[Android] Lag and Performance Investigation

Hi Summoners!
Our team is working to identify and address performance issues in The Contest and we need your help as we gather relevant information.
As part of this process, it is important for you to understand that lag and game performance are affected by a host of factors including: device, operating system, connection and even Champions or maps. Complicated issues such as these involve an equally complicated investigation process, due to all of these variables. Your contributions to this thread will help in that investigation. This, however, does not mean that there is one single “fix” coming that will address all concerns for all players. It is an ongoing process of improvements that the team is continually working toward as the game progresses.
If you are experiencing lag, unresponsive controls or performance problems in the Android version of The Contest, please reply using the template below. This thread is for Android users only.
Device and Model: (Example, Samsung Galaxy S6)
Device Operating System: (Example, 8.0) You can find the operating system version on Android by going to Apps, then Settings and “About Device.”
Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both? If on cellular, what is your mobile carrier?
Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the Play Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number. (Example, 17.1.5)
Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the lag and performance issue you are experiencing with as much relevant detail as possible. This includes any specific Champions affected and how long you’ve been experiencing the issue.
Replies to this thread must use the template below and provide relevant, constructive information about the issue. This thread is for information gathering and not one-on-one support. Off topic posts, requests for status updates and general complaints will be removed according to the forum rules.
Our team is working to identify and address performance issues in The Contest and we need your help as we gather relevant information.
As part of this process, it is important for you to understand that lag and game performance are affected by a host of factors including: device, operating system, connection and even Champions or maps. Complicated issues such as these involve an equally complicated investigation process, due to all of these variables. Your contributions to this thread will help in that investigation. This, however, does not mean that there is one single “fix” coming that will address all concerns for all players. It is an ongoing process of improvements that the team is continually working toward as the game progresses.
If you are experiencing lag, unresponsive controls or performance problems in the Android version of The Contest, please reply using the template below. This thread is for Android users only.
Device and Model: (Example, Samsung Galaxy S6)
Device Operating System: (Example, 8.0) You can find the operating system version on Android by going to Apps, then Settings and “About Device.”
Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both? If on cellular, what is your mobile carrier?
Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the Play Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number. (Example, 17.1.5)
Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the lag and performance issue you are experiencing with as much relevant detail as possible. This includes any specific Champions affected and how long you’ve been experiencing the issue.
Replies to this thread must use the template below and provide relevant, constructive information about the issue. This thread is for information gathering and not one-on-one support. Off topic posts, requests for status updates and general complaints will be removed according to the forum rules.
This discussion has been closed.
Device Operating System: 4.2.2
Cellular or WiFi: It happens with both.
Game Version Installed: The last one that came out.
Game Mode: Any mode.
Description of the Issue: Lag and crashes. After some time playing the game starts to lag, forcing me to restart it. It skips frames, it ignores controls, it freezzes for some seconds (1 second after a combo, which doesn't allow me to connect the special attack right after, and at the end of the fight when it freezzes for 5 seconds). Also the loadings can take up to a minute with good wifi connection. For the crashes, it happens when some specific champions appear on the screen, in any game mode. These champions are: Star-Lord, Netflix DD, OG Vision, Black Widow, X-23, Mordo, Spider-man (morales, stark, og and symbiode), Guillotine, Joe Fixit, and maybe some others. Mainly with Star-lord, BW, X-23 and OG Vision.
Device and Model: Galaxy S7 and Galaxy Tab E.
Device OS: Android 7.0 on S7, Android 7.1.1 on Galaxy Tab E- both are up to date per software update check.
Cell Data or Wifi: Issues occur using both, I swapped sources to check multiple times hoping at least one was working right.
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: Arena, Story Quest, Event Quest, AW, AQ
Description of Issues: Unresponsive controls (particularly in blocking and dashing back), this of course impacts evade and parry mechanics. Both of these issues became more frequent after the recent update. Also started having issues when going from one "tab" like the "fight" tab to the "champions" tab. The issue there being that when moving from one to another the actual elements of the screen to do anything besides press the green buttons at the top just disappear. Only solution at this point is to force close the game and come back in. Unintended heavies and mediums when going through combos leaving champs wide open to get hammered. It seems like when you want something to register it doesn't 1/2 the time and when you are just trying to light attack somehow a heavy or medium is getting registered. That's a concerning lack of champion control. And yes, I make a habit of cleaning my screens regularly.
