I'm usually one of the first to criticize kabam but these events are great. Yeah they can be a challenge especially for some people but it's free. If you can't complete a level then don't. Just do what you can for free rewards.
I'm usually one of the first to criticize kabam but these events are great. Yeah they can be a challenge especially for some people but it's free. If you can't complete a level then don't. Just do what you can for free rewards.
Again... I can walk through Hard mode. No challenge at all for my 4/40's (which is fine). But Expert is way out of my league (the gap is insane)... what I am personally saying is it would be nice for us 4/40 players to have a difficulty between them (nothing wrong with another mission for more rewards right? who would anyone in their right mind be against an idea that gets us more fights and more rewards and helps a huge section of the player base).
Anyways just wanted to point this out. Most are NOT asking for Expert to be easier... they are asking/suggesting for a mode for them (and it would be in between Hard and Expert IMO).
But the truth is this gap is there for a reason so it probably won't change.
You have no issues on your first Account, so the many people voicing their concern have no valid points. They just need to stop whining and get better. That's your stance. We get it.
My stance is that I have been unable to do content in the past. I worked, I got better and I can beat content now. You should do the same instead of whining to make it easier. You’re acting like there’s a bottleneck for 5* shards and this is the only place to get them. No. Go to arena. Get some 5* champs and come back when you have an account strong enough to beat the content.
This is the equivalent of everyone begging for a participation trophy. “Well I tried. I know I’m not good enough, but can’t I get one for taking part?”
May I ask about my idea... would it hurt anything for you personally to add one more difficulty between Hard and Expert? Just wanted to ask... becasue it would help a huge swath of the player base...
No that would be fine, I’d have no problem with that. I just don’t see why events should be made easier just because people want the rewards.
Maybe a master mode, that is in between heroic and expert that have 100 5* shards and 180 t2a shards. Then chance of 5* sig stone. I think that would be fine.
You have no issues on your first Account, so the many people voicing their concern have no valid points. They just need to stop whining and get better. That's your stance. We get it.
My stance is that I have been unable to do content in the past. I worked, I got better and I can beat content now. You should do the same instead of whining to make it easier. You’re acting like there’s a bottleneck for 5* shards and this is the only place to get them. No. Go to arena. Get some 5* champs and come back when you have an account strong enough to beat the content.
This is the equivalent of everyone begging for a participation trophy. “Well I tried. I know I’m not good enough, but can’t I get one for taking part?”
May I ask about my idea... would it hurt anything for you personally to add one more difficulty between Hard and Expert? Just wanted to ask... becasue it would help a huge swath of the player base...
No that would be fine, I’d have no problem with that. I just don’t see why events should be made easier just because people want the rewards.
Maybe a master mode, that is in between heroic and expert that have 100 5* shards and 180 t2a shards. Then chance of 5* sig stone. I think that would be fine.
I appreciate you saying that man... I really do And yes that is exactly what I would suggest... like a Master Mode in between Hard and Expert. It would give a tough boss fight for me with my 4/40's and something to grind for (I cannot even try to grind Expert... it is just not feasible, which is 100% fine as it is not for my level and I understand that and accept that wholeheartedly, we just would like one for our level too is all).
The rewards are not 'free', you pay with your time.
This is what happens often on here. People raise valid concerns and offer their feedback, and it's brushed off as if people aren't skilled enough and want Rewards handed to them. Only many are skilled enough and still have an issue with the amount the difficulty has increased because it's too far for an Event of this type. The bottom line is people who have no issue with it want to discredit those who do. Not all concerns of difficulty are coming because people aren't equipped or don't want to apply themselves. It's amped up a bit too much for an Event you do every 12 hours for a month. Just because there are a few who breeze through it doesn't mean the feedback is any less valid. Everytime someone has a concern about the challenge level, there's always a committee that acts like people just aren't good enough. It's just belittling.
The rewards are not 'free', you pay with your time.
