[iOS] Lag and Performance Investigation



  • Ou_YeahOu_Yeah Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2018
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: iOS 10.3.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi and Cellular
    Game Version Installed: 841728/17.2
    Game Mode: All (Event quest, Chaos Rifts, AQ, AW)
    Description of the Issue:

    These issues have been happening since last couple updates:
    - Occasionally a medium will stop well short of hitting the enemy.
    - Iron Man special 2 and Captain marvel special 2 get blocked at the end of a combo

    These issues have been around for the last few updates:
    - Terrible lag, especially in higher end content where opponents have more node effects
    - Occasionally my champ will not respond when I swipe back to evade
    - Occasionally parry doesn't register and I get hit in the face

    - Parry timing has been off since 12.0. Many parries are just registering as normal blocks. Especially those where my champ is standing still while the opponent dashes in.
  • Dax_JanielsDax_Janiels Member Posts: 17
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: 10.3.3
    Cellular or WiFi: currently experiencing via wifi
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Alliance Quest
    Description of the Issue: have been restarting app/game still experiencing it. Unable to block or dodge back at key moments in AQ Map 3 in bouts I don't have issues with - specifically against Unstoppable Colossus using Starlord and Ghostrider. Forced to revive and use assets repeatedly, which I've never had to do before.
  • EndlessEndless Member Posts: 3
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.2.2
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi and Cellular (T-Mobile)
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Story/AQ/AW/Arena
    Description of the Issue: At first I thought it was the old error where multiple buffs cause the game to lag, as the issue was primarily in AQ and AW. However, I have since had issues arise in all modes of gameplay. The phone grows hot (causing an exponential battery drain) with use and I feel that certain aspects of the game fail to work correctly, particularly parry timing. Additionally, I have faced severe lag issues in Story mode (trying to take on the collector) where the fight begins only for the game to lag and then kill my character basically dies. In AQ/AW, I am also having a slight issue with Dexterity/evade timing (it's as if the swipe isn't registering at the correct time or the animation of the opponent's attack are slightly off from the animations as I am constantly getting clipped or hit). To compensate, I have taken to doing 4 hit combos with a dash back because I cannot rely on my character to consistently evade specials or attacks.
  • ImmaculantImmaculant Member Posts: 1
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.2.2
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi and Cellular (Verizon)
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Story/AQ/AW/Arena/EQ
    Description of the Issue: At first I thought it was having multiple apps open in the back ground that caused the lag. I quickly learned that was not the case, as I began playing with nothing open in the back ground. Also the phone grows hot (causing an exponential battery drain) with use. Additionally, I have faced severe lag issues in Story mode (trying to take on act 5). When the fight begins I get a huge lag spike, usually causing me to miss the initial parry, thus resulting in insta death because the difficulty of the opponent. Another issue is parry timing. This could very likely be cause by the amount of lag though.
  • Jr2818Jr2818 Member Posts: 2
    Device: IPhone 7plus
    OS: 11.3
    Cellular or Wifi: both
    Game version: 17.2
    Game mode: Alliance Quest, Event Quests, Story Quests, Alliance War
    Description of issue:

    Champions sometimes dash forward without any input, chanpions not responding to parry, blocks and movement is slowed, AI specials cause the game to pause long enough that I’m unable to evade as normal, dexterity isn’t functioning as it was before, champion movement is hindered. Combos not being completed as they were normally before (ie. 5 got combo interrupted on 5th hit). Screen input unresponsive frequently during AQ and event quests. Sentinel AI seems to bypass combos and special activations. Wifi is stable, no problems on my end. I use it daily for multiple tasks on a laptop and there’s never any lag or dropping. Cellular suffers same issues even though my signal is always at full bars with LTE.
  • Xanxus_kiri45Xanxus_kiri45 Member Posts: 1
    I have IPhone 6 Plus
    IOS 11.3
    I plays on Wifi n 4g connection

    The game lags like hell
    In Arena mode, event quest it takes 60 to 90 seconds to load a fight.
    To complete a event quest 1 path it takes around 20 minutes in Herioc mode.

