Mesmerize node in Black Panther Daily quest



  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    The event is easy 5 champs to take out 3. The last day more defenders but you can use a ton of those boosts. I don’t use my 5* r4 for this only 4* r5 never lose more then one of them. Really nothing to complain about here. Modoks event was way harder then this
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85
    People. This is a game-play brainteaser. You have to be smart about your approach. Expert level would be dumb if it weren't hard.

    Just touch the enemy once per Bane, or as near that as possible—just enough to keep the Bane on them.

    Think about it! Bane is a gift. Guaranteed damage when your opponent is under Bane means you can minimize the number of times you attack, in turn minimizing your chances of getting Mesmerized.

    You're mad because you're losing because you're panicking. Yes, you'll take some degeneration damage sometimes when it takes a couple seconds to find a way to whack the opponent again safely, to put the Bane back on them, but that's ok. You have lots of health to spend on getting it just right, provided you're dodging well.

    Furthermore, the less you attack, the less energy your opponent has for specials that force you to dodge back and forth wildly trying to both evade a special but rush back and put the Bane back on the opponent.

    In short, stop running up 5- and 10-hit combos on Trial of Wisdom. It's called that for a reason. I realize this is harder against Quake and especially Void. But you still need to employ judgment, patience, and levelheadedness to coolly assess how to set up your next Bane debuff, only striking when necessary.

    One tip: I've never seen Mesmerize triggered by a Special Attack. Maybe it can be? I haven't seen it. This is particularly useful for Mystic Dispersion attack teams.
  • HeyheyheyHeyheyhey Member Posts: 84
    Mesmerise node is misleading ... it’s not 7% chance.

    I was getting stunned every combo ..
    I cleared without dying but they should change 7% to 25% or something .
  • DingaloDingalo Member Posts: 355
    To me it's fine. It takes a lot of patience and in some situations the right champs. HOWEVER, I totally agree that the 7% chance is COMPLETE BS lmao.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    Mesmerise is stupid but I have yet to use an item on any of these challenges and I've done lots of them with my best champs in AW and AQ.
  • IanMoone89IanMoone89 Member Posts: 590
    We still on us this??? Geez we have monday and tuesday the final 2 challenges and its over so you dont have to worry no are all free!!!!
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    I love how there’s weekly complaints from people who just aren’t intelligent enough to realise how many counters there are to mesmerise
  • NastyEfnNateNastyEfnNate Member Posts: 551 ★★
    Here we go again. U have to pick champs to counter this. Just bringing your top champs for everything is what kabam is trying to get away from. If u can’t plan for it u deserve to struggle. There’s plenty of champs to counter this node. BW CB falcon quake rogue mordo DV Karnak to name a few
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    I like how it's called "trial of wisdom"

    Fitting name yes?
  • cartman_braa2cartman_braa2 Member Posts: 107
    plz look at the pictures carefully. the game started with groot evading like having a 7% chance to evade. he evaded 4 times then i decided to record the future game play. yet he evaded 4 more times and since angela was getting stunded she got hit and i lost. its not the only fight after this fight i lost my x23 nd GWENPOOL the same way.
    and Sparky and S.L WITH b.p c.w .
    how can som1 play with such bugs. ots definitely not 7% chance that made groot evade 8 times on a fight. and same after that fight and then another after that. i have never missed a trial until today.
  • cartman_braa2cartman_braa2 Member Posts: 107
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Go back through this thread and look at everyone suggesting counters. Then use the counters and stop complaining :)
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I got very unlucky this round but I didn’t lose a champ. I used a bunch of 4/55s. On one champ I got hit by mesmerize 7 times in 20 hits. Survived with almost no health but maxing limber is a great way to get in a block before they can hit you when it triggers.
  • JustapilgrimJustapilgrim Member Posts: 239 ★★
    You have 5 champions to defeat 3 mildly powered enemies. If you can't eat a few stuns and still come out on top then you aren't ready for the expert level pal. Do the lower level tier during this difficulty and snag the 4* shards. Sprinkles and 5* shards are for winners.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    @cartman_braa2 Boss, if you cannot take down a 10k champ with an 8k Angela, then it is somewhere your skill that is lacking. The healthpool is massive enough to just refresh Bane on opponent and kill them that way, you dont even need to do combos.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 3,969 ★★★★★
    Yeah, hard to feel sympathy while I battle away with 4/40's but there is probably some clown who can do it with 3* and he is probably laughing at all of us.

  • AmicidalAmicidal Member Posts: 2
    B1gG4z wrote: »
    I didn’t even know it was mesmerise till my first fight haha after the first stun I realise and just did parry hit hit rinse and repeat. Never triggered it once after that. So you don’t need specific champs you just need the skill to play around the node itself.

    Where is the skill involved? The stun is based on luck. It doesn't take skill to attack into someone and then get stunned. You're gonna take a lot of damage. Unavoidable damage isn't a skill based fight. However bane that takes skill, you need to have a grasp of the fighting styles of most champs as well as how to intercept to make sure you don't take the bane transfer for too long. But stuff like this, mephisto incineration, magik limbo, dormamu degen, and Iceman cold snap are all not skilled based as far as how to counter. You don't out skill a mephisto with a hulk, you counter him with an iceman.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Amicidal wrote: »
    B1gG4z wrote: »
    I didn’t even know it was mesmerise till my first fight haha after the first stun I realise and just did parry hit hit rinse and repeat. Never triggered it once after that. So you don’t need specific champs you just need the skill to play around the node itself.

    Where is the skill involved? The stun is based on luck. It doesn't take skill to attack into someone and then get stunned. You're gonna take a lot of damage. Unavoidable damage isn't a skill based fight. However bane that takes skill, you need to have a grasp of the fighting styles of most champs as well as how to intercept to make sure you don't take the bane transfer for too long. But stuff like this, mephisto incineration, magik limbo, dormamu degen, and Iceman cold snap are all not skilled based as far as how to counter. You don't out skill a mephisto with a hulk, you counter him with an iceman.

    You can absolutely out skill a mephisto with anyone. You can counter with ice as the easiest method, but I don't have an iceman and rarely have trouble with mephisto
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    edited February 2018
    of course Kabam is finally fixing the Mordo glitch right when this event is ending
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 907 ★★★
    Amicidal wrote: »
    B1gG4z wrote: »
    I didn’t even know it was mesmerise till my first fight haha after the first stun I realise and just did parry hit hit rinse and repeat. Never triggered it once after that. So you don’t need specific champs you just need the skill to play around the node itself.

    Where is the skill involved? The stun is based on luck. It doesn't take skill to attack into someone and then get stunned. You're gonna take a lot of damage. Unavoidable damage isn't a skill based fight. However bane that takes skill, you need to have a grasp of the fighting styles of most champs as well as how to intercept to make sure you don't take the bane transfer for too long. But stuff like this, mephisto incineration, magik limbo, dormamu degen, and Iceman cold snap are all not skilled based as far as how to counter. You don't out skill a mephisto with a hulk, you counter him with an iceman.

    It kind of DOES take a little skill. The skill of wisdom. To stop and think "how does this work exactly?"
    They are not stun immune (mordo is an exception to an extent) and they don't mesmerize when stunned. There's an open window right there. For any champ. Stop hitting when stun timer is up. As others have mentioned, it is called trial of wisdom for a reason. If you play it "business as usual" you will get KO'd. You can beat these nodes with many champs, some of them with ANY champs with a little wisdom.
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