This is what happens often on here. People raise valid concerns and offer their feedback, and it's brushed off as if people aren't skilled enough and want Rewards handed to them. Only many are skilled enough and still have an issue with the amount the difficulty has increased because it's too far for an Event of this type. The bottom line is people who have no issue with it want to discredit those who do. Not all concerns of difficulty are coming because people aren't equipped or don't want to apply themselves. It's amped up a bit too much for an Event you do every 12 hours for a month. Just because there are a few who breeze through it doesn't mean the feedback is any less valid. Everytime someone has a concern about the challenge level, there's always a committee that acts like people just aren't good enough. It's just belittling.
So I’m not allowed to disagree and question your feedback?
In that case, I don’t like the labyrinth of legends because it’s too difficult and the rewards aren’t in proportion to my effort. It’s not fair and the difficulty should be reduced so I can complete each fight in 100 hits. If you don’t like my feedback then you aren’t allowed to tell me my roster isn’t good enough or I need to improve my skills.
I’m chiming in; as a player with 3 4/55 champs this challenge is fun and even with my c team of 5/50s I have not had to use revives yet, but yes I see where you 4/40 players are coming from and I can agree that the heroic mode is a bit easy and the rewards aren’t that much , I’m not sure another level would be a good idea without risking it becoming too time consuming, but a bump to the heroic rewards( t4c shard crystals?) would have been a good idea, it’s funny how many people are complaining about the expert shards not being enough, the guys at higher levels 5*s are popcorn, Personally I’ve opened over 40 5* champ crystals, they are becoming common, those t2as on the other hand, those are the real gold and the reason I’m loving this quest
It’s not worth it because it’s not fun. Games are not supposed to feel like a chore. It doesn’t matter that it doesn’t cost any energy. The randomizer is a horrible idea. This game has randomizers everywhere. It feels like a crutch they use because they can’t come up with better ideas. On top of that, the randomness is very poor. I keep rolling degens. A truly random system would make it very unlikely to happen so often. I hope they never bring this terrible mode back.
I'm usually one of the first to criticize kabam but these events are great. Yeah they can be a challenge especially for some people but it's free. If you can't complete a level then don't. Just do what you can for free rewards.
Again... I can walk through Hard mode. No challenge at all for my 4/40's (which is fine). But Expert is way out of my league (the gap is insane)... what I am personally saying is it would be nice for us 4/40 players to have a difficulty between them (nothing wrong with another mission for more rewards right? who would anyone in their right mind be against an idea that gets us more fights and more rewards and helps a huge section of the player base).
Anyways just wanted to point this out. Most are NOT asking for Expert to be easier... they are asking/suggesting for a mode for them (and it would be in between Hard and Expert IMO).
But the truth is this gap is there for a reason so it probably won't change.
I get your point. There is a big jump in difficulty and definitely wouldn't be opposed to adding a extra level. Kabam likes to always have something a little out of reach, makes sense from a business standpoint. It forces people to spend. Still think the event is great.
The rewards are not 'free', you pay with your time.
This is what happens often on here. People raise valid concerns and offer their feedback, and it's brushed off as if people aren't skilled enough and want Rewards handed to them. Only many are skilled enough and still have an issue with the amount the difficulty has increased because it's too far for an Event of this type. The bottom line is people who have no issue with it want to discredit those who do. Not all concerns of difficulty are coming because people aren't equipped or don't want to apply themselves. It's amped up a bit too much for an Event you do every 12 hours for a month. Just because there are a few who breeze through it doesn't mean the feedback is any less valid. Everytime someone has a concern about the challenge level, there's always a committee that acts like people just aren't good enough. It's just belittling.
So I’m not allowed to disagree and question your feedback?
In that case, I don’t like the labyrinth of legends because it’s too difficult and the rewards aren’t in proportion to my effort. It’s not fair and the difficulty should be reduced so I can complete each fight in 100 hits. If you don’t like my feedback then you aren’t allowed to tell me my roster isn’t good enough or I need to improve my skills.