  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    iPhone 6s + iPad 2017

    Both running iOS 11.3

    General lag during gameplay, effects Arenas, AQ and AW in the middle of fighting... Common to see parry being missed while AI takes advantage of these inconsistent performance
  • xochloejanexochloejane Member Posts: 19
    Device and Model: iPhone 7 Plus
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.2.6
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest, Duels and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Not registering blocks or evades. Lagging. Missed hits. Intermittently special button doesn’t work. Noticed an issue with Hawkeye sp1 either won’t work or will work but won’t do power drain.
  • Talldragon69Talldragon69 Member Posts: 65
    Device and Model :IPad Air
    DOS: iOS 11.3
    Game Version: 17.2
    Game Mode :AW And AQ
    Description: Multiple issues with general lag, during battles, my character will be blocking, and drop block randomly.. Multiple parties occur when I’ve become adept evading parry. Special Attacks initiated and overridden by opponent. Multiple complaints of same issues happening with Alliance members.
  • Larry_qwe14Larry_qwe14 Member Posts: 2
    Device- Iphone 8
    Running on IOS 11.3
    Latest patch installed
    Game mode- Everywhere
    Whats the issue? the issue is lag studder and performance issues and many bugs i beg you guys to fix the game and optimize it. It feels laggy when fighting opponents
  • SeiricSeiric Member Posts: 16
    Device and Model: iPhone 8+
    Device Operating System: IOS 11.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. Xfinity wifi and Verizon Provider
    Game Version Installed: Version 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Every Champion I have used is susceptible to the following occurrences:
    -unable to evade attacks.
    -opponent's attacks go through blocks as if it doesn't register.
    -Parry not registering multiple times in a row (almost seems like Parry is ignored for a short period, then goes back to normal).
    -lag spikes, particularly on incoming enemy medium rush attacks (screen essentially slows down to a freeze, then speeds back up).
    -Random evades backwards.
    -Random medium attacks from a block or when trying to evade back.
    -Idle standing, as if no input has been made (this is very rare, as i think its only happened to me a handful of times).

    Specific Examples:
    - 4* Blade in AQ Map 5, Path 8, on the first science Sentinel: exhibited inability to evade incoming attacks and also was attacked through his block twice in the fight.
    - 4* Age of ultron Vision fighting Groot in AQ Map 5 , section 2: random medium rush attack when trying to evade backwards.
    -5* AA, Gr, Iceman, AoU Vision in AW: No matter the opponent or path, this happens at least 2 times per war, frequently about 3-4. I have fought 5* sabertooth , 5* Spiderman, 5/4* Morningstar, 4* Abomination, 5* Antman, and 5/4* Hyperion to some I can remember off the top of my head.

    These are all occurrences that have been happening for the last several months on a fairly consistent basis.
  • Kira199Kira199 Member Posts: 1
    I play in iPhone X latest version of iOS same with the game my game gets unresponsive many times mostly in alliance quest and war please fix this has cost me my spot in a top alliance, units and inventory
  • MaxTacMaxTac Member Posts: 16
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: 11.1.2
    WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Arena
    Description of the Issue: I've been experiencing the issue ever since the last Event Quests. The device is heating very quickly and draining the battery a lot quickier than usual. After 5/10min playing, the games starts being very laggy, menu are not responding.
  • Conkers2kConkers2k Member Posts: 1
    Device/Model: iPhone 6
    Device OS: iOS 11.3
    Cellular/WiFi: Both
    Game Version: 17.2 - build 841728
    Game Mode: All

    Since release version 17 of the game, Game becomes very hot after around 20-25 mins of play. Battery performance is drained heavily after a similar amount of use (i suspect this is related to the increased heat).

    This affects all game modes but is most noticable on AQ and AW. Parry and intercept timings appear off as well as swipes not registering, which I think all comes from game dropping frames, causing this loss of input.

    Other common effects are general low fps and sluggish gameplay.

    I've also noticed that around 1 out of every 20 fights will never load (I get an infinite spinning loading screen). I once let this continue for 15 mins until the battery on my phone died, just to see if it ever loaded.

    On one occasion the game came to a complete stop on the fight loading screen (no spin). And I had to restart the game.

    The game itself can almost never be held in a frozen state now (switching to another app and back again). It will almost always need to restart, which given the long slow loading times now, has become quite painful.

    I really hope you can rectify these performance issues, as they're the single biggest reason the game is losing interest to me. I simply cannot compete in the end game content, due to the performance.

    Best of luck,
  • RyeByNyteRyeByNyte Member Posts: 1
    iPhone 6 - IOS 11.3
    Game update 17.2
    Wifi + Data
    Affecting all game modes

    Usual pause stopping combo attacks that has been there for a weeks. Timing and blocking affected, same as everyone else. The overheating is my main problem. After 10min of gameplay the phone is hot to the touch and lag during fighting is unreal. Arena grinding is impossible and I’ve had to leave my alliance for a less competitive one to even have a chance at still playing. After 20-25 min of struggling, the phone boots me out of the game.
  • PferderPferder Member Posts: 11
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: 11.3
    WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: EventQuest, AQ, AW
    Description of the Issue: Overheating device after 20 minutes, lag, performance issues
  • Jr2818Jr2818 Member Posts: 2
    Additional: Sentinels sometimes are able to break through blocking and not when they’re unstoppable.
  • Deadpool8855Deadpool8855 Member Posts: 1
    Device and Model: iPhone 8
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.2.6
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi and Cellular
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.

