you can’t say with certainty they do. I just believe that with the variation that comes with chance, it’s well within the realms of possibility that a 7% chance will occur every 4 or 5 hits. Remember that just because it occurs once, doesn’t change the chance it will occur later. 9 heads in a row won’t mean that tails is more likely.

    Clearly, neither of us will change the others opinion and that’s fair enough. You are welcome to continue believing that 7% is way too low. I can see how it seems that way, but I just think to myself, I notice the times it does occur way more often that the times it doesn’t. For example today, I had a 15 hit streak without it occurring, that in itself is quite unlikely even with such a small amount of hits.
  • MaseoneMaseone Member Posts: 4
    Also ich bin mit Thor,sw,Voodoo,sl und MS Marvel lässig ohne Probleme durch nicht Mal einer down gegangen :smiley:
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    _ASDF_ wrote: »
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Cwbp fight took nothing 6xkgocwbho7y.png


    So why is it luck when the odds are in your favour but kabam messing with the odds when it goes against you? Confirmation bias.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    _ASDF_ wrote: »
    _ASDF_ wrote: »
    I posted this in the other thread about mesmerise but I think it should be said again.
    Just to clarify. I’m not a troll, I just have a different opinion, I agree that it is a cheap combination of nodes but it isn’t without it’s counters. You could use rogue or Karnak or groot to reduce stun time with limber. When my rogue is stunned on mesmerise you don’t even see the stun timer because it goes so fast. Or you could bring a champ with a high health pool and hit the opponent once every ten seconds to maximise bane damage. So unlike collector it does have a number of counters. Anyway back to mesmerise:

    Here’s what I posted:

    Humans are really bad at thinking about odds. A 7% chance means in 10 hits 1 should evade. That’s two combos. And with the deviation that comes with chance events it is perfectly possible that you get 3 in a 5 hit combo.

    Our own confirmation bias is the reason people think mesmerise is fixed. You think oh well 7% is so small it shouldn’t really happen. But in the average fight in expert will have let’s say 35-40 hits? So each fight should have 2-3 hits that trigger mesmerise. The thing is, these are just as likely to happen at the start as at the end of the fight, so when you get one at the start and you get hit and destroyed after 4 hits, you complain that it happens far too often. But even when you get 20 hits off and then mesmerise hits twice, you ignore the 20 hits that didn’t trigger it and you focus on the two that did. Even though there’s a 93% chance to not trigger the evade so that means 0.93^20 is a 0.23 chance of it happening, or 23%. Which is fairly unlikely if you count 20 hits as one event.

    It all boils down to this. Each hit is an event, there are loads of events in a match so even a small percentage becomes quite likely to occur. There’s an 80% chance after 20 hits.

    Just like you, others understand math and probability. When my champs have a 25% chance to use their ability, it happens 10% of the time. When Kabam has a 7% chance, its really a 25% chance. This clearly defies the formula for probability. It isnt about the two hits per round that trigger mesmirize, its the 3-5 occurrences of the stun, with only 40-50 events that allow for the 7% chance to take effect. Quake ate through 3 of my champs, I didnt miss a perry or get struck, all through mesmerize.

    Yes, you brilliantly proved the case for 80% chance of being stunned after 20 hits. Why was i being stunned every 4-5 hits? It's not probability, and its not real world math. The answer is.... Kabams RNG, which clearly runs in streaks.

    It’s down to chance, I obviously can’t say with certainty that kabam don’t mess with the odds, and you can’t say with certainty they do. I just believe that with the variation that comes with chance, it’s well within the realms of possibility that a 7% chance will occur every 4 or 5 hits. Remember that just because it occurs once, doesn’t change the chance it will occur later. 9 heads in a row won’t mean that tails is more likely.

    Clearly, neither of us will change the others opinion and that’s fair enough. You are welcome to continue believing that 7% is way too low. I can see how it seems that way, but I just think to myself, I notice the times it does occur way more often that the times it doesn’t. For example today, I had a 15 hit streak without it occurring, that in itself is quite unlikely even with such a small amount of hits.

