[Android] Lag and Performance Investigation



  • vampirexlord123vampirexlord123 Member Posts: 19
    Samsung galaxy core prevail with the latest Android updates 4.4.4, WiFi signal, full bars, boost mobile. I've had 3 crashes since yesterday but only because I'm moving & not really playing. Today, I uninstalled/installed yet again & it didn't crashed. It did, however lag something fierce. I've seen pictures move faster than that. I've also noticed in chat that avatars were missing, only borders. How long is this going to take to fix? I've used this cell for over two years & since update 17.0, it's been a horrible experience. I know I'm not the only one, so what explanation do you have?
  • koening73koening73 Member Posts: 22
    device: samsung galaxy A5 2016
    android 7.0
    wifi : home
    game version : latest
    in game problemes: basicly all features do not work properly, parry , evade, block , heavy att when doing 5 hit combo, sp1/2/3 do not always engage, loading time
  • Cujo999Cujo999 Member Posts: 117
    Device-Motorola Droid Maxx 2
    Android Update-24.24.27
    Connection-home WiFi and cell
    Game-Latest patch

    Common Issues
    1.Chat is either experiencing long delays or doesn't work at all. This includes Global, Alliance, Battlegroup, Wargroup, Dungeon, and Friend chat.

    2.Blocks are dropping either in the middle of combos or the champ will enter the block animation as the AI starts a combo but the attack just blows through the block.

    3.Instances where the Parry or Dexterity visual cue triggers, but the AI does not get stunned or the champion still gets hit.

    4.Special button is inconsistent. Champ will sometimes just stands there instead of using it's special, both at the end of a combo or when intercepting.

    5.Buff/debuff times vary widely from fight to fight. For example, I often run Hulk with Max ranks in Stupify so when I stun on a Special, I have enough time to do a 5-hit combo and then start a second combo. I run into issues in all game modes with the Stun expiring before the end of the first combo. Obviously, Limber masteries can effect this in AW,but it also occurs in other game modes and without Limber on the node. Issue happens with other debuffs, but this is the easiest to explain.

    6.AI recovers to intercept/Dodge/block with time still left on Stun icon, sometimes as much as 25%time remaining.

    7.Can't Dodge after holding Block to bait a Heavy. Champ stays stuck in place.

    8.Various lag issues.
    A.Game will lag at the very start of a fight, throwing Parry/Dex timing off and allowing the AI to land a combo right off the bat.

    B.Game will lag right at the end of a 5-hit combo, allowing AI time to recover and block incoming special.

    C.Game will lag when AI misses a heavy attack, allowing AI time to recover and block/intercept incoming counter attack.

    D.Fights with generally choppy animation due to lag, especially with Dormammu.

    Less Common Issues
    1.Game crashes during loading screen for fights in AQ/AW.

    2.After unpausing a paused fight in AQ, the Health and Power Bars of both champs will overlap, making it difficult to determine each champ's health and power. Special button also does not work at all when this occurs.