    Block and parry unresponsive. Champ will randomly stop attacking mid combo. Champ data showing as garbled text when selecting arena fights.
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 630 ★★★★
    Device and Model: iPad mini 2
    Device Operating System: iOS 10.3.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: any (aw, aq, quests, arena, menus)
    Description of the Issue: game randomly crashes every 20 -25 minutes, just closes and im back on the home screen
  • edited April 2018
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  • PatPat Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2018
    Device and Model: iPhone 7+
    Device Operating System: iOs 11.3
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. Carrier: AT&T
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Most common in AQ and AW
    Description of the Issue: There are a LOT of issues, but I’ll try to post a few at a time.

    - Dashing backwards/evading out of specials: There are certain champions that fire projectiles or something similar that cannot fully be evaded. To counter this, you have always been able to block a portion of the projectile and then evade the last portion of the projectile. For example: Agent Venom(Sp1), War Machine(Sp1), Falcon(Sp1), Cable(Sp1), Punisher(Sp1) and others. You can block the first few projectiles but when you go to evade out of your block to dodge the rest, it is only successful less than 10% of the time. A majority of the time your champion just drops block or does nothing at all.

    - Parry timing: Parry timing has always been relatively consistent, minus various bugs in the past. Parry timing is now severely out of sync, and I constantly find myself in one of 3 scenarios: First, the champion doesn’t actually block at all, just taking combos to the face instead. Second, the block is successful yet it is not registered as a parry and they continue to hit your block. Third: the parry is successful but your champion whifs the air after a successful parry and cannot recover from this ‘whiffing’.

    - Fight start lag: There is an occasional lag/delay in response when a fight starts. Sometimes this is accompanied by drops in frame rate, but a majority of the time this is not the case. The lag comes when your champion does not respond to movements for the first few seconds of a fight, this always results in an immediate combo to your face. This lag may be similar to the parry lag when you go to block but your champion does not respond.

    - Special recovery time: There aren’t any specific champs this applies to, but it applies to a large majority of champions after they launch their own Special 3 or they receive a Special 3. The recovery time of the AI after a special 3 animation is far too fast, you can no longer reliably put block up in time after a special 3 to prevent being combo’d in the face. This results in the user needing to spam the dash back after a sp3 animation finishes in hopes of avoiding a combo, and when you dash back you are occasionally intercepted on your dash back.

    - Sentinels: The movement and camera readjustment with sentinels changes the dynamics of a fight to represent an incredibly clunky and unresponsive AI. Intercepting a sentinel is increasingly difficult as the ‘clunky’ movements inhibit the typical signs that an opponent can be intercepted. While fighting sentinels, it is common for them to launch specials while you are already multiple hits into a combo, interupting your streak and damaging you in the process. ABILITY REDUCTION: All ability reduction champions are NOT preventing sentinels from gaining analysis charges. Analysis charges are listed as an ability in the champion description, and ability reduction champions are having no effect on the accumulation of these charges even when they have 100% ability reduction. Examples: Nebula, Gwenpool, Blade, Black Widow, assassin mastery, Dr Voodoo, Quake, Medusa, Crossbones, etc. I know a few sentinel bugs have been addressed recently as well so I won’t go in to anymore detail.

    - Dr Voodoo L2: constantly getting my L2 blocked after MLLLM and MLLLL combos.

    That’s all for now, I will reply again later when i have more time.
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  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 456 ★★★
    edited April 2018
    borntohula wrote: »
    iPhone X
    iOS 11.3
    Both WiFi and 3G/4G
    Version 17.2
    AW, AQ and Some quests (never in arena!)
    All champs. All opponents.

    Various game breaking issues. Most common: after a successful parry, my champ dashes back instead of attacking. Then freezes to the spot. Or will dash back again when another attack is ordered. These issues currently occur in 75+ percent of all AQ and AW fights. A normal fight is increasingly rare.

    Somewhat less common: losing block, freezing mid combo, specials not firing, even though visuals indicate the button was pressed, unintentional heavy, and freezing while blocking: champ can’t break out of block and may eat a heavy.

    More general: AI recovery is off the charts, frame rate issues, sluggish response to input, sometimes my commands are ignored altogether for seconds at a time. When they are finally acknowledged, I’m punching air.

    Of note: AW and AQ are by far affected the most. I did notice similar issues in hard (act V) quests, but nowhere near as frequent or severe. I have never encountered any issue in arena.

    Lastly: I close everything when I play, don’t ask for in game help, and tend to play with 80 percent charge or better. Phone does not run hot.