Device Operating System: 7.0
Cellular or WiFi: Both. Cellular mobile carrier AT&T Mexico
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Alliance Quest and Alliance War. I play few arena but happens in there too.
Description of the Issue: All of my champs are affected by lag. This happens much more when opponent uses special attacks or heavy hits. Happens also when I use specials and somehow the AI will be able to block my attacks.
-See above for info on device, etc
Android 7.0
Version 17.2
All game modes, worse in Arena Infinite Streak and Master and up.
There's quite a significant lag in controls. Periodically, Champs will lock in place after either side performs a Special. Controls will freeze at times. Sometimes the AI is moving much faster, and my side is much, much slower. The lag has been persistently worse, especially with harder content.
Also, there is a decrease in Damge dealt that seems across the board, and Abilities will proc less. It seems consistent, with the usual decrease with Class Advantage. Noticeable this month. It's almost as if the Class Disadvantage Nodes have been applied to all AI. That's the feel anyway.
Device Operating System: 7.1.1
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: All game modes
Description of the Issue: I can play most of the game with no lag at all with the exception of playing with or against some champions (Dormammu, Howard the duck, Hulkbuster, Modok and Falcon) and on the Sokovia map from age of ultron the game is only playable when im able to push the enemy against the right wall, right in the middle where the fight starts the lag is the worst.
Device Operating System: 7.0
Cellular or WiFi: mostly playing on cellular
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: All game modes except arena
Description of the Issue: my champs (all of them) don't respond on my command against bosses and when opponent using SPL or heavy attack. My champ's response time is slower than the AI due to this can't intercept.
On the Sokovia map from age of ultron the game is only playable when im able to push the enemy against the right wall, right in the middle where the fight starts the lag is the worst.
Device Operating System:Android 6.0.1
Game Version Installed:Always up to date
Game mode:Everywhere
The controls sometimes are unresponsive mid-fight,This causes many problems,Especially in content like Act 5 and Wars.Too much Lag.Thats about it.
Device Operating System: Android 4.4.2
Game Version: Always Up To Date
Game mode:Everywhere
I been experiencing lag in the arena while hitting the 'help' button for my champions and it usually takes around 5 -7 seconds to load, also I would experience lost of control over my characters and sometimes no control over them like a couple of times I started the fight my character would go into a permanent heavy attack which would end with me dying, and also at the beginning of fights it would sometimes lag to the battle and it would skip the classic '1...2...3...FIGHT' screen. So if you could help me with these problems I would be really grateful. Hopefully this helps.
Device operating system: 7.0
Cellular or Wi-Fi: Both. Sprint User.
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: All
Description of the Issue: At the beginning of every fight, in every game mode the screen glitches. I can't make out what it is, but many others have complained about the same thing. While on Wi-Fi, I often have problems with the game staying connected. This however, is not a problem with my Wi-Fi because I can go on other applications just as large, larger, and smaller and not have any problems. While on cellular data, I have the same problem, just one miniscule difference: Takes longer.
Device Operating System: Android 6.0
Mobile Data/Wifi: Both
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: All the modes
Description of the Issue: loosing the control of the champions because of unresponsive commands sometimes just freeze, my champ don't do nothing just stays there and catch the attacks by the oponent, the heavy attack withouth touching screen and the decrease of habilities of all my champs.
android 6.0
Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest
after 5 min Slow champ responses, sluggish hits, blocks and dash
Device Operating System: 5.0.1
Cellular or WiFi: both (WiFi & Cellullair T-Mobile)
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
Description of the Issue: late response, can't block or parry game closes with the half life Alliance Quest, Alliance War, Story Quests and Event Quests penalty only Arena I get the chance to redo last match. VERY VERY PISSED ABOUT THAT using units and glory that goes to waste not getiing it back VERY VERY VERY PISSED about that. You guys should either reimburse items or remove the penalty this is just robbing my items which im not able to use
Device and Mode Iphone 5S)
Device Operating System: 10.3.3
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
Description of the Issue: late response, can't block or parry game closes with the half life Alliance Quest, Alliance War, Story Quests and Event Quests penalty only Arena I get the chance to redo last match. VERY VERY PISSED ABOUT THAT using units and glory that goes to waste not geting it back VERY VERY VERY PISSED about that. You guys should either reimburse items or remove the penalty this is just robbing my items which im not able to use
Device Operating System: Android 8.0 MIUI
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War in different moments.