I don't tell people their Roster isn't good enough. I don't presume to know what people are working with and what their level of ability is based on the fact that they find a particular aspect of content to be excessive. You've said you have no issues with it repeatedly. At this point you're just arguing for the sake of being contradictory.
The rewards are not 'free', you pay with your time.
This is what happens often on here. People raise valid concerns and offer their feedback, and it's brushed off as if people aren't skilled enough and want Rewards handed to them. Only many are skilled enough and still have an issue with the amount the difficulty has increased because it's too far for an Event of this type. The bottom line is people who have no issue with it want to discredit those who do. Not all concerns of difficulty are coming because people aren't equipped or don't want to apply themselves. It's amped up a bit too much for an Event you do every 12 hours for a month. Just because there are a few who breeze through it doesn't mean the feedback is any less valid. Everytime someone has a concern about the challenge level, there's always a committee that acts like people just aren't good enough. It's just belittling.
So I’m not allowed to disagree and question your feedback?
In that case, I don’t like the labyrinth of legends because it’s too difficult and the rewards aren’t in proportion to my effort. It’s not fair and the difficulty should be reduced so I can complete each fight in 100 hits. If you don’t like my feedback then you aren’t allowed to tell me my roster isn’t good enough or I need to improve my skills.
. At this point you're just arguing for the sake of being contradictory.
It’s not worth it because it’s not fun. Games are not supposed to feel like a chore. It doesn’t matter that it doesn’t cost any energy. The randomizer is a horrible idea. This game has randomizers everywhere. It feels like a crutch they use because they can’t come up with better ideas. On top of that, the randomness is very poor. I keep rolling degens. A truly random system would make it very unlikely to happen so often. I hope they never bring this terrible mode back.
I think you are playing the wrong game. After 3 years, I assure you that to get anything you need to do chores. This a very time consuming game that I wouldn't recommend to anyone. If you are new enough here, consider having a healthy life instead.
If you are already hooked, well, just remember it is your choice to do anything in this game. If the labs feel like a chore, don't do them, you can get shards any other way. I personally do not like the labs, feels a bit rigged in the way the randomizer picks the debuffs. But every now and then, I get to fight an OG Vision with "Gambler's Fate" and his random ability is... power lock applied to himself. That was a relief.
My main concern right now is getting gold, and I cannot really get gold without spending my life in arenas. (Have to rank 5 a 5 star). That feels like a chore and unlike the labs, I do not have another choice if I want to rank up.
The rewards are not 'free', you pay with your time.
This is what happens often on here. People raise valid concerns and offer their feedback, and it's brushed off as if people aren't skilled enough and want Rewards handed to them. Only many are skilled enough and still have an issue with the amount the difficulty has increased because it's too far for an Event of this type. The bottom line is people who have no issue with it want to discredit those who do. Not all concerns of difficulty are coming because people aren't equipped or don't want to apply themselves. It's amped up a bit too much for an Event you do every 12 hours for a month. Just because there are a few who breeze through it doesn't mean the feedback is any less valid. Everytime someone has a concern about the challenge level, there's always a committee that acts like people just aren't good enough. It's just belittling.
So I’m not allowed to disagree and question your feedback?
In that case, I don’t like the labyrinth of legends because it’s too difficult and the rewards aren’t in proportion to my effort. It’s not fair and the difficulty should be reduced so I can complete each fight in 100 hits. If you don’t like my feedback then you aren’t allowed to tell me my roster isn’t good enough or I need to improve my skills.
. At this point you're just arguing for the sake of being contradictory.
And you’re not?
Not at all. People are expressing their views, and it's not just one or two. There have been quite a few comments and Posts where people have said the same thing. You're not just disagreeing that it's not worth the effort. You're also putting that point of view down by saying people aren't good enough and they want Rewards handed to them. If you had expressed that you don't agree, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Instead you're criticizing the feedback that people are sharing based on your own judgments.
