[Android] Lag and Performance Investigation



  • Rithik817Rithik817 Member Posts: 7
    Device and model: Vivo V5
    Device operating system: 6.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Cellular
    Game version installed: 18.1.0
    Game mode: event quest, arena
    Description of the issue: I experience a lot of lag when playing against high PI champions in event quests all the time (not so much with low tiered champs). Another issue is that when playing with modok after doing a dash he misses to hit with the following light attacks. This gives the opponent a chance to attack and it's annoying. Also while doing light attacks (with all champs) suddenly they start charging for a heavy attack.
  • AnkalagonnAnkalagonn Member Posts: 539 ★★
    Device and model: Galaxy Note 8
    Device operating system: latest
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game version installed: latest
    Game mode: every mode
    Description of the issue: While blocking, apparently the game doesnt respond in the right time
  • Darknrahl2Darknrahl2 Member Posts: 38
    Device and model: Galaxy Samsung 8 Plus
    Device operating system: Latest
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game version installed: Latest
    Game mode: In Game Fights
    Description of the issue: At certain points I will get a major lag issue with the game. I go to pause the game to clear it up and it takes about 2 seconds to finally pause the game from when I press pause and when it actually occurs. I have no other applications running in the background and have high performance mode on. It has only started happening after the latest update to the game. It happens randomly while I am fighting.
  • KidTristanKidTristan Member Posts: 67
    Device and model: NVIDIA SHIELD Tablet K1
    Device operating system: 7.0
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game version installed: 18.1.0
    Game mode: AW mostly. Sometimes AQ and Quests.
    Description of the issue: Sudden stutter or momentarily lag between a combo + special chain. Lag also occurs after special ends.
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  • furymachine84furymachine84 Member Posts: 92
    HTC 10
    Android 8.0.0
    Wi-Fi & Data
    Version 18.1
    All game modes.
    I'm experiencing whiffing, A LOT. Very slow, glitching response time for various fighting mechanics & movements. AI is able to counter, Dodge, block, activate specials/abilities or even intercept when they should not be able to. Dexterity and Parry I work consistently. various Champion abilities aren't working consistently. And there are other various things happening but that's the biggest of them.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Moto e4 and Moto e4 plus
    WiFi and data
    4g lte
    Version 7.1.1
    Champs all
    Against all
    Modes all

    I'm really starting to get sick of the games performance on Android phones sometimes because it's fundamentally broken in how it recognizes inputs and responds.

    Many many times my champions just will not listen to me and just sitt there getting their faces smashed in and costing me champions because there's a big discrepancy in our inputs and the timing the game recognizes.

    For example you see an attack coming and try or to block or evade only to have them just sit there and get pummeled because they aren't responding to our inputs and taking a **** ton of damage which causes us major frustration and possibly a loss of champions.

    Sometimes when they do listen the game falls apart because any number of things could happen like getting stuck in block (won't respond to swipes), dropped blocks ( also in middle of multi hit specials), blocks failing, blocking a special and attack then your champs drop block and stand there and won't move after wards.

    Then there's the whole special failing, missing hits, random heavies, character abilities failing, special abilities failing, masteries failing, firing specials and not moving, whiffing on parts of a multi hit special and much much more.

    Which also makes the game an frustrating unplayable mess especially when you factor in the enemy ai and that all that stuff can happen during an part of the fight especially in wars where it counts not to mention the ai can just turn into hyper aggressive gods.

    They can block everything, parry you all the time, read and react faster than us, block in the middle of attacks and specials, evade successful hits, shrug off specials and abilities and more which makes me want to walk away from the game sometimes.

    It makes me long for the olden days when there was less issues, less stress and smother gameplay and stability.

    Sometimes i also wonder just what more will happen from now on that will be the final straw that breaks the camel's back and makes me stop playing for good or will kabam finally listen to us and activily fix and address and alieivte all of our concerns and issues about the game
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    OnePlus 5
    Android 8.1
    Carrier: T-Mobile but Irrelevant Sim was removed to prevent calls and carrier alerts during game.
    Champs: Blade vs Magik
    Mode: AW Node 52

    After 3rd hit of a combo blade stopped and just stood there to get hit by Magik

    Although this issue has always happened from time to time, since 18.1 it has gotten 10x's worse.