    3.AI will fire off attacks/specials while you are in the middle of a combo.
  • erlandsson448erlandsson448 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2018
    Ужасно просто отвратительно, и с каждым обновлением все хуже и хуже.
    Устройство и модель: samsung galaxy a5 (2017)
    Device Операционная система: Android 7.0
    Установленная игра: последняя
    Сотовая или WiFi: Оба
    режима игры: сюжетные квесты, квесты к событиям, AQ, AW, Arenas, RTTL.
    Описание проблем:
    Итак начинаем:
    Проблем в игре стало просто очень много. Начиная со входа, еще с версией 17.2.0 перестало заходить в игру без впн с версией 18.0 ничего не изменилось.
    Теперь о блоке, парировании, уклонении, также пробитии блока и спец атаках:
    Блок постоянно теряется, уклонение либо не доробатывает либо ставится вместо парирования и наоборот, самопроизвольно нажимается спец атака в то время когда ты вовсе не собирался ее использовать, самопроизвольно зажимается пробитие блока, техника боя стала вообще непонятной первым наносишь удар, но соперник почему то прерывает его нанося свой удар и тем самым получаешь полную серию непонятно откуда вообщем техника на оперкжение соперника больше не работает.
    Чат внутриигровой:
    Казалось бы какая мелочь, но увы тоже виснет и приносит неудрбства особенно в подземелиях.
    О подземелиях:
    Стал зависать и не преходит в следующую комнату, соперник очень редко использует спец атаки и также проблема с уклонением парирование и блоком.
    Итог 4 года играю, но такого и столько проблем в игре никогда не было
  • SkyBelpois130SkyBelpois130 Member Posts: 2
    Device and Model: ZTE Z971
    Device Operating System: Android 7.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 18.0.0
    Game Mode: Mainly arena, but it can occur anywhere
    Description of the Issue: None of the following issues have any particular set of triggers or a specific situation that causes it to occur.
    1. Random lag spikes causes combos to miss and allow the AI to intercept.
    2. The AI has adopted human-like behavior and tactics such as parrying and intercepting, which interrupts combos.
    3. The AI sometimes immediately blocks specials, even if they are in the middle of recovering.
    4. Some basic attacks fail to land, which interrupts combos.
    5. Sometimes special attacks fail to launch.
    6. Blocks sometimes drop in the middle of blocking an enemy combo.
    7. Generally, the AI has extremely fast recovery times and reaction speeds beyond human perception. Because of this, the AI seemingly "anticipates" my next move and as a result, immediately throws an attack the exact moment I begin my attack, which means the AI intercepts me.
    8. Sometimes, when using a medium attack or a series of light attacks, the character will instead use a heavy attack. Coupled with superhuman AI reaction speeds, the AI intercepts immediately.
    9. Whenever I play Quake and have her charge heavies, well timed blocks against attacking opponents do not parry.
    10. Sometimes when dashing forward, the character instead does light and medium attacks in place. Other times, dashing forward causes the character to dash backwards instead, and vice versa.
    11. The opponent can still hit you even while dashing back.
    12. The game sometimes crashes, stops responding, or otherwise close with no explanation.
  • MlangibabuMlangibabu Member Posts: 4
    Andrion samsung s8 and s6
    After this update game is full of bugs. Why u always **** this game after new update ?
    1. Champions move forward without even u want to.
    2. They got freeze in middle of attack
    3. Missing combos
    4. Parry not working as intented
    5. Slow reaction from champs which cause them to got hit
  • HULK_BREAKHULK_BREAK Member Posts: 374
    Device and Model: Lenovo B8000
    Device Operating System: Andriod 4.4
    Cellular or WiFi: have WiFi only
    Game Version Installed: 17.2 and now 18
    Game Mode: Any mode.
    Description of the Issue: Lag and crashes.
    After 30-40 minutes of play, the game starts to slow down (LAG) and then shortly after it quit (crashes)

    I have to quit every 30 minutes to avoid the crashes is pretty annoying

  • wadderswadders Member Posts: 12
    Device and Model: Nexus 5x
    Device Operating System: 8.0.0
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi/cellular
    Game Version Installed: 18.0
    Game Mode: AQ and Dungeons (especially when there are multiple effects/nodes in play)
    Description of the Issue: Game lags to the point of unplayable, controls are unresponsive or command fail (example dexterity will light attack or dash forward rather than back).
  • ChrisS1506ChrisS1506 Member Posts: 52
    Device and Version: Moto Z Play

    Device Operating System: Android 7.1.1

    Mobile Carrier: Verizon

    Cellular or WiFi: Both

    Game Version Installed: 18.0

    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, AQ and AW. Seems worse in AQ & AW.

    Champions Affected: All

    Active Boosts: None

    Description of the Issue: GOOD GOD JUST FIX THE PARRY BUG ALREADY! 1 post Parry stun will last proper duration, the next could be shook of immediately, or could last proper duration, but you can count on it to be Unpredictable!
  • BQuBQu Member Posts: 32
    Device and Mod: Samsung Galaxy Tab 9
    Device Operating System: 7.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: latest
    Game Mode: Most in Dungeon but in all :Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Huge lag. Usually start of the fight is ok but gets worse all the way to the end. Sometimes it looks like it's more with big guys like Jug but lag is bad with everyone.
  • damianohmdamianohm Member Posts: 163
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy s7
    Device Operating System: 7.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Only noticed on WiFi
    Game Version Installed: Latest version
    Game Mode: Has happened in AQ and Infinity Dungeons where I have noticed it
    Description of the Issue: Over the last few days I have had maybe 4 full app closures, never had this before and it has only started to happen more recently. Time that I can remember what I was doing are when an AQ fight was about to begin (Map 5 between a tech sentinel and SW) it had the preload screen but quit just before the fight started (lost half health).

    And once when trying to exit the infinity dungeons, pressed to leave and the game quit. Closed down completely.