"Nothing to see here people. Bitter doesn't have a problem with it. There's no problem. Everyone just needs to get better and stop whining."
I think part of what's maddening about this event is that I am at a skill level where I can make it through expert maybe 30% of the time without much item use (was more like 65% in the previous MODOK). Because of this, I feel like the randomness is punishing me from getting rewards, even though this is "free" so I shouldn't feel entitled to them. If it were a lot more consistent from one try to the next, then I wouldn't feel so bad, even if that consistent outcome was I will not be able to finish it. Then I simply don't try and I'm not wasting my time and don't feel like the randomness is frustrating like it already is with the whole crystal system.
The game is unbalanced in terms of rosters more than skill. If you focused for the 12 fights you could complete the event with 4/40s I’m not sure it’s worth the aggravation tho.
yeah man, totally hate that it doesn't require any energy ... and those pesky 5 star shards and 5 star sig stones ... i mean, who the heck would want to make their champs stronger?!?! such a WASTE of time!!
It’s not worth it because it’s not fun. Games are not supposed to feel like a chore. It doesn’t matter that it doesn’t cost any energy. The randomizer is a horrible idea. This game has randomizers everywhere. It feels like a crutch they use because they can’t come up with better ideas. On top of that, the randomness is very poor. I keep rolling degens. A truly random system would make it very unlikely to happen so often. I hope they never bring this terrible mode back.
I think you are playing the wrong game. After 3 years, I assure you that to get anything you need to do chores. This a very time consuming game that I wouldn't recommend to anyone. If you are new enough here, consider having a healthy life instead.
If you are already hooked, well, just remember it is your choice to do anything in this game. If the labs feel like a chore, don't do them, you can get shards any other way. I personally do not like the labs, feels a bit rigged in the way the randomizer picks the debuffs. But every now and then, I get to fight an OG Vision with "Gambler's Fate" and his random ability is... power lock applied to himself. That was a relief.
My main concern right now is getting gold, and I cannot really get gold without spending my life in arenas. (Have to rank 5 a 5 star). That feels like a chore and unlike the labs, I do not have another choice if I want to rank up.
You seem to have missed the point entirely. There is a difference between a challenge and a chore. We play games to entertain ourselves. Games that are poorly design lose their entertainment value. Most people don’t like to play a game that is too easy. It is more fun to work for something and then get rewarded at the end. The other extreme is to put in a lot of work for little or no reward. This game hovers close to that line all the time. The designers seem to think that if they make us grind for scraps, we will keep playing this game forever. That tactic will work for a while, because unfortunately we are easily addicted, but players will get fed up eventually.
One estimate said that it would take a year to get enough resources to rank up one 6 star champion. A YEAR!!! That is a design failure. Who wants to spend an entire year leveling up one champion? Even worse, the 6 stars will make our 4 stars obsolete eventually, so all the time we have spent leveling those up will be thrown out the window. It seems to be a case where the marketing and sales team controls the direction of the game instead of the game developers, who presumably got into this business because the have a passion for creating video games.
Not used 1 item yet on these. I agree that they are maybe a little hard on the expert for quite a few players but for some long standing vets like myself it’s a great way for easy shards. Also this gives Kabam the perfect opportunity to find out what node abilities are hard on certain champs so they can put this info into act 6 lol
Huh. I guess I might be the only guy that actually enjoys the lab event. I feel like it breaks up the monotony of multiple fights. I think it's exciting to see what buffs come up. It gives me a chance to play around different mechanics or favorites like life transfer. Yeah, it sucks to roll thorns several times in a row, but I honestly feel like it's not that bad. The rewards are decent for master imo, but heroic and below are a bit lacking. That said, everything adds up. I'd rather have this event than no event at all.
Last month event > Modok Lab. Though 12 hours was an improvement over the original Modok lab of 8 hours intervals.