  • kabamedagainkabamedagain Member Posts: 1
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S8+
    Device Operating System: 8.0.0
    Cellular or WiFi: It happens with both.
    Game Version Installed: 18.1.0
    Game Mode: Any mode.
    Description of the Issue: Lag, parry not engaging, champions stop mid fight when trying to evade after blocking, random heavy attacks, try to block or evade and champs dash forward randomly. AI block recovery time so much faster than player's.
  • VerguldVerguld Member Posts: 128
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
    Device Operating System: 8.0.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both and Verizon
    Game Version Installed:18.1.0.
    Game Mode: Event Quest, Alliance Quest, and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: fights will just get extremely laggy and slow. A drop in frame rate too.
  • Yopapa3344Yopapa3344 Member Posts: 9

    Good connection... check
    No excess memory... check
    System running at 100%... check

    Mcoc lag... yep because why not.

    Samsung S8+
    Everything up to date
    Playing against Venompool in uncollected
    Was good until boss fight then controls wouldnt work.

    Once again I'll post about the issues.
  • XstasisXstasis Member Posts: 50
    Galaxy S7, running Android 8.0, game version 18.1.0, issues on both WiFi or cellular.

    I believe I've posted here before but here we go again. Dexterity and parry only effective about 25% of the time due to block and dash issues. The timing is completely off on these nowadays.

    At times the game comes to a crawl where my character is moving in slow motion and immediately after I get pummeled bc it won't react in time. This lag isn't fight specific since I will see the game freeze every time I hit the green help button on champs for about a second or two.

    These issues happen in every single aspect of the game, none exempt!

    Also could you please try to do something about the load times to bring them closer to iOS so that us on Android can hope to try for legends title one day without forcing ourselves to purchase an Apple device.
  • XstasisXstasis Member Posts: 50
    All issues mentioned have always existed btw and as someone mentioned before, they've gotten worse with each update lately. Especially the latest one.
  • WayToTheDawn92_WayToTheDawn92_ Member Posts: 24
    Monday June 25th
    Device and Mode: Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
    Cellular or WiFi: It happens with both.
    Game Version Installed: The latest update
    Game Mode: Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars
    Description of the Issue: Lag and crashes. After some time playing the game starts to lag, forcing me to restart it. It skips frames, it ignores controls, it freezes for some seconds (1 second after a combo, which doesn't allow me to connect the special attack right after, and at the end of the fight when it freezes for 5 seconds). Also the loadings can take up to a minute with good wifi connection. For the crashes, it happens when some specific champions appear on the screen, in any game mode. These champions are: Star-Lord, Netflix DD, OG Vision, Black Widow, X-23, Mordo, Spider-man (morales, stark, og and symbiode), Guillotine, Joe Fixit, and maybe some others. Mainly with Star-lord, BW, X-23 and OG Vision.
  • XtremeMachineXtremeMachine Member Posts: 44
    Device: LG V20
    OS: Android 7.0
    Cellular or Wifi: Both (T-Mobile)
    Game Version: 18.1
    Description: I get lag in all my fights and sometimes it turns into slow-mo or freezes for a few seconds. Its the worst in AQ, AW, monthly quests, special event quests. My connection is perfectly fine and I always close background processes. It was fine before updating to 18.0. It mostly happens when trying to evade, especially a heavy attack. It leaves you just standing there to get pummeled because it didn't register swipe to dash back.
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  • Har8Har8 Member Posts: 31
    I'll copy one of the previous posts, because I am experiencing exactly THE SAME problems and the device is also S8+. It's so frustrating, game is almost unplayable.
    Device and model: Galaxy Samsung 8 Plus
    Device operating system: Latest
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game version installed: Latest
    Game mode: In Game Fights
    Description of the issue: At certain points I will get a major lag issue with the game. I go to pause the game to clear it up and it takes about 2 seconds to finally pause the game from when I press pause and when it actually occurs. I have no other applications running in the background and have high performance mode on. It has only started happening after the latest update to the game. It happens randomly while I am fighting.
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    Device name Redmi note 5
    OS Android 7.0
    Cellular or WiFi it's both
    Version latest with the AA nerf
    Game mode everywhere in game usually in hard quests or aq and aw
    Description: huge lag, takes 5 mins to login to the game, atleast a 1 minute just to start the fight in any mode, if I'm lucky the fight will go smooth if I'm unlucky which is most of the time the lag happens a lot usually in aq and aw
    My Android tablet is having problems registering my moves when I attack/block. This is getting old and is causing me to use all of my health potions and revives because the game keeps messing up, not me...