Description of the Issue: Lag is happening especially when there are many timers/buffs/debuffs happening. So it's particularly severe with monthly events bosses for example. Also I noticed the champ becomes unresponsive when has very low hp. For example I'm about to receive my last deadly hit, I swipe my finger to dash back - but instead it freezes for a fraction of second and receive the hit in the face! This happened so many times.
Other issues:
1. champ does a heavy attack while I swipe back to evade
2. I block or evade and my champ just stand still
3. sometimes I can't chain specials after a 4 or 5 hits combo - it's like the AI has super-speed recovering from my hits and blocking straight away!
4. sometimes the AI is so fast that breaks my combos
5. overall the AI has much faster reactions that I'm allowed to have....since I keep tapping on my touchscreen but the opponent can do more in the same fraction of time (attack, intercept, evade and counterattack).
You should provide some option to lower the resolution - remove the bg animations - have simple lights/shadows...anything that could improve the game response to users' inputs...because it's very frustrating as it is now!
Thank you for checking into these issues!
Device Operating System: 4.1; 6.0.1
Cellular or WiFi: Both; T-Mobile
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: Mostly Alliance Quest, Alliance War, and Arena
the Issue: Voodoo's dash back is still very slow, often get caught by random AI dashing in even after being hit by a l2 special or l1 special. All other champion's controls randomly changes. I.E. when swiping right for a medium, champion stays still and charges for a heavy instead. Sometimes when holding down block, champions will drop block and stand still. Capt marvel and Iron man level 2 special are being easily blocked after M-L-L-L-M combo by AI. Alliance quest fights usually have a lot of lag when entering the fight or close towards ending the fight.
Device Operating System: Android 8.0
Cellular or WiFi: Both; At&t
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: Event Quest, Alliance Quest, and Alliance War
The Issue: Constant lag with dashing back. I've also received Dexterity, but still managed to get hit. I'm having trouble making it past Infinity Chaos 3.2 Master (which should not be an issue) due to the lag. When I dash or strike my character will also just stand still causing me to lose a fight or at least lose a lot of health.
Device Operating System: Android Version 7.0
Cellular or WiFi: BOTH, Telus (CDN)
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: All game modes.
Description of the Issue: Hickups when loading maps, hiccups at beginning of fights, occasional loss of champ control (Stark Spidey will charge up a heavy attack without prompt or release) DID not realize how bad it was until i played on friends IPHONE. The timing is different and i can actually dexterity on his device!!!
Opened up a ticket a few days ago, but i did not have time to note all the specific times it has happened. I thought it was perhaps my phone so I reformatted, and it's still happening. ON OCCASSION- My game will be in turbo graphics mode. Everything is crystal clear, no lag spikes, no glitching. BUT: champs will be more volatile and will not block/will charge heavy for no reason.
Device operating system: Android 8.0
Cellular or Wi-Fi: Both. T- Mobile
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: Mostly AW and AQ
Description of the Issue: game stops responding to inputs. At least once a day, and as often as 5 fights in a row, my champ will randomly stop attacking in the middle of a combo, no matter how many times I tap the screen, leaving me open for a 5 hit combo, which means death. Also while holding block randomly my champ will just lower their arms, once again leaving me open for a 5 hit combo, aka death. Once again, this happens daily. Potions and revives are way to expensive to keep having to buy them due to bugs in the game. It costs almost 500 units to revive and fully heal a champ, that's the equivalent of $20
Device operating system: Android 5, 6, 7, 8
Cellular or Wi-Fi: WiFi
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: Happens it pretty much all game moves, but, mostly AQ & AW, though, it does it sometimes in ACTs and events.