    Has happened at least two other times recently.
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    Do you at Kabam realize how absolutely infuriating this month has been especially?! Its ALWAYS been bad! But the event quest, the challenge, the dungeons, I can't do ANYTHING EFFICIENTLY with all your bugs!!! Can we please get some kind of feedback after giving you all of our feedback?! It's been 9 MONTHS!!!
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    Swipe back, swipe back, swipe back! But attacks?? I'm so sick of it!!!!!!
    There's more "proof" that you "don't need"! -To quote @Kabam Miike
  • griff71griff71 Member Posts: 1
    Galaxy S8 plus
    Everything is up to date
    4g LTE or wifi

    Drop blocks
    Not finishing combos
    Special button not registering
    Champs moving forward while swiping back, not moving at all, moving back while swiping forward, all the same issues with controls everyone else is having basically.
    Not trying to be a conspiracy theory guy, but its...interesting... to me that the issues really only seem to pop up while playing the harder content. Tonight for example, they appeared while trying to make a pass in the last level of this months special challenge. First fight or two was fine, then the control issues pop up. Costing revives and health pots. I backed out, went straight to 4* basic arena, absolutely no problems. Regular difficulty/daily quests or maps 2 or 3 in AQ, no issues with controls. Harder/end game content, all of a sudden control issues. This is just my personal observations. Not saying it's that way for anyone else, although I've talked to other players that have noticed it in harder content as well. It is getting VERY frustrating.
  • Stevie_Stars1Stevie_Stars1 Member Posts: 253
    edited May 2018
    -Samsung Galaxy S8+
    -Android 8.0
    -Both cellular and wifi
    -My characters will drop blocks and combos during a fight at random. It seems to be more prevalent in AW and AW. It almost looks like they want to respond but do not. While at other times they respond in part but still not fully.

    -I have a issue where, if the game crashes, you coke back in and the game play feels like it is sped up or has like a odd fluidity to it. It's hard to explain but it causes delayed responses in your controls.

    -Many instances where I am unable to break free from a combo while I'm blocking. I get stuck taking the full combo as opposed to being able to pull out of it.

    -Just my 2 cents about something... The AI still has incredible speed in turning their heavy attacks into specials.
  • BreakingBreadBreakingBread Member Posts: 1
    Device and Model: Xiaomi Redmi note 4 , Deca core, 3 GB RAM.
    Device Operating System: MIUI 9 based on android 6.0 MRA58K
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 18.0.0 (previous version was the same).
    Game Mode: Any
    Description of the Issue: FPS drops suddenly making the game difficult to play. Loading screen takes ages compare to IOS and lags a lot graphically (not network). Tried different things to speed up and improve the performance but all in vain. Seems that game is not optimized for android devices which is a shame. Would be good to have a graphic options.
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  • LJTRLJTR Member Posts: 4
    Device and Model: Asus Zenfone 3 Max
    Device Operating System: 7.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 18.0.1
    Game Mode: All game modes
    Description of the Issue: When the game updated to 18.0.0 the lag that i used to experience on the age of ultron sokovia map is completely gone and behaves like the other maps, but im still experiencing lag when fighting with or against some champions like dormammu, hulkbuster, howard the duck and falcon making it almost impossible to win a fight.
  • Blitzkilla420Blitzkilla420 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    any update on this @Kabam DK @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
    its still happening on my samsung s8+ with the latest os and latest version of mcoc.

    i would like to know whats being done about this?
    this thread has been up for awhile now..
  • Adamdrt2006Adamdrt2006 Member Posts: 429
    Device & Model: htc 10
    Device Operating System: Android 8.0
    Game Version Installed: 18.0.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, AQs, AWs, Arenas,
    Description of Issues: lags alot here is a breif video of qhat it looks like (no sound)

  • abiew78abiew78 Member Posts: 20
    Device and Model: Honor 8 Pro DUK-L09
    Device Operating System: Android 8.0.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Cellular
    Game Version Installed: 18.0.1
    Game Mode: Event Quest, Alliance Quest