    Everything the same for me except I'm using an iPhone 6

    And I also see that the AI recovery speed has been gradually increased to an unreasonable level.
  • gasmaskdudegasmaskdude Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2018
    Device/Model: iPhone 8 plus
    Device OS: iOS 11.3
    Cellular/WiFi: both
    Game Version: latest
    Game Mode: All
    - connection dropping almost every time my data/transfer rate goes slow
    - I experience connection drops ever 10 minutes, need to restart the game switch wifi/data restart the phone to get through AQ or AW
    - Every AQ/AW dropped fights and health lost because of connection issues

  • RockonRockon Member Posts: 271
    not sure if this is just ios, but during a fight blocking, the block will drop without moving my hand off of the screen causing me to get attacked
  • PatPat Member Posts: 25
    Device and Model: iPhone 7+
    Device Operating System: iOs 11.3
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. Carrier: AT&T
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Most common in AQ and AW
    Description of the Issue: There are a LOT of issues, but I’ll try to post a few at a time.

    - Dashing backwards/evading out of specials: There are certain champions that fire projectiles or something similar that cannot fully be evaded. To counter this, you have always been able to block a portion of the projectile and then evade the last portion of the projectile. For example: Agent Venom(Sp1), War Machine(Sp1), Falcon(Sp1), Cable(Sp1), Punisher(Sp1) and others. You can block the first few projectiles but when you go to evade out of your block to dodge the rest, it is only successful less than 10% of the time. A majority of the time your champion just drops block or does nothing at all.

    - Parry timing: Parry timing has always been relatively consistent, minus various bugs in the past. Parry timing is now severely out of sync, and I constantly find myself in one of 3 scenarios: First, the champion doesn’t actually block at all, just taking combos to the face instead. Second, the block is successful yet it is not registered as a parry and they continue to hit your block. Third: the parry is successful but your champion whifs the air after a successful parry and cannot recover from this ‘whiffing’.

    - Fight start lag: There is an occasional lag/delay in response when a fight starts. Sometimes this is accompanied by drops in frame rate, but a majority of the time this is not the case. The lag comes when your champion does not respond to movements for the first few seconds of a fight, this always results in an immediate combo to your face. This lag may be similar to the parry lag when you go to block but your champion does not respond.

    - Special recovery time: There aren’t any specific champs this applies to, but it applies to a large majority of champions after they launch their own Special 3 or they receive a Special 3. The recovery time of the AI after a special 3 animation is far too fast, you can no longer reliably put block up in time after a special 3 to prevent being combo’d in the face. This results in the user needing to spam the dash back after a sp3 animation finishes in hopes of avoiding a combo, and when you dash back you are occasionally intercepted on your dash back.

    - Sentinels: The movement and camera readjustment with sentinels changes the dynamics of a fight to represent an incredibly clunky and unresponsive AI. Intercepting a sentinel is increasingly difficult as the ‘clunky’ movements inhibit the typical signs that an opponent can be intercepted. While fighting sentinels, it is common for them to launch specials while you are already multiple hits into a combo, interupting your streak and damaging you in the process. ABILITY REDUCTION: All ability reduction champions are NOT preventing sentinels from gaining analysis charges. Analysis charges are listed as an ability in the champion description, and ability reduction champions are having no effect on the accumulation of these charges even when they have 100% ability reduction. Examples: Nebula, Gwenpool, Blade, Black Widow, assassin mastery, Dr Voodoo, Quake, Medusa, Crossbones, etc. I know a few sentinel bugs have been addressed recently as well so I won’t go in to anymore detail.

    - Dr Voodoo: Constantly getting my Sp2 blocked after MLLLM and MLLLL combos.

    That’s all for now, I will reply again later when i have more time.
  • Shanos100Shanos100 Member Posts: 6
    Device and Model: iPad Pro
    Device Operating System: iOs 11.3
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. Carrier 3 Mobile (UK)
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Most common in AQ and AW and Arenas
    Description of the Issue: Serious lag in AQ, especially when up against Sentinels. Dropped blocks, evade missing and parry window seems erratic. But the lag is the biggest problem as it's very difficult to time attack/defense. Evading Cable SP1 is nigh on impossible (last bit of the gun). Being countered whilst in the middle of a combo is infuriating, especially when in AQ/AW and need resources to recover

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  • trx_ecliptrx_eclip Member Posts: 11
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: 11.3
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. Cellular - Rogers
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Same issues as everyone has outlined above. Game not responding to inputs in AQ and AW.
  • swallace8182swallace8182 Member Posts: 21
    Device and Model: iPhone 6s Plus
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.3
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi and Cellular (T-Mobile)
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Story/AQ/AW/Arena
    Description of the Issue: Blocking and Evading are very difficult, with about 50% of them not even registering. In fights with fast moving opponents (Juggs, Nightcrawler, Spiderman, etc...) when they start their dashing back and forth, the screen lags, almost making it impossible to fight. At this point, parries are almost non-existent. Had to change alliances this week, partially caused by this issue, didn't have enough money to always keep buying units to compensate for game issues, so I had to leave the alliance. 3+ year player, so it wasn't lack of skill.
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