Description of the Issue: This happens randomly, while pressing block and not moving my thumb, champ would drop the block. Other times, I am tapping & swiping to get them to do light & medium attacks, and nothing is working, then I hit somewhere in the middle, and the game wakes up again, and I can fight again.
Then I got the time where I am hitting the special button to activate a SP 1/2/3, and it isn't doing anything except for blocking. I have confirmed numerous times that I AM hitting the exact area I should be hitting by turning on the Dev options of show presses, and I can see the blips on the Special button, but it just doesn't want to fire off.
For the lag, I see no pattern to it, it happens against big & smaller opponents, no matter who I am fighting with, or whom I am fighting against, yes, this is random as well.
This really seems like some kind of a server issue, not accepting input for a period of time, and perhaps overloaded when the lag strikes?
So much potions & revives wasted, it isn't funny.
Device Operating System: Android Version 8.1
Cellular or WiFi: BOTH
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: All game modes.
Description of the Issue(s):
- sometimes the games becomes really laggy and feels like playing with 10-15 fps. This happens during one match(no relation with the opponent character) and then it works well for the next one.
- sometimes I have troubles dashing back. This might be just me, but it happens more often after the update, so if other people have this problem, I think it's worth looking into it
- The good ol' problem of excessively long loading screens.. really.. in arena the loading screen takes more than the fight itself.
Hope this helps in any way
Device Operating System: 5.0
Cellular or WiFi: Both. I'm on an ID contract, UK based.
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: All game modes
Description of the Issue: rarely the game will crash during the fight loading screen leading to an automatic 50% health loss penalty in AW and AQ. The game doesn't give me the option to rejoin the fight using the in-game crash recovery software.
Sometimes my champs will become unresponsive or drop combo hits, on rare instances I have seen the AI do this too.
However those two issues have been in the game for a long time for me. The main reason I'm posting this is the huge change that happened only with the 17.2.0 update: something has screwed up the blocking/evade of my champs so I can no longer part evade something like Agent Venom's SP1 or Cable's SP1. I see that this has been officially recognised as a bug by the forum admin, and this only started happening after the latest update.
Device Operating System: Android O(8.0)
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
Description of the Issue:Sudden lag in the middle of the fights,
AI keeps intercepting through block,
Hits not connecting,
Inputs not getting registered,
Instant timeout while entering a few AQ/AW matches. This may happen when a player gets out of mcoc, returns back after a minute and then instantly clicks on fight when the 1 minute pre-battle screen already expired,
Sentinels in AQ
Device Operating System: 6.0.1
Cellular or WiFi: Both? WiFi home and work with Fiber optic speed, 02 network.
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War. but predominantly AQ and War
Description of the Issue: Long loading screens followed by incredible lag that progressively gets worse match by match, blocks not registering. commands not registering the performing heavy attacks.
Device Operating System: Android 7.0
Cellular or WiFi: both (T-Mobile user)
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: Any (arena, story/monthly quests, AQ/AQ, LOL, any daily quest, etc)
Description of the Issue: game will randomly lag in the middle of battles and slow down, causing my hits to not be accurate and therefore start getting pummeled in the face and die. This has caused me to use units and spend money for units.
Android 6.0.1
Game lag freeze during AW and AQ
I have the most recent version of the game.
Device and Model:Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
Device Operating System: Android 7.0
Cellular or WiFi: both and Verizon
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
Game Mode: Story,event quest, aq,aw, and arena.
Device Operating System: 8.0
Cellular or WiFi: I only play on Wi-Fi
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0)
Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
Description of the Issue: Severe lag in any mode after I've done an arena run, I highly suspect it's from alliance mates clearing my help. Even when my help is cleared, there's times when I'll swipe back for a dash back, and the game blocks if I'm lucky, very inconsistent parrys at times, sometimes it'll dash back randomly. Sometimes I'll swipe for an intercept, and it does a light attack instead, and I get comboed to the face.
Android 8.0.
Both wifi and cell coverage.
Version 17.2.0.
I experience dropped combos and blocks. The game has a slight glitch when trying to intercept an attack. Dexterity does not work consistently. Sometimes I want to use a medium attack and calls for a heavy. This happens across all game content. Long loading time between matches.