    1. Game lagging graphically, not network
    2. Block dropping in middle of combo. Sometimes not responding
    3. Unintended dash forward
  • FreakydFreakyd Member Posts: 209
    Device Samsung s2 tab
    Android 7.0
    Latest version of game.
    Same problem back with a vengeance. Champs dashing forward when I was holding a block. Really not good in master thanos esp when his aura is up. Played this round loads yesterday without that problem. It happened with all the champs I took. Iceman, SW, LC, medusa and BP of. Lack was the worst, it was like he was on autopilot
  • Blaze_9521Blaze_9521 Member Posts: 2
    Device and Mode: Redmi Note 5 AI (Latest Edition)
    Both wifi & cellular
    Android 8 Oreo MIUI 9.5
    Game version : Latest
    Description of issue: I experienced a big frame drops only in this game, like i played with below than 30fps which is personally for me not a good performer because I get the same kind of performance with my previous Asus Zenfone 3 Max ZC553KL which is by the way, wayyyy slower than my Redmi Note 5. How is this possible? And to add more to this, I played other graphic demanding games like NFS No Limits, Marvel Future Fight, Mobile Legends, Rules of Survival(balanced to high) with a little bit above 35fps if not 40...
  • AbadizzleAbadizzle Member Posts: 1
    Device- Blackberry KeyOne
    OS- andriod 7.1.1
    Version 18.0.1
    Mode- ALL (even 'home' screen)

    Description- game is 100% unplayable and menus are frustrating due to lag and frame drop.
  • B012B012 Member Posts: 39
    Device and Model: HTC ONE M8
    Device Operating System: Android Version 6.0
    Cellular or WiFi: BOTH (Vodafone AL)
    Game Version Installed: 18.0.1
    Game Mode: Dungeon, AQ, Event quest, AW.
    Description of the Issue(s):

    games become laggy time to time during a fight. i don't know the frequency it looks like random.
    * mostly happen when AI perform and sps. the half second game is unresponsive, I'm unable to defend my self (can't evade or block) leaving me open to attack.
    * during a 5 hit block happen again. when i'm blocking a 5 hit combo from AI, game lagg again for a mini-second. Again i end up being struck even i was holding block the hole time
    * I also noticed that this happen more if you are in the middle of the field or if you are cornered at left side, and less if you corner your opponent to the right side.
  • Wntersoldier616Wntersoldier616 Member Posts: 34
    Device model-ZTE Max xl
    Android 7.1.1.
    Same issues on both Wi-Fi and cellular data.
    Running current version.
    I've re-downloaded twice in the past two days.
    Problems- lags. Dropped combos. Unresponsive. Opponents second special activates when only one bar is present. Auto block activates when opponent is stunned. Nullifying the stun. Opponent is awarded hits when I clearly struck first. I don't even know how to describe what happened at a victory cut screen. The game is overall garbage at this point. Maybe you at Kabam should focus on how the game plays instead of birds and smoke in the background.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,940 ★★★★★
    So, this is somewhat different than the Thread already opened for collecting specific instances of issues. I wanted to share some observations of times when the lag is heaviest, in the hopes that looking at commonalities will help identify the causes. For the purpose of information, I'm on Android 7.0, Samsung Galaxy Tab E.

    For me, I've noticed the lag is very prevalent when fighting higher CRs, or when the content is harder. It almost always happens during Master and Challenge-type Events. The higher the Opponent, the more chance of lag. Same with higher Dungeons. I suspected that interactions of CRs might play a part, but I'm inconclusive.
    It definitely occurs in the Infinite of the Arena. It somewhat comes and goes there, but it's stronger with higher Streaks.
    Heavy-traffic times are quite laggy as well. When something new goes live, or when a particular Arena is popular, it's bad. Same with after Maintenance. I thought it might be because many people are on after waiting for it to end.

    Just a couple frequencies I've noticed. Feel free to share any you've observed. I'm just trying to identify common factors to help identify the problems. Thanks.
  • Bravo3120Bravo3120 Member Posts: 19
    Its frustrating to watch streamers playing Mcoc on Apple devices and how much more fluid and responsive it is vs. my android experience on tablet and Galaxy s8+...maybe it's a platform issue.
  • Jaguaraci_SilvaJaguaraci_Silva Member Posts: 151
    edited May 2018
    I have Moto G 4 Play, Android 7.1.1. I have problem with lag and my champions have lost the control after defender's special 1 and 2. It occurred today in AW, dungeons, and event quest. WiFi network
  • TranminhbaoTranminhbao Member Posts: 127
    Device: Nokia 5, Android 7.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game version: 18.0.1
    Game mode: Story Quest, Event Quest, Arena, Dungeon, Alliance Quest, Alliance War.
    Description: My champs is doing heavy attack all the time!
    They charge heavy attack when I'm blocking, when I'm doing combo, even when I'm not touching the screen. I'm sure the autoplay button is off. Fix this! So frustrating!
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