the modok lab is not worth it



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Arus25 wrote: »
    It doesn't require a great deal of effort for you. That doesn't mean that applies to others, and let's face it, the number of people who have commented on the same issue is larger than the number of people who say it's not an issue. The point I'm making is just because you don't have an issue with it doesn't mean it's not an issue.

    If you saying ppl dont have an issue does not mean it not an issue

    Same words back to you
    If you have issue does not mean it is an issue

    This is just word stew. The bottom line is, people are having an issue with the amount of effort it takes everyday. That makes it an issue. Not just one or two. Quite a few people have commented that the Difficulty is not proportionate. It's a Daily Quest for an Event. It's not Uncollected EQ. It's a Master Diffculty. It's great that people feel boisterous and take pride in the fact that they don't have a problem with it. Happy for them. It's an issue for others, quite a few others. I'm quite over people using their Ego to take a dump on the issues other people are having because believe it or not, there are some valid points here. If you find it easy, congratulations. Clearly there is something to what people are saying because the same thing is being brought up over and over, and if you don't have an issue, then they're not speaking to your demographic. Let people have their say without turning it into a bravado moment that suggests they're unskilled.

    It’s not Master difficulty, it’s Expert. You’re assuming it should be easy as the master quest, or easy as last time because why, it’s got the same name? Just because the rewards are the same doesn’t mean the difficulty has to be.

    Last time, the rewards were way over what the difficulty was worth. You got 750 5* shards a day for doing easy fights. Now, it’s more of a challenge to get 500 5* shards a day.

    500 shards are a hell of a lot. That’s a week of SA, 10 3 day events, 2 4* crystals worth if you dupe, ranking top 10% in 4* basic arena twice and top 10% in featured once. That is a hell of a lot of effort, and you are expecting to do a few short, easy fights 3 times a day to get 750 5* shards.

    How about instead of moaning about how difficult the lab is this time, be grateful it was so easy last time. Maybe you should realise that the difficulty last time was far out of proportion to what the reward was.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    I like how some people keep throwing the word "easy" around when it's clearly not for a lot of players (which is also the reason why this thread was created)

    Ive never said it was easy. I’ve said I’ve completed it so far easily, because that’s true. I haven’t found it a challenge, even using my C team when aq and Aw are on. I completed it with a team of 3-30 champs and a 5* rank 1 for crying out loud. It’s not as easy as people want it to be so they complain, and that’s just self entitled to me.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Arus25 wrote: »
    It doesn't require a great deal of effort for you. That doesn't mean that applies to others, and let's face it, the number of people who have commented on the same issue is larger than the number of people who say it's not an issue. The point I'm making is just because you don't have an issue with it doesn't mean it's not an issue.

    If you saying ppl dont have an issue does not mean it not an issue

    Same words back to you
    If you have issue does not mean it is an issue

    This is just word stew. The bottom line is, people are having an issue with the amount of effort it takes everyday. That makes it an issue. Not just one or two. Quite a few people have commented that the Difficulty is not proportionate. It's a Daily Quest for an Event. It's not Uncollected EQ. It's a Master Diffculty. It's great that people feel boisterous and take pride in the fact that they don't have a problem with it. Happy for them. It's an issue for others, quite a few others. I'm quite over people using their Ego to take a dump on the issues other people are having because believe it or not, there are some valid points here. If you find it easy, congratulations. Clearly there is something to what people are saying because the same thing is being brought up over and over, and if you don't have an issue, then they're not speaking to your demographic. Let people have their say without turning it into a bravado moment that suggests they're unskilled.

    It’s not Master difficulty, it’s Expert. You’re assuming it should be easy as the master quest, or easy as last time because why, it’s got the same name? Just because the rewards are the same doesn’t mean the difficulty has to be.

    Last time, the rewards were way over what the difficulty was worth. You got 750 5* shards a day for doing easy fights. Now, it’s more of a challenge to get 500 5* shards a day.

    500 shards are a hell of a lot. That’s a week of SA, 10 3 day events, 2 4* crystals worth if you dupe, ranking top 10% in 4* basic arena twice and top 10% in featured once. That is a hell of a lot of effort, and you are expecting to do a few short, easy fights 3 times a day to get 750 5* shards.

    How about instead of moaning about how difficult the lab is this time, be grateful it was so easy last time. Maybe you should realise that the difficulty last time was far out of proportion to what the reward was.