Again... I can walk through Hard mode. No challenge at all for my 4/40's (which is fine). But Expert is way out of my league (the gap is insane)... what I am personally saying is it would be nice for us 4/40 players to have a difficulty between them (nothing wrong with another mission for more rewards right? who would anyone in their right mind be against an idea that gets us more fights and more rewards and helps a huge section of the player base).
Anyways just wanted to point this out. Most are NOT asking for Expert to be easier... they are asking/suggesting for a mode for them (and it would be in between Hard and Expert IMO).
But the truth is this gap is there for a reason so it probably won't change.
No that would be fine, I’d have no problem with that. I just don’t see why events should be made easier just because people want the rewards.
Maybe a master mode, that is in between heroic and expert that have 100 5* shards and 180 t2a shards. Then chance of 5* sig stone. I think that would be fine.
The rewards are not 'free', you pay with your time.
I appreciate you saying that man... I really do
This is what happens often on here. People raise valid concerns and offer their feedback, and it's brushed off as if people aren't skilled enough and want Rewards handed to them. Only many are skilled enough and still have an issue with the amount the difficulty has increased because it's too far for an Event of this type. The bottom line is people who have no issue with it want to discredit those who do. Not all concerns of difficulty are coming because people aren't equipped or don't want to apply themselves. It's amped up a bit too much for an Event you do every 12 hours for a month. Just because there are a few who breeze through it doesn't mean the feedback is any less valid. Everytime someone has a concern about the challenge level, there's always a committee that acts like people just aren't good enough. It's just belittling.
So I’m not allowed to disagree and question your feedback?
In that case, I don’t like the labyrinth of legends because it’s too difficult and the rewards aren’t in proportion to my effort. It’s not fair and the difficulty should be reduced so I can complete each fight in 100 hits. If you don’t like my feedback then you aren’t allowed to tell me my roster isn’t good enough or I need to improve my skills.
I get your point. There is a big jump in difficulty and definitely wouldn't be opposed to adding a extra level. Kabam likes to always have something a little out of reach, makes sense from a business standpoint. It forces people to spend. Still think the event is great.
And you’re not?
I think you are playing the wrong game. After 3 years, I assure you that to get anything you need to do chores. This a very time consuming game that I wouldn't recommend to anyone. If you are new enough here, consider having a healthy life instead.
If you are already hooked, well, just remember it is your choice to do anything in this game. If the labs feel like a chore, don't do them, you can get shards any other way. I personally do not like the labs, feels a bit rigged in the way the randomizer picks the debuffs. But every now and then, I get to fight an OG Vision with "Gambler's Fate" and his random ability is... power lock applied to himself. That was a relief.
My main concern right now is getting gold, and I cannot really get gold without spending my life in arenas. (Have to rank 5 a 5 star). That feels like a chore and unlike the labs, I do not have another choice if I want to rank up.
Not at all. People are expressing their views, and it's not just one or two. There have been quite a few comments and Posts where people have said the same thing. You're not just disagreeing that it's not worth the effort. You're also putting that point of view down by saying people aren't good enough and they want Rewards handed to them. If you had expressed that you don't agree, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Instead you're criticizing the feedback that people are sharing based on your own judgments.
"Nothing to see here people. Bitter doesn't have a problem with it. There's no problem. Everyone just needs to get better and stop whining."
The game is unbalanced in terms of rosters more than skill. If you focused for the 12 fights you could complete the event with 4/40s I’m not sure it’s worth the aggravation tho.
Agreed. If I were the OP I'd just focus on the Hard difficulty. Expert is for those with multiple 5* options rank 3 or better.
One estimate said that it would take a year to get enough resources to rank up one 6 star champion. A YEAR!!! That is a design failure. Who wants to spend an entire year leveling up one champion? Even worse, the 6 stars will make our 4 stars obsolete eventually, so all the time we have spent leveling those up will be thrown out the window. It seems to be a case where the marketing and sales team controls the direction of the game instead of the game developers, who presumably got into this business because the have a passion for creating video games.