M.O.D.O.K.’S Lab Grand Re-Opening!



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    To be honest, I'm for being consistent in difficulties throughout, rather than continually pushing to make it harder, but that's not the topic. I'm talking about the Events such as this. I'm not even saying I can't do it, so you missed that point. I'm talking about what is best for progression overall.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    @GroundedWisdom just to be clear I wasn't trying to debate necessarily, was actually unclear what you were saying. Still am really. They announced that this version of MODOK was harder than the last. What else is becoming harder? Not trolling lol
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    If you've noticed, since these Events have begun, Daily-type Events, they've become more difficult over time. Whether it was announced or not is irrelevant. I'm not petitioning or protesting anything. I'm sharing my feedback on it. My concern is for people trying to grow by accumulating Resources in the Difficulty they can do. If there is a continual increase in difficulty of these, it becomes more sloped. The end result is it becomes more and more exclusive to some who are just mastering Master, pardon the pun, and it creates a slope uphill. If the drive to add further challenge is that pressing, I'm for adding another level. People become efficient through habitual effort and it just becomes more frustrating if it's amped up each time.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    I guess it kind of has to slope uphill though, as we get more r4 5*s and better attackers (and even r5s/6*s,) what we used to accomplish with4*s is easier now, I don’t disagree with gw about the idea of a difficulty between master and medium, but seriously does easy have a place in the game today, my suggestion would be make easy and medium both a bit harder with more rewards, and give starting players a slightly better starting roster, I walked through some easy to gather The units last week and it just seems like 1*s and 2*s are so quickly outdated in this game, if I started a second account now, I think I would be past needing to do easy difficulty within a week or two
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    The least worthwhile of all events. The Panther trials were more generous with rewards: 300 shards per day amd 700 on the infinite trial.

    This one, I was foolish to spend 150 units to make it to a 30k boss and used up all dice to reroll. No good buffs for the player, all favored the bosses. And i had to spend more just to finish off half Medusa’s health.

    And for what, 200 shards? And no chance of a five star sig? Ugh. I exited the quest. Not worthwhile at all.

    I’ll just stick to the three other modes, no thank you. You can have your shotty shards.
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    The whiners and complainers here serve as feedback to the already out of touch developers of this game. We are not here to cry as babies, but to tell kabam that their idea sucks and that they should change it. How hard is it to bring back dimensional rifts? Does it spell L A B???
  • SkutrmanSkutrman Member Posts: 20
    Modoks Lab is too hard as far as I am concerned. I wont be doing expert any more. You make it harder and give the same rewards? How does that make sense?
    I spent 300 units on potions to complete the expert, and who needs 4 star shards anymore....all I ever get are the same crappy champs nothing new in such a long time.
    This is not even worth it if I have to buy potions.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    The whiners and complainers here serve as feedback to the already out of touch developers of this game. We are not here to cry as babies, but to tell kabam that their idea sucks and that they should change it. How hard is it to bring back dimensional rifts? Does it spell L A B???

    Lol I got garbage from the rifts both times. I’ll take the 5* shards, T2 alpha frags and sig stones over phcs from the rift. @GroundedWisdom I really haven’t noticed. Maybe you are right. @Fingfangfoomfanes don’t know what you mean by zero chance at a sig stone. I got one. Anyway, I like the MODOK Lab. Nothing more to say. Free stuff if you can get it. Complain away I guess.
  • Monstrous_HypeMonstrous_Hype Member Posts: 3
    I just completed the M.O.D.O.K challenge heroic difficulty and I only received 75 4* shards. I thought it was going to be 200?
  • BRJ2002BRJ2002 Member Posts: 84
    Modok lab is awful. Used all my dice the first day. Refused to use pots. And the rewards weren’t updated at all. Why repeat old content? Give us something fun and engaging. This is lazy on Kabams part.
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    For those acting like this is so easy, I am having a harder time with MODOK on Expert than Uncollected monthly chapter 3 boss. For exploration in Uncollected I get 7500 5* shards. In MODOKs I have to fight 6 boss-like fights with insane nodes for 200 measly 5* shards. After today I'm already deciding to forget it. I just can't believe how much harder they made it than the last MODOK. I didn't have any problem with that. The worst part is having to go in blind and being faced with who knows what? Its so random you don't know what champs to bring. Last fight 4 out of 6 champs were Cosmic. Before that 4 out of 6 champs were Skill. Not worth the time or frustration every 12 hours. You really blew this one guys.
  • KarmacolorsKarmacolors Member Posts: 3
    Kabam is f****in kidding us. First of all it's the worst quest that they will run for whole month ruining our efforts and time. The expert mode is so difficult that barely any good player can survive without the use of resources. And rest the rewards are so poor that will make you sad even if you win. So there's no use of playing this idiotic event.trials we're good in my opinion. And recently kabam became so laggy and maintenance activities have increased but still they are not compensating. Poor management and strategy. This game is losing all it's lust and slowly moving towards obsoletion. They have converted phc into a 2* crystal and are giving **** in 4 & 5 start crystal. I will leave this **** game and regret that why I wasted my 2 years in it. Earlier it was good but nowadays they are finding the ways to make you pay for playing it. Poor u kabam. Really you are now losing loyal gamers because of your stubborn strategy and crucedness.
  • RobinfifthRobinfifth Member Posts: 56
    Expert difficulty is absolute garbage the reward is worth half as many credits as the pots you are going to have to use to clear this. This should have been called uncollected difficulty there has never been a 30k+ enemy for master content before. Waste of time to run this. If you are going to make something that difficult at least make the rewards justify finishing it.
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    My 2 cents...