    You missed the point of what I said entirely and minimized it by claiming I'm just complaining it's too hard. The arrogance is abounding. It is Expert. Yes. The same format as "Beginner, Normal, Heroic, and Master". Hence the comparison.
    This whole mentality is what drives the challenge level to be continually increased to the point of becoming more and more inaccessible for Players who need Resources to grow. "Harder! Harder!". All it equates to is people who have no difficulty at all that want to keep the Rewards in their own hands. Pushing the challenge level too far excludes a large number of people and takes away their motivation for making an effort. You don't have a problem. Great. Others do.
    If you haven't gathered that my concern isn't about me alone, then you're really not listening to what I'm saying. No one said I couldn't do it. A Daily Event should not be that much of a challenge. Point blank. You just end up discouraging a majority. I highly doubt Expert was created to appease such a small demographic. They're trying something new and people are giving their feedback. Seems to me the only one who is whining is the one who insists on making it harder for people just to boost their own pride in doing it well.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    You missed the point of what I said entirely and minimized it by claiming I'm just complaining it's too hard. The arrogance is abounding. It is Expert. Yes. The same format as "Beginner, Normal, Heroic, and Master". Hence the comparison.
    This whole mentality is what drives the challenge level to be continually increased to the point of becoming more and more inaccessible for Players who need Resources to grow. "Harder! Harder!". All it equates to is people who have no difficulty at all that want to keep the Rewards in their own hands. Pushing the challenge level too far excludes a large number of people and takes away their motivation for making an effort. You don't have a problem. Great. Others do.
    If you haven't gathered that my concern isn't about me alone, then you're really not listening to what I'm saying. No one said I couldn't do it. A Daily Event should not be that much of a challenge. Point blank. You just end up discouraging a majority. I highly doubt Expert was created to appease such a small demographic. They're trying something new and people are giving their feedback. Seems to me the only one who is whining is the one who insists on making it harder for people just to boost their own pride in doing it well.


    There are lot of socially awkward people who lack certain human emotions, maturity and intelligence. Your comments on this subject seem pretty reasonable informed and worthy of debate, but unfortunately what happens too often is we get pissing contest.

    One person saying I can do the Expert fights in 40 hits with my god Tier champ then another saying I can do it with 2* champs etc. The fights on the Hard level are between 25-35 for 4/40 and 5/50s. They are well over 100 hits for the Expert Level, unless you have 4/55 and above in which case it will be between 25-40 hits. The latter is saying the fights are easy which means that Kabam hasn’t set the difficulty high enough for them, since a lot of the people with 4* Champs aren’t doing the Expert Level it should be made more challenging in which case I would ask Kabam to double the Trials of the King rewards for the lab on Expert and match them for Hard.

    I firmly believe that defeating difficult content should be rewarded nicely and awarding 20 or 30k shards and some cats for defeating 12 6* r4 a day would entice these skilled players to go for it.
  • GyanemdjerGyanemdjer Member Posts: 200
    Yes, the trials were easy and rewarded much more than modoks lab, modoks lab is tough and rewards less that's sucha troll
  • SperaSpera Member Posts: 152
    Events are not meant to be doable by everybody , if it's too hard then just don't do it .
    You don't hear me complaining about labyrinth of legends
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    edited March 2018
    I just want to say why would you complain about labyrinth? That is the worst example you could use, I have never seen anyone complain about it because everyone is aware it is the rol 2.0 with nodes and that you need thousands of units, decent amount of skill, and specific champions to beat it. Act 5 would be a better example like some quests are harder than the later quests in the last chapter or there is a really annoying node in this one quest.
  • edited March 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • Batman05Batman05 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    The difficulty isn't even that hard. The quest is like all other quests some will finish it some won't. If you can't finish it or feel it's not worth it then it's not for you. It's meant for stronger players
  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    There should be a difficulty BETWEEN Hard and Expert. You know... for us 4/40 players. So dumb that I can walk through Hard but cannot do more then two fights in Expert on a good day with lucky opponent rolls.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    My second account can do heroic, but there’s no chance in hell im going to be able to attempt expert. I’ve come to terms with that and resolved to improve my account so that next time something like this comes around, I’ll be able to do it. I didn’t decide to moan and whinge and complain that kabam are evil and making the event too hard for me.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    You have no issues on your first Account, so the many people voicing their concern have no valid points. They just need to stop whining and get better. That's your stance. We get it.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    You have no issues on your first Account, so the many people voicing their concern have no valid points. They just need to stop whining and get better. That's your stance. We get it.
    My stance is that I have been unable to do content in the past. I worked, I got better and I can beat content now. You should do the same instead of whining to make it easier. You’re acting like there’s a bottleneck for 5* shards and this is the only place to get them. No. Go to arena. Get some 5* champs and come back when you have an account strong enough to beat the content.