    Thats condescendingly obvious that something can happen twice in a row with each occurrence having a 7% chance. I can win the lottery twice in a row, but the odds are much less in favor the second time. ALL this, the point being that in 3 separate rounds with quake, the odds of me being mesmerized 8-10 times, meaning for every 4-5 hits, the odds of the event continue to occur reduce exponentially as it 'occurs at a rate higher than 7%.

    bro, we get it, your defending your math knowledge but this is the world of online gaming and not real world odds. MCOC's odds rely on Kabams fabulous "RNG".

    Not trying to be condescending. I thought it was worth stating and I’m sorry you took offence. I’m just trying to have a discussion with someone who has a different opinion. Apparently with you it’s impossible, since I’m not allowed to express my own opinion as I’m “defending my math(s) knowledge”. I’m not defending anything, I’m simply putting across the well studied and psychologically proven, by men and women smarter than you or I in that area, fact that people see what they want to with statistics.

    You are actually wrong with part of what you’ve said here. The odds of the lottery do not change the second time you enter if you win the first time. Unless you’ve just phrased it wrong, it seems like you’re saying that for the lottery; if it’s 1 in 100,000 the first time you said that the odds are less in favour the second time, implying it’s 1 in 200,000 or something. What I think you meant was that overall, it’s very low probability that you’d win the lottery twice. The odds remain the same.
  • AxeCopFireAxeCopFire Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    _ASDF_ wrote: »
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Cwbp fight took nothing 6xkgocwbho7y.png


    Lol excuses easy node how about get good

    When confronted with difficulty some people would rather complain and believe that everything in the world is specifically out to get them instead of actually finding a way to overcome their problems.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    _ASDF_ wrote: »
    _ASDF_ wrote: »
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Cwbp fight took nothing 6xkgocwbho7y.png


    So why is it luck when the odds are in your favour but kabam messing with the odds when it goes against you? Confirmation bias.

    I said luck because he's proud of his ability to not get hit, but i'm being sarcastic because it had nothing to do with skill. The odds worked out for him, had everything to do with the strength of his champ, reducing the number of hits needed to kill BP, reducing the likely hood of being mez'd and the fact that he wasnt mez'd once even though as you would've pointed out he had an ever increasing chance of being mez'd . Do you even math bro?

    I agree with you that it’s luck. But that also means that when you flip it the other way, it’s bad luck when the odds go against you. Nothing I have said in that post has contradicted my stance I’ve has throughout this thread. I don’t know why you’re being oddly aggressive but seeing as you haven’t had a problem with me before, then if you can’t just have a normal debate with someone with a different opinion than you then it either points to you just looking for arguments, or you can’t back up your points with enough evidence or facts so you need to try and insult me.
  • Redwulf67Redwulf67 Member Posts: 55
    edited February 2018
    For those of use with bad luck, the 7% becomes around 80% and combined with champs you can't combo while stunned or shrug off stuns quickly it becomes a clown fiesta.

    I literally had 4 out of every 5 hits mesmerized today. Not saying it should be removed, but it is a total bs combination.
  • SlickpeteySlickpetey Member Posts: 89
    If anyone is genuinely having a hard time with mesmerize, just max out limber. Your stun won’t last long enough to get hit.

    That being said, I really don’t find mesmerize and bane that bad. If you get unlucky you might lose a champ. It’s only 3 fights though.

    I think there are bigger things in this game to complain about
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    edited February 2018
    Like I said earlier. Karnak, groot, rogue, iceman, black panther civil war. If you’re in expert and you have one of those champions then you should not be complaining. Collecternis a bs fight, not a counter to be seen. But when it’s a 3 fight match of 40k health at most, just take in one of those champs and you’ll be fine. Stop complaining and start trying. Not everything is going to be handed to you on a little silver platter with a pink bow on top.
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    It's a trial of "wisdom" ... there are many different counters that can handle it, found through wisdom of mechanics... if you don't have the stronger ranked champs to handle expert mode, then you're not ready for expert mode.
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    OMG, so you are allowing Kabam to screw us with another BS bugged node just because you can handle it? The point is not if you can beat it or not, the point is their "7%" is about 90%. What about the day we'll get the same mesmerize node in ACT6 or uncollected events?
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,869 ★★★★
    I went through all three fights (including a Mordo) with OG BP and only got "mesmerized" once....maybe I got lucky? I don't remember it being an issue last week either.
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