    I think that the best way to deal with this version of MODOK's Lab is to play it from the bottom (easy) and collect the randomizers. Then when you get to expert, you have the ones you collected today, and you make a run at it. If you have to use more than 3 randomizers, you either quit, or buy more. Don't spend units to finish, as there is another chance in a few hours.

    I personally have no issues beating expert, and I always have randomizers to spare doing it this way. There is no energy cost, and I can auto fight all 3 lower difficulties.
  • Mrmarvel123Mrmarvel123 Member Posts: 60
    I do not care for this event
  • WildpantsWildpants Member Posts: 148
    I think rewards need to be bumped. I mean the final boss of expert is double PI of everyone else and we still get 200 shards. Make it at least 300 so we get at least some incentive to complete it
  • BirdofpreyBirdofprey Member Posts: 66
    Just for reference - I have completed LOL, fully explored Act 5 and play map 6 in AQ. I got destroyed in my first run of Modok's Lab. I had to use a team revive and power through it. I was really surprised at how much more difficult it was compared to any of the previous months daily quest. I think Kabam should take another look at it, or ramp up the rewards. I certainly want to run the event twice daily, but can't imagine spending a team revive twice daily. Hopefully, I just got bad match ups and next run will be better (yes, I used the randomizer- Kept getting Thorns, poison, bleed and other nodes that no amount of skill can overcome without the right champs (and you can't back out and replace champs))
  • DrFreakyDrFreaky Member Posts: 30
    Yeah, this event has proved to be worthless and will run for a whole month, really? Why don't you run a gold realm for a whole month?
  • WebbdogWebbdog Member Posts: 117
    edited March 2018
    I won't even attempt it. The randomizer is very frustrating and you end up wasting gold. I really hate this event and the rewards aren't worth it imo. I stopped playing this event halfway through last time. Lazy kabam. And fix the screen jerk kabam!
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    Expert is going to be real fun to do during aq and aw attack phase when all your best champs are tied up. The difficulty level really needs to be adjusted a bit.
  • Hort4Hort4 Member Posts: 503 ★★★
    I wouldn't call it worthless by any means. You get 500 - 5* shards a day. Over the course of a month it adds up to 1 1/2 5* champs. If you don't finish a few then you still will end up collecting enough for a 5* champ when it is done.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,694 ★★★★★
    Are rewards increased from the last run of Modoks Lab? Because the difficulty, specifically for the expert boss, has been ramped up like a mofo.
  • Hort4Hort4 Member Posts: 503 ★★★
    Difficulty is increased but I would think that everyone has a better team now than they wold have had previously as well. Think that the rewards are pretty much the same as before.
  • K1lltasticK1lltastic Member Posts: 674 ★★★
    No T1A either. Doubt i'll even play this.
  • NabeelAhmed92637NabeelAhmed92637 Member Posts: 1
    Nice game
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,694 ★★★★★
    Hort4 wrote: »
    Difficulty is increased but I would think that everyone has a better team now than they wold have had previously as well. Think that the rewards are pretty much the same as before.

    Expert boss PI is 2x higher than when it was previously run. Is your top team 2x stronger?
  • weavileweavile Member Posts: 288
    Hort4 wrote: »
    Difficulty is increased but I would think that everyone has a better team now than they wold have had previously as well. Think that the rewards are pretty much the same as before.

    you forgot 2 thing:

    -A: you mostly need to bring iceman or one of the robot now, thanks to the new node in 5.4.
    -B: 2 month since the last MODOK isn't enough to overhaul the whole team and even if you get new r5 4* or r4 5* most of them will stuck in war and you have to fight with what left. And I doubt that average player has 2 set of Iceman, Blade, AA
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,302 Guardian
    If you've noticed, since these Events have begun, Daily-type Events, they've become more difficult over time.

    Actually, I haven't noticed that. As far as I can tell, difficulty for most difficulty tiers has been only slightly increased over time, and not consistently. The highest difficulty levels have wobbled up and down in difficulty, but they as they are intended to be the highest difficulty level its reasonable to assume that they will be the tier where higher difficulty elements will be added to the game first. But while this MODOK is slightly more difficult than the previous monthly event that had a daily repeating component, I found the Trials event to be easier than the previous MODOK. And I found that previous MODOK to be somewhat harder than the previous event. I don't see a continuous trend to increase difficulty.

    I find that to be true in general, with a few exceptions over very long intervals of time (like a year or more). The lower difficulty levels stay pretty constant. The highest difficulty level aims for a very high (relatively) level of difficulty and the perceived difficulty by the players varies as a result, rather randomly up and down.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,302 Guardian
    I did notice one weird oddity this morning. On my second account I was fighting a Kilmonger with both Special 1 bias and Surging Vengeance ("Uses Special Attacks in consecutive order from 1 to 3, restarting from the beginning after Special 3"). He did not behave that way: the AI operated as if he was in All or Nothing mode. Just to be sure, I didn't reroll and sent all five of my champions against him, trying to bait specials right to the part where he eventually got to three bars and special three-ed me to death. Once could be a glitch or bad luck, but five times in a row felt more like All or Nothing than just bad luck with baiting. I'm wondering if these two buffs somehow interact weirdly with each other. I don't recall that happening during the previous iteration of MODOK. Could something have changed?
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    Between modoks, trials, and the valor quests I think modoks is the most challenging, but also gives the best rewards, while trials were the most enjoyable. The valor quests were great as well, and of all I think they were executed the best, as you could run it multiple times even if you didn't receive rewards, just for fun.
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