    This is the equivalent of everyone begging for a participation trophy. “Well I tried. I know I’m not good enough, but can’t I get one for taking part?”
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    You keep directing it at me as if I'm some noob who is whining because they can't do it. You still don't get what I'm saying. It's like you're reading different comments than what I've posted.
    I am not complaining because it's too hard for me. I'm talking about the level of difficulty and how there comes a point where it discourages people from doing it everyday. I don't need a lecture on how progression works in the game. I didn't start yesterday. The Rewards don't negate the points I'm making. Has nothing to do with the Rewards. It's about the increased challenge, and for a Daily Event, it makes it much less worth people investing the energy into doing it every 12 hours.
    I understand you have some need to discredit what people are saying because you think everyone should just get better, but I think we can move on now. We're not talking about you. It has nothing to do with wanting things handed. People are willing to work for it if it's in proportion.

    There has to be a cutoff somewhere where people can’t complete it. If it was at people who have rank 3 5* and rank 5 4* then people below that would complain. If it was at people with 3-30 then those without would complain. It needs to be too difficult for someone, otherwise just hand out 1200 5* shards and be done with it.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    * 12000 5* shards.. missed a zero
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    edited March 2018
    I do the modok quest things but I prefer the rifts and the others more. It is just a poor idea instead of rebooting this they should of trashed the idea after the first run and learnt from the rifts and the scrapyard. I don't see why I should have to use my gold even though it is a reasonable amount to change the nodes up. I donate to my alliance and have more rank ups and have you seen how much gold and iso those 6 stars need. Then we are expected to give some to the ugly floating head.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    You seriously don't get it. I'm not trying to explain it anymore. Just go ahead and say "Git gud!" so the conversation can move on because this is just ignorance.

    I do get it. I just disagree about things being out of proportion. And clearly kabam do too. I think last time the rewards were very very generous, this time less so and they’re more in proportion with the difficulty.

    The amount of 5* shards you get from this is similar to the completion of act 5. That is not going to be easy to get, no matter what you think
  • NastyEfnNateNastyEfnNate Member Posts: 551 ★★
    It’s not just the 5* shards. The t2a shards mean more than the 5* shards. A 5* without t2a isn’t much better than a 4*
  • StauntonStaunton Member Posts: 1,524
    The event is handy if you're short of a few 4 star shards of 2000.... Previous version of the event was waaayyyyy better
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    The Rewards aren't the issue, and that doesn't change the point that people are trying to make.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    The Rewards aren't the issue, and that doesn't change the point that people are trying to make.

    So if it was 1000 5* shards per run it wouldnt be worth it? Because clearly the rewards aren’t the issue.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Anyone know what "expert" means? Does it mean any average player with a mediocre roster should be able to complete it without issue?
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  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    The problem is the randomizer, not the opponents. Some combinations can only kill you, and even when you refresh, the AI seems to know which debuff you are trying to avoid. I rolled the dice like 4 times and thorns was still there every single time. Only to be replaced by something like "you will die of this thing in 60 seconds". Other times it's something innocent like "oh hey, this champ will gain something trivial every 2 seconds", sometimes it's regen, but other times is precision, that is a short fight.

    Again, everyone is free to do it, costs nothing, has freebies, I just thing that some combinations shouldn't be possible, like "this hulk is more vulnerable under the effects of poison". Or when that one is mixed with "Immune to all debuffs and regen every 2 seconds".

    But I do not think this is impossible, as the randomizer will settle with normal combinations at some point. And you only need to use it on master mode as champs in the other modes do not have enough health. So I would recommend to do easy to hard every time for the dice. And do master every time you feel like it (and have enough dice).

    MODOK's Labs are harder than the trials, but I remember people complaining about it being too hard, so this should be impossible for them to complete.
  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    You have no issues on your first Account, so the many people voicing their concern have no valid points. They just need to stop whining and get better. That's your stance. We get it.
    My stance is that I have been unable to do content in the past. I worked, I got better and I can beat content now. You should do the same instead of whining to make it easier. You’re acting like there’s a bottleneck for 5* shards and this is the only place to get them. No. Go to arena. Get some 5* champs and come back when you have an account strong enough to beat the content.

    This is the equivalent of everyone begging for a participation trophy. “Well I tried. I know I’m not good enough, but can’t I get one for taking part?”

    May I ask about my idea... would it hurt anything for you personally to add one more difficulty between Hard and Expert? Just wanted to ask... becasue it would help a huge swath of the player base...
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