    I'd very much like a personal message in my inbox directly or a response on this thread. This is getting out of hand. I DESERVE compensation, preferably in the form of revives, potions ( lv 2,3,4 ), or units/loyalty so that I can rebuy all the potions I had to use due to Kabam error, not human error.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Having lots of timing issues today, especially with my blocks and parries which is costing me champions and making me get my ass kicked
  • KlaywikiKlaywiki Member Posts: 41
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Loto why have we seen zero action towards addressing these issues? No change, no updates, not a peep after all of these people supplying you with info here and in support tickets asking for help with Kabam seemingly ignoring it all.
  • Ang3l4Ang3l4 Member Posts: 1
    Device name: Galaxy s7 edge
    OS Android: 8.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Version: Latest and many previous versions.
    Game mode: Any content that is far above normal difficulty.
    Description: Huge drop in frames per second during boss fights like dorm in aq, almost complete loss of controls. This happens pretty frequently, it will be smooth the entire day of farming easy content then instantaneously will stutter and become unresponsive during harder content(AW/AQ/Bosses in story). Lag occurs more frequent with champs like iceman/dorm and other heavily animated champs. Not always those two but the frames dropping is more frequent with those two. Dorm and iceman bosses seem to have around a 20% chance to have less than ideal frames. Some days i wont ever notice it, others its so apparent and unplayable i need to restart my phones & close apps etc etc but still to no avail usually.
  • ChokerspinChokerspin Member Posts: 9
    I've posted this before but i'll post it again just so I can get ignored.

    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S8
    Device Operating System: Android 8.0.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both WiFi & 46 and 2 different WiFi connections (home & work)
    Game Version Installed: 19.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue:
    Game lag between S/M hit combo to SP 1/2 hit resulting in block/parry by opponent and immediate hits taken
    Swipe back on numerous occasions doesn't happen, champ has immediate hits taken
    Evade but can't block, champ has immediate hits taken
    Opponents ignore hit/block and attack anyway.
    General lag resulting in slow/choppy game play. Champ has hits taken or combo's interrupted.
    SP 1/2/3 not always launching resulting in champ having immediate hits taken
    Combo attacks randomly having heavy attacks or missing some completely resulting in champ having immediate hits taken

    Instead of releasing new content, new war variances, aq variances, new champs, new etc, new etc, new etc, how about focusing that time and resources to fix problems that have been around for far too long to be continually ignored. It's pretty simple, it's not that complicated as you profess it to be. FIX THE PROBLEMS AND COMPENSATE THE PLAYERS ACCORDINGLY.
  • Hollywood_Hollywood_ Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2018
    Device and Model: Xiaomi Redmi note 3
    Device Operating System: Android 6.0.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 19.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: * Heating too much, reaching on maximum temperature and phone warning me,
    * Loading almost 2 minutes to login and 50 seconds to beginning the fights, same in all game mode
    * When switching others apps then have to login everytime.
  • Sonnyt4jrSonnyt4jr Member Posts: 50
    Android phone does the same thing as my iPhone it drains the battery quickly & it gets hot. Good for about 5-10 minutes of playtime then it shuts down
  • UbairUbair Member Posts: 2
    Device and Model: (Oneplus One)

    Device Operating System: (7.1.2)

    Cellular or WiFi: Both with cellular as well as Wifi.

    Game Version Installed: Latest one 19.0

    Game Mode: Can't enter the game.

    Description of the Issue: After updating to latest version, now I can't even enter the game. Keeps on crashing at login screen. First at time of downloading updating, it was crashing at that time too, somehow downloaded it part by part.

    Even before this update, it was crashing more often after two to three fights in either AW or AQ.
    In Story or Event quests it crashed more frequently
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  • Rbdeca01Rbdeca01 Member Posts: 2
    Galaxy S8+
    Laggy gameplay is in all modes
    On use of both wifi and cellular data
    Latest updated version installed
  • Vladislas22Vladislas22 Member Posts: 24
    ZTE blade zmax
    Android 19.0
    Metro PCS
    LTE and wifi
    All game moods
    Game locks up and phone gets hot.
  • user3948570293458user3948570293458 Member Posts: 29
    Device and Model: Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet
    Device Operating System: Android 7.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: Latest version
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Device is overheating, and did not do this before the current 19.0 update. Simply sitting at the home screen is causing the device to overheat. The issue is not caused by the brightness or any other setting. Loading any other content/game for same period of time does not result in overheating.
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